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much better. This boy belonged to the Sunday school for several years, became pious and is now pastor of a church.

N., belonged to a family that made no pretensions to religion, was a member of the Sunday school for some time and joined the church. Soon after this, three others in the family became pious. He is now settled as pastor over a flourishing congregation.

O., was an apprentice when he entered the Sunday school. Through the aid of some friends who bought his time, he entered upon study for the ministry and is now a preacher.

P., was a boy of good mind, his mother pious, and a widow. He did pretty much as he pleased with her, but was attentive to the Sunday school. He was full of self conceit and inclined to universalism, doing all he could to lead the boys in the same class into this error. The Lord arrested him and he connected himself with the church, and is now a settled minister.

R., was a scholar in a Sunday school for some years, and one of the worst of our boys. He gave the superintendent much trouble and caused him many sorrowful moments. The superintendent had no expectation that he would ever be reformed. He is now a very respectable man, a member of a church, and an active Sunday school teacher.

S., was connected with a family that was indifferent to every thing like piety. Her parents attended no place of worship. She belonged to the Sunday school for some time, and was the means of persuading her parents to go with her to hear an address delivered to the children in the church, since which time she and her parents and one brother have joined the church, and are living consistent lives.

She has been directress of a Sunday school for some time past.

A class of boys consisting of eight in number, were placed under the care of a faithful teacher, who not only met them on the Sabbath, but one evening during the week. The parents of only one of them were pious. These boys wandered about on the Sabbath, previous to having been brought into the Sunday school. They attended for several years, and now they are all (with the exception of one,) professors of religion, six are school teachers, or directors.

Of a class of girls, nine in number, five have made a profession of religion, and four of those are teachers in the same school in which they were taught. -American Sunday School Journal.


MR. EDITOR,-In the excellent number of your periodical, for January, the article on " Order and Attention in Sunday Schools," is I am sorry to see, ascribed by mistake to my pen. It was the production of Mr. E. Mabey, the esteemed Superintendent of Crayford Sunday School. Your insertion. of this note of explanation in the body of the next number of your valuable periodical, will prove that I have no wish to appear in "borrowed garments," and it will do our friend Mabey justice.

St. Mary Cray, Kent.

Yours to serve,



COMES into school five minutes too late, while the singing is going on. Takes off his overcoat, and flings it down on the bench. Puts his hat on the floor beside him. Asks John, in an audible voice, what hymn they are singing. Makes a great disturbance in getting his book and finding the place. Finds it just as the last line but one is being sung, and ejaculates, "Oh!" Sits down, and in sitting, puts his foot into his hat, which makes the boys laugh. Asks Joseph where the lesson is-the boys wink at each other, as Joseph tells him the wrong chapter. Goes on with the lesson, (the wrong one,) confining himself strictly to the questions in large print in the Question book. Suddenly remembers that he has forgotten to attend to the Library books, and attends to them forthwith. Finds that there is no catalogue in the class, and stamps up to the Librarian to get one. The books are chosen, and a heavily shod boy is sent up to the Librarian with the returned ones. Teacher yawns, and again gets to work on the lesson. Gets through very soon, and yawns again, having no further instruction to give. Gazes about the room, while the boys eat nuts and chalk each others' coats. The other teachers get through. Superintendent cominences to question the school about the lesson, and the slovenly teacher soon discovers that he has been at work on the wrong one. No matter, he will get the right one next time. Yawns, and tells the boys they ought to answer better. Thinks he will learn the lesson himself, next Sunday. Collection taken up. Neither he nor his boys have remembered it, and they are all without funds. Tells the boys to think of it next Sunday, and to be sure not to forget" this missionary work is a very important work, boys." Does not listen when the Superintendent gives out next Sunday's lesson, nor does he hear the notice of the teachers' meeting for Monday evening. Closing hymn-the slovenly teacher finds the place, but does not sing, nor coax his boys to sing. Only two boys out of seven have hymn-books. No matter-perhaps they have lost them. Puts on his overcoat during the last verse. Tells the boys to pitch the books into the drawer, and to mind and learn their lessons by next Sunday, or he won't come any more. Travels out of the door as soon as school is dismissed, as if the sheriff were after him, and goes home entirely unmindful of the fact that he is the keeper of, and responsible for, seven immortal souls!-American Sunday School Journal.


IN a late lecture delivered to his people, by Rev. Dr. Hawes, of Hartford, United States, the Rev. gentleman stated that the Sunday schools in that city were commenced in 1818, and "in that year included some 500 scholars. He glanced at their present flourishing condition, when, in the 25 churches of the city, there are 671 teachers, and 4,824 scholars; of whom 1,000 are over 18 years of age, and 500 have made a profession of religion within the year; and mentioned that in the State there are 9,500 teachers and 66,000 scholars, of whom 15,000 are over 18 years of age, and 8,000 of whom have been hopefully converted in the recent revival !"


I HAVE seen a teacher come into school late. say such."

"Better soon than late," say I.


"Better late than never,

I have seen a teacher allow his scholars to enter the class on Sunday morning without the slightest salute. How very friendly!

I have seen a teacher allow one of his scholars to pass him in the street unnoticed. How he must have loved him!

I have seen a teacher strike one of his scholars. If a scholar must be corporeally punished, it ought to be done by the superintendent only. And perhaps I ought to recommend to the superintendent who follows this practice, that the sooner he leaves it off the better.

I have seen a regular teacher choose a chapter for his scholars to read, after school had commenced. He ought, rather, to have given notice of the chapter on the previous Sunday.

I have seen a teacher engaged in giving his class lessons in spelling. Generally, I would recommend that this practice be discontinued, till every child knows all that it is possible to learn from the Word of God.

I have seen a teacher fall asleep in his class. This needs no remark

I have seen a teacher so devoid of respect for his own lungs, as to monopolize the whole duty of the class. Preaching to a Sunday school class is intolerable.

I have seen a teacher, by his loud speaking, attract the attention of neighbouring classes A noisy school is the necessary consequence.

I have seen a teacher allow more than one scholar to speak at once. This practice, also, tends to disturb the sweet quietude which ought to prevail in a Sunday school.

I have seen a teacher continue his teaching after the bell had been rung. He ought, rather, to have ceased instantly, and to have taken care that his scholars did likewise.

I have seen a teacher allow his scholars to read as many chapters as the time would allow, without comment of any kind. What an interesting class for a stranger to visit!

I have seen a teacher give an apt scholar a good mark for lessons said "pretty well." A capital plan for making the "pretty well" system general n his class.

I have seen a teacher allow two scholars to play, without checking them. Said an idle boy to another, one Sunday, "I like our teacher, because he lets us play."

I have seen a teacher become angry with another teacher in school. However just the act itself, the place chosen was a most inappropriate one. I have seen a teacher leave his class to chat with another teacher. Our whole attention should be directed to our classes till they have left the school. I have seen a teacher pass a fellow-teacher in the street without any token of recognition. "Let brotherly love continue."

I have seen a teacher give little books to his class every Sunday. This practice tends to the depreciation of older teachers. "Let all things be done decently and in order." Rewards should be given systematically.

I have seen a teacher come to school, constantly, without his Bible. His

scholars might justly wonder whether he possessed one, and, in consequence, whether he studied the Word of God at home.

I have seen a teacher quite ignorant of his scholars' homes, whether his scholars were orphans, &c., &c. Every teacher should endeavour to discover the circumstances, favorable or unfavorable, under which each scholar is placed, that he may the better regulate his reproofs and commendations. I have seen a teacher neglect to keep his promise with a scholar respecting some little matter. However trifling the matter itself may have been, the promise was binding; and the neglect of it was likely to raise a doubt respecting the teacher's veracity.

I have seen a teacher evade a question put to him by a scholar. Far better to have promised a reply on the next Sunday.

I have seen a teacher even angry with a scholar for giving a wrong answer. Far better to have said, kindly, "No; try again."

I have seen a teacher sit cross legged, and put the duty of the four legs of his chair upon two of them. Scholars are required to sit orderly. Teachers should teach by example.

I have seen one teacher's chair in the middle of the class, and another's outside. The back of the chair should be in a line with the ends of the side forms.

I have seen a teacher break the Sabbath by purchasing milk, beer, &c., or by sending his dinner to the baker's. How very inconsistent! How very sinful!

I have seen a teacher quit a school because some little thing displeased him. Better out of the school than in it.

I have seen a teacher occupy the whole time of teaching without a word about the Saviour.

I hope my readers will examine themselves by, but not take unkindly the above observations of

(Church Sunday School Quarterly Magazine.)



To unlearn is harder than to learn; and the Grecian flute-player was right in requiring double fees from those pupils who had been taught by another master. "I am rubbing their father out of my children as fast as I can," said a clever widow of rank and fashion. Sir Thomas Browne attributes the belief in fallacies to the want of knowledge; and, speaking of the persons who are under the influence of such belief, says ::-"Their understanding is so feeble in the discernment of falsities, and averting the errors of reason, that it submitteth to the fallacies of sense, and is unable to rectify the error in its sensations. Thus, the greater part of mankind, having but one eye of sense and reason, conceive the earth far bigger than the sun, the fixed stars lesser than the moon, their figures plane, and their spaces from the earth equi distant. For thus their sense informeth them, and herein their reason cannot rectify them; and therefore, hopelessly continuing in mistakes they live and die in their absurdities, passing their days in perverted apprehensions and conceptions of the world, derogatory unto God, and the wisdom of the creation."



"And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them."-Matt. xviii 2.

Oh, what a beautiful sermon our Saviour preached to His disciples from that curious text! That little child suggested four lessons which Jesus wishes all His disciples to learn.

First, then, look at that little child, and think of the importance of the new birth. "Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven." The question about being "greatest" need not trouble your thoughts. It is only by becoming "little" you can enter at all. Be little if you would be saved.

Secondly, look at that child as an example of artless simplicity. Jesus says, "Whosoever, therefore, shall humble himself as this little child, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Just as in our social circles, when a new-born babe is introduced to your notice, all eyes, all hearts, and all attention, are directed to the child; so, in our Heavenly Father's mansions, the highest court is paid to the most child-like spirit.

Thirdly, look at that child, ye disciples of Jesus: your Master Himself hath set him in your midst. Love him, fondle him, train him for Jesus's sake. For He saith "Whoso shall receive one such little child in My name, receiveth Me."

Lastly, look at that child, ye enemies of Christ, and, as ye value your own souls, take heed, lest ye injure one whom the Saviour so affectionately regards. For He saith, "Whoso offendeth one of these little ones that believeth on Me, better a millstone were hung about your neck, and you were drowned in the depths of the sea."


In our great schemes for setting the world right in its physical as well as its moral aspects, we are apt to merge the work of the individual man or woman in the work of the society or corporation that is made up of a large number of men and women, and who act by their authorized agents. It is, and will continue to be, the business "of every man to say to his neighbor, and every man to say to his brother, 'know the Lord,'" until the time come when the necessity for this individual work will be done away by the universal diffusion of such knowledge.

A Sunday school is an excellent and indispensable organization for the instruction of ignorant and neglected children in the knowledge of the scriptures, but its virtue resides, (under God,) in the competency and fidelity of each individual teacher. It may be that the reading of a passage of scripture by the superintendent, or the singing of a hymn by the whole school, or some providential event in the neighborhood, may awaken an unusual religious interest in a child's mind, but it will be generally found that the agency which (humanly speaking) sets the ball in motion, is that of an INDIVIDUAL ACTING UNDer a sense of PERSONAL DUTY.

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