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tual. Judgments and statutes in various passages of the Psalms, particularly. cxix, 7, 36, mean the moral law.

they follow the impulse of nature, and as crucl only when they stifle its voice, that this author himself, speaking of the barbarity The principles which our author which the sons of Jacob shewed espouses, lead him not unfrequent- towards their brother, exclaims, ly to allude to the doctrine of the "Surely in their bosom nothing depravity of human nature, by human was left undestroyed ;" and which they who are reputed or- again, in p. 257, referring to the thodox, mean, that we are by chief butler of king Pharoah, he nature averse to all that is good, says, "Nature was not dead withand prone to every thing evil in him, and humanity pleaded for and wicked. And yet, what- one so young, so kind, and so inever a man's system may be, so jured as Joseph." Surely then difficult it is to conceive of man- poor human nature is not quite so kind as otherwise than compas- vile as we sometimes hear it sionate and tender-hearted, when represented.


ART. II.-Hore Ecclesiastice. Practical Essays, in a Series of Reflections, on Documents of the United Church. By the Rev. James Harriman Hutton. Vol. 1. 12mo. pp. 194. Rivingtons.

Mr. Hutton adduces "the ta

"These Essays lay no claim to novelty of invention, nor are they lents of Divines and Divines' marked by the labours of dispute. friends," as a recommendation at There is something noble and least of revealed religion. "They commanding in truth: she needs have proved themselves not inade but little the aid of argument, and quate to their work. They have looks as if she ought to be be- yielded neither to physicians in I deem it no inglorious sagacity, nor to lawyers in reoccupation to have selected fair search. They have always been and venerable forms of truth." legitimate scholars of the best Pref. p. 6. habits and education; occasionally, they have been arbiters of taste. and votaries of general science." "Hebrew and Greek scholars.

This rant is continued throughout the whole volume, which contains Essays, as they are called, on the Articles of the Church of Chemists and Mineralogists. AsEngland, the diving Attributes and tronomers and natural PhilosoRevelation. A ray of good sense, phers. Live in numbers and in however, now and then breaks song,' excel in painting, in music, through the author's inanity and and in mathematics, are of the obscurity, and the tenor of his first value to their country as reflections, as far as we under- heads of colleges and schools; have stand them, is temperate, though acquired an insight into nautical orthodox. He is never dull for many affairs and the Mores Hominum, pages together, for when he is unin- from their nationally important selligible, he is happily ridiculous. services as chaplains." pp. 139,140.

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Another notable argument in the profanum vulgus, was somewhat favour of revelation is,

different. In that he is represent"That its principles are che ed as having been for some days rished also in the system of the previous to his decease in a state law. This appears by the respect of insensibility, from which he was shewn to these principles in our with difficulty roused at intervals. Inns of Court, and their intimate It further describes the dignitary connexion with the practice of the who attended him as offering upJaw itself. From the sovereignty on the approach of death to adto the lowest office, all is built minister to him the all-atoning upon religion." sacrament. The answer ascribed Bravo! Fiction, chicanery and to the dying statesmen is memor. perjury, are evidences of the able:-" p -n you know as truth, attestations to the excellence of religion,

well as I do that in my situation that ceremony would be of no avail." We have no high authorities to vouch for our statement, but we think it contains more internal probability than Mr. Hutton's, which we now lay before the reader.

But the best arguments are to come. They are, reader," the memory of the Christian Judge, Lord Kenyon," and "the last moments of Mr. Pitt himself," which, says the author, "present us with all the resignation and dig- "Mr. Pitt died in Jan. 1806, nity of a true believer, and are having been attended at his death with us instead of many argu- by his venerable friend who had ments!!" What if Kenyon were covetous, profane and brutal, and Pitt were an habitual drunkard and a duellist, they promoted and flattered Churchmen; and the Church, we know, has power to forgive sins and is the keeper of the keys of heaven. Lords Howick and Erskine will never be cited after their decease, unless they should come into power again before they dic, as witnesses to the reality of vital religion!

also been his tutor, the Bishop of Lincoln. He heard with fortitude of the approaching crisis, and expressed, in the strongest terms, his sense of the truths of revealed religion-of his own unworthiness-and of his reliance. on the merits of Christ. He declared that he died in peace with all mankind. This great man's hates were all public ones. He had no personal animosity. I am able to assure the reader, from authority, of the truth of this note." p. 139.

In a note, the author gives "on authority," an account of Mr. Pitt's last moments. We shall ex- A numerous list of subscribers tract it, stating only beforehand, prefixed to this volume, shews that that the picture of the late prime the author has been very assiduous minister's death-bed which was cir- in courting patronage, or that he culated among the distant crowd, is highly deserving of it.

ART. III.-A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed by the yearly meeting of Friends, held in Baltimore, for promoting the Improvement and Civilization of the Indian natives. 8vo. 8vo. pp. 47. Phillips

and Fardon. 1806.

ART. IV-A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee, appointed in the year 1795, by the yearly meeting of Friends, of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, &c. for promoting the Improvement and Gradual Civilization of the Indian natives. Svo. pp. 48. Phillips and Fardon. 1806.

THESE pamphlets contain ac- makes no provision for, the apcounts of two missions of civi- proach of winter, be expected to lization, undertaken by the Qua- live under the habitual influence kers of America among their of the hope of a future life? Indian neighbours: the first in- Experience may however super. stances on record of a religious sede argument; for there is no body attempting to civilize, example in the history of the without any immediate design of world, of any considerable numconverting, the Heathen. The ber of barbarians, really such, success of the attempt, contrasted becoming permanent Christians, with the failure of the Otaheitan without passing through the inand other missions, confirms us termediate stage of civilization. in the opinion, we have always Those who are so denominated entertained, that a considerable in the New Testament, were not degree of civilization, and of barbarous in our acceptation of social and mental improvement, the term, that is, uncivilized, is absolutely necessary to the re- wild and savage, but merely ception of Christianity. The gos- foreigners to the Greeks and pel is superior to Pagan supersti- Romans, in whose haughty modes tions, in the first place, only so far of speech a person of an unknown as it is more reasonable, or in or distant nation was designated other words as it contains more as a barbarian, a stranger as an truth; and in the second place, enemy. The negro listens to an inasmuch only as it supplies more European missionary with deferpowerful motives to virtue. But ence and respect, and is in some the mind of a savage is not suffi- measure obedient to him, because ciently opened to distinguish he is an European; but let him truth from error, or to perceive withdraw and leave the negro to the beauty of the one and the himself, and the supposed convert deformity of the other; nor his will relapse into an idolater. The heart sufficiently softened to feel South-sea-islander receives the the force of purely spiritual mo. Christian propagandist with courtives. How can he sin in whose tesy and attention, because he mind are associated scarcely associates with the person of more ideas than are found in that the missionary the idea of riches; of a child of two years old, but let him once perceive that his reason upon righteousness, instructor has exhausted his temperance and judgment to wealth, and has no more tools come?" How can he who in or trinkets, iron or glass, and it the summer is unmindful of, and is well if he permits him to dwell

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in safety. When one of the mis- Americans; and much more by sionaries in Otaheite reproached the thirst which they have caught a native for not coming to hear from these new.comers for spithe word of God so regularly as rituous liquors, the immoderate at a former period, the islander use of which was described by reminded him that, though he still one of themselves to their Qua offered him plenty of the word, ker visitors, as being more deshe gave him no more hatchets. tructive than the gun or the toma. The American Quakers have hawk. Another cause perhaps proved, however, that if it be of the reduction of their numbers next to impossible to make bar. is their custom of devolving all barians Christians, it is compa- laborious employment upon their ratively easy to render them so- women, who of course are the cial and civilized. The success more oppressed with labour as of the efforts recorded in these they become fewer, and as sub. tracts, though not extraordinary, sistence becomes more difficult; is satisfactory and encouraging. and who from this cause are less The greatest difficulty will be ex- prolific, and less desirous of perienced in the outset of such children and less attentive to them. philanthropic missions. If one So deeply rooted is this custom tribe or even family of wander- that Indian men, respectable from ing Indians be induced to settle age or rank, are ashamed to be and to practise agriculture and seen at work by the women, the arts, other families and tribes, who, in their turn, do not fail to seeing their prosperity and com- ridicule such of them as are so fort, will follow their example; feminine as to apply to hard and an Indian missionary, whe- labour.

ther of civilization or religion, will The Indians have been hibe most likely to convert In- therto kept down in point of cividians. The Friends of Baltimore lization by the persuasion, which avow their expectation, which has not been discouraged by the we think extremely reasonable, white people who have chiefly that when their rude neighbours traded with them, that they are have been formed into civilized an inferior race of beings. But society it will not be difficult to incorporate them into the Christian church.

whilst they look up with a kind of awe to the civilized intruders on their lands, they are not insensible The North American Indians to their vices. Their pre-possession appear from these accounts to in favour of Quakers, as being be greatly reduced in number. an exception, in point of moralThe scanty territory which is ity, from their brethren, is well left them in the back settlements known. One of their chiefs is insufficient to supply subsistence asked the committee of Friends, to nations of hunters, and po- with a degree of anxiety, and pulation always bears a direct with prefatory apologies which ratio to the means of life. They bespoke the sentiments of his have been much thinned also by heart very forcibly, "Whether the novel and fatal diseases intro- Quakers kept slaves!"

duced among them by the Anglo- The pleasure which the Indians

experience on first feeling the they find a pearl of great price. practical benefit of their industry An ingenious Indian, after having is so great, as to remind us al- a grist of wheat, of his own most of the joy of the first con- raising, ground and bolted, said verts to Christianity. In the with animation, "I think this will knowledge of the arts of life, make the Indians see day light!"


Mr. George Paton.-Matthew Guthrie, M. D. F. R. S. S.-M. Blin de St. More.Rev. Lewis James.-Mrs Peppen.-William Roberts, Esq.--Mr. Clark.— Mr. Kirk. Mrs. Præbe Tyley.

May, at Edinburgh, aged 86 Mr. spectable classical attainments. He was GEORGE PATON, a clerk in the of an athletic form, and had accustomCustom House. He had acquired a ed himself to take food only once a day, valuable library, particularly on sub- at the hour of dinner. His wife died jects connected with the antiquities. four days before him. history and topography of North Britain. Mr. Gough the Editor of the new editions of the British Topography, and of Camden's Britannia, has very handsomely acknowledged himself indebted to Mr. P. for much useful information. He had a brother who was minister of Eckfechan, and died lately possessed also of a valuable library.

Aug. 7, at St. Petersburgh, MATTHEW GUTHRIE, M. D. F. R. S. S. Lond. and Edin. Physician to the imperial corps of Noble Cadets in that city, and counsellor of state. He was a native of Scotland, and went early in life into the medical service of Russia.

Sept. at Paris, sudden.y, while entering his cabinet, aged 64, M. BLIN de ST. MORE, author of several tragedies and poems. The Emperor had lately appointed him librarian to the arsenal.

Sept. 9, at Blanc-Ivor,near Caerfilly, aged 87, the Rev. LEWIS JAMES, upwards of 50 years pastor of the Baptist Church at Cevan-Hengoed, in the parish of Gellygore, in Glamorganshire. Sept. 21, at Hillingdon, Mrs. PEPPEN, a lineal descendent of Sir Thomas More, to whose portrait in her latter years, she was supposed to bear a strong resemblance.

Sept. 23, at Stanmore, in consequence of a fall down the cliffs in the Isle of Wight, aged 80, WILLIAM ROBERTS, Esq. formerly master of a school at Wandsworth, at which several public characters were educated and from which he had retired for some years. He was elder brother to Dr. Roberts, who has been for nearly 40 years head master of St. Paul's School. Mr. R. had the reputation of very re

Sept. 25, at Northampton, aged 70, after a few days illness, Mr. CLARK, distributor of stamps for that county. He was the last surviving son of Dr. Samuel Clark, dissenting Minister of St. Albans, who died in 1750, and had been the intimate friend of Doddridge. Mr. C.'s place is said to be worth from 800 to 1000l. per annum, and that the business might be done for tool. His death therefore affords a very fair oppor tunity for economy in this department.

Sept. aged 88, Mr. KIRK, watch engraver, better known by the name of "Water Kirk." He never experienced any serious illness till within a few hours of his death; and from a religious principle never tasted animal food, nor any liquor but water. was a great antiquary, and formerly a celebrated field preacher.


October 29, at Wedmore, Somerset, after a short but severe illness, MRS. PHOEBE TYLEY, aged 68, a member of the General Baptist Congregation in that place. She was a lady distinguished for the simplicity of her manners, the sincerity of her piety, and the extent of her benevolence and hospitality. Though her religious connexion exposed her to the ridicule and even frowns of some gay and opulent relatives, yet she remained inflexible in her determination to follow her convictions, and, like Moses, appeared ready to prefer affliction with the people of God, to the momentary and delusive pleasures of sin. Her loss will be severely felt by the little society she was connected with, as she was unremitting in her attention to its welfare, and liberally contributed to its support.

D. J.

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