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which he had been educated, namely, Lutheranism. He says First, I earnestly implored the aid and grace of the Holy Ghost, and with all my power begged the light of true faith, from God, the Father of lights,' &c. Secondly, I made a strong resolution, by the grace of God, to avoid sin, well knowing that Wisdom will not enter into a corrupt mind, nor dwell in a body subject to sin,' Wisd. i. 4. ' and I am convinced, and was so then, that the reason why so many are ignorant of the true faith, and do not embrace it, is, because they are plunged in several vices, and particularly carnal sins.'Thirdly, I renounced all sorts of prejudices, whatever they were, which incline men to one Religion more than another, and which, unhappily, I might have formerly espoused; and I brought myself to a perfect indifference, so as to be ready to embrace whichsoever the grace of the Holy Ghost and the light of reason should point out to me, without any regard to the advantages and inconveniences that might attend it in this world.'-'Lastly, I entered upon this deliberation and this choice, in the manner I should have wished to have done it at the hour of my death, and in a full conviction that, at the day of judgment, I must give an account to God why I followed this Religion in preference to all the rest. The princely inquirer finishes this account of himself with the following awful reflections: Man has but one soul, which will be eternally either damned or saved. What doth it

avail a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Matt. xvi. 26.-Eternity knows no end. The course of it is perpetual. It is a series of

unlimited duration. There is no comparison between things infinite and those which are not so. O! the happiness of the eternity of the Saints ! O! the wretchedness of the eternity of the damned. One of these two eternities awaits us!'

I remain, Sir, your's, &c.

J. M.





It is obvious to common sense, that in order to find out any hidden thing, or to do any difficult thing, we must first discover, and then follow the proper method for such purpose. If we do not take the right road to any distant place, it cannot be expected that we should arrive at it. If we get hold of a wrong clue, we shall never extricate ourselves from a labyrinth. Some persons choose their religion as they do their clothes, by fancy. They are pleased, for example, with the talents of a preacher, when presently they adopt his Creed. Many adhere to their religious system, merely because they were educated in it, and because it was that of their parents and family; which, if it were a reasonable motive for their resolution, would equally excuse Jews, Turks, and Pagans, in adhering to their respective impieties, and would

impeach the preaching of Christ and his Apostles. Others glory in their religion, because it is the one established in this their country, so renowned for science, literature, and arms; not reflecting that the polished and conquering nations of antiquity, the Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, were left, by the inscrutable judgments of God, in darkness and the shadow of death, whilst a poor oppressed and despised people, on the banks of the Jordan, were the only depository of divine truth, and the sole truly enlightened nation. But, far the greater part even of Christians, of every denomination, make the business of eternity subservient to that of time, and profess the religion which suits best with their interest, their reputation, and their convenience. I trust that none of your respectable society fall under any of these descriptions. They all have, or fancy that they have, a rational method of discovering religious truth; in other words, an adequate Rule of Faith. Before I enter into any disquisition on this all-important controversy concerning the Right Rule of Faith, on which the determination of every other depends, I will lay down three foundamental maxims, the truth of which, I apprehend, no rational Christian will dispute.

First, Our Divine Master, Christ, in establishing a Religion here on earth, to which all the nations of it were invited, Matt. xviii. 19., left some RULE or Method, by which those persons who sincerely seek for it, may with certainty find it.

Secondly, This Rule or Method must be SECURE and never failing; so as not to be ever liable to lead

a rational, sincere inquirer into error, impiety, or immorality of any kind.

Thirdly, This Rule or Method must be UNIVERSAL, that is to say, adapted to the abilities and circumstances of all those persons for whom the Religion itself is intended; namely, the great bulk of mankind.

By adhering to these undeniable maxims, we shall quickly, dear Sir, and clearly discover the Method appointed by Christ for arriving at the knowledge of the truths which he has taught; in other words, at The Right Rule of Faith. Being possessed of this Rule, we shall, of course, have nothing else to do, than to make use of it, for securely, and, I trust, amicably settling all our controversies. This is the short and satisfactory Method of composing religious differences, which I alluded to in my above-mentioned letter to Dr. Sturges. To discuss them all, separately, is an endless task, whereas this Method reduces them to a single question.

I am, &c.

J. M.





AMONG serious Christians, who profess to make the discovery and practice of Religion their first and earnest care, three different Methods or Rules have been adopted for this purpose. The first consists in a supposed Private Inspiration, or an immediate light and motion of God's Spirit, communicated to the individual. This was the Rule of Faith and conduct formerly professed by the Montanists, the Anabaptists, the Family of Love, and is now professed by the Quakers, the Moravians, and different classes of the Methodists. The second of these Rules, is the Written Word of God, or THE BIBLE, according as it is understood by each particular reader or hearer of it. This is the professed Rule of the more regular sects of Protestants, such as the Lutherans, the Calvinists, the Socinians, the Church-of-England-men. The third Rule is THE WORD OF GOD, at large, whether written in the Bible, or handed down from the Apostles in continued succession by the Catholic Church, and as it is understood and explained by this Church. To speak more accurately, besides their Rule of Faith, which is Scripture an Tradition, Catholics acknowledge an unerring judge of controversy, or sure guide in all matters relating to salvation;-namely, THE CHURCH. I shall now proceed to show that the first-mentioned Rule, namely, a supposed Private Inspiration, is totally


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