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mode against sects in general, and against us poor Unitarians in particular, by the priests of the establishment; and by this characteristic feature, (facies omnibus una) may Dr. M. be easily recognized as one of the holy fraternity. Whatever the demerits of sectarists may be, their disgrace will remain indelible. as long as Christians shall love to cherish the benign influences of their benevolent religion, or as long as men shall possess prudence enough to discover and appreciate the motives of human actions.

I conclude, Sir, with apologizing for the length of this communication, which has insensibly grown to be, I am afraid, inordinate, and with observing that there is in Dr. M.'s long and multifarious notes much matter for remark and animadversion, to which, perhaps, at some future time, I may presume to solicit your readers' attention. Óct. 14, 1807.


W. J.


To the Editor of the Monthly Repository.

As I apprehend it to be a part of the plan of your useful and liberal Magazine to admit whatever may have a tendency to correct false views of human life, and to point out more plainly the path of human duty, I send you a sketch of two characters drawn in the way of parallel: the one a baronet of large possessions, the other, an unfortunate youth who died in a poor house. I assure you the strictest regard has been paid to the truth of fact, which it is necessary to premise, as it is upon this circumstance principally that its usefulness depends. By inserting it entire, you will much oblige your constant reader, York, October 28, 1807.

C. C.

In the same age, the same country, and at the same period, lived Sir Francis and Henry. They spoke the same language, and were considered as being both of the same religion-that is to say, had the question been asked-are Sir Francis and Henry Christians? are they members of the Church of England, as by law established? the an swer respecting both would have been given in the affirmative. In their mental powers there seems also to have been this general resemblance, that both of them possessed what are usually called good natural parts: Sir Francis properly educated might have risen to eminence as a senator; and Henry, had his talents been cultivated, might This youth was the brother of a young woman, Charlotte Richardson, a smell volume of whose Poems was lately published.

have improved the skill of the artist, or extended the discoveries of science. But here every shadow of resemblance completely vanishes, for in the goods of nature and of fortune, no two youths of the same species could differ more widely.

Sir Francis was the only son and sole representative of an ancient and honourable house-born to the possession of an ample fortune, and nursed in a magnificent mansion, where his wants and desires were constantly anticipated, by a numerous train of servile attendants. Henry, never knew his father-his unfortunate mother, herself an orphan, friendless and poor, and his habitation a lowly cottage. From his carliest infancy he was neglected and forlorn, a very outcast of society. In their exterior, the contrast, if possible, was still more striking. Sir Francis was distinguished for the gracefulness of his person, the politeness of his address, and a certain assuredness of manner, which seldom fails, especially if accompanied by rank and fortune, of obtaining universal suffrage. Henry, feeble in constitution, from early neglect and the want of proper nutriment, timid from discouragement, and oppressed by hard labour, grew up deformed, and at fength in consequence of a hurt received in childhood, became a cripple. In respect of learning however, Henry had somewhat the advantage. Sir Francis having early lost his father became the idol of his remaining parent. She was proud, insolent and vain; valued herself on her beauty, her superficial accomplishments, and tinselled ornaments, and admired her son for his rank, his station, and his imposing exterior: she worshipped him herself, and required that his tutors should worship him also: unfortunately for him, they obeyed the injunction, and the consequence, it were not difficult to anticipate. To be a learner, implied inferiority; to gain knowledge, required attention and diligence; Sir Francis therefore did not learn: yet it is confidently affirmed, that after he grew up, he could make out an advertisement in a newspaper, or decypher the pedigree of a race-horse, and it is even said, that on his being appointed high-sheriff of a large and opulent county, he taught himself to write, so as to sign his own name. Henry on the contrary, as may well be imagined, had no regular tutors, but he was sent by his mother to a sunday school, and being by nature intelligent, and by habit, industrious and obedient, he faithfully treasured up every scanty fragment of the moral and intellectual feast which he found there. He learnt the Lord's prayer and the ten commandments-he could repeat, if not fully understand, the church catechism; got by rote a few psalms, and proverbs of wisdom, and what was at least not less important, he learnt to read them himself in the bible that was given him by the hand of charity.

But who is that striking figure driving four in hand in a splendid phaeton, followed by a train of attendants, the gazing multitude, bowing as he passes? It is Sir Francis going to bet at a horse race. And who is that little, insignificant, diminutive object, who but for the kind care ●f a poor charity girl, had been thrown down and trampled to death

in the crowd? It is Henry, sent by his master on business which admitted not of delay, and which to execute faithfully, and with the neces sary dispatch, had nearly cost him his life. If the meed of honour were always the reward of merit, Henry, poor, despised, and neglected, young as he then was, would have risen high among human characters, whilst Sir Francis, followed, flattered, and admired, would have sunk to the very bottom of the scale. But the passing multitude had no eye to discern their moral or religious attainments; of these there was no visible criterion, and they would have passed wholly unnoticed, had they not been carefully marked down by the recording angel, whose vigilance never slumbers, and who keeps a faithful register of human actions. If however the comparative circumstances of their outward prosperity underwent no immediate change, in respect of inward composure and heart-felt peace of mind, the scale was every day preponderating in favour of Henry. Of an amiable temper, pa tient, meek and resigned, this child of sorrow had learnt in the school of adversity to feel for the sorrows of others, and in the tear of sympathy shed over their misfortunes, had found the amelioration of his own. In the sufferings and death of his divine master, he had learnt to look forward beyond the present scene, and to estimate its value and importance, not so much by the quantity of actual present enjoyment, as by the opportunities afforded of greater advancement in piety and virtue. Sir Francis on the contrary, accustomed, from early infancy, to the indulgence of every capricious desire, became from day to day more and more the slave of self will, and the dupe of every unhallowed and ungoverned passion; incapable of thought or of a moment's reflection, he spent the passing hours amidst a numerous train of four, legged domestics, a fierce blood-hound being his bosom friend; or, among a low circle of biped associates, hardly more rational, and far less innocent than they; for those adhered faithfully to the principles of their nature, whilst these had dishonoured and corrupted their's. After a time however, even his outward prosperity began to decline, and with it, the deceitful respect so long paid him by others. His property was consumed in thoughtless extravagance, or in shameless vice; or suffered to run idly to waste for want of attention. His fine domain wore the face of universal desolation. The magnificent apartments of his superb mansion, were hidden from the face of day, himself inhabiting the steward's room in the rustic story. The doors of the lofty hall leading to an elegant saloon, were fast closed more than twenty years, for Sir Francis loved not the light; it suited not with the unhallowed orgies in which his soul delighted. At length, his excellent constitution, vigorous and strong, and built for one hundred years in durance, began to give way, before it had reached a fourth part of that period. The health of Henry also declined the little spark of life which had hitherto animated his feeble frame, burnt still more dimly, and without a friend or relative, save one orphan sister, by whom he was teuderly beloved, being unable to labour any longer,

he devolved upon the parish for support, and was removed to the com. mon poor-house. Sir Francis, become now the decided victim of disease, brought on by intemperate excess, without a real friend, save the savage animal who constantly shared his apartment and his couch, without mental or moral resource, and unable to endure the languid days and wearisome nights of exhausted nature, drank deeper and still deeper of the intoxicating draught, which, whilst it afforded a temporary relief, perpetually increased the disease that was preying upon his vitals. Now and then a ray of intellect would dart across his beclouded mind, but it served only to render visible the moral deformity that reigned there; it was dismissed therefore the moment it was perceived, for the pangs of remorse were not to be endured-and hereafter, if such there were, what horror in the bare supposition! what if an inquiry should be instituted respecting talents not merely neglected, but abused, not alone perverted, but applied to purposes the most mischievous? A physician was consulted, who honestly announced the impending catastrophe; Sir Francis was alarmed, but not reformed; he affecved to deride the friendly warning and applied for relief to a double dose of his favourite beverage, till at length, repeated attacks of apoplexy, in his 30th year, fully verified the awful prediction. Ah! that his memory could be blotted for ever from the book of human remembrance! Pity would have granted the boon, but it was peremptorily denied by yonder miserable groupe of ruined females, whose innocence he has destroyed, whose character he has blasted, and whose vices, spreading their baneful influence, wider and still wider among the various ranks of society, will transmit his name, and perpetuate his infamy, to remote generations.

Henry in the mean time, supported in his humble asylum, exhibited the most edifying example to all around him. His disease, although brought on apparently by the agency of misfortune, he considered as the deed of providence, for without God, he well knew, that nothing comes to pass; he felt it therefore, as the chastisement for his good, of a tender father. The master and mistress of the poor-house, interested by his virtues, affected by his sufferings, and edified by his piety, loved him as their son, and treated him with the utmost kind. ness. He had a natural taste for drawing, and whilst confined to his lowly bed, would sometimes beguile the heavy hours by sketching little groups of variously diversified figures, not wholly devoid of taste and elegance. These he gave away as they were finished to his companions in the poor-house, and to their rude uncultivated mind they appeared as an astonishing effort of genius. They respected him therefore, at first, for his talents, and being not wholly unimpressed by the sweetness of his temper, and the sanctity of his whole deportment, he gained by degrees a considerable influence over them. Sometimes he would read to a wretched group assembled around him of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah for the wickedness of their inhabitants; of the faith of Abraham, his great devotedness to the will of

God, and its reward; of the fidelity to his master, of the ancient servant of Isaac; of the many virtues which distinguished the charac ter of Joseph; of the wonderful preservation of Moses the servant of God, and of the awful judgments inflicted in Egypt, on Pharoah and his host, for their obstinacy and disobedience to the commands of God. Often would he dwell with delight on the courage and inflexible integrity of Daniel, which forsook him not in the lions' den. The beautiful strains of exalted devotion of David, the shepherd king, would delight and elevate his soul; and when he read the parables of the prodigal son, of the good Samaritan, the affecting history of Lazaus rising from the tomb, his heart would expand with the widest charity to every human being. My divine Master, he would say, felt for the miseries and sorrows of all, why may not these my wretched associates, be converted, and become joint partakers with me in the glorious hopes of the gospel? In his sister, then a servant, but former. ly brought up in a charity school, he enjoyed the pure and entire affection of a kindred and pious mind. Often did their thoughts ascend to heaven, and in joint and fervid orisons, prefer the devout and humble prayer that these sufferings, which were but for a moment, might work out for the patient endurer a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory! The prayer was heard; for some months indeed Henry still lingered, but at length, not alone with calm composure, but with assured hope and humble triumph, resigned his life to him who gave it, in the 23d year of his age.

We will not drop the tear of sorrow on the grave of the virtuous Henry, for of his award in the future and everlasting world. there can be no question. But with what sentiments of compassion, must we not contemplate the tomb of Sir Francis? His biographer is not his judge, but so far at least must be admitted, that for heavenly happiness, for every thing that is great, or good, or excellent, Sir Francis, the unhappy Sir Francis, is wholly unqualified.



To the Editor of the Monthly Repository.

I CORDIALLY join with your correspondent T. p. 482, in wishing that some "plan could be devised for the publication of the critical Notes on Scripture, by the late celebrated Dr. Chandler." I also should equally rejoice if this useful plan could be extended so as to include the 4 vol. of Miscellaneous Tracts, which the editor of the Doctor's sermons informs us were then prepared for the press by the worthy author, and only waited till a sufficient subscription was raised to defray the ex pense of publication.

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