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philosophical liberty is not the attribute of man. Let my friend take his choice.

But all this, it may be said, is metaphysical reasoning; and why should we puzzle ourselves with metaphysical subtilties? O naughty metaphysics! thus cruelly to impale a worthy wellmeaning gentleman upon the horns of a goring dilemma, and to leave him writhing and smarting there, without hope of relief. I am sorry for my friend's unfortunate situation, and would gladly extricate him if he would accept of my assistance. But since he rejects my counsel, and will not admit my reproof, I must abandon him to his fate; and, for the present, taking leave both of him and of you, I subscribe myself, Sir, yours &c.

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Though seas of trouble urge their strife,
With him I'd stem the storms of life,
And bless the sacred name of wife,
With sweet Sincerity.

J. P.


GENTLE Pilgrim, tell me why
Dost thou fold thine arms and sigh;
And wistful cast thine cyes around:
Whither, Pilgrim, art thou bound?

The road to Zion's gates I seek,
If thou the way canst shew, O, speak.
Keep yon right-hand path with care,
Though crags obstruct and brambles tear;
You just discern a narrow track,
Enter there, and turn not back.

Say where that pleasant path-way leads,
Winding down yon flowery meads;
Song and dance the way beguiles,
Every face is drest in smiles.

Shun with care that flowery way,
'Twill lead thee, Pilgrim, far astray.

Guide or counsel do I need?

Pilgrim, he who runs may read.

Is the way that I must keep
Cross'd by waters wide and deep?

Did it lead thro' floods and fire,
Thou must not stop-thou must not tire.

Till I have my journey past,
Tell me, will the day-light last?
Will the sky be bright and clear
Till the evening shades appear?

Tho' the sun now rides so high,
Clouds may veil the evening sky:
Fast sinks the sun, fast wears the day,
Thou must not stop-thou must not stay,
God speed thee, Pilgrim, on thy way.



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ART. 1.-Letters to the Editors of the Christian Observer, in Reply to their Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled, "A Few Plain Answers to the Question, Why do you receive the Testimony of Baron Swedenborg ?" By the Rev. J. CLOWES, M. A. Rector of St. John's Church, Manchester, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. pp. 146. Evans. 1806.

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THE Church of England is truly gentlemen have sworn, a cage of unclean birds." There sence of Almighty God, is no heresy, however foul, but ly and ex animo," to "acknow. may be found in it. One of its ledge all and every article to be beneficed clergy lately preached a agreeable to the word of God;" sermon before a clerical assembly, and continue to receive annually which has since been published, to out of the revenues of the church, shew that a favourite portion of considerable salaries, under the its scriptures is a bungling for- character of honest believers; and gery; that the story of the mira- this too, as the Rector of St. culous conception is an obscene John's, Manchester, declares, to fable; that the doctrine of the avoid the imputation and the evil Trinity is an impious absurdity; of schism!. and that the notion of the atone- The writings of heterodox ment is a Pagan conceit. Another church-men, though disgusting in of them, the rector of a parish of one point of view, as instances of the second town in England, now barefaced dishonesty, are pleasing comes forward to assert, that E- (to us, at least) in another; for manuel Swedenborg was a true they must surely open men's eyes prophet, and that, in rejecting to see the true nature of national him, the church called Chris churches, which, while they are tian, ceases to be a Christian grievous burdens upon their inchurch, and must needs be cor- dustry, and oppressive fetters on rupt and decayed in every vital their consciences, fail, nevertheprinciple of her constitution." p. less, of answering the only end 123. Yet this church has esta- for which their institution can be blished no less than nine and thirty justified, that is, the securing of articles of belief, "for the avoid- uniformity of faith. It will not ing of diversities of opinions, and be pretended by any man ac for the stablishing consent touch- quainted with ecclesiastical hising true religion;" and these tory, that a territorial and poli

tical church is necessary to the letter. Nobody now-a-days thinks preservation of religion. Chris. of believing them. "If your rule tianity subsisted, it is undeniable, of scrupulous conscience was to in the greatest purity, and ope- be generally applied, and all the rated with the greatest vigour, for bishops and clergy were compelthree hundred years, not only ed to submit to its authority, the without, but in spite of, the power church would soon be left destiof the state. An English prelate tute of her ministers, since it is has acknowledged, that, for the my firm belief, that there is scarcesupport of vital religion in the ly a single clergyman in the united profligate reign of Charles II. this kingdom, who is in all respects country was indebted to the non- perfectly satisfied as to the exact conformists. And there is no rectitude of the doctrine, the diswhere a greater profession of religion than in the United States of America, where an established church is the only kind of church which is not tolerated.

cipline and worship of the church in which he ministers." p. 80.

It has always appeared to us, that, to become a consistent minister of a church whose faith is The English church has in fact rigorously defined by articles and become an asylum for heretics. statutes, a man must surrender up The avowal of unsound opinions the right of religious inquiry, and is dangerous only out of it. Dis. the very notion of conscience. senters of every description are And we have an example in our obnoxious to disqualifying pe- eye which we recommend to the nalties, though a great part of notice of all such as are disposed them scarcely dissent from its to become candidates for ecclesidoctrines; but no inconvenience astical bondage. The Polish hisattaches to such as profess, and toriaus tell us, that after the death preach, and publish the tenets of of King Stephen Barratori, 1586, Swedenborg or Priestley, provid- there came ambassadors from the ed they have bound themselves by Cham of Tartary, who was a canoaths to defend it; nay, they may didate for the crown. They had rise to its highest dignities, and instructions to represent to the fatten on its richest benefices. Dict, that the Cham was a prince The introduction of a bill into of great power who could raise Parliament for enabling Catholic 300,000 horse, whom, if they and other dissenters to serve their would chuse for king, he would country in this critical period, in employ either in defence of Poa military capacity, throws the land, or to conquer the neighgovernment into confusion; but bouring nations, and enlarge its no danger is apprehended from dominions. As to his personal our ecclesiastical ranks being fill- qualities, he was temperate and ed with persons who are dissenters sober, caring for no delicacy in in every thing but the honesty of bis eating, and satisfying his hunavowing their dissent. ger with horse-flesh only. That Scrupulosity! exclaims Mr. being informed there were dif Clowes. The Articles of the ferences among them about reliChurch of England are a dead gion, he gave them assurances


that their Pope should be his Pope, and their Luther should be his Luther, just as they pleased to determine.

These remarks appeared to us to be more important than any growing immediately out of the subject-matter of the work before us; and we apprehend a short specimen or two of the Letters will satisfy our readers.

been applied to mark the character of SUCH INFIDELS as reduce the dignity of the Saviour of the world to a mere human level, by regarding him merely as a man." P. 35.

We have, in p. 143 and 144, some moving complaints of the levity and almost impiety of the reviewers in the Christian Observer, because they had ventured to laugh at the following "serious Mr. Clowes vindicates himself testimony," and " supernatural from the charge of Socinianism, by communication of Baron Sweden. giving the following definition of borg, respecting the important that term, which may serve to realities of another world: Husshew how, in defending himself, bands and wives who have lived in a man may injure others. concord here, often renew their "Socinianism, according to its estab- quarrels there, and even lished meaning, has, in all former ages, times proceed to blows."


ART. II. The Christian's Review of Life, and Prospect of Futurity. A Sermon preached at Warwick, Dec. 7, 1806, on account of the much lamented death of the Rev. James Moody, who departed this life, Nov. 22, 1806, aged 50. By GEORGE BURDER. 8vo. pp. 40. 1s. Williams and Smith.

MR JAMES Moony, whose death gave occasion to this discourse, was descended from pious ancestors. He was a sprightly inquisitive child, a studious diligent scholar.

before he went out to the play-house, would say, Master James, this will ne

ver do. You must be otherwise em


You must be a minister of the gospel. This worthy man, earnestly wishing his conversion, put into his At the usual pe- hath so much owned, Allein's Alarm hands that excellent book, which God to the Unconverted,' which, it is believed, proved of great service to him. Several years before this, a person who knew him tapped him on the shoulder, and said, Well, James, how do you hope to be saved? Ignorant of the gospel, he answered, Why, like other people, by doing as well as I can;' but the que tion, and the conversation that followed, made an impression that he never forgot. One of the servants above mentioned, used to amuse herself by singing hymns. One of these was,

riod, he was placed apprentice to a reputable tradesman at the west end of the town. At this time he was fond, as most youths are, of music, singing, dancing, theatrical entertainments, and other vain, as Mr. Burder calls them, and world. ly pursuits and pleasures.

"But the time was approaching when the Lord, who had de ins of mercy for our dear friend, was about to stop him in his vain career of sin and folly. There were two profe sing servants in the house where he lived. One of these was a porter, who, when brushing his clothes

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Come, ye sinners poor and wretched,? &c. These words so struck his mind, that they followed him for many days together." p. 20.

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