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Clapton, Dec. 16, 1806.


the Society' at the January meeting, his possession, is on a subject so interhe communicated an Account of seve- esting to humanity, that I promise myral Improvements in Arts, Manufac self you will oblige me by inserting it tures, and Agriculture,' with which he in your Repository. had been favoured by an ingenious corI remain, Sir, your's, respondent; and in February, a Letter, J. T. RUTT. inclosing a copy of the Preliminary Dis course delivered to the Society of Antiquaries at Perth, by the Rev. James Scott, their President, was delivered by Mr. Clennell, who at the same time announced that the said Society had agreed to reciprocate the privilege offered in our last Report to the members of literary institutions and proprietors of pub


Of the 14th October, 1806.

ON Sunday, the 7th of September last, Dr. Francis Xavier Balmis, Surthe honour of kissing his Majesty's hand, geon Extraordinary to the King, had lic libraries. Similar communications on occasion of his return from a voyhave also been received from Felton, age round the world, executed with the Ayr, Paisley, Greenock, and Kelso. sole object of carrying to all the posses"Among the Members whom we sions of the crown of Spain, situated have this year lost by death, it would beyond the seas, and to those of several have been particularly gratifying to your other nations, the inestimable gift of Secretary to have taken this occasion of Vaccine Inoculation. His Majesty has testifying his high respect for eminent inquired, with the liveliest interest, into merit, and his sense of many personal all that materially related to the expediobligations, in recording the loss of our tion, and learned, with the utmost s2excellent and most regretted associate, tisfaction, that its result has exceeded Dr. Clark: but, besides that he has alrea- the most sanguine expectations that dy availed himself of a more immediate were entertained at the time of the enopportunity of doing both these, he is terprise. happy that to this Society more substantial testimony to his abilities and great professional eminence has already been presented, by two distinguished Members, who were so much better qualified to appreciate his worth. The Society will learn, with great satisfaction, that this united tribute to the memory of their friend will shortly be presented to the public at large, through the medium of the press.*"

to the diligence of several Members of This undertaking had been committed the Faculty and subordinate persons, carrying with them twenty-two children, who had never undergone the small-pox, selected for the preservation of the precious fluid, by transmitting it successively from one to another, during the course of the voyage. The expedition set sail from Corunna, under the direction of Balmis, on the 30th NoSir J. F. Swinburne, Bart. is the Pre-vember, 1803. It made the first stopsident; the Rev. W. Turner, who has been before named as Lecturer, is Secre- at Porto-Rico, and the third at the Ca page at the Canary Islands, the second tary. We shall be glad to receive similar notices of other provincial Literary and Philosophical Societies.

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the port of La Guayra, it was divided On leaving that province, by into two branches: one part sailing to South America, under the charge of the Sub-director Don Francis Salvani; the other, with the Director Balmis on board, steering for the Havannah, and thence for Yucatan, There a subdivi sion took place: the Professor Francis Pastor proceeding from the port of Sisal to that of Villa Harmosa, in the province of Tobasca, for the purpose of propagating Vaccination in the district of Ciudad Real of Chiapa, and on to Goatemala, making a circuit of four hundred leagues, through a long and rough road, comprising Oaxaca; while the rest of the expedition, which arrived without accident at Vera Cruz, traversed

not only the vice-royalty of New Spain, but also the interior provinces; whence it was to return to Mexico, which was the point of re-union.

epidemic small-pox. The principal persons of the Portuguese colonies, and of the Chinese empire, manifested themselves no less beholden, when Balmis reached Macao and Canton; in both which places he accomplished the introduction of fresh virus, in all its activity, by the means already related-a result which the English, on repeated trials, had failed to procure, on the various occasions when they brought out portions of matter in the ships of their Eat India Company, which lost their efficacy on the passage, and arrived inert.

This precious preservative against the ravages of the small-pox has already been extended through the whole of North America, to the coasts of Sonora and Sinaloa, and even to the Gentiles and Neophites of High Pimeria. In each capital a Council has been institated, composed of the Principal Authorities, and the most zealous Members of the Faculty, charged with the preservation of this invaluable specific, as After having propagated the Vaccine a sacred deposit, for which they are ac- at Canton, as far as possibility and the countable to the King and to posterity. political circumstances of the empire This being accomplished, it was the would permit, and having confided the next care of the Director to carry this further dissemination of it to the physipart of the expedition from America to cians of the English factory at the aboveAsia, crowned with the most brilliant mentioned port, Balmis returned to saccess, and, with it, the comfort of Macao, and embarked in a Portuguese humanity. Some difficulties having vessel for Lisbon; where he arrived on been surmounted, he embarked in the the 15th August. In the way he stopped port of Acapulco for the Philippine at St. Helena, in which, as in other Islands; that being the point at which, places, by dint of exhortation and perseif attainable, it was originally intended that the undertaking should be terminated.

The bounty of Divine Providence having vouchsafed to second the great and pious designs of the King, Balmis happily performed the voyage in little more than two months; carrying with him, from New Spain, twenty-six children, destined to be vaccinated in succession, as before; and as many of them. were infants, they were committed to the care of the Matron of the Foundling Hospital at La Corunna, who, in this, as well as the former voyages, conducted herself in a manner to merit approba. tion. The expedition having arrived at the Philippines, and propagated the specific in the islands subject to his Catholic Majesty, Ba.mis, having concluded his philanthropic commission, concerted with the Captain-General the means of extending the beneficence of the King, and the glory of his august name, to the remotest confines of Asia.

verance, he prevailed upon the English to adopt the astonishing antidote, which they had undervalued for the space of more than eight years, though it was a discovery of their nation, and though it was sent to them by JENNER himself.

Of that branch of the expedition which was destined for Peru, it is ascer tained that it was shipwrecked in one of the mouths of the River de la Magdalena; but having derived immediate succour from the natives, from the Magistrates adjacent, and from the Governor of Carthagena, the Sub-director, the three Members of the Faculty who accompanied him, and the children, were saved, with the fluid in good preservation, which they extended in that port and its province with activity and success. Thence it was carried to the Isth mus of Panama; and persons, properly, provided with all necessaries, undertook the long and painful navigation of the River de la Magdalena; separating, when they reached the interior, to disIn point of fact, the Cow-pox has charge their commission in the towns of been disseminated through the vast Ar- Teneriffe, Mompox, Ocana, Socorro, chipelago of the Visayan Islands, whose San Gil y Medellin, in the valley of Cuchiefs, accustomed to wage perpetual cuta, and in the cities of Pamplona, Giwar with us, have laid down their arms, ron, Tunja, Velez, and other places in admiring the generosity of an enemy, who the neighbourhood, until they met at conferred upon them the blessings of health and life, at the time when they were labouring under the ravages of an

Santa Fe; leaving every where suitable instructions for the Members of the Faculty, and, in the more considerable

towns, regulations conformable to those tude of his country, not the least comrules which the Director had prescribed sists in having imported a valuable asfor the preservation of the virus; which semblage of trees and vegetables, in a the Viceroy affirms to have been com- state to admit of propagation, and which, municated to fifty thousand persons, with- being cultivated in those parts of the out one unfavourable result. Towards Peninsula that are most congenial to the close of March, 1805, they prepared their growth, will render this expedito continue their journey in separate tion as memorable in the annals of agritracks, for the purpose of extending culture, as in those of medicine and themselves, with greater facility and humanity. It is hoped that the Subpromptitude, over the remaining dis- director and his coadjutors, appointed tricts of the Vice-royalty, situated in the road of Popayan, Cuença, and Quito, as far as Lima. In the August following they reached Guayaquil.

The result of this expedition has been, not merely to spread the Vaccine among all people, whether friends or enemies among Moors, among Visayans, and among Chinese-but also to secure to posterity, in the dominions of his Majesty, the perpetuity of so great a benefit, partly by means of the Central Committees that have been established, as well as by the discovery which Balmis Imade of an indigenous matter in the cows of the valley of Atlixco, near the city of Puebla de los Angeles; in the neighbourhood of that of Valladolid de Mechoacan, where the Adjutant Antonio Gutierrez found it; and in the district of Calabozo, in the province of Caraccas, where Don Carlos de Pozo, physician of the residence, found it.

to carry these blessings to Peru, will shortly return by way of Buenos-Ayres, after having accomplished their journey through that vice-royalty, the vice-royalty of Lima, and the districts of Chili and Charcas; and that they will bring with them such collections and observations as they have been able to acquire, according to the instructions given by the Director, without losing sight of the philanthropic commission which they received from his Majesty, in the plenitude of his zeal for the welfare of the human race.


Delivered by BENJAMIN MILNE, Esq. Collector of His Majesty's Customs at Bridlington, on the Exhibition of the Lights at Flamborough-Head-1806.

ROME, in the plenitude of power, enA multitude of observations, which riched with the plunder of conquered will be published without delay, respect- provinces, and elated with pride, erected ing the development of the Vaccine in stately pillars, ornamented with exqui various climes, and respecting its eff-site sculpture, to commemorate the achievements of her illustrious citizens; cacy, not merely in preventing the natural small-pox, but in curing simultane- but those splendid embellishments were the ostentatious monuments of unously other morbid affections of the human frame, will manifest how important universal dominion, and, in the career bounded ambition, which grasped at to humanity will prove the consequences of an expedition which has no parallel of victory, extended a wide scene of in history.

ruin and desolation. Under the influence

To the honour of the elder brethren

Though the object of this undertaking of a better principle, and for purposes. was limited to the communication of the infinitely more useful, this superb ediVaccine in every quarter; to the in- fice, for the exhibition of lights, is struction of Professors, and to the esta- erected. It was raised with the beneblishment of regulations which might volent intention of securing the property serve to render it perpetual; neverthe- of individuals, and of preserving hunian less, the Director has omitted no means life from the calamities of shipwreck, of rendering his services beneficial, at the same time, to agriculture and the of the Trinity-house, Deptford-Strand, sciences. He brings with him a consi- London, it must be observed, that with derable collection of exotic plants. He laudable zeal they have patronized the has caused to be drawn the most valua- undertaking, and completed the buildingble subjects in Natural History. He has in a style superior to every other of the amassed much important information; same class in the United Kingdom-an and, among other claims to the grati eminent display of taste and judgment.

The grandeur of its situation, on this not visionary ideas: they are scenes, elevated promontory, is unequalled: the alas! which have too frequently been sublimity of the prospect must excite realized. With such impressions on the admiration of every beholder: the your minds, you must assuredly acvast sweep of the Northern Ocean fills knowledge the utility of a design calcuthe eye with its immeasurable expanse, lated, under Providence, to prevent conand exhibits a scene which inspires ex- sequences so wounding to the tender senalted ideas. Innumerable fleets, laden sibilities of human nature. Had this with the produce of the coal-mines, and building been erected at a more early rich trading vessels from Scotland, daily period, the loss of his Majesty's ship pass in view. Ships, freighted with na- Nautilus, Captain Gunter, from the Balval stores and valuable merchandise, tic, and several of the vessels under her from Archangel, from Norway, the convoy, with many valuable lives, might ports of the Baltic, and Holland, and in all human probability have been preothers from the Whale Fisheries, direct vented. From the exhibition of these their courses to this distinguished pro- brilliant lights, innumerable will be the montory. Scenes of this kind are cha- advantages to navigation. I will detail racteristic of national grandeur. The the most prominent. The sight of them bold enterprise and mercantile spirit of will dispel the gloom which frequently Britain astonish the world; the magni- seizes the boldest and most skilful navitude of her commerce covers the sea gator in a critical moment, and direct with her fleets; her flag waves trium- him, when surrounded by the obscurity phant in every quarter of the globe; the of a winter's night, to avoid the dangers unrivalled skill, industry, honourable of this projecting coast: they will guide conduct, and opulence of the country, the tempest-beaten mariner to the Hum are the solid basis of its stability. Surely, ber, or to a safe anchorage in Bridlingsuch important interests merit a sedulous ton Bay, famed for its convenience and attention to their security. While you security: diffusing their friendly lustre view with complacency the multitude of afar, they will shine as leading stars to ships floating on the extended ocean, enable ships, in a large offing, to ascer should you at the same moment take tain their situations with accuracy, and into consideration the immense value of to take a new departure; and also to their cargoes, and the many thousands warn others contending with Eastern of seamen by which they are navigated, gales, to keep at a proper distance from you would then be able to form some the dangers of a lee-shore. To the fishjudgment of the extensive advantages ermen, who are frequently exposed to which must result from the execution of great danger on the unstable element, a plan so highly useful and beneficent. they will be infinitely useful in the night: If prompted by curiosity, you have ever they will guide them to the proper fishsurveyed the formidable rocks which ing grounds, and direct them, on their line the adjacent shore, and have ob- return to the shore, to a place of safety. served the foaming waves of the stormy Numerous have been the disasters of this ocean, dashing with irresistible fury industrious race of men at Flamborough. against the perpendicular cliffs, the sight I am persuaded that many of you who are alone must have filled you with asto- now present have witnessed the painful nishment and dread! Figure, then, to scene of the whole village in mourning: yourselves the melancholy scene of some the lamentations of the disconsolate wi unfortunate vessel, enveloped in mid- dow and mother must have pierced night darkness, driven by the tempest your souls. With inexpressible anguish and suddenly stranded on the tremen- I have seen the tears of the helpless ordous coast! Paint to your imagina- phan flow for an indulgent parent, who tions the crews of helpless seamen sink- perished in the merciless waves. While ing among the overwhelming billows, I retain the faculty of memory, the sad and raising their supplicating voices, in impression will never be erased; and at vain, for aid! Reflect on the inexpres- this moment it is difficult to restrain my sible agony of their tender connections, emotions; but the consideration that my deprived in one sad moment of all that humble exertions have been instrumental is esteemed dear in life, and left perhaps in promoting a design to prevent those desolate and forlorn, in a state of help

less indigence, to mourn the loss of a husband, a father, or a son! These are

In the year 1799.

exalted virtue, oppose an insurmountable barrier to the impetuous torrent which threatens to overwhelm the carth! May Britain ever continue the envied possession of the Empire of the Main, and lifting her unclouded head with distinguished lustre amid the gloom which, at this awful crisis, overshadows the world, exhibit to desponding nations a bright example of glory-invincible on every hostile shock, unshaken as the rocks which guard her sea-girt shore.

calamities in future, will be a source of satisfaction to me to the remotest period of life. This description of an undertaking so conducive to the security of navigation will not, I trust, be deemed too highly coloured: the facts are incontrovertible, the utility is indisputable. So long as this noble edifice shall stand unshaken on its firm foundation, and lift its aspiring summit to the view of the admiring spectator, it will remain a conspicuous monument of the humanity and munificence of the British nation, unparalleled by any other of the mari N. B. The height of the building, time states on the face of the globe. from the basis to the summit, is 85 feet, May the kind providence of Almighty and from the level of the sea 250 feet. God favour this and every other effort The lanthern contains three frames, with of national utility with success, and seven large lamps and reflectors in each, crown with glory the ardent courage making in the whole twenty-one. The and determined resolution of our match- lights revolve, and the motion is holess seamen, in defence of their native rizontal. One of the lights is red, to land! While afflicted Europe mourns distinguish Flamborough lights from her desolated provinces and subjugated all others; and in a clear night, they state, may the United Kingdom, firm may be seen at the distance of thirty in loyalty, in patriotism, and every miles.



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