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By F. W. Boreham

The author appropriates the title of this book from Caliban, who cries out, "O God, if you wish for our love, fling us a handful of stars." And these "stars" are gathered together to make a companion to his volume entitled "A Bunch of Everlastings."

Price, net, $1.75, postpaid.


By William Valentine Kelley

This group of charming and gripping essays constitutes one of the rich and scholarly contributions of William Valentine Kelley to some of the vital discussions of this generation.

Price, net, $2.00, postpaid.


By John Wright Buckham

The chapters that make up this group of addresses and articles have their rootage in one central theme,-that of religion as a personal experience. They are an expansion and explanation of the declaration of the author that "the deeper thought of our time is .urning away from religion as a dogma, as sentiment, as theory, as ethics, to religion as experience."

Price, net, $1.00, postpaid.


By Bishop William A. Quayle These essays are full of the mystery of the recurring seasons, and of the ineffable glory of flower and field, of mountain, meadow, river and prairie, of star and sun and cloud.


By Horace Blake Williams

As for the main message of these pages,-how much it is needed today! The world is noisy; we need to hear the Still Small Voice. The eternal in time is precisely the sense that the heart of the fussy world needs; and, like a refrain that is at once major and minor, that note sounds in this volume.-Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes.

Price, net, $1.25, postpaid.


By Harold Speakman

This exceedingly charming "look in" upon China is unique because it is "different." The account of Mr. Speakman's unique experiences in that country is embellished by eight illustrations in color from paintings made on the spot by the author.

Price, net, $2.50, postpaid.

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Floats over the Uneven Ground as a ship rides the Waves

One unit may be climbing a knoll, another skimming the level and another paring a hollow.

Not an assembly of tractor and mowers but a single, compact machine like an automobile with 3, 4 or 5 cutting units. Driven by a 17 H.P. four-cylinder, water-cooled, gasoline motor of great power and quality with Splitdorf Dixie Aero Magneto, a wonderful radiator, sliding gear transmission, two speeds forward and reverse, etc.

Can also be drawn by horse, the motor being removed or converted into a powerful tractor by detaching the cutting units.

Can back up or turn a complete circle in double its width. Can stop in six inches-it has a powerful brake-the only one that has. This

is vital.

It has not a single cog wheel in its cutting units, but few elsewhere and those few very strong. The cutting units are controlled from the driver's seat. Throw them in gear, throw them out, raise them, lower them-all with a tiny lever at your right.

Do we guarantee it? Write your own. Send for catalogue illustrating all types of Townsend Mowers.



HUS I read in The Outlook: "One

T'energetic worker will stimulate a

whole gang to a greater effort." And I then indulged in retrospection, looking backward to events which are still fresh in my memory. It has not been long since I was among that blessed fraternity of workers whose praise is dwelt upon so often by writers and ministers. As they tell me, I did not appreciate my noble position, and when slack times threw me out of employment I really did wish I had my job back. Still, from my lowly and humble sphere of life, I feel that I am justified in doubting that quotation. I do not mean to call it insincere or reckless, but I wondered that workers in the writer's day of hard labor were so radically different from those whom I have worked with.

I worked several years in the openhearth department of a steel mill, and I had a wonderful opportunity to observe the habits of my fellow-workers. I did observe them, and I felt when the mill ceased operations that I was very well acquainted with their eccentricities and customs.

I worked in the pouring pits, where the hot steel is poured into molds. There were six of us on that gang-as fine a gang of fellows as I would ever want to meet. There was seldom any friction between us; we all understood what we were to do, and if one of us found himself behind with his work, he always could depend on the ready aid of the other five to help him out. Perhaps the danger brought us closer together, for molten steel is a touchy and vindictive thing to work with and we were always running chances of being severely burned if not permanently disabled or killed. All of us could show scars where flying chunks of steel had burned us.

What I wish to make clear is that we were a typical gang of workers and that we held a certain regard and respect for one another which was never expressed in mere words. It was there and we knew it, and that was all that was nec



Among us was a worker who was a little more energetic than the rest of He often would finish his prescribed amount of work and hustle around and help some laggard out. Never was he at rest. If he could find nothing more to do, he would not, like the rest of us, find a hiding-place and loaf until the next heat tapped, but would go to his locker and wash and mend his clothes. We wore out many clothes, for they were continually catching afire, and, while the rest of us threw our ragged clothes away, he mended and patched his until they were nothing else but patches. We never ridiculed him or laughed at him for it; we envied him and wished we ourselves had the ambition to do likewise.

So I believe we were a typical gangnone of us real loafers, but all of us intensely human. This most energetic one must have seen that he was spoiling the rest of us, but still he continued


shouldering more than his share of the work. We all worked together at cleaning scrap-steel that has spilled and frozen-from the tracks. Our energetic one would always buckle into it, and how he would work! Sledge, bar, and fork, he wielded them all arduously. The rest of us languidly worked along, and unconsciously lessened our efforts, for we knew that the energetic one would do it all if we only permitted him to, for, as I said, we were merely human and not natural-born loafers. If

some one had accused us of shoving the work on the energetic one, we would have been indignant and would have quickly denied it, but still it was so. His vigorous efforts far from stimulated us to follow his example; rather, we eased up and contentedly watched the work progressing without our aid.

But this habit was not confined to our gang. It was a characteristic of every gang in the open hearth. The electricians, the millwrights, the ladlemen, the pitmen, and the riggers all exhibited the same characteristic. Each gang had its energetic worker too. I have never yet seen a gang of workers that did not boast an energetic member, and never yet have I seen that energetic worker "stimulate the whole gang to a greater effort." It was always the same: if he chose to exert himself, he might do so, but the rest never emulated him; if he was too energetic, he would make drones of the rest of the gang, and all unconsciously.

I noticed one day a dozen electricians on top of a ladle crane. They were changing an armature, and but two were working. The rest were smoking, talking, laughing, and keenly enjoying themselves. So were the two who were working enjoying themselves.

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AT last the struggle which man has undergone since first he walked upright out of the jungle is at an end-thinking man has emerged triumphart-today for the first time it is possible to say with certainty man can be master of his own destiny because now he can control ALL his mental faculties. PSYCHO-ANALYSIS has achieved for humanity this new freedom by emancipating the conscious mind from slavery to the unconscious. Most of us have fought life's battles with one-tenth our mental heritage. Psycho-Analysis gives to us the other nine-tenths. In terms of success, happiness and accomplishment this represents a forward stride of which we can scarcely conceive.

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Not Theory But Tested Truth

To hundreds a message such as you are now reading from the American Institute of Psycho-Analysis has given new hope-stirred ambition-and been the means within a few short months of turning failure into success-of doubling and tripling earning powers of attaining advancement and recognition-of making men and women really know themselves and their powers. All this has been accomplished because Psycho-Analysis is not theory or mysticism but tested truth regarding the laws of life and the powers within each one of us.

Mail Lecture Course Offers Complete Mastery of Psycho-Analysis A complete home study course on Psycho-Analysis is now offered. It has been prepared by leading national psychoanalysts, complete in every detail and so carefully gradnated and explained that it can be quickly and easily grasped by anyone-not a book or even a set of books but a definite revelation of Psycho-Analysis as applied to YOU. As offered by the Institute, this course includes:

..30 Carefully Graduated Lectures
..17 Separate Volumes

..Member of our teaching staff a practicing
Psycho-Analyst assigned to personally direct
each one taking the course.

..Guidance upon personal problems afforded all
who desire it.

..Discussion Papers and Instructor correspond-
ence an integral part of the course.
Certificate given on Completion of work.

Free Booklet "The Opening of a New World"

We have prepared for free distribution to those who
would know more of Psycho-Analysis a booklet,
"The Opening of a New World." It explains
a plan whereby a limited number can get
this only complete, comprehensive
course on Psycho-Analysis at a
greatly reduced price. Send
coupon or letter TODAY for
this great free booklet
and start to claim
your birthright

of mental power.




American Institute of Psycho-Analysis

1301 Kimball Bldg., Chicago, IN. Send me your great free booklet, "The Opening of a New World "exPlaining your easy home study course for complete mastery of Psycho-Analysis. Name..


It is just a case of what a man enjoys A daily flood of inquiries

doing. This man enjoys working hard

and he is the energetic one, and he cares

little if the work is shoved on his shoul- at a cost of only 7 cents each

ders. It rather pleases him. Now this

man takes little pleasure in hard work

and it don't make a bit of difference how strenuously the energetic one applies himself to his work, the man who doesn't like to work hard is not going to do so if he can get out of it, and what better way has he in getting out of it than permitting the energetic one to do it all?

I do not mean to be so presumptuous as to criticise Mr. Lewis Edwin Theiss, for, apart from that one statement, I enjoyed his article, "What Life in the Country Has Taught Me About Religion," very much.

What I would like to know is: Have workers changed so greatly, or were they just different where I worked?

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in response to a small


classified advertisement in The Outlook

Compare the following actual cost to a certain mail-order house of inquiries to advertisements in four of the leading American weeklies:

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If you manufacture or sell some useful article that may be sold through the mail, you too may find your most responsive and economical outlet through The Outlook.

The advertising rate in this section is only ten cents per word. Why not employ this valuable method of locating more buyers of your goods?

The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City


Advertising Rates: Hotels and Resorts, Apartments, Tours and Travel, Real Estate, Live Stock and Poultry, sixty cents per agate line, four columns to the page. Not less than four lines accepted. "Want" advertisements, under the various headings, "Board and Rooms," "Help Wanted," etc., ten cents for each word or initial, including the address, for each insertion. The first word of each "Want" advertise ment is set in capital letters without additional charge. If answers are to be addressed in care of The Outlook, twenty-five cents is charged for the box number named in the advertisement. Replies will be forwarded by us to the advertiser and bill for postage rendered.

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Tours and Travel

Tours and Travel

French Tourism Co. Switzerland

offers three exceptional tours

including all expenses


52 days from port to port
Chateau Country, Pyrenees, Riviera,
Alps, Jura, Alsace Lorraine, Battlefields.
First-Class Travel Throughout.
Francs 8270, at present rate about $744.


By Rail and Auto

Sailing July 1st, returning Sept. 9th.
Francs 7100 plus $265 ocean fares. Total
at present rate about $904.

Seventy-two days, including six weeks'
Special Summer Courses at French Uni-
versity and numerous excursions by rail
and auto.

Francs 4395 plus $255 ocean fares.
Total at present exchange about $650.

Rates quoted in francs to give
you the full benefit of
the exchange

Programs and Particulars from

[ocr errors]

RAILWAYS OF FRANCE 281 Fifth Avenue at30th Street New York


Our large variety of European Tours for
the coming summer surely includes the
very one that will meet your travel needs.
Write us at once. Limited parties
enrolling now.

65-A Franklin St.

Boston, Mass.


To Europe. June 23 to Sept. 2. Cathedral and orchestral music; operas. Inspirational leadership to the great music centers. INTERCOLLEGIATE TOURS 65A Franklin St., Boston, Mass.

EUROPE (cores) $725


England. Holland, the Rhine. Oberammergau

(Passion Play), Austria, Italy (including
Naples), Switzerland. France, Belgium,

MENTOR TOURS 733 Monadnock Bldg.,


Travel-Study Club Jane to Sept:
Private, select, economical. Lectures on his-
tory, art, current events. Booklet. Dr. and
Mrs. FLICK. University, Syracuse, N. Y.

Europe Beckons THE beauty, fascination, and mys



WORTH TOURS Boston 30,




[blocks in formation]

tery of the Orient lures visitors from all over the world to


[merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

8 Capitals Tour See Europe compre

hensively with experienced university conductor. Passion Play. Geo. B. Watts, 400 Oak St., Minneapolis, Minn.

Country Board

Gummer in comfortable farmhouse,beautiful
Cood board and pleasant accommodations for
locality, invigorating air, all farm products.
Mrs. Earle Bugbee, Putnam, R. No. 2, Conn.

Boarders Wanted

Superior, select modern boarding home. Beau-
tiful country, high elevation, overlooking
Hudson. Large, airy rooms, substantial table.
Twenty to thirty weekly. 7,113, Outlook.

The quaintest and most interesting of all Invalid with attendant offered pleas

countries. Come while the old age customs
prevail. Write, mentioning




Care Traffic Dept.


for full information

Rates for a single room without bath and with 3 meals,
$5-6 in cities and popular resorts, $4-5 in the country

ant home spring, summer months. Country, all conveniences. Connecticut, hour's drive Hartford, Springfield. 7,111, Outlook.

Property Wanted WANTED TO RENT an es

tablished and wellequipped SUBURBAN TEA ROOM for summer business. Reply to 7,115, Outlook.

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[ocr errors]


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[blocks in formation]


(Near 5th Avenue) 40 West 45th Street


Directly in the fashionable club and shopping section. Within five minutes' walk to all principal theaters. A high-class hotel patronized by those desiring the best accom inodations at moderate cost.

Rates and map gladly sent upon request. JOHN P. TOLSON, Prop.



ADIRONDACKS Interbrook Lodge and Cottages Keene Valley, N. Y. In pines and spruces, heart of its., beautiful location, 400-acre farm in connection with house. Send for illustrated booklet. $18 and $20. M. E. LUCK, Prop.

Sunset Camp

Adirondacks. Write for booklet and reference. Cottages in connection with the camp. R. BENNETT, Prop., Raquette Lake, N. Y.


and Cottages

IN THE ADIRONDACKS Hurricane, Essex Co., N. Y. Comfortable, homelike. Altitude 1,800 feet. Extensive verandas overlooking Keene Valley. Trout fishing. Camping. Swimming pool. Golf links; mile course 9 well-kept greens. Tennis and croquet. Fresh vegetables. Fine dairy. Furnished cottages, all improvements. Separate suites and single rooms. Open from June 10th to October 1st. Address unitil May 1st K. BELKNAP, 613 Clarendon St., Syracuse, N. Y.


Our table a specialty. Terms moderate. Tel. THE CRATER CLUB


Granliden Hotel

Lake Sunapee, N. H. Catering to a discriminating clientele. Season June 24th to Sept. 15th or later SEVERAL HANDSOME COTTAGES FOR RENT BY SEASON Both housekeeping and non-housekeeping Golf, tennis, boating, bathing, fishing, aquaplaning, saddle - horses, dancing. Write for illustrated booklet. J. THOMAS RUSSELL, Prop. Hotel Weylin Madison Ave. at 54th St. Plaza 3042. New York, N. Y. Also Hotel Russell, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. NEW YORK CITY

Hotel Hargrave

West 72d St., through

to 71st St., New York
300 rooms, each with bath. Absolutely
fireproof. One block to 72d St. en-
trance of Central Park. Comfort and
refinement combined with moderate
rates. Send for illustrated booklet J.


ton Square adjoining Judson Memorial Church. Rooms with and without bath. Rates $3.50 per day, including meals. Special rates for two weeks or more. Location very central. Convenient to all elevated and street car lines.

Of the Burnham Cottage Settlement, Essexon Lake Champlain, offers to families of refinement at very moderate rates the attractions of a beautiful lake shore in a locality with a remarkable record for healthfulness. The club affords an excellent plain table and accommodation. The boating is safe, there are attractive walks and drives, and the points of interest in the Adirondacks are easily accessible. Ref. required. For information relative to board and lodging address MISS MARGARET FULLER, Club Mgr., 170 E. 72d St., New York. For particulars regarding cottage rentals write John B. Burnham, 233 B'way, New York.

[blocks in formation]

Summer Home at Glenburnie Club Glenburnie-on-Lake George, N. Y. "Mosswood" nearly new, imposing colonial style of architecture, completely furnished home. Overlooks golf course, lake and mountains. Contains 12 rooms, 3 baths, in addition to furnished sleeping-porches and balconies. Has large garage with chauffeur's room above; also large enclosed lawn with shade trees, fruit and flowers. Gets prevailing breezes. Congenial clientele. Most conveniently located for GOLF, bathing and the club activities. Planted garden on conditions. Price for season $1,000. For particulars write Wm. B. FOSHAY, Manager, Hawthorne Ave., Port Chester, N. Y. MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE

ORIENT, LONG ISLAND Quiet, Refined, Homelike Best location on the Island. Famous for good food and cleanliness. Water sports. Tennis. Illustrated booklet. E. J. MCDONNELL, Prop.

ROSEMARY FARMS Monticello, Sullivan Co., N. Y.


A beautiful and thoroughly modern rest resort offering the advantages of simple, natural living combined with best food, pure air, and quiet. Attractive bungalows for outdoor sleeping. Own farm produce. Rates moderate. Booklet. A. A. ACKLAND, Prop.


several high-class seashore cottages. Best selections now. Photos, plans, and full description. J. R. PRESCOTT, Newtonville, Mass.


OR RENT, Summer Cottage, Christmas Cove, Me. Living-room, 6 bedrooms, dining-room, kitchen, and bathroom. Electric lights. Wide porches facing ocean. Address Mrs. P.R.Colwell, Cooperstown, NY.

FOR RENT AT ISLE au HAUT on island, Penobscot Bay, eight-room cottage with bath; shore front, extensive view sea and neighboring islands, artesian-well water; cottage newly decorated and furnished. H. F. STONE, Columbia University, New York City.

The Crestmont Inn OGUNQUIT, Maine For sale

Eagles Mere, Pa.

The Hotel with the incomparable situation On the crest of the Alleghanies in the primeval forest, 2,200 feet above the sea. Eighteen canoeing, tennis, etc. Beautiful booklet.

furnished cottage, situated on the "Marginal Way," nearly 300 feet frontage on the sea. Living and dining rooms, two kitchens, five bedrooms and bathroom. Apply to Miss Minnie MacInnes, 219 East North Ave., Baltimore, Md.

holes of wonderful golf; bathing, boating, FOR QUICK SALE


The Wiscasset Bungalows and Central Dining Hall The comforts of a home without the cares of housekeeping. M.C.LOCKWOOD, Mt.Pocono, Pa.


HESTER, Vt. "The Maples." Delightful summer home. Cheerful, large, airy

80-acre farm 10-room house, Penobscot Bay view, borders lake, electrics, low price if sold now, 2 miles Rockland, R. F. D., Maine, J. F. RICH. SALE OR RENT

RANGELEY LAKE, MAINE Completely furnished housekeeping cottage. 6 master bedrooms, 2 maids', living, dining rooms, 2 baths, also smaller cottage. Bargain if immediate. Particulars M. E. ALLEN, 107 Forest Ave., New Rochelle, N.Y.

rooms, pure water, bath, hot and cold: broad, fushore. City, water, electric
piazza, croquer, fine roads. Terms reasonable.
Refs. exchanged. The MISSES SARGEANT.

[blocks in formation]

7-room furnished cottage, 1 mile south lights, open fire, screened piazza. Electric cars near. June, August and September, $125 month. Address N. B. COBB, Rockland, Me.


FOR RENT, modern bungalow, Ash

field, Mass. Exceptional hilltop view, simple conveniences, 1,700 ft. alti., cultured community, suitable for college professor, artist, school-teacher. $300 for season. Address John Dickinson, 912 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

The Beeches, Paris Hill, Me. for semi-
invalids and those needing rest and change of For Rent, Truro CAPE COD. A

scene. 22 miles from Poland. Samne White Mt. scenery. 900 feet altitude. Good food, ca'e, massage, hydro and electro-therapy. Children with their nurses made welcome at separate cottage. Booklet. ANNA SHEPARD, R. N.



Furnished new 3-room apartment near river; canoe, tennis court. Apply 7,241, Outlook. To let for summer months, 3-room-and-bath furnished apartment with board. Suitable for couple. Apply Prop. Hotel Chatelaine, Bedford Ave. and Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y.


rent, June 15 to Sept. 15. 5 rooms, 2 baths, door and elevator service, beautiful gardens, playground, tennis courts, roof solarium. Garage on premises. 35 mins from New York. References exchanged. M. V., 7,187, Outlook.

Board Wanted

Wanted July 1st, by family of four, board and rooms in private family or home where few other boarders are kept. Location moderately near Orange Memorial Hospital, Orange, N. J., and especially accessible to good schools, public or private. References exchanged. Box 348, University, Va.

Real Estate




The best location for a

in Western Ontario

mile sand beach. White pine, balsam,
Norway. Excellent springs.
Good fishing. 100 acres if desired.
R. F. SUTTON, Ft. Frances, Ont.


Attractive, well-furnished country home in Berkshire Hills. 9 rooms and bath: garden, fruit and ice; near golf links. Address Box 182, Canaan, Conn.

To Rent for Season

good sized, oldfashioned furnished cottage, 8 rooms, with fireplace, on ocean front. $270 for summer. JANE E. ROBBINS, Wethersfield, Conn.

Wanted-To Sublet SHORE COTTAGE at Edgartown, Mass., on Martha's Vineyard, for half season-from June 15th to Aug. 1st. Six bedrooms, living-room with fireplace, dining-room, bath and kitchen; electricity. Apply P. O. Box 39, Sheffield, Mass.

OKE CENTER, Mear Bos verlooking CRYSTAL LAKE, ton. Modern furnished house, 10 rooms, 3 baths. 3 summer months $500. 7,019, Outlook. BERKSHIRE HILLS Furnished homes for the summer.$500 and up R. C. Robertson, Pittsfield, Mass.

Williamstown, Mass.

TO RENT-Simple Country House

on Large Farm. Six master's rooms, two baths. Servants' rooms and bath. Garage. Milk, cream, eggs, vegetables, direct from the farm. On State road, 1% miles from village. Address Sam P. Blagden, Williamstown, Mass.


Rent for summer season. Fraternity house in fine repair, fully furnished. Very moderate terms. All conveniences. Address Sam P. Blagden, Williamstown, Mass.


RENT or SALE Two Furnished Cottages on Lake Huron, Hessel P. O., Mich. Write Mrs. N. C. Buchanan, 1362 2d St., Louisville, Ky. NEW HAMPSHIRE

OR SALE in BEDFORD, N. H. acres, pine grove, pond, beautiful trees. House 12 rooms, bath, hall, big pantry, ice, fireplace. Price $7,500. Address George F. Shepard.

FoBeatiful Summer Home, 100


Charming Summer Homes and Cottages, furnished, for rent and for sale. Write for booklets. SARGENT & CO., New London, N Headquarters Lake Sunapee Real i


Real Estate



Completely furnished. Beautiful lake and mountain view. State road. Enclosed sleepingporch, bath, two toilets, five bedrooms, big porches. Two-car garage. Boat house, new

motor boat, rowboats, canoes. Job

filled. 30 acres pine trees. Farm connected, poultry, fresh eggs and vegetables. Golf near by. Inquire of LOUIS DUSENBURY, 229 Fourth Ave., New York City, N. Y.

Lake Winnipesaukee


Camps. furnished, with boat. Rent entire season $150 (motor boat if desired). Box 1544, Boston.

Late home prominent

Picture Postpaid Loctor, completely fur

nished, large cabin boat, big lot land, extensive lake front. See page 15 big resort catalog. 100 Lake Winnipesaukee farms-cottages; sell-rent. CHAPIN FARM AGENCY, Boston.

or Sale-Cross Road Farm, Jenness Pond,

For Cod Narrows, N. H. Five-room

house with baru, carriage in good condition. Excellent Partly furnished. Price $1,200. summer or permanent home. 7,229, Outlook. NEW


COTTAGES TO RENT OR SELL. For particulars address WM. E. SATCHELL, Owner, 162 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Many Beautiful Cottages for Rent White Mountains, New Hampshire

Address KARL P. ABBOTT, Bethlehem, N. H.

Squam Lake, N. H. For rent, August and

September, wonderful camp. 10 bedrooms, servants' and chauffeur's quarters. 5 baths. fully equipped. Mrs. H. P. Alexander,Montgomery Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa.


Broad Acres

Owner's House on
Farm. For Rent,

furnished. 5 bedrooms, bath, telephone, electric lights, shade. 45 miles from New York. Season $300. K. W. CASE, Flemington, N. J.


May 15 to October 15, 1922, country estate, "Greystone," Highbridge, N. J. Woodland, spring water, vegetable and rose garden, garage and barn: trusted employee in charge. Apply I. V. LADLIE, Secretary, High Bridge, N. J. Telephone Washington, N. J., 140.

TO RENT in MONTCLAIR, N.J. from June 15 to Sept. 15, well-appointed house of ten rooms and two baths, in quiet, shady street, convenient to train and trolley. 7,101, Outlook.

[blocks in formation]

ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW FOR RENT FOR SUMMER MONTHS Located directly on Trout Lake, three miles by good road from Bolton Landing, Lake George. Entirely new. Built by present owner, who will rent for the entire season at moderate rental. Completely furnished throughout. Five rooms (three bedrooms) and bath. Kitchen with running water. Ice, wood, and rowboat included.

For full particulars address 6,479 Outlook. For

or Rent for the Summer. Exceptionally dacks. Write for particulars and photographs. C. E. Van Ornam, Essex-on-Lake Champlain. ON LAKE GEORGE COTTAGES

FOR RENT In Adirondack Mts. Golf, tennis, boating, bathing. Meals at club if desired. GLENBURNIE CO., Glenburnie, N. Y.

FOR RENT. Furnished, Artistic

BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, modern conveniences, chicken house and garden. Yearly lease $50 month. H. Child, Brookhaven, L. I.

LAKE CHAMPLAIN Shore front camp in the pines, furnished. Sand beach for children. $300 for season. Photos and floor plans on request. C. H. EASTON, 1 Broadway, New York.

Eastern Long Island Peconic Bay & Sound

Front Properties for sale or rent, summer homes a specialty. Illustrated booklet mailed upon receipt of 25c. Real Estate

Silkworth MATTITUCK, L. I.

To Rent Near Plattsburg Training Camp Furnished cottages with bath, fireplace, telephone, garage, sand beach, on Lake Chainplain, New York-Montreal highway, 2 miles from Catholic Summer School, 1 mile from Hotel Champlain and golf course, D. & H. station and trolley. Address BOOTH & BOOTH, Plattsburg, N. Y., or J. P. BOOTH, 100 Broadway, N. Y. City.

[blocks in formation]

Real Estatè


COTTAGES for rent, furnished,

all conveniences. Elevation 1,900 ft., near woods. Absomtely quiet. Meals at near-by inn. By season only. Very select. References. A. F. WRIGHT, 542 W. 124th St., New York.

TO RENT Cottage house small Vt.

village. Beautiful scenery, walks, and drives. Terms reasonable. Inquire L. S.,15 Harrison St., Newton Highlands, Mass.


AUTOMOBILE owners, garagemen, mechames, repairmen, send for free copy of our current issue. It contains helpful, instructive information on overhauling, ignition troubles, wiring, carburetors, storage batteries, etc. Over 140 pages, illustrated. Send for free copy to-day. Automobile Digest, 527 Butler Building. Cincinnati.


NEW York City-Professional women and ladies visiting the city July 4 to Aug. 16. Transient or permanent. Address Secretary, 17 East 86th St.


WANTED Competent teachers for public and private schools. Callis coming every day. Send for circulars. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N. Y.

DIETITIANS, secretaries, cafeteria managers, governesses, matrons, housekeepers, Social workers, superintendents. Miss Richards. Providence. R. 1. Box 5 East Side. Boston, Trinity Court, 16 Jackson Hall, Fridays 11 to 1. Address Providence.

TEACHERS WANTED for public and private schools, colleges, and universities. Education Service, 1254 Amsterdam Ave., New York.


DOMESTIC SCIENCE correspondence courses. Good positions and home efficiency. Am. School Home Economics, 821 East 58th St., Chicago.

FINEST pure Vermont maple syrup direct from producer. $2.50 per gallou prepaid. B. R., Gleason, Jericho, Vt.

DELICIOUS home-made candies. 2 lbs. assorted, $1 prepaid. Marjorie Sutton, Dundee, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

WANTED, in Richmond, Va., a trained social worker as matron home for girls (ages 5 to 18). Good salary and comfortable home. Apply for further information with references to Mrs. Frederick W. Scott, 969 West Franklin St., Richmond, Va.

GOVERNMENT needs railway mail clerks, $133 to $192 month. Write for free specimen questions. Columbus Institute, B-4, Columbus, O.

TRAINED librarian wanted for resident position at Bloomingdale Hospital, White Plains, New York. In writing kindly state age, training, experience, and references.

CLERGYMEN WITH INADEQUATE INCOMES-Why not sell high class bonds? All or part time. We will teach you how. One of our representatives, former clergyman, has made in excess of $200 week selling safe securities for us. Room 825, Fisk Building Broadway at 57th St., New York.

WANTED A PROOF READER of mechanical exactitude PLUS the liberal education, knowledge of history and current affairs, and fine judgment that will enable him to appreciate and work in conformity with "Atlantic" standards of the best usage. Apply by letter only. The Atlantic Monthly Company, 8 Arlington St., Boston 17, Mass.

Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Tutor for three children, two boys aged 9 and 10 and girl 12, for July, August, and September, to go to Dublin, N. H. Good French necessary. Tutor may be either man or woman. Answer 1.333, Outlook. WANTED-Governess, Protestant, about thirty years old. Children seven and four. Good physical care. Permanent position. No school teacher need apply. Situation opened May 10. Connecticut summers, Florida winters. 1,437, Outlook.


Companions and Domestic Helpers WANT-Working housekeeper in refined family: efficient service amply rewarded. Write Box 467, Cedarùurst, L. I.

WANTED-Young woman, perfect health, between twenty-five and thirty-five, as companion to healthy, active girl eleven years old. Must be willing to follow directions. Position in suburbs of Philadelphia. State salary. Reply by letter. 1.445, Outlook.


Professional Situations GRADUATE nurse desires position in boarding school or college. Credentials. 1,329, Outlook.

REGISTERED nurse desires charge of invalid or child traveling to England before July. Excellent references. Miss Bruce, Grace Hospital, Detroit.

GRADUATE nurse, experienced, wishes position in camp. References. 1.390, Outlook. R. N. (Presbyterian Hospital), experienced traveler, with highest references, desires position to travel with semi-invalid to Pacific coast or Europe. 1,442, Outlook.

Business Situations STENOGRAPHER, experienced school, office work, desires position. Normal school graduate. 1,417, Outlook.

CAMP COUNSELOR for girls' camp will be recommended by Episcopal rector. Experienced worker. Winning personality. 1,428, Outlook.

WOMAN of experience is desirous of making connection as manager of moderate size, high-class summer inn, or as assistant in inn of larger size. Excellent references. 1,430, Outlook.

YOUNG woman desires position as private secretary, preferably with professional man. Vicinity Boston, Mass. Experienced. Best references. 1,434, Outlook.

REFINED American woman desires position of responsibility in hotel orfinstitution. 1,448, Outlook.

YOUNG man, educated, healthy, strong, desires summer position boys' camp or other wholesome surroundings. 1,444, Outlook.

Companions and Domestic Helpers YOUNG Swiss lady, speaking French, German, and English fluently, eight years' experience as governess, secretarial training, wishes position as governess or companion with family traveling abroad. 1,375, Outlook.

POSITION as housemother and hostess wanted by PROTESTANT lady. Excellent references. 1,381, Outlook.

GERMAN born American woman, graduate of French university, experienced traveler, linguist, and teacher, wishes summer position traveling or tutoring. Salary not chief consideration. 1,385, Outlook.

COMPANION, will travel, care for semiinvalid, chaperon, social secretary, position of trust, desired by woman highly recoinmended. Callender, 5 Larch Pl., Summit, N. J. MATURE kindergartner with homemaking experience desires summer position. 1,402, Outlook.

VERMONT college girl with experience wants summer position caring for children; will tutor if desired. 1,403, Outlook.

CULTURED young man desires summer position as traveling companion or tutor. Two years' travel in Europe. Speaks French. 1,392, Outlook.

SOCIAL secretary, disengaged in May. Experience as companion, chaperon, etc. 1,395, Outlook.

TEACHER of refinement and culture desires position as companion, summer months. 1,415, Outlook.

CAPABLE, well-bred college woman, with literary and executive ability, desires congenial summer employment. 1,414, Outlook. TEACHER, woman of refinement. quainted with art and architecture, would go abroad as guide or companion for summer. References exchanged. 1,413, Outlook.


YOUNG physician desires position camp coun ilor or traveling companion. Box 81, Charlottesville, Va.

TWO competent college girls desire any summer situations together. Ruth Baldwin, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.

SUMMER SERVICE-Companion or music tutor; willing to sew or supervise sports. 1,408, Outlook.

WESTERN college woman desires! position as traveling companion for the summer. 1,419, Outlook.

COLLEGE woman desires position as secretary and traveling companion for the summer. 1,420, Outlook.

WANTED-Position as traveling companion either in this country or abroad, the latter preferred, by young lady of refinement, graduate nurse of prominent hospital in Baltimore. 1,426, Outlook.

COLLEGE woman, 3 years' teaching experience, desires position as traveling companion for summer or longer. Cheerful disposition; enjoys reading; can sew. 1,433, Outlook.

WOMAN of education and refinement desires position as companion-secretary or Any position of supervising housekeeper. trust in household. Highest references. 1,429, Outlook.

COMPANION. Refined young woman wishes position; no housework. References. 1,441, Outlook.

POSITION wanted by woman of experience and executive ability as organizer, buyer, household administrator, or manager. 1.450, Outlook.

SITUATIONS WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers SECRETARY, household manager-Lady experienced, with college education, desire position in private establishment. 1,438, Outlook.

CULTURED young lady, Protestant, desires resident position as secretary or governess. Refined, cheerful. References. 1,440, Outlook.

TEMPORARY summer position desired by a lady who has had long experience as chap eron to older girls. Fine musician-accompanist to voice or violin; good reader, accustomed to travel. Can undertake any position of trust. 1,439, Outlook.

NURSE, refined American, wishes position caring for baby or children. Capable of taking charge of home. Excellent references. 1,447, Outlook.

WANTED, by young student, position of responsibility looking after boys from 10 to 16 years of age in private homes, seashore or mountain. Will help with studies, teach golf. tennis, swimming, and dancing. 1,427,Outlook. SUMMER position wanted as chapero companion by cheerful, executive woma Traveling preferred. 1,449, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses TEACHER desires position for summer as tutor or companion. Elementary English, French. 1,331, Outlook.

WANTED-Position in private family by physical education director interested in hygienic measures. Experienced with children in home and school. Capable entire direction of children and household. 1,361, Outlook.

COLLEGE girl preparing to teach_wants summer position as tutor. Address Box 53, Wells College, Aurora, New York.

COLLEGE student experienced in the care of boys desires position as tutor (preferably traveling) for one or two boys. Address 1,416, Outlook.

A lady highly recommends governess forposition of trust. Family or institution. Primary, kindergarten, nature study, physical care in light nursing, diet, sewing. American, Episcopalian. R., 541 Lexington Ave., New York.

YOUNG Harvard graduate, two years' instructor leading university, wants summer position. Experienced tutor, councilor. Likes travel. 1,412, Outlook.

COLLEGE senior, experienced with children, desires position as nursery governess for the summer months. 1,410, Outlook.

EXPERIENCED native French woman, college trained, wishes to make engagement for coming year in college preparatory school. Would give interview. 1,423, Outlook.

COLLEGE man, experienced tutor, desires position as tutor and traveling companion to boy of preparatory school age. 1,424, Outlook.

CLASSICAL teacher, gentleman, 34 years of age, 10 years' teaching, 7 as professor of Latin in Western State university, master's degree Michigan University, Ph.D. work nearly completed, desires Latin or Greek position in Eastern or Middle West college. Best of references. 1.421, Outlook.

GOVERNESS. tutor. Thoroughly experienced English Protestant wishes position, boys or girls over seven years. Music and French. Physical care. References 6 years, 2 years. Miss Perry, 73 Cooke St.. Providence, R. I.

TWO teachers desire summer employment as tutors. Private family or school. Excellent references. 1,431, Outlook.

YOUNG man, student in Eastern college, desires position as tutor during summer. 1,435, Outlook.


MISS Guthman, New York shopper, will shop for you, services free. No samples. References. 309 West 99th St.

BOYS wanted. 500 boys wanted to sell The Outlook each week. No investment necessary. Write for selling plan. Carrier Department, The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Ave., New York City.

WANTED-Defective people to board. Address W., Pawling, N. Y.

TO young women desiring training in the care of obstetrical patients a very thorough nurses' aid course of six months is offered by the Lying-In Hospital, 307 Second Ave., New York. Monthly allowance and full maintenance is furnished. For further information address Directress of Nurses.

LADY, home near Philadelphia, will give mother's care to infaut, young child, or young family. 1,393, Outlook.

FOR adoption-Attractive, fair-haired baby girl of eleven months. Catholic home of refinement desired. Apply 610 Elm St., Haven, Conn.

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FOR adoption-Bright, attractive, darkeyed girl of ten years, excellent health, exceptional mentality, fully orphaned. Apply 610 Elm St., New Haven, Conn.

FOR adoption-Attractive, fair-haired girl of ten years, sturdy and strong, normal mentality, fully orphaned. Apply 610 Elm St., New Haven, Conn.

PROFESSIONAL NURSE with good home in Ohio college town will care for one or more young children during summer. $25 per week. 1,394, Outlook.

AMBITIOUS WRITERS send to-day for Free copy America's leading magazine for writers of photoplays, stories, poems, songs. Instructive, helpful Writer's Digest, 688 Butler Building, Cincinnati. CHILDREN-Childless couple, home in pri-vate grounds, ninety acres Connecticut shore, will care for two children for summer, girls preferred. 1,443, Outlook.

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