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Messrs. Morphy and Mongredien against Messrs. Löwenthal and Medley.

WHITE. (Messrs. L. and M.)

1. P. to K's 4th.
2. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.
3. B. to Q. B's 4th.
4. F. to Q's 4th.

5. P. takes K's P.

BLACK. (Messrs. M. and M.)

1. P. to K's 4th.

2. P. to Q's 3rd.

3. P. to K. B's 4th.
4. Kt. to Q. B's 3rd.

Kt. to Kt's 5th would probably have been stronger play.

6. Q. takes Q. (ch.) 7. Kt. takes P. 8. Q. B. to Q's 2nd. 9. B. to Q. B's 3rd. 10. P. to K. R's 3rd. 11. Q. Kt. to Q's 2nd. 12. Castles (K. R.)

13. B. takes Kt.

14. Q. Kt. to B's 4th.

5. Q's P. takes P

6. Kt. takes Q.
7. P. takes P.

8. K. B. to Q's 3rd.
9. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.
10. B. to K's 3rd
11. Castles.

12. Kt. to Q's 4th.
13. B. takes B.

The best line of play, threatening to take off Black's Bishop, which occupies so commanding a diagonal, and opening the file for White's Rook, when played to Queen's square.

14. P. to Q. Kt's 4th.

This loses a valuable Pawn. Black should have played Q's B. takes Kt. White, however, in any case would have had a slight advantage. 15. Kt. takes B.

16. K. R. to Q's sq.

15. P. takes Kt.

16. P. to K's 6th.

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The only move, and one giving Black a chance to draw the game if not properly opposed.

17. P. takes P.

The White allies did not sufficiently consider this move, otherwise they would not have missed the present opportunity of securing a manifest advantage, as follows:

17. R. takes B.

18. K. to B's sq.

19. R. takes K's P.


20. R. takes Q. Kt's P.

17. P. takes P. (ch.) (best.)

18. P. takes Kt.

19. R. to Q. B's sq.

19. Kt. to Q. B's 3rd.

And Black's K. B's P. cannot long be maintained.

[blocks in formation]

The correct move is B. to K. B's 4th, retaining the advantage of the Pawn with the better position.

20. Q. R. to K's sq.

Well played. Taking prompt advantage of White's last move.

21. K. R. to Q's 2nd.

The only move to avoid the loss of a Pawn.

21. Q. R. to K's 3rd.

Black might have immediately regained the Pawn by the following line of play, viz:

22. P. takes Kt. (best).

21. Kt. takes B.
22. R. to K's 6th.

and then K. R. to K. B's 6th; but they, probably, apprehended danger from the advance of the Queen's Pawn.

22. Q, R. to K's sq.

This, on examination, will be found the correct move.

23. K. to R's 2nd.

24. R. to Kt's 2nd.
25. P. takes Kt.
26. R. to K's 7th.
27. K. to Kt's sq.
28. K. to B's 2nd.
29. K. to K's 2nd.

30. R. to K's 8th (ch.)

22. R. to K. Kt's 3rd (ch.)

23. K. R. to K. B's 6th.

24. Kt. takes B.

25. R. to K. R's 3rd.
26. K's R. takes P. (ch.)
27. R. to R's 8th (ch.)
28. R. to K. B's 3rd (ch.)
29. R. to B's 2nd.

30. R. to B's sq.

And the game was, by mutual consent. abandoned as drawn

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Were played in the months of October and November, 1858, in Paris; Mr. Morphy's opponents being, in the first instance, MM. St. Amant and F. de L.; in the second, MM. Chamouilet and Allies; and in the third, the Duke of Brunswick and Count Isouard.



M. de St. Amant and F. de L. against Mr. Morphy.

WHITE. (M. de St. A., &c.)

1. P. to K's 4th.
2. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.
3. B. to B's 4th.

4. P. to B's 3rd.

5. P. to Q's 4th.

6. P. takes P.

BLACK. (Mr. M.)

1. P. to K's 4th.
2. Kt. to Q. B's 3rd.
3. B. to B's 4th.

4. Kt. to B's 3rd.
5. P. takes P.

P. to K's 5th is the correct move, the one made renders the maintenance of the centre Pawns impossible.

7. B. to Q's 2nd.

8. Kt. takes B.

6. B. to Kt's 5th (ch.)
7. B. takes B. (ch.)

8. P. to Q's 4th.

The strength of the first player's opening, in the Giuoco Piano, lies in the position of his Royal Pawns, which he should endeavour to sustain as long as possible. This move breaks them up, leaves the isolated Queen's Pawn weak, and gives Black the preferable game.

9. P. takes P.

10. Castles.

11. P. to K. R's 3rd.

12. K. to R's 2nd.

9. Kt. takes P.

10. Castles.

11. Kt. to B's 5th.

Unnecessarily sacrificing an important Pawn; Kt. to Kt's 3rd is

White's proper move.

13. Kt. takes Kt.

12. Kt. takes P.

13. Q. takes Kt.

14. Q. to B's 2nd.

14. Q. to Q's 3rd.

15. K. to R's sq.

We believe that Kt. to K's 4th would have been better play.

16. Q. to B's 3rd.

17. K. to R's 2nd.

18. Q. R. to Q's sq.

15. Q. to K. R's 3rd.

16. B. to B's 4th.

17. Q. R. to Q's sq.

18. B. takes P.

The key move of a very fine combination, which may be studied from the accompanying diagram :—

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Mr. Morphy against the Duke of Brunswick and Count

[blocks in formation]


BLACK. (Duke of B., &c.) 1. P. to K's 4th.

2. P. to Q's 3rd.

3. B. to Kt's 5th.
4. B. takes Kt.
5. P. takes P.

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