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ploded, and which, when they at one time that Christ was the do not excite indignation can Son of God, and at another that scarcely fail to call down con- he was merely a prophet." There tempt. The toleration pleaded are then no contradictory doctrines for by the preacher, is rather taught in the consecrated pulpits a feeling of good nature than a of this country! no disputes bemeasure of equity, and is not in- tween our clergy as to the mean. compatible with the principles of ing of articles of which they have Sacheverel and Laud. all declared their belief! no anti

In the first place, he is "con- trinitarian, no Socinian sermons, vinced that in the uninterrupted preached in the established Church, order of its prelates, the nati- much less, in assemblies of the onal Church of England is of clergy! apostolical origin:" (p. 25.) that "Homely and coarse," the is to say, that our present bishops preacher observes, "as these prinare the successors and represen- ciples may seem to speculative men, tatives of the apostles by being they are the only ones by which the successors and representa- the existence of any religion can tives of popish Bishops! The be secured." (p. 7.) Yet he must resemblance which all bishops in have heard of a religion which political churches bear to each existed, aye, and flourished too, other is discernible enough, but for three centuries, without the how any of them resemble, much more represent the apostles, is not quite so clear.

aid of his favourite principles; and he himself acknowledges in the outset of the discourse, (p. 3.) In the second place, the preacher that "WE MIGHT BE CHRISTIcontends that "the support of the ANS WITHOUT ANY ESTABLISHED clergy" ought to be as it is, CHURCH AT ALL." America too "compulsory on all." (p. 5.) His is a case in point; but to prevent reasons are two. If the peo- its being urged against him the ple were not compelled to main- preacher remarks, "we have now tain the clergy, they would not be too much reason to believe, that maintained at all-so little alas! do the system of greater latitude at. the people, in spite of all their la- tempted naturally enough in the bours, esteem them! so low do new world, will end fatally for they rate their usefulness! Or the christian religion and for good they would be forced to "gain practical morality." (p. 7.) Detheir subsistence by flattery." praved Americans! You do not Query: by whom is the greatest constrain your youth to subscribe flattery practised in the pulpit? at college even one article of by Dissenting Ministers, or the faith! You have no religi. clergy? ous king" to bless the nation


In the third place, "articles with his royal piety! You have of faith" are necessary to be sub- no holy bishops, to watch and scribed, (p. 5.) to prevent " con- fast and pray for your welfare! tradictions being preached." With. Unhappy men! who stood idly out them, says the author, "one minister would defend the doctrine of the Trinity and another would attack it. We should hear

by while all Europe, impelled by divine zeal, rushed to the contest, in defence of "social order and our most holy religion."

The author compliments the things,) by standing on the necks SECTARIAN CLERGY.-"Farfrom of their people, now forsooth! considering the Sectarian clergy the laity, and being looked up to as objects of ridicule, contempt and greeted as the clergy. For and persecution, it is impossible to our parts, whenever we sec witness their laborious exertions persons of this description here. for what they believe to be the after we shall think of the Rev. truth, their poverty, the insignifi- Sydney Smith's phrase," the carce and obscurity in which Sectarian Clergy." they pass their lives, without ex- This sermon is a new proof to periencing for them very sincere us of the mischievous tendency sentiments, both of pity and of National Religions! They respect." (p. 24.) This is a hard must be bad, when they betray blow on some of the modern "li- such men as the respectable ancensed teachers," who would fain thor before us, who really mean rise out of insignificance and ob- to be candid and reasonable, into scurity (as the world esteems these bigotry, absurdity and folly.

It is reported that the sermon gave great offence to some of the

ART. VII.-Jesus the Son of Joseph. A Sermon, delivered before the General Baptist Assembly, at their Annual Meeting, in Worship Street, London, May 19, 1807. By A. Bennett. pp. 35. Johnson, WHEN We reviewed Mr. Stone's Visitation Sermom (vol. 1. p. 490.) we declared our opinion that preacher's brethren in the ministhere were few associations of Dis- try and other hearers; but we are senting Ministers before which a unwilling to believe that the heads preacher would have dared to read and representatives of the General such a bold Unitarian discourse." Baptists, a sect which has always Mr. Bennett has however displayed led the way in free inquiry, should the courage of which we doubted have been less ready than an as the existence and whatever his sembly of the clergy to permit readers may think of his opinions one of their members to state they must admire and applaud his frankly and defend temperately integrity and firmness. He has his conscientious belief. If any of gone over the ground, pre-occu- them think Mr. Bennett wrong, pied by Mr. Stone, with consider the path is plain before them; let able ability; and has we think, the them answer him! advantage of his predecessor in condensation and conciseness.


ART. VIII.-An Essay on the Humanity of Christ : intended to shew the Utility and Consistency of maintaining that our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the Human Race. By Richard Wright. pp. 36. 6d. Eaton, High Holborn. 1807.

THIS essay is a suitable com. It is "intended chiefly for the panion to Mr. Bennett's sermon. instruction of the unlearned,” and

and arguments, as are on a level with the common sense of the bulk of mankind."

consists of "such observations. Mr. Wright is distinguished as a theological writer, for his candour, and to this quality in his tracts is owing perhaps a considerable share of his popularity and usefulness. May we remark then, that a very few expressions occur in this work which are more assuming than we know he meant to be?

We have before (vol. 1. p. 47.) commended the author's talents in "simplifying difficult questions and epitomizing controversies." The present tract would justify us in repeating the eulogium, but we content ourselves with referring to it.

The Essay brings forward Scripture Proofs of the Humanity of Christ, answers Objections, and shews the Importance of the doctrine. Under the last head, are many striking and original remarks and much masterly reasoning, which we recommend especially to the notice of the reader.

He will see to what we allude on looking over pages 19 and 20, where we doubt not he will make some verbal alterations, when the Essay is republished. We point out these trifling blemishes because we wish to see it in general circulation, and are anxious that any little defect should not weaken the influence which we calculate upon its obtaining over the public mind.

ART. IX.-An Admonitory Epistle to the Rev. Rowland Hill, A. M. occasioned by the Republication of his "Spiritual Characteristics, or Most Curious Sale of Curates." By Phileleutheros. 8vo. pp. 30. Conder.


THE orator of Surry Chapel mirers will probably account for the is here tried on the charges of ex- anger of his anonymous antago. travagance, absurdity, inconsis- nist by supposing him to be some tency, ill-nature, pride and pro- Dissenter, who is stung and vexed faneness; and the evidence brought with the jokes of the witty methoforward by this public accuser is dist, on the subject of Church so strong that his friends will order," straight-laced scarcely be able to acquit him, and nion, and Dissenting "boards." his enemies will unanimously pro- We, as impartial spectators of nounce a verdict of guilty. It these bitter disputes, cannot help is curious however that this severe thinking of the observation of an censor on the character of the apostle-that "the wrath of man eccentric preacher professes to re- worketh not the righteousness of gard him, as a "saint" and an God." " evangelical" minister. His ad

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Jean Thurel-Jerome De Lalande-Abbé Edgeworth.-Rev. S. Barnard—Mrs. Coopera At Tours, in France, JEAN THU- in 1788, in his 95th year. That ingeni REL, aged 108; he was a member of ous and eccentric man left his body to his the Legion of Honour, was born at friend Mr. Forster a surgeon, who "in Orain, in Burgundy, in 1699, entered pursuance of his will delivered a disthe regiment of Touraine the 17th of course on its dissection in the Theatre September, 1716, and served without of Guy's Hospital." Afterwards he made interruption for the space of 92 years. his report of certain "morbid affections He received a musket-bal in the neck to Dr. Heberden, according to the will, at the siege of Kehl, in 1733, and seven depositing the parts with these singular sabre wounds, six of whi h were ob- appearances in the Museum of Mr. Cline." servable on his head at the battle of Min- The remains of Dr. M. were then interden, in 1759. He had three brothers red at Chelsea College, though to "shew," killed at Fontenoy, and a son, a veteran as he expressed it," the philosophic conand corporal in the same company, killed tempt in which he held all funeral pomp, in 1782; there is another who still and every species of unnecessary form" serves with honour. In 1787, his regi- he had directed that " the remainder of ment was ordered to march to the coast, his carcase should be put into a hole or to embark; he performed the whole crammed into a box with holes and march on foot, saying," that as he never thrown into the Thames." travelled in a carriage, he would not commence then." On the 8th of November, 1787, he was presented to the king and royal family; he was then ordered a pension of 300 francs yearly, 200 of which were to revert to his wife in case of his death, and on her decease, 100 francs to each of his children. For some years he has lived as a veteran at Tours. Buonaparte presented him with the Eagle of the Legion of Honour, and a pension of 1,200 franks. On the removal of the ashes of general Monier, he was one of the four commissaries named for that ceremony, and was then appointed, as the oldest soldier in Europe. To the moment of his death, he preserved his senses and judgment; and until his last illness, which was but for a few days, he enjoyed good health.

April 7, at Paris aged 75, M. JEROME DE LALANDE, the celebrated Astronomer. By his will he ordered his body to be dissected, and his skeleton to be placed in the museum of Natural History. His friends, however, regardless of the injunction, caused him to be interred, and his funeral was attended by most of the members of the National Institute. See p. 217 of the present vol.

A direction in one respect, similar to the above, was given by Dr. Mounsey, Physician to Chelsea College, who died

"May 22d, aged 62,the ABBE EDGE, WORTH who accompanied Louis 16th to the scaffold. He caught, in visiting the French prisoners at Mittace, a fever, which in a few days put a period to his 'existence." A Latin Epitaph for Abbé E. has been published and " said to be written by Louis 18th."

July 7, Rev. S. BARNARD, Pastor of the Church assembling at Howard Street Chapel, Sheffield, and formely Pastor of a large congregation at Hul. As a preacher and writer his labours have been incessant; for many years he was one of the most useful and popular preachers in the connexion of the late Lady Huntingdon."

"July 3, aged 69, at Ferney Hill, Gloucestershire, the residence of her eldest son, Mrs. COOPER, relict of the Rev. Dr. Cooper, of Yarmouth. Animated by christian principles and supported by christian hope, she placidiy expired after a short illness and left the memory of a bright example to her children and her friends. She was the author of several publications, some of which were printed many years ago, under the titles of Fanny MeadowsThe Daughter-The School for Wivesand the Exemplary Mother.' She pub li hed at a later period A Poetical Epis tle from Jane Shore to her friend.' They

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George Atwood-Miss Elizabeth Robinson-Rev. John Carr, LL. D.—Noel · Desenfans-George Saville Carey.-John Walker.

were all composed with the ardent desire of promoting the influence of christian morality."

July 4, Aged 61, GEORGE AT WOOD, Esq. M. A. and F. R. S. high. ly distinguished by mathematical science. He was educated at Westminster School, was for some time a tutor and for many years a fellow of Trinity College Cambridge. He read to the University, Lectures on several branches of Experimental Philosophy, which were much attended and justly admired. Mr. Pitt having been one of his auditors, was induced to form a more intimate acquaintance with him, and bestowed upon him in 1784, a sinecure office, that he might be enabled to devote a large portion of his time to financial calculations. The high opinion that minister entertained of him, and the confidence he reposed in him, were strengthened by experience, and Mr. A.'s labours were continued with the most zealous perseverance till his declining health rendered him incapable of severe application. Mr. A. was honoured with the Copleian medal by the Royal Society, and communicated several papers to different volumes of their transactions. He published in 1784, A Treatise on the Rectilinear Motion, Rotation of Bodies, with a description of Original Experiments relative to the subject,' also An Analysis of a Course of Lectures, on the Principles of Natural Philosophy read in the University of Cambridge."

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steady piety, and lively hope in a resur-
rection to immortal life by Jesus Christ,
were a source of consolation to her in-
dulgent mother and affectionate sister,
who now lament her loss. Her remains
were interred in the burying ground be-
longing to the Unitarian Baptist Chapel,
at Lutton*.
G S.

July 6, at Hertford, aged 76, the Rev. JOHN CARR, LL. D. who published a few years since "a translation of Lu cian's Dialogues, in 3 vols. &vo"

"July 9, aged 61, NOEL DESENFANS, Esq. a well-known amateur of the fine arts. He was born and educated in France, where he was a fellow-student with the celebrated Minister the late M. de Calonne between whom and himself a friendship began very early in life. Mr. D. passed between 30 and 40 years in this country. His publications are A Plan for advancing the British Arts by the establishment of a National Gallery,' 1799; and in 1802′ A Descriptive Catalogue' of a collection of Pictures which he was commissioned to purchase for the late king of Poland, who had appointed him Consul General of Poland in Great Britain. He was also author of a well-written novel entitled Les Deux Hermites.' Mr. D. was profoundly acquainted with mankind, yet free from a misanthropic spirit. On the contrary he was active in the cause of humanity; ready to patronize unfriended genius and mitigate distress. In private life he was distinguished for hospitality, friendship, and affable and courteous manners.'

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July 14, of a paralytic attack, GEORGE SAVILLE CAREY, the well-known lecturer. He was announced for an exhibition on the same evening. Mr. C. was by profession a printer, and one of those imprisoned on account of No. 45, of the North Briton. was author of the Balnea, (a description of the watering places in England,) several songs, &c. His father was the asserted author of the popular air of God save the King."


July 4, in the 17th year of her age, after a long and painful illness, Miss ELIZABETH ROBINSON, of Lutton, Lincolnshire. This young lady had been long in the expectation of death, having been assured by the gentlemen of the faculty she was in a deep decine, and being unable to take medicine from a natural antipathy to it, could receive scarcely any possible assistance. During the last six weeks of her life her sufferings were great, but they were borne with a degree of patience seldom evinced by so young a person. She often expressed her readiness to resign the present life and its evanescent pleasures for an eternal state of being and uninterrupted felicity. Frequently during the violence of her pains, she exclaimed, "I fear my sufferings will A short address was delivered at the be too great for my patience. How grave, and a sermon preached from Mark Long the Lord delays his coming! Pray xiii. 34-36, to an audience, which for me that I may be released." Her seemed deeply affected with this renewed 3 M 2 and early proof of human fragility.

"Aug. 1, at his apartments in Tottenham Court Road, in the 76th year of his age, Mr. JOHN WALKER, author of

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