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the Pronouncing Dictionary of the En- been honoured with the patronage and glish Language, and of several other works of acknowledged excellence on grammar and elocution; as a professor of which he had, for nearly 40 years, deservedly held the highest reputation, and had amassed a competent fortune, by means equally honourable to himself, and beneficial to those in whose instruction he had been engaged; but which would have been more ample, had not its accumulation been retarded by his repeated and extensive charities. He had

friendship of Dr. Johnson, Mr. Edmund Burke and many other of the most distinguished literary and professional characters of the age; who respected and esteemed him, not more for the critical and profound knowledge he displayed on the subjects to which he had devoted his enquiries, than for the conscientious adherence to principle, the manly avowal of opinion, and the undeviating rectitude of conduct, that marked every stage of his life.”


Unitarian Fund.-York Institution,


UNITARIAN FUND.-The Annual Meeting of this Society will be held in London, on Wednesday, October the twentyfirst.

A more particular account of the time and place of meeting, dinner, &c. will be given in our next. The gentleman first applied to, to preach the Sermon, (the same alluded to in our Intelligence for April, p. 218 of the present vol.) having declined the service on account of ill-health, Mr. Aspland has engaged to preach before the Society.

N. B. Subscribers to the Unitarian Fund who have not paid their subscriptions for the present year are requested to pay them into the hands of Joseph Hol den, Esq. No. 78, Lombard Street, Treasurer, or Rev. R. Aspland, Hackney, Secretary. Subscriptions will also be received, if more convenient to the members, by the gentlemen of the CoмMITTEE, as under :-

John Christie, Esq. Mark Lane; Mr. David Eaton, High Holborn; Rev. John Evans, Islington; Mr. Thomas Freeman, Dyer's Court, Aldermanbury; Ebenezer Johnston, Esq, Bishopsgate Street; Mr. John Sowerby, Watling Street; Mr. W. Titford, Union Street, Spitalfields. Of whom also any information that is desired may be had concerning the Society.

YORK INSTITUTION.-TheTrustees of the York Institution, have lately published their annual report, from which it appears that, at the balancing of the cash account (on February the 22d, the date of the original opening of the Manchester college, the annual subscriptions amounted to 2244. congregati

onal collections to 967. 14s. and the rents of the buildings in Manchester to 1411. 15s. The trustees propose, in the course of the present year to convert the rest of the buildings into dwelling houses, from which they expect a rent of 100!. more. Since the above date there have been collections at Birmingham, Mansfield and Newcastle, a donation of 50!. from an anonymous friend, of 10l. 10s. from the Rev. T. Belsham, and of 51. from the Rev. B. Evans, and some very handsome annual subscriptions, from the Rev. Dr. Disney, the " Accidental Discoverer," and several friends to the institution at Liverpool, in all upwards of 20cl. as will be particularised in the next report. Several of these were sent with a particular view to a third tutor, which is an addition desirable and even necessary to carrying on the plan marked out for the education of the students, but the trustees do not think themselves warranted in the attempt to engage any gentleman in this capacity, till the permanent funds of the institution shall be adequate to the increased expense; or till the annual subscribers become much more numerous than they now are. In the mean time if it should appear to any who consider the present number of students that such an addition is superfluous, they wish it to be carefully observed,that the labour of the tutors depends not on the number of stu dents, but upon the extent and variety of the subjects in which they are instructed, and the regularity with which the appointed course is pursued.

In the present state of science and literature, it is justly expected that they who are designed for the ministry in our religious societies should be initiated in

every branch of sound and polite learning, that they may enter the world qualified not only to discharge with ability their ministerial duties, but in many cases to be the instructors of our youth, and to support by their acquirements and character the respectability of the dissenting name. With such views the plan of study pursued in this institution has been arranged. It comprehends a term of five years; during the first three of which the student proceeds through a full course of mathematics and natural philosophy, is daily employed in reading some of the best classical authors, and is directed and assisted in an extensive investigation of ancient and modern history. In the course of this period, he is Jikewise instructed in logic, and the philosophy of the human mind; in ethics, including jurisprudence and general policy; in the evidences of natural and revealed religion; in universal grammar, oratory and criticism, and other branches of what are usually called, the Belles Lettres. And as the foundation of just scripture criticism, must be laid in an acquaintance with some, at least, of the oriental languages, the student, in this part of the course, is taught the Hebrew, the Chaldee, and the Syriac. Thus prepared, he enters on his theological studies, to which the last two years of his course are devoted. After some introductory instruction concerning the general principles of sacred criticism, and the aids to which a theological student should have recourse, he proceeds in regular order through every book of the old and new testament, paying at the same time particular attention to the language of the Septuagint, and the writings of Josephus and Philo. Having thus traced the history of revealed religion, and from the records of revelation alone endeavoured to learn the doctrines proposed in them, to the acceptance of mankind, he passes to the history of the christian church, having his attention particularly directed to the rise, progress and character of the principal religious systems which have prevailed in the christian world; to the origin of onr separation from the established church, and to the grounds upon which a continued separation is vindicated. He is also now introduced to some general acquainsance with those writings and opinions

which, by nations not owning the christian name, are considered as sacred.— Through the whole of the course he is exercised in Latin and English composition on the subjects connected with the studies he is at the time pursuing, and in the last two years in the composition of sermons and other pulpit exercises, and receives instructions in the pastoral care.

Such is an imperfect outline of the plan which has hitherto been kept in view, and pursued with as much regularity as circumstances would permit And although the excellent maxim of Dr. Jebb, that " the personal labours of the student are of greater efficacy than the oral instructions of the tutor," is constantly acted upon; yet it must be evident, that so many important and necessary subjects of education must require the aid of another tutor, in order to their being properly conducted; and that no great increase of students can be expected till this aid shall be obtained.

The preceding plan has been arranged principally, but not solely, with a view to the education of divinity-students. The course, however, for the first three years, is adapted also to the education of young men designed for other professions, or for mercantile life. And as the lec tures delivered in the third year are upon subjects concerning which it is very desirable that lay-students should be well-informed, in this age of scepticism and infidelity, it is much to be wished that parents would allow their sons to continue till that part of the course is completed. They might thus be the more surely confirmed in that good character which is essential to their being admitted into the institution, and which it is the object of all the regulations established there to guard and improve.

There are at present seven divinity students: the number of lay-students is five.

The treasurer of the institution is Ottiwell Wood, Esq. of Manchester, to whom, or to the Rev. C. Wellbeloved, Theological Tutor, York, the Rev. William Wood, Visitor, Leeds, Lewis Lloyd, Esq. Lothbury, or Mr. Kinder, No. 1, Cheapside, letters may be addressed respecting the admission of students; or for the transmission of donations or subscriptions.

the Study of Natural Philosophy. The
examination being ended, the Rev. John
Yates of Liverpool, in an eloquent ad-
dress declared the high satisfaction of the
trustees in its result, and offered to the
students some very judicious advice on
the conduct and proper application of
their future studies.
The trustees
afterwards dined together at Etridge's,
when some interesting conversation took
place on the best means of raising a per-
manent fund for making provision for a
third tutor. Several very handsome
sums were reported as being ready for a
beginning to the accomplishment of this
truly desirable object, and there is little
doubt that with a little exertion of the
friends of the institution an adequate
fund will soon be established.

On Wednesday and Thursday the first saic institutions, and their probable intenand second July, was held the annual ex- tion and use in preserving the knowledge amination of students at the close of the of One Supreme Being, and exhibiting session: it was numerous y and very re- a specimen and proof of the moral governspectably attended, and gave the highest ment of God. The students in the third satisfaction to all present. It compre- year were then examined in logic and hended the businers of the whole session metaphysics, and one of them read an without the students being previously in- Essay on the controversy relating to Maformed of the questions to be proposed. terialism, another, a Summary and EstiOn Wednesday the two Hebrew classes mate of the Natural Evidences of a Fuwere first examined; the junior class giv- ture State. Those of the third and seing a particular account of the structure cond year were examined in universal of the language, according to Masclef's grammar, oratory, and criticism; and grammar, and translating several passages three of them delivered Essays on Taste, taken at random from the Pentateuch on Sublimity, and on the tragedy of from Hebrew into English, and others Othello. The two higher mathematical from English into Hebrew; the senior classes were then examined in fluxions, class being examined in Lowth's Præ- and in hydrostatics and astronomy; and lections, and reading, as before, passa- the whole was concluded by an Essay on ges out of the prophetic and other poctical books, one of them concluding this branch of the examination by a di course on Hebrew poetry. In the classics the whole of the students, who had this year read the whole of Tacitus and great part of Lucretius, read a passage from the former author, Mucianus's addre-s to Vespasian; after which a Latin poem on the battle of Maida, and a Latin oration on eloquence, were read by two of the students. The Greek classics which had this year been read were two plays of Euripides, one of schylus, a part of Thucydides and some Odes of Fundar; the students read a scene of the Hecuba, and another of the a Oneas; after which an Essay was read on the character and talents of Cicero, with a critique on his Oratio pre domo swa. The examination of the junior mathematical class in Alge ra and Euclid concluded the PEROR OF CHINA, 10th year of Kis business of the first day. On the second King. A. D. 1805." The Supreme Cri the only student in the fourth year was minal Court has reported to us the strictly examined on the source of bibli- trial, investigation, and sentence of that cal criticism, with a particular reference tribunal against Chin-yo-vang, a native to the Old Te tament; on the original of the province of Canton, who had languages in which we possess its books been discovered to have received priand the state of the text; on the several vately a map and sundry letters from divisions which have been made of them; the European Te-tien-tse (Father Odea on the sentiments which they severaly dato, a Catholic Missionary at Pekin ;) inculcate on the nature and character of and also regarding several other perGod, and on human duty and expec- sons who had been found guilty of tations; on the several Greek and Latin teaching and propagating the doctrines translations, on the works of Josephus of the Christian religion. and Philo, the Apocryphal Writings and "The Europeans who adhere to the the Targums, with their respective use in, Christian faith, act conformably to the illustrating the scriptures; and conclud- customs established in those countries, ed by an elaborate Discourse on the Mo- and are not prohibited from doing s

V. E.


by our laws. Their establishments at Pekin were originally founded with the auspicious view of adopting the western method in our astronomical calculations; and Europeans of every na tion, who have been desirous of study ing and practising the same at this court, have readily been permitted to come and reside upon the above establishments; but from the beginning, they were restricted from maintaining intercourse with, and exciting troubles among our subjects.

"Nevertheless, Te-tien-tse has had the audacity secretly to propagate and teach his doctrines to the various persons mentioned in the Report; and he has not only worked on the minds of the simple peasantry and women, but even many of our Tartar subjects have been persuaded to believe and conform to his religion; and it appears that no less than thirty-one books upon the European religion have been printed by his order in the Chinese character.

"Unless we act with severity and decision en this occasion, how are these perverse doctrines to be suppres ed and how shall we stop their insinuating progress?

"The books of the Christian religion must originally have been written in the European languages; and in that state were incapable of influencing the minds of our subjects, or of propagating the doctrine in this country; but the books lately discovered are all of them printed in the Chinese character. With what view, it is needless to inquire; for it is sufficient, that in this country such means must not be employed to seduce our simple peasantry to the knowledge and belief of those tenets, and much less can it be suffered to operate thus on the mind, of our Tartar subjects, as the most serious effects are to be apprehended from it on the hearts and minds of the people.

"With respect to Chin-yo-vang, who had taken charge of the letters; Chuiping-te, a private of infantry under the Chinese banner, who was discovered teaching the doctrine in a church; Lieuchao-tung, Siao-ching-ting, Chu-changtay, and the private so.dier Vang-nicute, who severally superintended the congregations of Chistian, as they have been respectively convicted of conveying

letters, or employing other means for extending their sect and doctrine, it is our plea ure to confirm the sentence of the court; according to which they shall severally be sent into banishment at Elu, in Tartary, and become slaves among the Eleuths; and previous to their departure, shall wear each of them the heavy cangue for three months, that their chastisement may be corrective and exemplary.

"The conduct of the female peasant Chin-yang-shy, who undertook to superintend a congregation of her own sex, is still more odious. She, therefore, shall also be banished to Elu, and reduced to the condition of a slave at the military station, instead of being indulged with the female privilege of redeeming the punishment by a fine.

"The peasant Kun-han, who was em ployed in distributing letters for the congregation, and in persuading others to assist in their ministry, and likewise the soldier Tung-hing-shen, who contumaciously resisted the repeated exhortations made to him to renounce his errors, shall respectively wear the common cangue for three months, and after the expiration of that term, undergo banishment to Elu, and become slaves among the Eleuths.

"The soldiers Cheu-ping-te, Vangmeu-te, and Tung-hen-hen, who have gone astray, and willingly become proselytes to the European doctrine, are really unworthy to be considered as men; and their names shall be erased from the lists of those serving under our banners. The countrymen Vang-shy-ning, Ko-tien-fe, Yu-se-king, and Vu-si-man; and the soldiers serving in the Chinese infantry, Tung-ming, Tung-se, and Cheu-yungtung, have each of them repented and renounced their errors, and may therefore be discharged from confinement; but as the fear of puni hment may have had more effect in producing their recantation than any sincere di position to reform, it is necessary that the magistrates and military officers, in whose jurisdiction they may be, shou d keep a strict watch over them; and inflict punishment doubly severe, if they should elapse into their former error.


"Te-tien-tse, who is an European,entertained in our service at court, having o far forgot his duty, and disobeyed taę

laws, as to print books and otherwise der to learn their doctrines, will be contrive to disseminate his doctrines, is punished with the utmost rigor of the guilty of a very odious offence. The law, without exception or abatement, for alternative proposed by the court of dis- having acted in defiance of the present missing him to his native country, or of prohibition. As for the rest, we conremanding him from the prison to his firm the sentence of the court Khin. station at Pekin, is very inadequate tse." to his crime. We therefore direct that On Tuesday, the 17th of June, there the Supreme Military Court do appoint was held at Coseley in the county of an officer to take charge of the said Te- Stafford, a general meeting of the UNItien-tse, and conduct him to Ge-ho, in TARIAN TRACT SOCIETY, institutTartary, where it is our pleasure he ed in Birmingham, June 6, 1806, for should remain a prisoner in the guard. WARWICKSHIRE and the NEIGHBOURhouse of the Eleuths; and be subject ING COUNTIES. There was religious to the superintendance and visitation of service on the occasion; the Rev. JOHN the not le magistrate Kingki, who must KENTISH of Birmingham conducted the carefully prevent him from having any devotional part, by an appropriate correspondence or communication with prayer, and the sermon was preached the Tartars in that neighbourhood. by Dr. ToULMIN from Dan. xi. 33. "The noble officer Chang-fae, who has And they that understand among the hitherto superintended the European people, shall instruct many." This inestablishments, having been ignorant stitution for promoting Christian knowof what was going forward in his de- ledge and the practice of virtue was papartment, and having made no investi- tronized by an accession of new subgation or inquiries during the time that scribers. This is the fourth society of Te-tien-tse was writing letters, printing the kind formed since the year 1791, books, and spreading his religion, has and it promises to be numerous and exproved himself insufficient and unwor- tensive. Great satisfaction was expressed thy of his station; wherefore, we di- in this meeting, and the object of it was rect the Interior Council of State to take adopted with much approbation and cognizance of his misconduct.

"In like manner, it is our desire that the Council of State take cognizance of the neglect and inattention ascribable to the military commanders who suffered the soldiers under their orders to be corrupted with these foreign doctrines; and then report to us the report of their deliberations, in order that we may refer the adjudication of punishment to the

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The fifth annual meeting of the THEOUNITARIAN * SOCIETY IN SOUTH

*Theo-Unitarians is the true literal translation of Dwyfundodiaid, the appellation which the first institutors of the Welsh Society for promoting the knowing and worship of One only Living and True God, gave themselves, and by which they and their friends are now distinguished. The word being of the same standing as the Society is not to be found in Owen's Dictionary; but he has inserted it in his Grammar, p. 44, which was published,and partly composed, subsequent to the publication of our rules and address. Indeed he saw them with me in manuscript, before they were published and was kind enough, to assist me in correcting the press. The reasons urged by the original proposer of the name for the adoption of it may prove no unacceptable article for the Monthly Repository. I may, at some future time, communicate them.

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