HAY HAWSE. Sce HALSE, HAY. Fr. Haye; Dut. Haeghe; A. S. Hag; hay-harvest. (y softened into y) a hedge or haw, (qv.) Fr. Kayer; A. S. Heg-ian; Ger. Haeghen, sepire, to enclose, to surround. That which hedgeth, encloseth, or surroundeth. A net, by which rabbits or other animals were enclosed, and thus caught, was also called a hay. See Minshew. The roser was withouten dout Haue passed the hay, if I might Haue getten in.--Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose. None of you all there is, that is so madde To seke for grapes on brambles, or on bryers, Nor none I trow, that hath a wit so badde, Wyatt. The Meane and Sure Estate. He whiche entendeth to take the fierse and mighty lyon pytcheth his haye or nette in the woode amonge greatte trees and thornes. Sir T. Elyot. The Governour, b.il. c.14. And if it chaunced that they whipt off, or snapt any asunder, yet the steele and truncheon thereof being sharp still at the point (headlesse though it were) among the other pikes that were headed, served to make a fense as it were an haie or palaisade.-Holland. Livivs, p. 819. Said commonly it is, that if a man do set an hedge or hay thereof round about a grange or ferme house in the countrey, there will no kites nor hawks, nor any such ravening birds of prey, come neare.-Id. Plinie, b. xxiii. c. 1. Sur. O, I looked for this. The hay is a pitching. B. Jonson. The Alchymist, Act ii. sc. 3. While yet his busy hands, with skilful care, The meshy hayes and forky props prepare. HAY. Rowe. Lucan, b. iv. Goth. Haui; A. S. Heg, hig; Dut. Vitaile inouh at weld, thei fond of corn and hay. R. Brunne, p. 160. Othr have an horne and be hayward and liggen out a And he comaundide to hem that thei schulden make alle For if ony bildith ouer this foundement gold, siluer, pre- If onye man bylde on thys foundacion, golde, syluer, precious stones: tymbre, haye, or stobble: euery mannes worcke shall appeare.-Bible, 1551. Ib. Sil. Prethee content thyself, we shall scout here, as though we went a haying. Beaum. & Fletch. The Coxcombe, Act 1. Whereby a man may see how manie bloudie quarels a bralling swashbuckler maie picke out of a bottle of haie, namelie when his braines are forebitten with a bottle of nappie ale.-Holinshed. Chronicles of Ireland, an. 1528. Or, if the carlier season lead, To the tann'd haycock in the mead.-Milton. L'Allegro. As soon as he knew one of them, he easily concluded in what condition they both were; and presently carried them into a little barn full of hay; which was a better lodging then he had for himself. Clarendon. The Civil War, vol. iii. p. 414. That Careless should presently be gone; and should within two days, send an honest man to the King, to guide him to some other place of security; and in the mean time his Majesty should stay upon the hay-mow. Id. Ib. Mr. Douce observes on the passage cited below from Shakespeare, that the Hay was a dance borrowed from the French, and that it is classed among Brawls in the Orchesographie of Thomas Arbeau. HAZ the gathering of the olives; the Hay may take its name from a similar custom upon getting up the be admitted, th some part of ti and usage were rence between arises from the le to words There is not a single article of provision for man or beast, which enters that great city [Paris] and is not excised; corn, hay, meal, butcher's-meat, fish, fowls, every thing. Burke. On a late State of the Nation, HAY. To dance the hay, (says Skinner,) from the Fr. Hay, a hedge, (or hay,) in orbem ad figuram sepis choreas ducere; to dance in a circuit to the form or figure of a hedge or hay. (See HEYDIGYES.) The French have a dance which they call Olivettes, because performed after Jen. No; we'll have "the hunting of the fox." Jack Slime. "The hay! the hay!" there's nothing like "the hay." Heywood. A Woman kill'd with Kindness. Dull. I'le make one in a dance or so, or I will play on the taber to the worthies, and let them dance the hey. Shakespeare. Love's Labour Lost, Act v. sc. 1. HA'ZARD, v. HA'ZARDER. HAZARDOUS. HA'ZARDRY. applied) is Fr. Hazarde; It. Azarro, zara; Sp. Azar; Low Lat. Azardum. Menage, from the Lat. Tessara, q. d. tessara, tsara, zara, azara, azzardo. To hazard (as commonly To put or place at risk, (sc.) at risk of danger or loss; to risk, to expose to chance; to venture rashly; to game. Her ydelnesse hem ssal brynge to synne lecherye, R. Gloucester, p. 195. Sendeth som other wise embassadours, For by my trouthe, me were lever die, Than I you shuld to hasardours allie. Ray says, It Hazes, it misles, or rains, small rain. Skinner,hazy weather, aer nebulosus et HA'ZINESS. caliginosus, a cloudy and gloomy atmosphere; and suggests the Ger. Hassen, to hate; from the disagrecableness of such weather. It is not improbably from the A. S. Has-ian, to be hoarse, (ther has not been intruded either into German, Dutch, or Swedish,) hoarse being ap. plied to the thickness of the voice, and haze, to the thickness of the atmosphere. To haze, then, will mean, To thicken, to become cloudy or gloomy; (sc.) threatening rain; to misle, to drizzle. In the morning hazy weather frequently, and thick mists. But instead of encouraging us to trust ourselves to the haze and mists and doubtful lights of that changeable week, on the answerable part of the opposite page, he [Rider] gives us a salutary caution. Burke. On a Regicide Peace, Let. 4. And whan he came, it happed him par chance, And now that I have spoke of glotonie, Hasard is veray mother of lesinges, [lying.] Id. Ib. v. 12,524. Amongst whom there were a great many that did desire our generall to set them on land, making their choise rather to submit themselves to the mercie of the sauages or infidels, then longer to hazard themselues at sea. Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. iii. p. 473, At the first he was sore encountred, and put in great hasarde of repulse, but at length he vanquished and ouerthrew his enemies. Brende. Quintus Curtius, fol. 17. Lycurgus was in his nature hazardous, and by the lucky passing through many dangers, grown confident in himself. Sidney. Arcadia, b. iii. Suspition of friend, nor feare of foe, That hazardeth his health, had he at all, HAZEL.) A.S. Hasl, hasl-nutu; Dut. HaHAZELLY. seler; Ger. Hasel; Sw. Hassel. Wachter, with less truth than ingenuity, in the opinion of Ihre, asserts that hazel is inet. the calyx of the nut, from A. S. Hasel, galerus, a hat: and that, from the calyx, the fruit and the tree receive their name. The A. S. Hasel, he scems to consider as a derivative (or diminutive) of hat, a hat, (qv.) Hazel, hazelly, (applied to colour, e. g. hazell mould, hazelly loam,) the colour of the hazel-nut, that is, brown, of a light brown. A ring (qd. he) ye hazel wodes shaken. As for other nuts, their meat is solide and compact, as we may see in filberds and hazels, which also are a kind of nut, and were called herctofore Abellinæ, of their native place, from whence came good ones at first. Chaucer. Troilus, b. ill. Ne he T At The Por ev Or elle Holland. Plinie, b. xv. c. 22. For al That With hazel Phyllis crowns her flowing hair; The And while she loves that common wreath to wear, Nor bays, nor myrtle boughs, with hazle shall compare. And Dryden. Virgil, Past. 7. With - Among the roots Dry sprigs of trees, in artful fabric laid And bound with clay together. Of hazel, pendent o'er the plaintive stream, Sh They frame the first foundation of their domes, A Thomson. Spring. Of He [Marvel] was of a middling stature, pretty strong set, roundish faced, cherry cheeked, hazel-eyed, brown haired. Grainger. Biographical History of England. B A A Brown. Urnc-Buriall, c. 3. Live, and alleagaunce owe Perhaps thou lingrest in deep thoughts detain'd Milton. Paradise Regained, b. iii. These fight like husbands, but like lovers those: Dryden. Annus Mirabilis, 1666. And stretch their meshes on the light support Of hazel-plants, or dry thy lines of wire In five-fold parallel; no danger then That sheep invade thy foliage. Mason. The English Garden, b. ll. HE. Goth. Ha; A.S. He; Ger. Hee; Dut. Hy; Sw. Han. As the pronoun it (qv.) so he is, by our old writers, applied to the feminine and Hence passionate and unreasonable men ignorantly call it neuter, as well as to the masculine, and to the where contempted their lives in their own private quarrels; plural as well as to the singular. He is no doubt from a similar, if not from the same, source with laardedol. 1. Ser. 51 written,) and had, as it had, one uniform meaning, warranting the usages to which it has been ap of danger is, on contrary, neither sonable nor just; because, neither is the danger at all need ful to be run into, nor is the benefit proposed to be anned it, or hit, or het, (for so was the word anciently by it, in any manner equal to the evil hazarded. I would plead a little merit, and some hazards of my life plied. Tooke has shown it, the, and that to have fered the common enemies; my refusing advantages of such uniform meanings; and from the principle he has established, a necessary consequence is King's service; but I only think I merit not to starve. Dryden. To the Earl of Rochester, that the other pronouns had one also. The and by them and neglecting my beneficial studies, for the 970 And that he contends to be parts of the same word, the From South to North he [it, viz. England) ys long eigte R. Gloucester, p. 1. HEA Nor second he, that rode sublime Upon the seraph wings of ecstasy, He pass'd the flaming bounds of place and time: HEAD, v. HEADFUL. HEADLESS. HEADLONG. HE/ADY. HE/ADINESS. Gray. The Progress of Poetry. Goth. Haubith; A.S. Heafod, hoofod, heafud, heafd; Dut. Hoofd; Ger. Haufet; Sw. Hufwud. Junius derives from the Gr. Κεφαλη. Wachter derives the Ger. Haubt, pars hominis sublimis, from the verb heben, levare, erigere, tollere in altum. Ihre, HEADSHIP. the Sw. Hufwud, from haf, high; That part (of the body, or any thing else) which First lord he (Bruyt] was in Engolond, of wham me And nuste wat folk it was, to hem he sende hys sonde, & fro thien he went into the courte of Rome, R. Brunne, p. 1. Piers Plouhman, p. 7. And he seide to hem come ye after me, and I schal make ye to be maad fisheris of men. And anoon thei leften the nettis and sueden hym. Wiclif. Matthew, c. 4. At every cours in came loude minstralcie That never Joab tromped for to here, Ne he Theodomas yet half so clere At Thebes, whan the citee was in doute. Chaucer. The Marchantes Tale, v. 9594. For every labour somtime moste han reste, Or elles longe may he [it] not endure. For all reason wolde this, 'That unto him, whiche the head is The membres buxome shall bowe, And he shulde eke their trouthe alowe With all his herte. Id. Ib. v. 9737. Gower. Con. A. Prol. 1 was anciently written heved. Sce HEAVE. It is used emphatically, as being the chief or principal part, for the whole body or person; also, for the contents of the head; (sc.) the brains, the powers of the mind, the thoughts; consequentially, The chief or principal person or thing, the leader, guider, director, commander; the leading, guiding, directing, or commanding place or station; the highest place, the first place, forepart, front, height. To head is, To lead, guide, direct, or command; to make To gather means to make head; force or power of a cask or vessel. Headlong; (anciently also written headling;) head forwards; (sc.) without care or caution, precipitate; heedless. Head-strong, consequentially, resolute, self-willed, obstinate. Heady, heedless, giddy, precipitate; rash, violent;-acting upon the head, causing giddiness, dizziness, stupor. Head, i. e. chief, principal; is much used- Corineus was tho somdel wroth, ys axe on hey he drow Sebrygt and the kyng of Kent, tho al thys was y do, I rede we chese a hede, that us to werre kan dight Id. Id. Ion said, thei suld hedeles hop. For ich am hefd of lawe R. Brunne, p. 2. And ge ben bote menbrys.-Piers Ploukman, p. 391, And Jhesus seide to him, foxis han dennes, and briddis of heyene han nestis; but mannes sone hath not where he schal reste his hed.-Wiclif. Matthew, c. 8. And Jesus said unto him the foxes haue holes, and the byrdes of the ayer haue nestes, but the sonne of man hath not where on to rest his heed.-Bible, 1551. Ib. And he seid to hem, go ye; and thei geden ont and wenten into the swyn, and lo in a gret bire al the drove wente heedlyng in to the see; and thei weren dede in the watris. Wiclif. Matthew, c. 7. And he said vnto them, go your waies: Then went they out, and departed into the heerd of swyne. And beholde the whole heerd of swyne was caried with violence hedlyng Pope. Enistle to the Earl of Oxford. into the sea, and peryshed in the water. Bible, 1551. Ib. Nor fears to tell, that Mortimer is he. Boniface the thyrd of that name bishop of Rome, toke vpon hym to be the head bishop of all the worlde, and God's only vycar in earthe.-Bale. Image, pt. i. And as for their headinesse, see whether they be not prone, Here Mercury with equal shining winges Surrey. Virgile. Æneis, b. iv. Warner. Albion's England, b. ix. c. 45. They have compelled him to lay his hand upon the helme. for to set all streight and upright againe in security, rejecting in the meane while green headed generals of armies, eloquent oratours also.-Holland. Plutarch, p. 521. Who, thrusting boldly twixt him and the blow, Spenser. Faerie Queene, v. iv. c. 8. He was ten thousand foot and a thousand horse strong, and had five and thirtie tall ships of war, headed with brasen pikes before.-Holland. Livivs, p. 717. And this is the onely cause why all the statues and images of him [Pericles] almost, are made with a helmet on his head; because the workmen, as it should seem, (and so it is most likely) were willing to hide the blemish of his deformity. But the Attican Poets did call him Schinocephalos, as much as to say, headed like an onion. North. Plutarch, p. 133. England endured (by God's just iudgements) many bitter and heauie stormes through some headinesse, ambition, or other sicknesses of minde in the princes thereof. Speed. Edw. II. an. 1308. b. ix. c. 11. s. 1. Oh, monstrous! Why I'll undertake, with a handful of silver, to buy a headful of wit at any time. Ford. 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, Act i. sc. 2. Sir George Ascough, with nine of his head-most ships, But Timias him lightly overhent, Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ill. c. 5, Strook them with horror backward, but far worse Now they began much more to take stomacke and indig- Will the ministerial headship inferr any more, then that when the church in a community or a publick capacity should do any act of ministery ecclesiasticall he shall befirst in order?-Bp. Taylor, Liberty of Prophesying, 5, 7. στ Beaum. & Fletch. The Pilgrim, Act v. Such was the furie of these head-strong steeds, Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c. 8. The other party I headed myself. Ludlow. Memoirs, vol. 1. p. 119. Though if that assertion could be supposed to be true, yet even still 'twould unavoidably follow, that the self-existent being inust needs be intelligent; as shall be proved in my fourth argument upon this present head. Clarke. On the Attributes, Prop. 8. True religion requires both a warm heart and a cool head; good service in his function. Waterland. Works, vol. vi. p. 377. And Henry Lord Stafford, to shew his compliance with these times, translated two Epistles of Erasmus, wherein was undertaken to be shown the brain-sick headiness of the Lutherans. Strype. Memorials. Queen Mary, an. 1554. It is also very necessary for preserving the unity and communion of the parts of the catholic church; seeing single persons are much fitter to maintain correspondence, than headless bodies. - Barrow, vol. iii. Ser. 24. And though St. Peter had been head of the apostles, yet as it is not certain that he was ever in Rome, so it does not appear that he had his headship for Rome's sake, or that he left it there but he was made head for his faith, and not for the dignity of any see. Burnet. History of the Reformation, an. 1534. Pitt. Virgil. Æneid, b. iv. If there was any found to be in the least tainted, as sometimes happened, it was separated from the rest, which was repacked into another cask, headed up, and filled with good pickle. Cook. Socond Voyage, b. iii. c. 8. A reform proposed by an unsupported Individual, in the presence of heads of houses, public officers, doctors, and proctors, whose peculiar province, it would have been urged, is to consult for the academic state, would have been deemed even more officious and arrogant than a public appeal. Knox. Liberal Education. When now Gradasso on the field display'd Hoole. Orlando Furioso, b. xlii. What slave so passive, what bigot so blind, what enthu- HEAL, or HELE, v. HEAL, N. HE'ALER. HEALING, n. HEALTHFUL. HEALTHFULNESS. HEALTHLESS. HEALTHLESSNESS. HEALTHSOME. HEALTHY. HEALTHILY. HEALTHINESS. Harte. The Charitable Mason. Goth. Hailyan; A. S. tur et obteguntur; be- and covered by a scar. third pers. sing. of the verb to hele or heal, meaning "That which healeth, or maketh one to be hale To cover; to be or caused to be whole or See To Heal, or hele, is used as a noun by Chaucer, The kyng hoped wel to hym, and lette hym helie faste. And nom with hym spicery, that to fysik drow, Tho ilk fiue sorowes he calles fiue woundes, That ere not git haled, ne salle be many stoundes. R. Brunne, p. 7. - Menye of the bryddes Id. p. 75. Zut hit [poverty] is moder of mygth. and of mannes helth. And Jhesus seide to the centurien go, and as thou hast bileeved so be it doon to thee, and the child was heelid fro that our. Wiclif. Matt. c. 8. R. Gloucester, p. 151. Then Jesus said vnto the centurion, go thy waye, and as thou beleuest so be it vnto the. And his seruaunt was healed the selfe houre. Bible, 1551. Ib. Whethir alle men han grace of heelyngis. Wiclif. 1 Corynth. c. 12. Bible, 1551. Ib. Haue all the gyftes of healynge? Chaucer. The Wif of Bathes Tale, v. 6532. And fell in speche of Telephus the king, Brome. Answer to the Epistle to C. C. Eig We ought, in the choice of a situation, to regard above all things the healthfulness of the place, and the healthfulness of it for the mind, rather than for the body.-Cowley, Ess. 8. If men would imitate the early rising of this bird [the lark], it would conduce much unto their healthfulness. Fuller. Worthies. Bedfordshire. It seemed a strange thing to Anarcharsis, the Scythian as Laertius observes to see the Greeks drink in small cruzes at the beginning of their feasts, and in large bowls at the latter end; (an order ill imitated by the lavish Healthists of our time) as if they intended not satisfaction, and refreshing of nature, but wilfull excesse. Bp. Hall. Christian Moderation, b. 1. s. 7. And yet after all this, sickness leaves in us appetites so strong, and apprehensions so sensible, and delights so many, and good things in so great a degree, that a healthless body but still they would fain find an excuse to live. and a sad disease do seldom make men weary of this world, Bp. Taylor. Holy Dying, c. 3. 8. 3. It [fasting] is the best in many respects, and remains such, unless it be altered by the inconveniences or health lesness of the person.-Id. Rule of Cons. b. ii. c. 3. Rule 8. There is such a certain healthlesness in many things to all, and in all things to some men and at some times, that to supply a need is to bring a danger. Id. Of Repentance, c. 6. §7. art thou an hea Id. Troilus, b. v. But Vane opposed this with much zeal: he said, would they heal the wound that they had given themselves, which weakened them so much? The setting them at quiet could have no other effect, but to heal and unite them in their opposition to their authority.--Burnet. Own Time, vol. I. b. i. Bp. Hull, b. fil. Sat. 3. Sandlus ha Id. The Squieres Tale, v. 10,554. And songen with o voice, heale and honour Id. The Legende of Gode Women, Prol. Cupides sonn, ensample of goodlihede, The great clerkes were assent, Gower. Con. A. b. ii. For the covering of houses there are three sorts of slate, which from that use take the name of Healing-stones. Carew. Suruey of Cornwall, fol. 6. Y am he that sche gaf the rynge, The Erle of Tolous. Ritson, vol. iii. p. 136. But the healinge agayn of this mortal wounde is like to mar all, and make the last errour worse than the first. Bale. Image, pt. ii. The egall frend; no grudge, no strife; Surrey. The Meanes to attaine Happy Life. Their dinners be very short; but their suppers be somewhat longer, because that after dinner followeth labour; after supper, sleep and natural rest; which they think to be of more strength and efficacy to wholesome and healthful digestion. More. Utopia, by Robinson, b. ii. c. 5. And they are suche, as asscrybe al their perfightness, vertue, and godlynes, not unto their owne workes, nor yet vnto their owne fulfyllyng of the lawe, wherein they must nedes knowledge themselues gyltye and synful: but all together vnto the merites of the healthsome passion of Christ. Goldinge. Cæsar, fol. 271. Where when she came, she found the faery knight Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 5. Plantaine is a great healer of any sore whatsoever, but principally of such ulcers as bee in the bodies of women, children, and old folke.-Holland. Plinic, b. xxvi. c. 14. To heal, to cover, Sus. Hence in the west, he that covers a house with slates, is called a healer or hellier. Ray. South and East Country Words. There Alma, like a virgin queene most bright, Doth florish in all beautie excellent; And to her guestes doth bounteous banket dight, Attempred goodly well for health and for delight. And truely as the bodily meate cannot feed the outward man, unlesse it be let into a stomacke to be digested, which is healthsome and sound; no more can the inward man be fed except his meate be received into his soule, and heart, sound and whole in fayth. Ah Sylvial thus in vain you strive To act a healer's part, 'Twill keep but ling'ring pain alive, Alas! and break my heart. Otway. The Complaint. Oh, fool! to think God hates the worthy mind, Pope. Essay on Man, Ep. 5. In the latter end of the month of July, I find our archbishop at his house at Bokesbour, near Canterbury, a place of retirement, healthfully and pleasantly seated, which he took a great deal of delight in. Strype. Life of Parker, an. 1653. That learned author, who writ Historiam Naturalem Brasilia, to prove not only the habitableness, but healthfulness, of that climate and country, exhibits the account of every day's weather, observed by him for many years together, and so the agreement of it to that temper which we account healthful. Boyle. Works, vol. v. p. 643. He [Charles of Sweden] is of a very vigorous and healthy constitution, takes a pleasure in enduring the greatest fatigues, and is little curious about his repose. Burnet. Own Time, an. 1709. I must now observe that all these advantages were greatly [Tinian] and by the enhanced by the healthiness of its climate, by the almost frestant breezes which prevail there, fin. b. iil. c. 2. If by his stripes we are healed, we may surely avoid censorious quarrels about the particular manner in which the effect is produced. Cogan. Theol. Disq. pt. ii. s. 2. Among the innumerable follies by which we lay up in our youth repentance and remorse for the succeeding part of lives, there is scarce any against which warnings are of less efficacy than the neglect of health.Rambler, No. 48. Begin the song, and let it sweetly flow, And let it wisely teach thy wholesome laws: Armstrong. Of Preserving Health, b. i A few cheerful companions in our walks will render them abundantly more healthful: for, according to the ancient adage, they will serve instead of a carriage, or in other Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 11. words, prevent the sensation of fatigue. HEA -Reuthe hit is to huyre. Piers Plouhman, p. 261. For we be sure that God heareth not synners. But yf any For if ony man is an heerer of the word, and not a doer, this schal be lickened to a man that biholdetli the cheer of his birthe in a myrrour.-Wiclif. James, c. 1. And treuli thei schulen turne awei the heeryng fro treuthe, raise up, (Junius and Wachter.) An hep of eremites. henten hem spades. Piers Plouhman, p. 137. Now is not that of God a ful fayre grace, Chaucer. The Prologue, v. 577. Fortune heaped together that one day the chaunces of a whole world.-Brende. Quintus Curtius, fol. 100. And so all these gentylmen strangers with them of the country assembled togyder, and dyd sette on these people wher they might fynde the, and slewe and hanged them vpon trees by heapes. Berners. Froissart. Cronycle, vol. i. c. 183. And thou beeing fallen in despayre of thy selfe, doest thou neither addresse to hang thyself as Judas did, or els art thou an heaper of sinnes vpo sinnes. - Udal. Luke, c. 23. That geauntesse Argantè is behight, A daughter of the Titans which did make Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c. 7. The lists were closed fast, to barre the rout 1 have seen two volumes in folio, written with his own hand [Cranmer.) containing upon all the heads of religion, a vast heap both of places of scripture, and quotations out of ancient fathers, and later doctours and schoolmen. Burnet. History of the Reformation, an. 1534. Thyr. With heapy fires our cheerful hearth is crown'd; Where'er the weaker banks opprest retreat, Rowe. Lucan, b. vi. The whole performance is not so much a regular fabrick, as a heap of shining materials thrown together by accident, which strikes rather with the solemn magnificence of a stupendous ruin, than the elegant grandeur of a finished pile. Johnson. The Life of Savage. And with that word we riden forth our way; Chaucer. The Prologue, v. 860.. And yet he geueth almesse, And fasteth ofte, an hereth inesse. Gower. Con. A. b. i. They by a vertue inexplicable, do drawe vpon them the myndes and consent of the herers, being therwith eyther persuaded, meued, or to delectation induced. Sir T. Elyot. The Governour, b. i. c. 13. John. I will lay oddes, that ere this yeare expire, Shakespeare. 2 Pt. Henry IV. Act v. ec. 5. Hence it is, that I now render my selfe gratefull, and am studious to justifie the bounty of your act: to which, though your mere authority were satisfying, yet, it being an age, wherein poetry, and the professors of it, heare so ill, on all sides, there will a reason be lookt for in the subject. B. Jonson. The Fox, Dedication. They are these make mee heare so ill, both in towne and first shall leave 'hem. Id. Masques. Love restored. countrey, as I doe; which, if they continue, I shall be the It is enough that I in silence sit, And bend my skill to learne your layes aright; Browne. Britannia's Pastorals, b. ii. s. 3. It hath been anciently held, and observed, that the sense Hear, all ye Trojans, all ye Grecian bands! Pope. Homer. Iliad, b. ill. and successful, because plain, natural, and familiar, and by Who can assure himself or any one else, upon his own In the text to God does particularly signify, to trust and HEAR, v. HE'ARER. HE'ARING, n. } Sherlock, vol. 1. Dis. 29. The verb to hear (differing Dut. Hoor-en; Sw. Hoera; Fr. Ouir; Sp. Oyr; To have or receive feelings or sensations by the ear; to feel or be sensible of sounds; consequentially, to use the ear, to hearken, to listen, to attend to sounds made, to what is spoken. To hear ill or well, (B. Jonson,) like the Latin Malé aut benè audire, and the Gr. Εν ή κακως ακούειν, to hear a good or ill character of themselves, to have a good or bad character, to be well or ill spoken of. To hym he wende hastelyche, and by the wey ywys senses, that the whole matter of a dissolved body passes He [Thomas] would not (it seems) take a miracle upon The eye is not that which sees; it is only the organ by which we see. The ear is not that which hears; but the organ by which we hear; and so of the rest. Reid. On the Intellectual, Ess. 2. c. 1. But Oronthea, with a mother's love, Hoole. Orlando Furioso, b. xx. In some cases, (as in proof of any general customs, or mat- HEA My good sonne it shall be do Now herken and lay an eare to. Gower. Con. A. b. L. herkned not vnto Moses, for anguyshe of sprete and for And Moses told the children of Israel euen so: but they cruell bondage. Bible, 1551. Exodus, c. 6. Now they are not onely ydle, but also babling tale-tellers & curious herkeners. Udat. Timothye, c. 5. Almyghte God that made mankyn, And maynteyne tham, with might and mayne, That herkens Ywayne and Gawayne. Rilson. Metrical Romances, vol. 1. p. 1. Thence, forth she past into his dreadfull den, Where nought but darksome dreriness she found, Ne creature saw, but harkned now and then Some little whispering and soft groning sound. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iv. c. 7. A prince when wrong'd should not vile traitours wooe, Stirling. Domes-day. The sixth Houre. Cle. Yes, why thou art a stranger, it seemes, to his best trick, yet He has imployd a fellow this halfe yere, all over England, to harken him out a dumbe woman. B. Jonson. The Silent Woman, Act 1. so. 2. Sur. Must I needs cheat my selfe, Id. The Alchymist, Aet v. sc. 6. But here she comes; I fairly step aside Being by custom captivated and enslaved to sin, they are resolved beforehand not to hearken to any thing, that will oblige them to forsake their accustomed vices. Clarke, vol. viii. Ser. 8. We should contemplate with care every dispensation of providence, that may warn us against so fatal a mistake, (seeking our happiness where God hath not placed it) and hearken diligently to the voice, which God liath appointed that every thing on earth shall cry aloud to us: Arise ye, and depart: for this is not your rest. Secker, vol. v. Ser. 3. HEARSE, v. Hearse, in Tooke's opinion, HEARSE, n. Sis the past part. of the A. S. verb Hyrstan, ornare, phalerare, decorare. At present only applied to "An ornamented carriage for a corpse," formerly, as Minshew says, a monument or emptie tombe erected or set up at the moneth's or yeere's end, for the honourable memorie of the dead. Cockeram and Bullokar call it, a burial coffin, covered with black. To hearse, To lay, to bury, in a hearse; generally, to bury. Chaucer. How Pilie is dead. What should I more hereof reherse That euer yet was shewed to knight. Id. Dreame. For whome, Phrahartes made a royal herse, & dyd exe quies after the maner of Prynces. Goldyng. Justins, fol. 149. - Oh, answer me, Let me not burst in ignorance; but tell Haue burst their cerements. Shakes. Hamlet, Act 1. sc.4. I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the lewels in her eare; would she were hearst at my foote, and the duckets in her coffin.-Id. Merchant of Venice, Act iii. sc.1. The house is hers'd about with a black wood, Crashaw. Steps to the Temple. When she with flowres lord Arnold's grave shall strew, She on that rival's hearse will drop a few; Davenant. Gondibert, b. 1. c. 5 And some flowers, and some bays, Milton. Epistle on the Marchioness of Winchester, Or were you enamoured on his copper rings? Yet, even in the Old Testament, if you listen to David's harpe, you shall hear as many herselyke ayres as carols. Bacon. Ess. On Adversitie. HEA Oh I might I paint him in Miltonian verse, Smith. To the Memory of Mr. John Philips. There was an herse after the fashion of Spain, with black, and a goodly mass of requiem; the chapel wherein he was enterred hung with black, with a banner of arms, and coat of arms, all in gold; a target and an helmet, and many escutcheons, and a fair herse-cloth of black, and a cross of crimson velvet down to the ground. Strype. Memorials. Q. Mary, an. 1554. Worth may be hears'd but Envy cannot die. A dream is nothing without the completion; Lodge died at Leeds; but as the herse passed by Harwood, the carriage broke, the coffin was damaged, and the dream happily fulfriled, the corpse being interred in the choir there, August 27, 1689.-Walpole. Catalogue of Engravers, vol. v. HEART, v. HEART, n. HE/ARTEN. HEARTENER. HEARTLESS. HEARTLESSNESS. HEARTILY. Goth. Hairto; A. S. Heorte; Ger. Herz; Dut. Ilert; Sw. Hierta. Stiernhelmius (says Wachter) deduces all from the Swedish verb Hyra, (or horra, or hurra,) movere, to move; (to hurry;) on account of the perpetual motion and agitation of the heart. Wachter adds, that he finds no such root apud Saxones et Francos. (See Wachter in vv. Herz, and Horen, agere.) Junius tells us, some think that heart is derived from herd, i. e. hard, durus, because we owe the duration of life to the continued motion of the heart. Wachter remarks, that the Gr. Ητορ, and the A. S. Heorte, are by metathesis interchangeable. Heart, the noun, is applied to HE'ARTIST. The seat or source of the passions, feelings, thoughts, affections; to these themselves; to the being in whom they exist; to the vital part;vitality, life, spirit, courage, strength; to the central, or chief, or principal part; the seat or source of good and ill. To heart, or hearten, isTo encourage, to animate, to invigorate; to give or add life, spirit, courage, strength. Hearted, seated, deeply fixed, stored, treasured in the heart. Heart is much used-prefixed. Kyng Locryne's herte was al clene vp hire y went, R. Gloucester, p. 24. Ae the love and leautte ys: hit lyketh nat here hertes. He is lowe as a lombe. and loveliche of speche Ye generacioun of eddris : hou moun ye speke gode thingis whanne ye ben yvele? for the mouth spekith of plentee of the herte. Wiclif. Matthew, c. 12. generacio of vipers, how can you say well, when ye your selues are euel? For of the aboudaunce of ye hert, the mouth speaketh.-Bible, 1551. Ib. For many a man so hard is of herte, He may not wepe although him sore smerte. Chaucer. The Prologue, v. 229. Avoy (quod she) sy on you herteles. HEA I haue told thee often, and I retell thee againe, and againe, Arise blacke vengeance, from the hollow hell Gor. Down with him low enough, there let him murmur, Beaum. & Fletch. The Island Princess, Act ii. Ye gentle ladies, in whose soveraine powre Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. vi. c. 8. Rise therefore with all speed and come along, Milton. Samson Agonistes. Till, seeing them through suffrance hartned more, Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iv. c. 10. But as a coward's hari'ner in warre, Browne. Britannia's Pastorals, b. i. s. 1. Is there Ever a good heartist, or a member-percer, or a Me that? Beaum. & Fletch. Love's Pilgrimage, Act iv. I wont to raunge amid the mazie thicket, Or hunt the hartlesse hare till she were tame. Spenser. Shepheard's Calender. December. How many worthy Christians are there in the world who bear a part with us in this just blame: who have yeelded over themselves to a disconsolate heartlessnesse, and sad If euer man for heartie loue dejection of spirit.-Bp. Hall. Christ Mystical, pt. i. § 10. To be belou'd indeede. Warner. Albion's England, b. vii. c. 36. Where leisurely dofsing a hat worth a tester, Cotton. Voyage to Ireland, c. 2. An authority enabling princes to put them to death who Bp. Taylor. Liberty of Prophesying, s. 20. We observe the threnes and sad accents of the prophet Cromwell having acquainted the king with his danger, Where, after all the heart-burnings and blood-sheddings Christ, but in the hearts of good men; the hearts of merciful occasioned by religious wars; where is the true church of believers, who from principle, in obedience to and for the love of Christ, as well as from sympathy, labour for peace, go about doing good, consulting, without local prejudice, the happiness of men, and instead of confining their good offices to a small part, endeavour to pour oil into the wounds of suffering human nature. Knox. Antipolemus, Pref. I may be unable to lend an helping hand to those who direct the state: but I should be ashamed to make myself one of the noisy multitude to halloo and hearten them into doubtful and dangerous courses. The labourer and mechanic chant over their daily toil; and though they pause only to wipe the sweat from off their brow, return to their work, after a short but hearty meal; or sweet slumbers on a bed of straw, not only without a murmur, but with alacrity. Burke. Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol. For the outrageo Scarce had the tortur'd ear dejected heard hope, though it b mare then the he though the body b Shenstone. The Ruined Abbey. Knox. Christian Philosophy, 8. 58. But, it may be, you have doubts about religion: and therefore you do not set heartily to practise it: seek for information properly then, and hearken to it fairly. Secker, vol. li. Ser. 17. Deign to receive the nation's public voice, Thompson. Epithalamium on the Royal Nuptials. HEARTH. A. S. Heorthe, heorth-pening.- The place or spot upon which the fire was protesting to him, that it was not in his power to undertake for in the place where he was, as house shall think most Nothing exposes men more to the wrath and vengeance of God, nor provokes him more to leave a people to their own counsels, than false heartedness in religion and hypo Id. The Nonnes Prestes Tale, v. 14,914. crisie do. Stillingfleet, vol. ii. Ser. 4. Ey maister, welcome be ye by Seint John, Sayde this wif, how fare ye hertily? To whom (although he were a childe) he gave both pleasaunt and faire wordes, with hartie thankes, and inany gratificacions, to the great admiracion of the Frenche people. Hall. Hen. VI. an. 10. So am I he, that among other his graces faithful subjectes, his highnes being in possession of his mariage, wil most hartely pray for ye prosperous estate of his grace, Jonge to continue to the pleasure of God. Sir T. More. Workes, p. 1426. And this speaking did ferthermore also declare the lustie frenshnes & hertinesse of spirit in him. Udal. Luke, c. 7. Thus hearten'd well, and flesh'd upon his prey The youth may prove a man another day. Dryden. Prologue to Circe, 1675. Can you live without any sense or feeling that you have need of communion with God? and satisfy yourselves, if now and then you put up a few cold, formal, heartless prayers to him?-Sharp, vol. vi. Ser. 9. Though the saving of our souls be the great business of and hearty concern for in our secret retirements; yet it Waterland. Works, vol. viii. p. 420. Now let no man think that he has prayed heartily against Upon the prince's [of Orange] coming, the king, in a very 980 In the mean time to gratify the people the hearth-tax was remitted for ever.-Evelyn. Memoirs, March 8, 1689. Let us imagine that we behold a great dictator giving audience to the Samnite ambassadors, and preparing on the often subdued the enemies of the Commonwealth, and borne hearth his mean repast with the same hand, which had so the triumphal laurel to the Capitol. HEAT, v. Bolingbroke. Reflections upon Exile. A. S. Hat-an, hat-ian; Dut. Heet-en; Ger. Heitzen; Sw. Hetta, calefacere. See the quotation from Locke; and see Нот. To cause the sensation of heat; to warm; to inflame; to kindle; (met.) to inflame, to give or cause ardour, or fervour; to enkindle, to animate, to agitate, with warm or burning feelings or passions. Heat, the noun, is also applied toAny continued violent effort or exertion; as a heat at a race. This yere [Ao. xxxvi. H. III) was a gret hele and droughthe in Engelond, that fro the ferst day of Marche anon to the Assumpcion of our Lady non rayne felle on erthe.-R. Gloucester, p. 520. For with that one, encreased all my feare, Chaucer. The Assemblie of Foules, Tous Wha A ba |