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his schooner of 69 tons burthen was launched, and called "The Ranger." Paul possessed two smali fishing boats, but his money was exhausted and the cargo for his new vessel would require a considerable sum beyond his present stock.

pleted in 8 of 10 volumes, 8vo. A after his return to West-port the keel part, price 38. containing six sheets of for the new vessel was laid. In 1795 letter press, will be published every two months. The first part will appear in a few months. The work, we believe, will be principally conducted by Mr. John Clennell, of Newcastle upon Tyne, F. S. A. Edinburgh and Perth, assisted by literary men in England and Scotland. We are happy to learn To supply his wants he sold his that the professors of Aberdeen Old two boats and placed on board his and New College, and Glasgow, have schooner a cargo valued at 2000 dollars. offered every assistance in their power, He had not sufficient information of and hope their example will be followed the commercial condition of the difby others in similar favourable situa- ferent parts of the United States to direct him on such a course as would


An EXPOSITION of the Historical yield a certain profit on his cargo, but Books of the NEW TESTAMENT, he supposed some of the Southern with Reflections subjoined to each Sec- States would furnish a market where tion, by the late Rev. Timothy Kenrick, he could trade without loss. He sailed will appear in the course of this summer. It will form three volumes, in royal 8vo.

Mr. JOHN HILL, Merchant, Hull, author of Letters in vindication of the Methodists, &c. has in the Press "Thoughts on the late proceedings, and discussions concerning the Roman Catholics." It is expected to be out during the present month. (July.)

Mr. NIGHTINGALE's Work on the Wesleyan Methodists,is now published in a thick octavo Volume, under the title of "A Portraiture of Methodism, being an impartial view of the Origin, Progress, Doctrines, Discipline and Manners of the Wesleyan Methodists; in a series of Letters addressed to a Lady." This work has already excited considerable interest, and will, we doubt not, have a very extensive circulation.

to Norfolk on the Chesapeak Bay, and there learned that a very plentiful crop of Indian corn had been gathered that year on the eastern shore of Mary land, and that he could procure a schooner load, for a low price, at Vienna, on the Nanticoke river. Thither he specdity sailed, but on his arrival the people were filled with astonishment and alarm. A vessel owned and commanded' by a person of colour, and manned with a crew of the same complexion, was unprecedented and surprising. The white inhabitants were struck with apprehensions of the injurious effects which such circumstances would have on the minds of their slaves, but perhaps they were still more fearful that, under the veil of commerce, he had arrived among them with hostile intentions. They probably suspected that he wished secretly to kindle the spirit of rebellion and excite a destructive revolt among their slaves. Under these notions seve ral persons associated themselves for the purpose of preventing Paul from entering his vessel or remaining among them. On examination, his papers were found to be corre t, and the CusHis owners sent him off to Phila- tom-house officers could not legally redelphia to dispose of his cargo. His fuse the entry of his vessel. Paul pecuniary circumstances were by this combined prudence with resolution. time to much improved that he re- Although his schooner was entered in solved to re-commence business on his opposition to the association, he did own account. While in Philadelphia not assume an air of triumph, or u.e he purchased iron necessary to make the language of defiance to his opbolts and other work suitable for a posers. He conducted himself with schooner of 60 or 70 tons, and soon candour, modesty and firmness, and

The same author has also nearly ready for publication, a volume of Original Poems.



(Concluded from p. 287.)

cerned in one half the expenses of erecting and equipping a brig of 162 ton burthen, which portion he still holds-To his brother belongs onefourth, and the other fourth i owned by persons not related to his family.

all his crew behaved, not only inof- creased his property, and by uprightfensively, but with a conciliating pro- ness of conduct he has gained the priety. In a few days the inimical esteem and reard of his fel ow-citiassociation vanished, and the inhabi- zens. In the year 1800 he was contants treated himself and his crew with respect and even kindness. Many of the most respectable people visited his vessel, and in consequence of the pre sing invitation of one of them, Paul dined with his family in the town. Instead of enmity he received cares e; The ship Alpha, of 268 tons carsuch is the consequence of good sense, penter's measure, of which Pau owns candour and good conduct, they fre- three-fourths, wa built in 1806. Of quently, convert enemies into friends. this vessel he is the ommande; the In three weeks Paul sold his cargo crew of whi h consists of seven men and received into his schooner 3000 of colour, all of whom are related by tushels of Indian corn. With this corn bood to their Captain. The mate, he returned to West-port; that artice Thomas Winer, a nephew of Paul being in great demand; his cargo sold Cuffee, has been int usted as captain rapidly, and yielded him a profit of 1000 with a brig during two voyages to dollars. He reloaded his vessel, sailed Europe-his talents are fully adequate for Norfolk, sold his cargo and took to his present station, and his chain another, which, on his return proved racter renders him worthy of it. The as profitable as his first voyage. The ship is now under charter from Wilhonie market was now amply supplied mington, Delaware, to Savannah in with corn, and it became necessary Georgi, and from thence to Liverpool to seek a different employment for his in England. On his arrival in England, vessel. He sa led to Passamaquoddy Paul had the offer of a freight by in search of a cargo. When he ar- William Rotch, jun. of New Bedford, rived at the river, James Brian, a (Massachusets) from Liverpool to Rus merchant of Wilmington (Delaware sia, and from thence to some part of State) made him a liberal offer for the United States.

his vessel to carry a load of plaister. William Rotch, jun. is a very rePaul thought the proposed price for spectable member of the Society of the freight would equal the profits of Friends, and a merchant whose unany other business he should be likely impeachable character is well known to do there, and embraced his terms. in the United States, and in many Some time in the year 1797, he took of the mercantile cities of Europe. on board the load of Gypsum and proceeded to Wilmington, (Delaware.) Since that pe iod one or other of the wessels in which Paul is concerned has annually made one or two voyages to the same port.

During the year 1797, after his return home, Paul purchased the shoemaker's hop, and the adjoining farm, in which he had planted his little family, where he commences the busimes of merchant sailor. For the farm and its improvements he paid 3,500 dollars, and placed it under the management of his brother, who is a


By judicious plans, and diligence in their exccution, Paul has gradually in

He has known Paul Cuffee for many years, and the confidence which he reposes in him is a very strong testimony in favour of Paul's abilities and hones ty.

There are two circumstances of some importance in the life of Paul Cuffee which should not be passed over in silence. The time when they took place is unknown to the writer of this memoir, but he has correct knowledge of their particular facts.

Paul and his brother John Cuffee were called on by the co lector of the district in which they reside, for payment of a personal tax. It appea ed to them that, by the laws of the constitution of Massachusets, taxation and

the whole rights of citizenship were liarly delicate in their nature, that we united-If the laws demanded of them cannot enter into all those minute dethe payment of personal taxes, the tails which would present a true picsame laws must necessarily and con- ture to the mental eye, and give the stitutionally invest them with the rights event all that interest which properly of representing and being represented belongs to it. We must at present be in the State Legislature. But they contented with a general and brief had never been considered as entitled history of the fact. Paul had experito the privilege of voting at elections, enced the many disadvantages of his nor of being elected to places of trust very limited education, and he resolved, and honour. Under those circumstances, as far as it was practicable, to relieve being divested of the rights of Free- his children from similar embarrassments: men, they believed themselves exempted The neighbourhood had neither a tutor from the burthens of taxation, and nor school-house. Many of the citizens therefore refused payment of the de- were desirous that a school should be mands. The collector resorted to the established. Paul proposed a meeting force of the laws to obtain the amount of the inhabitants for the purpose of of the taxes. After many delays of making such arrangements as should the judicial procedure and vexatious accomplish the desired object. The entanglements of the law, Paul and collision of opinion respecting mode and his brother deemed it most prudent place occasioned the meeting to sepato silence the suit by payment of the rate without arriving at any condemands. But they resolved, if it were clusion, several meetings of the same possible, to obtain the rights which nature were called, but all were unthey believed to be connected with successful in their issue. Perceiving taxation. They presented a respectful that all efforts to procure a union of petition to the State Legislature, stating sentiment were fruitless, Paul set himtheir condition and requesting the pas self to work in earnest, and had a sing of such a law as should clear suitable house built on his own ground. up the uncertainty, and either exempt A master was procured and the school all persons of colour from liability to open to all who pleased to send their taxation, or insure for them the rights children. Paul's money paid for the and immunities belonging to other tax- house, but he never demanded rent able freemen. This petition was re- for it, nor endeavoured to obtain any ceived and read in the Legislature. From extraordinary authority in the control some individuals it met with a warm or regulation of the school. Is this and almost indignant opposition. There true benevolence? Let those who read was, however, a considerable majority judge for themselves.# favourable to their requests. They perceived the propriety and justice of the petition, and with an honourable magnanimity, in defiance of the prejudice of the times, they passed a law rendering all free, persons of colour liable to taxation, according to the ratio established for white men, and granting them all the privileges beTonging to other citizens. This was a day equally honourable to the peti. tioners and the Legislature. A day which ought to be gratefully remembered by every person of colour within the boundaries of Massachusets, and the names of John and Paul Cuffee should always be united with its recollection...

With the other circumstance there are several incidents connected, so pecu


We learn that a brig of 100 tons. burthen is now, in the latter part of the year 1806, building at West-port, Massachusets, one half of which is owned by Paul Cuffee..

Since the year 1797, Capt. Cuffee and his coloured crew have frequently visited Wilmington, and their conduct has always furnished strong testimony in favour of the belief that the descendants of Africa are not inferior to Europeans or Americans in moral or intellectual capacity. On being questi oned respecting the religious profession of his parents and himself, Paul replied, "I do not know that my father and mother were ever adopted as mem bers of any society, but they followed the Quaker meeting" and as to Paul's religion he has walked in the steps

2 Y

of his Father, and is willing to give of colour, who received an education

the right hand of fellowship to that people who walk nich to God, called the children of Light. Signed on behalf of the Delaware Society, for promot ing the Abolition of Slavery, by WILLIAM PRICE, President. Attest, JOHN JONES, Secretary.

at the school established by the Society of Friends in that city, where he carries on the sail-making business with reputation to himself and satisfaction to his employers, and is engaged in that branch more extensively than any other person at Philadelphia. He possesses considerable property, acquired As a tribute due to merit it may by his own industry and care, and is be stated, that there is new resident very much respected by the c.tizens at Philadelphia, James Torten, a man generally.


A Complete List of Publications on Theology and Morals, FOR MAY* & JUNE, 1807.

The Catalogue of Books in our last Number was imperfect, owing to an accident at the Frinter's.

An Essay on the Humanity of Christ; intended to shew the consistency and uiity of maintaining that our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the Human Race, By Richard Wright. 6d.

The Propagation of Christianity not indebted to any Secondary Causes; a Hulsean Prize Essay. By S. B. Vince, B. A. 8vo. IS.

A confutation of Atheism, from the Laws and Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies, in four Discourses preached before the Unive:sity of Cambridge. By S. Vince, A. M. F. R. S. 8vo. 4s. 6d.

The Causes of the Increase of Methodism and Dissention, and the Popularity of what is called Evangeli al Preaching, and the means of obviating them, a Sermon at a Visitation, at Melton, Mowbray, June 20, 1805. With Appendixes. 48.

A Concise Account of the Progress of the Missionary


Rise and Society.

A General Account of the Book of Psalms with their Use and Place iu the Worship of God, &c. By S. E. Pierce, 12mo. Is 6d.

A Sermon, occasi ned by the Death of the late Rev. S. Lavington, of Eiddeford, by R. Evans, of Appledore; to which is added an Extract from a

Sermon, on the same occasion, by W, Rooker, of Tavistock. IS.

A Supplement to the Signs of the Times; containing a Reply to the objections of the Rev. G. S. Faber, B. D. in his Dissertations on the Prophecies; and Strictures on some of the Interpretations given in that work, By James Bicheno, A. M. 2s.

The Works of Epictetus; consisting of his Discourses, in 4 Books, preserved by Arrian, the Enchiridion and Fragments. Translated from the original Greek, by the late Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, with an Introduction and Notes by the Translator: the 4th ed. with Additions and Corrections. 2vols. 8vo., 16s.

Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Eliz. Carter, with a new edition of her Poems enlarged; to which will be added Misaeneous Essays in Prose, together with her Notes on the Bible and answers to Objections concerning the Christian Religion. By Montague Pennington, M. A. her nephew. 4to. 21. 28.

Prayers and Offices of Devotion, for Families and particular Persons, on most, occasions. By Benjamin Jenks, late. Rector of Harley, Shropshire. The 25th ed. altered and improved by the Rev. Ch. Simeon, of Cambridge, 8vo,


A Sequel to the Serious Examina- The Life and Writings of Mr. Tanon into the Roman Catholic Claims, ner of Exeter. By Dr. Hawker. Porcontaining a more particular Inquiry trait. 8vo. 5s. into the Doctrines of Popery, as formerly held, and as now professed; with Remarks on some late Publications, by Sir J. Throckmorton, Dr. Milner, &c. By Thos. Le Mesurier. 35.

Poems; Moral, Descriptive, and Elegaic. By J. Thompson, Curate of Netherwitten, Northumberland. 2 vols. 12mo. 10s, 6d.

Life of the Apostle Paul, as related by Luke the Evangelist. By Joseph Gurney Bevan, 8vo. 6s.

Memoirs of the Life of Isaac Pennington, collected by Joseph Gurney Bevan. 8vo. 5s. 6d.

Memoirs of the Life and Travels in the Service of the Gospel of Sarah Stephenson. 12mo. 2s. 6d.

Seventy Sermons on the Doctrines and Duties of Christianity, consisting partly of Discourses, a'tered and abridged from eminent Divines. By W. Toy Young. 2 vols. 8vo. 14s.

Thoughts on the Atonement, a Sermon by T. Harris, Peterborough. Is. On Evil Speaking; a Sermon preached in Moseley Street, Manchester. By R. Jack. Is.

Sermon and Letters of the late Rev. W. A. Gunu. Portrait. 8vo. Es.

Thoughts on that part of Revelation which comprehends the history of the Western Empire; shewing the Unity of the Prophecies, and their clear explanation of the Events which are now acting in Christendom. By C. Goring, Esq. late of Bengal. 6s.

A Protestant's Reply to the Author of a Pamphlet, entitled "Remarks on a Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham, by Shute, Bp. of Durham, at the Ordinary Visitation in the year 1806." 6d.

An Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. lugh blair. By J. Hill,

L. L. D. 8vo. 6.

Aphorisms of Sir Philip Sidney, with Remarks. By Miss Forter. 2 vols. Iamo. 10s. 6d.

A Second Defence of Revealed Religion; in Two Sermons, preached in the Chapel Royal, St. James's. By R. Watson, D. D. Lord Bp. of Llandaff. 38.

A Sermon, preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Jan. 25, 1807. for the Benefit of "The Refuge for the Destitute," Cuper's Bridge, Lambeth. By the Rev. E. W. Whitaker. 1s. 6d.

Sermons by the late Dr. Brice John ston, of Holywood. 8vo. 9s.

A Sermon, preached in the Parish Church of Richmond, Surry, March 8, 1807, Being the first Sunday after the erection of a marble tablet, by the parishioners of Richmond, in memory of T. Wakefield, B. A. their late minis ter. By E. Pattison, M. A. Is.

Daniel's Evening Vision, compared with History; in which is disclosed a Prophecy concerning Buonaparte. Is.

Wars and Rumours of Wars; a Discourse at the Castle Garth Chapel, on Feb. 25, 1807. By D. Gellatly. Is. 6d.

An account of the Footsteps of Di vine Providence, in the erecting and managing the Hospital at Glaucha, without Hall, by Professor Frank. Is.

A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Hanwell, Middlesex, Feb. 2, 1897. By J. Bond. A. M. Is.

Talents Improved, or the Philanthropist. 12mo. 5s.

Methodism condemned by Methodist preachers; or a vindication of the Doctrines of two Sermons, for which the author was expelled from the Metho dist connection. By J. Cook, 4s.

The End of the Upright; a funeral Sermon, for the late Mr. J. W. Lobb, of Southampton. By David Bogue. Is.

Mistakes in Religion prevented; or an Essay on the Prophecy of Zecharias. By H. Venn. 12mo. 4s. 6d.

A Dissertation on the Hebrew Roots. By Mr. Pirie. 12mo. 5s.

Luther's Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, with Life. By the late Erasmus Middleton, B. D. 8vo. 9s.

The Peasant's Death, or a Visit to the House of Mourning, and other Poems. By John Struthers. 12mo. 58. 1

Transactions of the Missionary Society. No. 17. Is.

Toplady's Prayers enlarged. Is. 6d.

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