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23. B. to R's 3rd.

If the Bishop had captured Bishop, it would of course have beer retaken by the Knight, and White's attack strengthened.

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On examination this move will be found superior to either Q. to R's 7th (ch.) or Q. to Kt's 4th.

29. B. to Q's 6th.

This and the succeeding move are natural enough, and would, doubtless, have been adopted by most fine players, but Mr. Morphy and his ally, by their mode of play, clearly demonstrate the weakness of them. The diagram that follows shows the position of the forces after White's 31st move:

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R. to K. R's sq. would manifestly have been better play, but it is questionable whether, even then, Black could have succeeded in obtain. ing a draw.

39. R. to K. Kt's 5th.

A very good move, the effect of which is not, at first sight, per ceptible.

40. R. to B's sq. (ch.)

41. R. to Kt's 8th.

39. K. to B's 3rd.

40. B. to B's 4th.

The adverse King is now unable to arrest the Pawn's advance.

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This secures a free passage for the Q. R's P., and renders winning

[blocks in formation]



The two games following were played in the month of July, 1858, at the London Chess Club, between the gentlemen above-named. Each partie, as will be seen, terminated in a draw.


WHITE. (Mr. Morphy, &c.)

1. P. to K's 4th.

2. P. to K. B's 4th.

3. B. to B's 4th.

BLACK. (Mr Mon., &c.)

1. P. to K's 4th.

2. P. takes P.

3. P. to Q's 4th.

It has ever been a vexed question, how the King's Bishop's Gambit should be defended by the second player. For our own part we have always thought that the gambit might be accepted with impunity, but that the classical defences to the Bishop's Gambit form of the attack were all more or less weak. The usual move here has always been Q. to K. R's 5th (ch.), by which White certainly retains the Pawn for a lengthened period, but during the whole time is subjected to an attack which it is all but impossible eventually to nullify; whereas by playing as in the text, and giving back to his adversary the Pawn gained, White is enabled speedily to develop his forces and maintain a perfectly satisfactory defence. This move was first adopted in a game between Bilguer and Bledow, for which see Chess Player's Chronicle," vol. i., page 337.

4. B. takes P.


This is White's best move, for if 4. P. takes P. Black replies with Kt. to K. B's 3rd, with a good game.

5. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.

4. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.

The Handbooks give Q. to K's 2nd as the proper move here, we

however decidedly prefer the one adopted by Mr. Morphy. Kt. to Q. B's 3rd is also frequently played, in which case Black's reply is B. to Q. Kt's 5th; White is then recommended, for his 6th move, in both the German and English Handbooks, to bring the K. Kt. to K's 2nd, and the game a few moves further is said to be even. It would seem that White, on his 6th move, might play Q. to B's 3rd, but the following analysis proves that if correctly opposed Black would lose rather than gain by its adoption, e.g.—

[blocks in formation]

Best. The King is quite safe here, and the Rook can be brought to

King's square.

10. Castles.

11. Q. to Kt's 5th.

10. P. to K. Kt's 4th.

11. P. to K. B's 4th.

Much better than P. to K. R's 3rd, as in that case White might have advantageously replied with Kt. to K's 5th.

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And the game was thus left unfinished.

By mutual consent, at this point the game was abandoned as drawn; there being no probability of its being finished, owing to the lateness of the hour. We append a diagram of the closing situation, which on examination, we think, will be considered slightly in favour of the Black allies.

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