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1. During the reign of King Herod, a priest named Zachary dwelt in a town situated amidst the mountains of Judea. He was espoused to a holy woman named Elizabeth-for the Jewish law permitted priests to marry-and the virtuous lives of the saintly couple formed a striking contrast to the general corruption amidst which they lived. Ardently desiring the blessing of offspring, they frequently and fervently implored it of God; but as years gradually flowed on without bringing a favourable answer to their petition, their earthly wishes became centred in the one great, absorbing desire of their nation, the coming of the long-expected MES


2. The Jewish priests were in the habit of discharging the duties of their sacred ministry in regular rotation, the period for service of each being decided by lot. Zachary being, on one occasion, appointed, in the usual manner, to minister in the temple, and offer incense in the sanctuary, he set out for Jerusalem.

Clothed in his sacerdotal robes, and bearing in his hand the golden censer, he advanced— not to the Holy of Holies, which the high priest alone was permitted to enter once a year -but into the sanctuary, where stood the altar of perfumes.

The people were assembled outside in prayer, -the incense of the sacrifice ascended in clouds to heaven, when suddenly Zachary beheld a resplendent angel, standing at the right hand of the altar.

Awe-stricken, he looked on the heavenly messenger, whose consoling words, however, soon dispelled his alarm.

3. "Fear not, Zachary," he said; "thy prayer has been heard; thy spouse, Elizabeth, will give birth to a son, whom thou shalt call John. Not only shall you, his happy parents, rejoice at his birth, but many others shall also be made glad; for he shall be great before the Lord.

"He shall drink no wine nor strong liquor, and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb. He shall convert many to the Lord their God; and, in the spirit and virtue of Elias, he shall walk before the Lord, to prepare for Him a perfect people."

4. Zachary, in his great astonishment at the angel's words, doubted the possibility of the wondrous event announced to him. "Whereby," he asked, "shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years?” And the angel replied, "I am Gabriel, who stand before God, and am sent to speak to thee,

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