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former, the Syriac is common; but of the latter, each is dis- CHAP. criminated by the use of a national idiom. Yet the modern a

XLVII. natives of Armenia and Abyssinia would be incapable of conversing with their ancestors; and the Christians of Egypt and Syria, who reject the religion, have adopted the language, of the Arabians. The lapse of time has seconded the sacer. dotal arts; and in the East, as well as in the West, the Deity is addressed in an obsolete tongue, unknown to the majority of the congregation.

I. Both in his native and his episcopal province, the I. The heresy of the unfortunate Nestorius was speedily obliterated. The Oriental bishops, who at Ephesus had resisted to his face the arrogance of Cyril, were mollified by his tardy concessions. The same prelates, or their successors, subscribed, not without a murmur, the decrees of Chalcedon; the power of the Monophysites reconciled them with the Catholics in the conformity of passion, of interest, and insensibly of belief; and their last reluctant sigh was breathed in the defence of the three chapters. Their dissenting bre. thren, less moderate, or more sincere, were crushed by the penal laws; and as early as the reign of Justinian, it be came difficult to find a church of Nestorians within the limits of the Roman empire. Beyond those limits they had discovered a new world, in which they might hope for liberty and aspire to conquest. In Persia, notwithstanding the re. sistance of the Magi, Christianity had struck a deep root, and the nations of the East reposed under its salutary shade. The catholic, or primate, resided in the capital: in his synods, and in their dioceses, his metropolitans, bishops, and clergy, represented the pomp and order of a regular hierarchy: they rejoiced in the increase of proselytes, who were converted from the Zendavesta to the Gospel, from the secular to the monastic life; and their zeal was stimulated by the presence of an artful and formidable enemy. The Persian church had been founded by the missionaries of Syria: and their language, discipline, and doctrine, were closely interwoven with its original frame. The Catholics were elected and ordained by their own suffragans; but their filial dependence on the patriarchs of Antioch is attested by the canons of the Oriental church.113 In the Persian school of Edes.


113 See the Arabic canons of Nice in the translation of Abraham Ecche.

CHAP. sa,"\4 the rising generations of the faithful imbibed their theo. XLVII.

logical idiom; they studied in the Syriac version the ten thousand volumes of Theodore of Mopsuestia, and they revered the apostolic faith and holy martyrdom of his disciple Nestorius, whose person and language were equally unknown to the nations beyond the Tigris. The first indelible lesson of Ibas bishop of Edessa, taught them to execrate the Egyptians, who, in the synod of Ephesus, had impiously confounded the two natures of Christ. The flight of the masters, and scholars, who were twice expelled from the Athens of Syria, dispersed a crowd of missionaries inflamed by the double zeal of religion and revenge. And the rigid unity of the Monophosites, who, under the reigns of Zeno and Anastasius, had invaded the thrones of the East, provoked their antagonists, in a land of freedom, to avow a moral, rather than a physical, union of the two persons of Christ. Since the first preaching of the gospel, the Sassanian kings beheld with an eye of suspicion, a race of aliens and apostates, who had embraced the religion, and who might favour the cause, of the hereditary foes of their country. The royal edicts had often prohibited their dangerous correspondence with the Syrian clergy; the progress of the schism was grateful to the jealous pride of Perozes, and he listened to the eloquence of an artful prelate, who painted Nestorius as the friend of Persia, and urged him to secure the fidelity of his Christian subjects, by granting a just preference to the victims and enemies of the Roman tyrant. The Nestorians composed a large majority of the clergy and people: they were encouraged by the smile, and armed with the sword, of despotism; yet many of their weaker brethren were startled at the thought of breaking loose from the commu

lensis, No. 37, 38, 39, 40. Concil. tom. ii. p. 335, 336. edit. Venet. These vulgar titles, Nicene and Arabic, are both apocryphal. The council of Nice enacted no more than twenty canons (Theodoret. Hict. Eccles. I. i. c. 8.) and the remainder, seventy or eighty, were collected from the synods of the Greek church. The Syriac edition of Maruthas is no longerextant ( Asseman. Bibliot. Oriental. toin i. p. 195. tom. iii. p. 74.) and the Arabic version is marked with many recent interpolations. Yet this code contains many curious relics of ecclesiastical discipline; and since it is equally revered by all the eastern communions, it was probably finished before the schism of the Nesto. rians and Jacobites (Fabric. Bibliot. Græc. tom. xi. p. 363.. 367).

114 Theodore the reader (1. ij. c. 5. 49. ad calcem Hist. Eccles.) has noticed this Persian school of Edessa. Its ancient splendour, and the two aras of its downfall (A. D. 431 and 489), are clearly discussed by Assemanni (Bibliot. Orient. tom. ii. p. 402. iii. p. 376. 378. iv. p. 70.924).



nion of the Christian world, and the blood of seven thou. CHAP. sand seven hundred Monophysites or Catholics, confirmed XLVII. the uniformity of faith and discipline in the churches of Persia. Their ecclesiastical institutions are distinguished by a liberal principle of reason, or at least of policy: the austerity of the cloyster was relaxed and gradually forgotten; houses of charity were endowed for the education of or- sole mas

ters of phans and foundlings; the law of celibacy, so forcibly re- Persia, commended to the Greeks and Latins, was disregarded by A. D. 500, the Persian clergy; and the number of the elect was multiplied by the public and reiterated nuptials of the priests, the bishops, and even the patriarch himself. To this standard of natural and religious freedom, myriads of fugitives resorted from all the provinces of the Eastern empire: the narrow bigotry of Justinian was punished by the emigration of his most industrious subjects; they transported into Persia the arts both of peace and war: and those who deserved the favour, were promoted in the service, of a discerning monarch., The arms of Nushirvan and his fiercer grandson, were assisted with advice, and money, and troops, by the desperate sectaries who still lurked in their native cities of the East; their zeal was rewarded with the gift of the Catholic churches: but when those cities and churches were recovered by Heraclius, their open profession of treason and heresy compelled them to seek a refuge in the realm of their foreign ally. But the seeming tranquillity of the Nestorians was often endangered, and sometimes overthrown.. They were involved in the common evils of Oriental despotism: their enmity to Rome could not always atone for their attachment to the gospel: and a colony of three hundred thousand Jacobites, the captives of Apamea and Antioch, was permitted to erect an hostile altar in the face of the catholic, and in the sunshine of the court. In his last treaty, Justinian introduced some conditions which tended to enlarge and fortify the toleration of Christianity in Persia. The emperor, ignorant of the rights of conscience, was in

115 A dissertation on the state of the Nestorians has swelled in the hands of Assemanni to a folio volume of 950 pages, and his learned researches are digested in the most lucid order. Besides this fourth volume of the Bibliotheque Orientalis, the extracts in the three preceding tomes (tom. i. p. 203. ii. p. 321....463. iï. 64....70. 378...395, &c. 403... 408. 580...589) may be usefully consulted.

na, &c.


CHAP. capable of pity or esteem for the heretics who denied the XLVII.

authority of the holy synods: but he flattered himself that they would gradually perceive the temporal benefits of union with the empire and the church of Rome; and if he failed in exciting their gratitude, he might hope to provoke the jealousy of their sovereign. In a later age, the Lutherans have been burnt at Paris and protected in Germany, by the su

perstition and policy of the most Christian king. Their mis- The desire of gaining souls for God, and subjects for the sions in Tartary,

church, has excited in every age the diligence of the ChrisIndia, Chi-tian priests. From the conquest of Persia they carried their A. D. 500. spiritual arms to the north, the east, and the south; and the

simplicity of the gospel was fashioned and painted with the colours of the Syriac theology. In the sixth century, according to the report of a Nestorian traveller, '16 Christianity was successfully preached to the Bactrians, the Huns, the Persians, the Indians, the Persarmenians, the Medes, and the Elamites: the Barbaric churches, from the gulf of Persia to the Caspian sea, were almost infinite; and their recent faith was conspicuous in the number and sanctity of their monks and martyrs. The pepper coast of Malabar, and the isles of the ocean, Socotora and Ceylon, were peopled with an encreasing multitude of Christians, and the bishops and clergy of those sequestered regions derived their ordination from the catholic of Babylon. In a subsequent age, the zeal of the Nestorians overleaped the limits which had confined the ambition and curiosity both of the Greeks and Persians. The missionaries of Balch and Samarcand pursued without fear the footsteps of the roving Tartar, and insinuated themselves into the camps of the

116 See the Topographia Christiana of Cosmas, surnamed Indicopleustes, or the Indian Navigator, 1. j. p. 178, 179. 1. xi. p. 137. The entire work, of which some curious extracts may be found in Photius (cod. xxxvi. p. 9, 10. edit. Hoeschel), Thevenot (in the 1st Part of his Relations des Voyages, &c.) and Fabricius (Bibliot. Græc. I. jii. c. 25. tom. ii. p. 603...617.), has been published by father Montfaucon at Paris 1707, in the Nova Collectio Patrum (tom. ii. p. 113...346). It was the design of the author to confute the impi. ous heresy of those who main ain that the earth is a globe, and not a flat ob. long table, as it is represented in the Scriptures (l. ii. p. 138). But the nonsense of the monk is mingled with the practical knowledge of the traveller, who performed his voyage A. D. 522, and published his book at Alexandria A. D. 547 (1.ii. p. 140, 141. Montfiucon, Præfat. c. 2). The Nestorianism of Cosmas, unknown to his learned editor, was detected by La Croze (Chris. tianisme des Indes, tom. i. p. 40...55,) and is confirmed by Assemanni (Bibliot. Orient. tom. iv. p. 605, 606).


vallies of Imaus and the banks of the Selinga. They exposed a metaphysical creed to those illiterate shepherds: to those sanguinary warriors, they recommended humanity and repose. Yet a khan, whose power thcy vainly magnified, is said to have received at their hands the rites of baptism, and even of ordination; and the fame of Prester or Presbyter John'17 has long amused the credulity of Europe. The royal convert was indulged in the use of a portable altar; but he dispatched an embassy to the patriarch, to inquire how, in the season of Lent, he should abstain from animal food, and how he might celebrate the Eucharist in a desart that produced neither corn nor wine. In their progress by sea and land, the Nestorians entered China by the port of Canton and the northern residence of Sigan. Unlike the senators of Rome, who assumed with a smile the characters of priests and augurs, the mandarins, who affect in public the reason of philosophers, are devoted in private to every mode of popular superstition. They cherished and they confounded the gods of Palestine and of India; but the propagation of Christianity awakened the jealousy of the state, and after a short vicissitude of favour and persecution, the foreign sect expired in ignorance and oblivion.118 Under the reign of the caliphs, the Nestorian church was diffused from China to Jerusalem and Cyprus; and their numbers, with those of the Jacobites, were computed to surpass the Greek and Latin communions.119 Twenty-five metropolitans or archbishops composed their hierarchy, but

117 In its long progress to Mosul, Jerusalem, Rome, &c. the story of Prester John evaporated in a monstrous fable, of which some features have been borrowed from the Lama of Thibet (Hist. Genealogique des Tartares, P.ii.p. 42. Hist. de Gengiscan, p. 31, &c). and were ignorantly transferred by the Portuguese to the emperor of Abyssinia (Ludolph. Hist. Æthiop. Comment. 1. ii. c. 1). Yet it is probable that in the xith and xiith centuries, Nestorian Christianity was professed in the hord of the Keraites (d'Herbelot, p. 256. 915. 959. Assemanni, tom.iy.p. 468...504).

118 The Christianity of China, between the seventh and the thirteenth century, is invincibly proved by the consent of Chinese, Arabian, Syriac, and Latin evidence (Assemanni, Biblioth. Orient. tom. iv.p. 502...552. Mem. de l'Academie des Inscript. tom xxx. p. 802...819). The inscription of Si. gaafu, which describes the fortunes of the Nestorian church from the first mission, A. D 636, to the current ycar 781, is accused of forgery by La Croze, Voltaire, &c. who become the dupes of their own cunning, while they are afraid of a Jesuitical fraud.

119 Jacobitæ et Nestorianæ plures quam Græci et Latini. Jacob a Vitriaco, Hist. Hierosol. I. ü. c. 76. p. 1093. in the Gesta Dei per Francos. Tae Bumbers are given by Thomassin, Discipline de l'Eglise, tom. 1. p. 172. VOL. VI.


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