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Keeping Fit to
Music is Fun

Users Filled With New Vigor and "Pep"

Here are extracts from letters, typical of the many constantly received from "Daily Dozen" enthusiasts:

"Music a Great Aid"

"I am delighted with the records and they solve my problem of exercise, thus making me a more efficient teacher. The music is a great aid,' writes Mr. Guy Eugene Oliver, of Northwestern College, Illinois.


"I just want to add my word of enthusiasm to the many others regarding your wonderful records. They have filled a long felt want. For the first time in months, I might say in years, I can relax at night and sleep. God bless Walter Camp and the Health Builders, say I."-Mabel Corlew Smith, New York.

"So Much Fun"

Mrs. Mary Bates, of Duluth, Minn., says, "We are enjoying the exercises very much. It is so much more fun to exercise to music."

Whole Family Delighted

We wish to express our satisfaction and delight with our sets of records and exercises. Our entire family of eight, including the maid, are taking them. The children are fascinated with them and bring the neighbor's children to do them.-Mrs. Charles C. Hickisch, 828 Vine St., La Crosse, Wis.

"Wonderful Records"

The set of records have come. I never knew that exercises could be made SO attractive. The Album makes the whole a most beautiful gift. That is what I wish it for-for my son. I am certainly going to show and recommend your wonderful exercise records to all of my friends. -Mrs. Kate W. Hudson, 202 W. California St., Pasadena, Calif.

"Took Family by Storm"

I received your complete set of records yesterday and was delighted with them. They took the whole family by storm, as it were, and before the first record was played the second time, the whole family were up and going through them as I was. I am convinced absolutely that your system of Health Building should be in every household, because of its simplicity and the benefits to be derived from it for all members of the family.-Walter N. Hyans, Buffalo,

N. Y.

Free Sample Record Proves It

Famous "Daily Dozen" Now On Fascinating
Phonograph Records, Is Bringing New Energy,
Health and Vitality to Thousands-Both Men
and Women

By Bruce Gordon

YOME on, old man-I'll put a record


on the machine and show you what bully fun it is!" urged my friend Jim Smiley. "I used to feel just as 'playedout' as you do now-after a hard daybut not any more! Come on, I'll cure your headache, too!" he promised.

I was spending the night at Jim's house. We had a little talk before turning in, and I confessed to feeling exhausted and rotten. He had selected a record and was already putting it on the phonograph, so I agreed to try his keeping fit exercisesjust to please him.

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Sample Record
and Chart

After setting up some large charts that showed by actual photographs the exact movements to make, Jim started the machine. After a few words of explanation. by a voice, speaking from the record, a lively tune started, and then the voice began giving the commands. I watched Jim and did just as he did. Almost at once I began to feel exhilaratedthe way you feel when the jazz band starts. We did one exercise after another in this way until we had glone through Walter Camp's whole famous

"Daily Dozen "-the exercises this great Yale coach and athletic authority devised during the war to keep the Army and Navy, the Cabinet and other officials, fit and energetic for their work.

It took only about ten minutes, and I had to agree with Jim that it was bully good fun. Besides, I suddenly discovered that my headache had indeed vanished entirely.

To make a long story short, I too became a "Daily Dozen" enthusiast. Every morning now, for the past three months, I have sprung out of bed with real anticipation of the ten minutes' fun with the phonograph that is making me feel better, eat better, sleep better, yes, and work better than I ever did before. I used to think like many other indoor men," that I didn't like to exercise. That was before I experienced the effects of the new principle of exercise" that is embodied in the Health Builder System-using the famous "Daily Dozen". -set to music-with Mr. Camp's special permission.

If Your "Torso" Is Fit So Are You

I have found that men and women can keep themselves fit with only ten minutes a day-but

Chart Na 2

Walter Camp's "Daily Dozen," set to specially selected music on phonograph records become the ideal, effortless exercise-and every time you swing through these enjoyable movements you can be sure that your body and mind are being kept fit in the most efficient and effective way ever devised! And it takes only 10 minutes a day.


See for yourself-Without a dollar of expense-how the "Daily Dozen "-with music will build up YOUR health, strength and nerves. We will send you, absolutely free, a record (playable on any disc phonograph) containing two of the "Daily Dozen " movements. There is no obligation. This record is sent FREE -and it is yours TO KEEP. After you have tried it we feel sure you will want the other records and we will tell you how you may easily own them all. But you are to be the sole judge. When you send the coupon-or a letter will do if you prefer-enclose twenty-five cents in money or stamps. This pays only for the postage and packing-the record and chart are free. Send for them NOW. HEALTH BUILDERS, Dept. 65-A, Oyster Bay, N. Y.



Dept. 65-A, Oyster Bay, N. Y.

Please send me your free sample "Health Builder" record, giving two of Walter Camp's famous "Daily Dozen" exercises; also a free chart containing actual photographs and simple directions for doing the exercises. I enclose a (or 25 cents in stamps) for postage, packing, etc. does not obligate me in any way and the sample record and chart are mine to keep.

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If you order 20 books send $2-if 50 send $5, and so on. Postage prepaid on cash orders. Add 10c to personal check for exchange. Orders will be sent C. O. D. if requested, but carriage charges are collect on C. O. D. orders. No C. O. D. orders to Canada or other foreign countries. These books not sold at book stores. Our low price is possible because the public deals directly with the publisher.

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YOU have heard of the Book of Etiquette. It is the most reliable and authentic source of information for the man or woman who wishes to do, say, write, and wear always what is entirely correct and in good form.

Perhaps you have often wondered what to do under certain circumstances, how to answer certain invitations, what to wear to certain social functions. Perhaps you have wondered how the home should be decorated for a party or wedding, how the formal dinner table should be set, how the woman who marries, for the second time should be attired.

armor that protects men and women of
every social standing from the humiliat-
ing blunders that make people mis-
judge them.

The Origin of Certain

Social Customs

The Book of Etiquette is written in as interesting and fascinating a form as a story. Wherever possible, the origin of social customs has been traced to its source and the story woven around the conventionalities of the present time. For instance, in wedding etiquette you find out just why the engaged girl should receive a tea-cup for a gift, why the woman who marries for the second time may not wear white or a veil, why rice and shoes are thrown after the bride, and why the bride and groom both must have escorts to the altar.

Do You Know

How a woman should sign her name
in a hotel register?

What the woman who marries for the

second time should wear?

Why old shoes are thrown after the

bride and groom?

How a widow should sign her name?
How to acknowledge an invitation?
How to address a titled person?
How to dress for asformal dinner?

The Book of Etiquette covers all phases of social requirements in an interand authentic manesting ner. There are two handsome library volumeseach volume divided into two distinct parts. There is a chapter on correct dress for every occasion which tells you what to wear to the theatre and opera, to the afternoon dance and evening dance, to the afternoon tea and the garden party. There is a chapter on speech which tells you how to create conversation, how to make yourself, agreeable and interesting to others, how to use tact in conversation, and how to find subjects to talk about. There are chapters on dinners, on dancing, on travel and hotel etiquette, on engagements, weddings, and entertainments.

These are only a few of the
interesting things the Book of
Etiquette will tell you.

Only by knowing the social rules of good society can one hope to avoid embarrassment. Only by knowing exactly what to do and say on all occasions can one hope to be always calm, well-poised, self-confident. Etiquette is the splendid

In the chapter devoted to the bride's outfit, you read the interesting story of the origin of the trousseau, why a veil is worn, the significance of the bridal escort and the maid-of-honor, and why initials are usually embroidered in the linens by the engaged girl herself.

Do you know why black is the color of mourning, why bright colors are worn to the dance, why the man raises his hat when he meets a woman, why the cloth of the billiard table is of green baize? Wouldn't you like to know the origin of all these customs, how they came to be, and their significance in present day society? The Book of Etiquette reveals it all in so interesting a manner that you will find it as absorbing as reading a story.

The Book of Etiquette Sent Free for Examination

We want to send you the Book of Etiquette for 5 days' free examination. We want you to examine these two splendid books in your own home, at your leisure. They will prove to you more than anything we can say how necessary they are-how important it is that a set be in every home.

Please bear in mind that it does not obligate you in any way to take advantage of this free examination offer. You have the guaranteed privilege of returning the books if you are not delighted with them. But if you do decide to keep the two volume set of the Book of Etiquette-as we are quite sure you will-then simply send us $3.50 in full payment. You have 5 days in which to make your decision, 5 days in which to examine the famous Book of Etiquette, examine the illustrations, read a chapter or two.

Just mail the coupon-but be sure to do it at once. The complete Book of Etiquette will be sent to you promptly. Keep the books 5 days. Examine them and read them to your heart's content. And within the 5 days decide whether you want to return them or keep them. Clip the coupon and mail it this minute before you forget. Nelson Doubleday, Inc., Dept. 45, Oyster Bay, N. Y.

Nelson Doubleday, Inc.
Dept. 45, Oyster Bay, N. Y.

Free for 5 days' examination, send me the Book of Etiquette in two volumes. Within 5 days I will either return the books or send you only $3.50 in full payment.

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Pole Bridge Camp wonderful camp on a

Matamoras, Pike Co., Pa.

mtn. top in the Water Gap region overlooking the Delaware, only 90 miles from N. Y. Modern equipment. Hiking, swimming, all sports supervised. For 25 boys, 8 to 14 yrs. Booklet. Rev. WM. E. PALMER, 75 Yale Sta., New Haven, Conn.


For Boys. On Sebago Lake and Panther Pond at Raymond, Maine. Eleventh season. Fine new equipment. All athletic and aquatic sports. Hiking, scouting, camp- and wood-craft. Excellent counselors. A Family Camp. GUY W. CHIPMAN, Director, Principal Friends School, 112 Schermerhorn St., BROOKLYN, N. Y.

Vacation for Boys in Maine

A teacher, who spends his summers in Maine, will take six or eight lads from ten to fourteen years under his personal supervision for July and August. Most healthful and refined surroundings. Rates reasonable. For information apply to 7,573, Outlook.


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Chatham Woods Camp Rocky Pond Camp

FOR GIRLS South Chatham

New Hampshire

Fourteenth season. Nearest camp to White Mts. Land and water sports. Real camping experience and mountain climbing. Limited number. Booklet. KATHARINE L. BISHOP, Director.


A delightful camp for men and women. Bring the children, too. On lake, four miles from Lake George. Unspoiled woods, informal life, swimming, canoeing, hiking. Comfortable floored tents. A few cabins. Special attention to the table. Abundant fresh food. Season, July 1 to September 2, 1922.

Dr. MARTHA TRACY, Director, 1720 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. After June 17, Clemons, N. Y.

EAGLE'S NEST CAMP for Girls Bungalow Camp, Seal Cove, Mount Desert, Me.

Waynesville, North Carolina Invites inquiry from parents who are seeking the highest excellence in camp opportunity. Booklet upon request. 620 E. 40th St., Savannah, Ga.

Individual treatment given to a small group of children and adolescents who have had difficulties of adjustment in their environment. The location of the camp on Mt. Desert has the advantage of swimming, boating, mountain climbing, tennis and golf. Special tutoring is given when necessary. EDITH R. SPAULDING, M.D., 418 West 20th St., N. Y. Č.




AN IDEAL BOYS SCHOOL IN PIEDMONT NORTH CAROLINA Here, at Bingham, the spirit of old-time Southern hospitality makes each boy feel genuinely welcome. High moral tone. Military organization, begun in 1861. Lovely lawns. Gymnasium. Athletic park. Honor System. Bible emphasized. Celebrated climate. Outdoor classes. Limited numbers. Sport in variety. 340 acres. Summer camp. A modern school with an ancient name, fame and history. Send for catalogue. Col. PRESTON LEWIS GRAY, President, Box 3, MEBANE, N. C.

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