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Best: for if K. to Q's sq., the loss of the Queen ensues at once; if K. to B's sq., B. to K's 6th (dis. ch.), &c.; and if K. to K's 2nd White first checks with B. at Kt's 5th, and then with R. at K's sq.

[blocks in formation]

The position is again so interesting as to be deserving of a diagram, which we give, showing how the forces stood after White's 18th

move :

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THE two following games cannot fail to possess a more than ordinary interest, from the fact that they took place on the only occasions wherein the great English and American masters met in friendly contest. They played but two games, and both were gained by Mr. Morphy and his ally.


WHITE. (Messrs. S. and A.) BLACK. (Messrs. M. and B.) 1. P. to K's 4th.

2. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.

3. P. to Q's 4th.

1. P. to K's 4th.

2. P. to Q's 3rd.

3. P. to K. B's 4th.

Philidor favoured this move, but we consider, with Der Laza, that it cannot safely be ventured either in reply to P. to Q's 4th or B. to Q. B's 4th.

4. P. takes K's P.

We believe that B. to Q. B's 4th leads to a more powerful attack. The following analysis of that move is given in the different Handbooks

4. B. to Q. B's 4th.

5. Kt. takes P.

4. P. takes K's P.

And whether Black play 4. P. takes Kt., or 4. P. to Q's 4th, White gains an undeniable advantage by Q. to R's 5th (ch.)

5. Kt. to Kt's 5th.

4. B's P. takes P.

5. P. to Q's 4th.

6. P. to K's 6th.

6. Kt. to K. R's 3rd.

7. Kt. to Q. B's 3rd.

The following train of play here is recommended by the best authorities, and we are of opinion that it gives White a game far superior to that obtained by the move in the text.

7. P. to K. B's 3rd.
8. P takes P.

9. Q. to R's 5th (ch.)

10. Q. takes B.

11. B. takes Q.
12. P. takes P., &c.

8. K. Kt. takes K's P. 9. Q. to R's 5th (ch.) 10. Q. to K's 5th.

11. B. takes Kt.

7. B. to K's 2nd (best.)

8. B. takes Kt.

9. P. to K's Kt's 3rd.

10. Q. takes Q.

11. Kt. to Kt's 5th.

7. P. to B's 3rd.

8. P. takes Kt.

9. P. to K. Kt's 3rd. 10. R. to Kt's sq.

Mr. Staunton and his ally here missed an evident opportunity of gaining a decided advantage. A study of the diagram appended will show that if correctly continued the game should have been played thus

[blocks in formation]

And White, at least, regains the piece, with the better position, as he threatens to move Q's R. to Q's sq. with fatal effect; and, play as Black may, White's following moves of K. B. to Q. B's 4th, and Kt. sakes P. will prove irresistible.

[blocks in formation]
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