(In vain the solemn cowl surrounds her face, Vain all her bigot cant, her sour grimace ;) With shame compell'd her leaden throne to quit, And own the force of reason urg'd by wit. 'Twas then plain Donne in honest vengeance rose, His wit harmonious, tho' his rhyme was prose: 416 He, 'midst an age of puns and pedants, wrote With genuine sense and Roman strength of thought. 421 425 Yet scarce had Satire well relum'd her flame, (With grief the Muse records her country's shame) Ere Britain saw the foul revolt commence, And treach'rous Wit began her war with Sense. Then rose a shameless mercenary train, Whom latest time shall view with just disdain: A race fantastic, in whose gaudy line Untutor'd thought and tinsel beauty shine; Wit's shatter'd mirror lies in fragments bright, Reflects not nature, but confounds the sight. Dry morals the court poet blush'd to sing; 'Twas all his praise to say "the oddest thing:" 430 Proud for a jest obscene, a patron's nod, To martyr Virtue, or blaspheme his God. Ill-fated Dryden! who unmov'd can see Th' extremes of wit and meanness join'd in thee? Flames that could mount, and gain their kindred skies, Low creeping in the putrid sink of Vice; 436 A Muse whom wisdom woo'd, but woo'd in vain ; 445 More happy France: immortal Boileau there Supported Genius with a sage's care; Him with her love propitious Satire blest, And breath'd her airs divine into his breast : Fancy and sense to form his line conspire, And faultless judgment guides the purest fire. * But see at length, the British Genius smile, And show'r her bounties o'er her favour'd isle: 450 Behold for Pope she twines the laurel crown, And centres ev'ry poet's pow'r in one! Each Roman's force adorns his various page, Gay smiles, collected strength, and manly rage. Despairing Guilt and Dulness loath the sight, As spectres vanish at approaching light : In this clear mirror with delight we view 455 Each image justly fine and boldly true: Here Vice, dragg'd forth by Truth's supreme decree, Beholds and hates her own deformity: While self-seen Virtue in the faithful line With modest joy surveys her form divine. 460 But, oh! what thoughts, what numbers shall I find But faintly to express the poet's mind? 465 Unless he dip his pencil in the ray? 475 Who paint a god unless the god inspire? 480 A nobler joy than wit can give, impart, And, like a meteor, while we gaze expires: 485 491 495 Wit kindled by the sulph'rous breath of Vice, Like the blue lightning, while it shines destroys; But Genius, fir'd by Truth's eternal ray, Burns clear and constant, like the source of day : Like this its beam prolific and refin'd, Feeds, warms, inspirits, and exalts the mind; Mildly dispels each wintry passion's gloom, And opens all the virtues into bloom. This praise, immortal Pope! to thee be giv'n; Thy genius was indeed a gift from heav'n. Hail, Bard unequall'd! in whose deathless line Reason and wit with strength collected shine; 500 Where matchless wit but wins the second praise Lost, nobly lost, in truth's superior blaze. Did freindship e'er mislead thy wand'ring muse? That friendship sure may plead the great excuse; That sacred friendship which inspir'd thy song, 505 Fair in defect, and amiably wrong. Error like this ev'n truth can scarce reprove; 'Tis almost virtue when it flows from love. 510 Ye deathless names! ye sons of endless praise! By virtue crown'd with never fading bays! Say, shall an artless Muse, if you inspire, Light her pale lamp at your immortal fire? Or if, O Warburton! inspir'd by you, The daring Muse a nobler path pursue, 515 By you inspir'd, on trembling pinions soar, Kindly severe, instruct her equal line But if her giddy eye should vainly quit Thy sacred paths, to run the maze of wit, If her apostate heart should e'er incline 525 To offer incense at Corruption's shrine; Urge, urge thy pow'r, the black attempt confound, And dash the smoking censer to the ground. Thus aw'd to fear, instructed bards may see That guilt is doom'd to sink in infamy. 530 |