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If Kt. to Q's 2nd, White plays 14. Q. to K's 6th, which, followed

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Black might also have played Q. to K's 2nd, but the square chosen

was much the better.

13. Q. to B's 7th.

14. Q. takes Kt's P.

13. B. takes P.

Had Kt. taken K's P., the following variation would probably have arisen

14. Kt. takes P.

15. R. to Q's 8th (ch.)

16. Kt. to Q's 6th (ch)

14. Q. to K's 2nd.

15. Q. takes R.

(He may also play K. to B's 2nd with a good game.

17. Q. takes Q.

16. Q. takes Kt.

17. K. to B's 2nd.

Remaining with more than a full equivalent for the lost Queen.

15. P. to B's 3rd.

14. P. to K's 6th.

15. Q. to K's 2nd.

With the view of imprisoning the Queen if she capture the Rook.

16. Q. takes R.

17. Kt. to K's 4th.

16. K. to B's 2nd.

17. B. to K. B's 5th.

This was necessary to prevent the escape of the Queen, by Q. to Kt's 7th, &c.

18. B. to K's 2nd.

We believe that 18. P. to K. Kt's 3rd, would have rendered Black's game much more difficult.

18. K. to Kt's 2nd.

This was both prudent and farsighted; had Black attempted to gain Queen by Q. to B's 2nd, the variation following will show that they would have lost the game, e. g.

19. P. to K. Kt's 3rd.

20. R. to Q's 7th (ch.)
21. Q. takes R. (ch.)
22. Kt. to B's 6th (ch.)
23. Kt. takes Q.

24. B. takes Kt.

* If

18. Q. to B's 2nd.

19. Kt. to R's 3rd (best). *

20. Q. takes R.+

21. K. takes Q.

22. K. to B's 2nd.
23. B. takes Kt.

With the exchange a-head.

20. Kt. to Kt's 5th (ch.), &c.


19. B. to K's 4th.

19. B. to R's 3rd.

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19. Castles.

20. Kt. to B's 5th.

21. K. to R's sq.

22. R. to Q's 4th.

19. Q. to Q. B's 2nd.
20. B. takes P. (ch.)
21. B. to B's sq.

22. B. to Kt's 6th.

After this, White's game was indefensible. The Black allies conduct their game throughout in a very masterly manner; and of the position before their 23rd move we again give a diagram, as a study of the terminating moves cannot fail to be both interesting and instructive:

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WHITE. (Messrs. M. and B.) BLACK. (Messrs. S. and A.)

1. P. to K's 4th.

2. P. takes P.

3. Kt. to Q. B's 3rd.

4. P. to Q's 4th.

5. B. to Q's 3rd.

1. P. to Q's 4th.

2. Q. takes P.

3. Q. to Q's sq.

4. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.

Correctly played, preventing the adverse Queen's Bishop from coming nto action.

6. B. to K's 3rd.

5. Kt. to B's 3rd.

6. P. to K's 3rd.

As this in a great degree confines the Queen's Bishop, it is a move that cannot be recommended.

7. Kt. to B's 3rd.

8. Castles.

9. Q. to K's 2nd.

10. B. to K. Kt's 5th.

11. Kt. to K's 4th.
12. Kt. takes Kt. (ch.)

13. Q. to K's 4th.

7. B. to Q's 3rd.

8. Castles.

9. P. to Q. Kt's 3rd.

10. B. to Kt's 2nd.

11. B. to K's 2nd.

12. B. takes Kt.

Thus early in the game the White allies have obtained a fine attack.

14. Q. to R's 4th.
15. Kt. takes B.

16. P. to Q. B's 3rd.
17. Q. R. to K's sq.
18. P. to K. B's 4th.
19. Q. to R's 3rd.
20. R. to K's 5th.

21. K. R. to K's sq.

22. P. to K. Kt's 4th.

13. P. to Kt's 3rd.

14. B. takes B.
15. P. to K. R's 4th.
16. Q. to B's 3rd.
17. Kt. to K's 2nd.
18. Kt. to B's 4th.
19. K. R. to K's sq.
20. Q. R. to Q's sq.
21. Kt. to Kt's 2nd.
22. P. to B's 4th.

Black would only have acquired a worse position by R. to Q's 4th, eg. —

23. ht. to K's 4th.

24. P. to Kt's 5th.

22. R. to Q's 4th.

23. Q. to K's 2nd or (A).

24. R. takes R.

[blocks in formation]

Followed by B. takes Kt's P. with the better game.

23. B. to K's 4th.

Best, for the adverse Bishop commanded an important diagonal, and as the game advanced, might have proved embarrassing. Now, whether Black exchange the Bishop or retreat it, White's position is improved. It is obvious that either P. takes P., or B. to Kt's 5th, would have been bad play, as in the former case Black's reply would have been Q. takes P. and in the second R. to K's 2nd, either way obtaining a good game. We give a diagram of the position previous to Black's 22nd move, from which the foregoing variation may be studied, and our obser vation on the present move more readily noted :

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