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nal. We may attach as many fanciful tion of the parts of such bodies. properties as we please to the idea of as are submitted to the action self-existence; but all that is essential to it is included in the idea of indestructibility. This, therefore is, in my opinion, the hinge of the controversy, and to this point alone we shall direct our attention, Is matter destructible or not?

What is the common idea of destruction? It is the separation of the parts of a body formerly united; it is the breaking up of a former connection by superior attraction and power: this we daily see take place; but every experiment proves that the materials are never destroyed.

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of heat. Page 87, it is said,
"Water occupies a less space
in the fluid than in the solid state,
and the contraction takes place
just before it reaches the point of
But it is well
known that water, in cooling,
begins to expand when it is cooled
down to 42°. 5. which has been
called the maximum of density,
and that it expands whether it
is heated beyond that point, or
cooled below it. These are trifl-

ing errors which the author will
not blame us for noticing.

The second essay, “Of Deity," commences with an examination of the question, whether the or der we perceive in nature were produced by an intelligent Being, which he determines in the affirm

It may be said, that it is only indestructible because the Deity has made it so. But is it possible that the Deity could communicate to any other thing that which is the distinguishing property of his being? This would be making his creatures equal to himself; it would be bestowing upon them a property which he could not have taken to himself if he had not originally possessed it. The opinion is absurd. The eternal existence of the Deity is admitted upon evidence arising from the principles of reason alone, without any ative, and supports by very cosupport from sense or experiment. With gent arguments, and illustrates what consistency then can we reject the in a style of lucid eloquence. claim of matter, when both experi- This chapter was written, we are ment and reason concur in supporting

it? If the voice of reason is to be informed, before Dr. Paley's heard in support of the existence of the "Natural Theology" had apDeity, it must also be listened to in peared; and we must allow that support of the claims of matter.

that work, though excellent, has But before we proceed to an- not superseded the author's in other chapter, we think it right quiries. One branch of the subto point out one or two trifling ject is here more fully and ably errors, that the author may cor- discussed than it has ever been be rect them in a future edition. fore, namely, an examination of At page 85 it is hinted that the capacities and powers of matwhenever chemical decomposi- ter, as calculated to produce that tions are produced by caloric, order, and all that machinery they are occasioned by the su- and variety which appear in Naperior attractions of caloric. ture's works, without the direcThe commonly received opinion tion of an intelligent Being. The is, that there is a mutual re- author next considers the chapulsion existing in the particles racter of Deity, and concludes of caloric, and that it is this re- with an examination of the quespulsion that produces the separa- tion, "Whether the Deity be


improvable or not?". From this essay we perceive that he has embraced several novel opinions; such as, that the Deity who is supremely good, is not strictly almighty; but was in some measure constrained to form an imperfect world, by the original and eternal properties of the matter on which he had to operate; and that he is other. wise not absolutely perfect, but will continue, like his creatures, to improve in intelligence to all eternity. It were absurd to de, claim against any doctrine, how ever novel it may be, or how ever it may shock our pre-conceived opinions; it is the part of reason to deliberate upon it with coolness and impartiality.

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never give it sanction. A good being can never commit a bad action, so neiif it is in his power to prevent it. It is ther can he suffer evil to be committed, in vain to plead the intention of procuring future good, or of preventing greater evils. Infinite and almighty power could about every good, as easily as it could have prevented every evil, and brought have been the author of this imperfect state. Every degree of imperfection is contrary to the nature of a perfect being. The works of an infinitely perfect being must be conformable to his characterthey must be perfect in the highest degree-they cannot even be capable of improvement, because, when a thing is absolutely perfect. every alteration would only make it worse. If the Deity could have made a better world, and could have excluded evil, pain, and misery, he must of necessity have done it; as a ing directly contrary to the character of contrary conduct would have been acta being just and good.

The author contends, that this If the Deity had been possessed of in- view of the Deity does not de. finite power, if he had been the creator of matter, and had bestowed upon it all grade him, but, on the contrary, its powers and properties, it would have makes him appear more consist. been easy for him to have guarded a ent, amiable, and good. He goes gainst every evil he could have pre on to shew, that improvability vented the destructive flash of lightning, is the essential attribute of mind ; and the terrible explosion of the vol.a no; the devouring shock of the earth- and, of course, of the Supreme quake, and the existence of every pesti as well as of any inferior mind. lential disorder. What father, even a- Improvement and pleasure aré, mong men, would send his children to he thinks, necessarily connected, Lapland, if he could provide for them in the fertile plains of Lombardy, or in as far as regards intelligent the temperate islands of the Canaries? beings, and especially the Deity, A being of ordinary goodness would who has no partner, and can have prevented every evil, and bestowed every good in his power, for his own therefore draw no happiness from honour, and for the pleasure of behold- society. He remarks, that if the ing the perfection and happiness of his mind of man be immortal, it creatures. And it is altogether impose must be eternally improving ; sible that infinite goodness, accompanied and therefore, if the Deity alone with infinite power, could ever have per- be stationary, created beings will, mitted one innocent person to suffer, or

one evil to take place; far less thou- in the endless succession of ages, sands to struggle with misfortune, and advance to a much nearer equali to perih in every age. ty with him. He argues, that the facts which most strongly prove the existence of the Deity,


of sove

It is vain to plead the reignty, or the right of doing as he pleases. The power of doing evil can

are evidences of his being improvable; these are, the contritance and variety exhibited in the works of nature. With regard to the latter of these he observes,

character much more amiable and, res-{* pectable. We can look upon him with instead of that terror and dismay which zeal, admiration, approbation and love, opposite views of his character must always produce. It affords strong rea sons to believe, that the Deity is con stantly employed in perfecting his works, and in promoting the good of those beings he has made. And if the systems. be formed upon an improvable plan, there is ground to hope, that in the pro gress of time the evils which prevail will, in a great degree, be remedied.

Infinite power is a boundless ocean, in which we can find no pole to regulate our compass; and if we attempt to na vigate it, we must infallibly lose our course. But when we adopt the idea

The varieties which prevail through out the works of nature can only be accounted for upon the idea of improve ment. It has in all ages puzzled the wits of men to assign a reason for the numerous varieties of animals and vegetables which exist. The solution, however, is natural and easy upon my hypothesis Do not all these gradations, all these varieties appear like the work of a careful experimentalist, proceeding of limited power, we launch out into a from the more simple to the more complex forms-from the smallest insect up to rational man? If we contemplate through this medium the planets and the solar systems which probably exist, what large provision for the improvement and the pleasure of their glorious Maker shall we not behold! If we suppose that every planet and every solar system differs from another, what a range for discovery is here! What new lights must from these have shone forth! What a fund of pleasure and enjoyment has he not here prepared for himself, in the contemplation of these studies, and in making comparative judgments conThis last extract reminds us cerning them! If we carry our ideas further, and suppose that the Deity, by of a beautiful passage, in the these varieties and comparisons, is im- Conclusion" to Hume's "In proving himself so as to discover the quiry into the Principles of Mo, best systems, and that if ever he changes any, it is with the view of improving rals," where we have a descrip. and rendering it more perfect; this tion of Virtue, as clothed with will afford a still more pleasing view of the hypothesis of Utility. his character.

placid yet capacious sea, in which we have the poles of reason and common sense to direct our course; we shall find it everywhere interspersed with beautiful islands, planted with trees which produce the richest fruits, and ornamented with the most delightful scenery. We may feed upon the fruits; we may per ambulate amidst the scenery, and even gambol in the waters: though some parts are undoubtedly unfathomable, there are others in which we may safely wade, where we shall find abundance of pearls to reward our research.

We do not know whether the author may be fully aware of the consequences that naturally follow these doctrines; but they certainly rob the Deity, not only of omnipotence, but of omniscience, omnipresence, and of

This view of things is much more rational than the idea of an almighty being, voluntarily permitting evils which he can prevent, and wickedness which he can restrain; while at the same time, he could, by virtue of his infinit: power, have communicated all the good without any mixture of evil. It reconciles the character of the Deity to the principles every attribute except his good. of reason, and thus strikes at the root of ness. atheism, by removing the great stumbing-block to the belief of his existence.

The last chapter, which occu

It indeed makes the Deity appear less pies 44 pages, is

"Of Free

powerful, but it clothes him with a will." It is a well written paper,

ingenious and smart, but appears to us not to contain any new arguments.

In the preceding Review. it has been our aim to inform our readers fully of the contents of this work, the most original that has lately come under our eye. We dissent from the author in most of his leading principles, but we did not think ourselves called upon to confute him, much less to vilify him. His philosophy and theology are in the highest degree heterodox, but he advances his opinions with a becoming and virtuous diffidence and modesty; and wears indeed at all times the demeanour of a sincere inquirer.

He informs us in the preface that he never enjoyed the advantages of a liberal education; but few men will however be found better instructed in the general points here discussed. The style, excepting occasional scotticisms, is perspicuous, and sometimes elegant. Should this volume be sufficiently encouraged, the author intends to carry his inquiries further. recommend his speculations to the notice of such of our readers as have a relish for metaphysics, and should indeed be glad to have them ably and temperately dis. cussed in our magazine.


A. P.


Robert Aiken-Nathaniel Hulme-W. Disney,-W. M'c Gill, D.D. March 24, at Ayr, Scotland, ROBERT AIKEN, Esq. This gentleman was one of the earliest friends of Burns, who dedicated to him "The Cotter's Saturday night," in the first Stanza of that poem. The poet also composed for his friend the following Epitaph which he published in his Poems(1787, p.341) Know thou, O stranger to the fame, "Of this much lov'd, much honourd, name!

(For none that knew him need be told) "A warmer heart death ne'er made coid." March 28, aged 75, NATHANIEL HULME, M. D. F. R. S. and A. S. nearly thirty years physician to the Charter House, in the pensioners' ground of which he was interred at his own request. His death was occasioned by a fall down the stairs of his house, which he survived several weeks in great pain. Dr. H. was one of the earliest promoters of Dispensaries, for giving medical assistance to the peer, and was we believe the first physician to the General Dispensary, the original institution of that kind in London,

March 28, at Pluckley, Kent. the Rev. W. DISNEY, D. D. Rector of that parish. He possessed a cultivated understanding, and the most liberal disposition; was distinguished for his learning, extensive reading and correct judg ment. In private life he was truly amia ble, for his piety charity and friend hip, and deservedly beloved by his parish ioners, and an extensive circle of friends.

March 31, in the 74th year of his age, and 45th of his ministry, the Rev. W. Mc GILL, D. D. one of the ministers of Ayr, and one of the early friends of Burns, who mentions him with great respect in his letters. Dr. M'c Gill was known to the public about twenty years ago, by his " Practical Es ay on the Death of Jesus Christ." The effi cacy of which in the salvation of mankind, he described in terms quite oppo· site to those used in his orthodox church. Such a dereliction of the e-tablished faith cou'd not pass uncen ured. The author of the Pactical Essay' was called before his superiors of the Kirk of Scotland, when we are sorry to

Rev. J. Mainwaring -Mr. M. Dunsford—J. Opie, Esq.—Mrs. Anderson, nised the self-taught artist, and appears to have had the merit of first opening to him the path of fame and fortune.

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After some stay at Exeter, where he supported himself by his pencil, he removed to London at the age of 19. 1786 he exhibited at the Royal Academy, of which he shortly after became a member. He had just finished some works for the next exhibition. Hia anxious attention to them is supposed

say, that he was tempted to accommodate in a manner to which his circumstances rather than his will, appear to have cousented. Such temptations there are in more churches than one, but surely they are in danger of incurring a woe" by whom the temptation cometh." The following, we doubt not, just character is given of Dr. M'c Gill, in a respectable publication. "Possessed of a strong and discerning mind, he carefully studied the sacred scriptures, to have hastened his dissolution. The he explained them with great clearness first of his large historical pictu es and accuracy, and his illustrations of re- was the murder of Rizzio, painted for ligious truths were varied and impres- the late alderman Boydell, for whom it sive. Severely tried in the course of was engraved by Mr. Isaac Taylor, now Divine Providence, he drew consolation a dissenting minister at Colchester. In from the gospel of Christ, and in imi- this piece the painter has taken occatation of his great master, whom he sion to pay a rather ambiguous compli loved, he was resigned to the will of ment to his early patron, by giving, in God. His manners were plain and un- one of the assassins of Rizzio, a poraffected, and no man possessed more up- trait of Dr Walcott. Mr. Opie furnished rightness and integrity of heart. By several pieces to the different splendid his pari hioners and by all who had the publications of the Boydelis, and to the pleasure of being intimate with him, he Bible of Macklin. was very highly esteemed, and his death is deeply regretted !"

It is said of this artist, as to his private character, that "although he had cultivated his mind by much reading, there was a want of polish in his manner, which, upon a first acquaintance, gave not full indication of that urba nity and benevolence which, by those who knew him well, he was found so eminently to possess." He married a few years ago, for his second wife, Miss Alderson of Norwich, who survives him, a lady well known by various works of imagination, in prose and verse.

Mr. O. was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral, his funeral being attended by several of the nobility and gentry, and numbers of artists and literary friends.

At Cambridge at a very advanced age, the Rev. JOHN MAINWARING, Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity in that University. He was born in Warwickshire, and educated at St. John's College. In 1780 he published a volume of Sermons preached before the University, prefixing an Essay on the Composition of a Sermon. Some Strictures, in this Essay, on the Sermons of Dr. Og den, then just published, engaged him in a controversy with the late bishop of Hallifax, the editor of Ogden's discourses. At Tiverton, Mr. MARTIN DUNSFORD, for many years a respectable merchant there, and author of "Historical Memoirs of Tiverton. (1790 4to.) April, 9, after 15 days illness, in April 9, in Berner's Street, in his 46th the 43rd year of her age, Mrs. ANyear, JOHN OPIE, Esq. R. A. and DERSON, wife of Mr. Richard Anprofessor of painting. Mr. Opie was derson, of Lutton Lincolnshire. This one of the many eminent persons, who, amiable woman was the only daughter by the force of genius, have emerged of the late Rev. William Thompson, of from obscurity. Born in a village of Boston (many years pastor of the genethe county of Cornwall, his early youth ral Baptist Congregation in that town) was employed in the occupation of a who for his piety, zeal, and benevolence, country carpenter. Here some of his together with Mrs. Thompson, was long attempts at painting and drawing were and justly esteemed. Mrs. Anderson seen by Dr. Walcott, (the fictitious Peter seemed to have imbibed those truly Pindar,) who then practised as a sur- christian virtues from her parents, for geon in the neighbourhood where young which they were long eminent. Her Opie resided. This gentleman patro- piety was cheerful yet deeply rooted in

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