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god 'pocket' with W. cod 'sack' comes from OE. codd. kroumm 'crooked' with W. crwm, Jr. cromb from OE. crumb. krubul 'stomach' seems a derivative like W. cromil of a loan from OE. cropp.

barged 'buzzard' is conjectured to be a compound of bar 'branche' and cud a loan from OE. cyta.

telt 'tente' from OE. (ge)teld.

falaouéta (for faoul-aéta) 'to take birds from their nests' is derived from faoul, a loan from OE. fugol.

ridel 'sieve' from OE. hriddel, etc.

About forty Breton terms are thus traced back to OE. sources. Curious is the alleged OE. scyfen, of the same family as OE. sceoppa whence Engl. shop,' which on p. 241 is quoted as the original of Breton skiber wagon-shed.' What is meant is evidently OE. scypen 'stall.' Not among the loans from OE. appears Breton kirin 'pot à crème pour le beurre.' It is designated as a 'Scandinavian loan word' (from Olcel. kirna 'churn' whence also English churn is said to have been borrowed). But there is every likelihood that Breton kirin owes its origin rather to a well authenticated OE. cirin (cyrin; cf. WW. 280, 32') sinum cyrin with C. G. L. V 610, 32 sinum uas in quo butirum conficitur. Also Corpus Glossary (ed. Hessels) S 356 sinnum cirm may stand for sinum cirin. At any rate, English 'churn' is now commonly considered as native and appears as such in Murray's NED. I will conclude with a personal remark. In my article, 'Some Celtic Traces in the Glosses,' I had occasion to compare Ir. cló 'wind' with Breton glao 'rain,' but I see from Henry's book that such a comparison is out of the question, glað standing for *gw-law (Celtic wo-law-o-) from low as in Greek λov-w, Lat. lav-o.


O. B. SCHLUtter.

'E. Zupitza, Die germ. Gutturale, p. 193, errs in quoting this gloss from WW. 290, 31 and giving ceren as form of the OE. interpretation. Hence it cannot be placed with Goth. kas vessel.' The mistake is due to Lye, as pointed out by Murray s. v. churn in the NED.



Pp. 1-28. Italische Volksjustiz. H. Usener. On defamatory attacks such as were forbidden by the Twelve Tables: "si quis occentauisset siue carmen condidisset quod infamiam faceret flagitiumue alteri." Festus explains the early word occentare as meaning conuicium facere and the Liber Glossarum defines it as infame carmen cum certo nomine dicere. Compare the expression occentare ostium, Plautus, Persa 569, Merc. 408. In Plautus the word flagitium often means "shame" or "exposure to ridicule," and a still earlier meaning was the reproaching or defaming of a man publicly-for example, by uttering or chanting uncomplimentary words before his door. This earlier meaning may be seen in the early use of the verb flagitare, which was connected by popular etymology with flagitium. Both words were connected with flagrum, flagellum. After the analogy of agere, agitare, the verb flagitare meant "to beat soundly," "to drub," and flagitium meant "the beating." For the original meaning of flagitare, compare Festus Pauli, p. 110, 23: "inter cutem flagitatos dicebant antiqui mares qui stuprum passi essent." In the passage already quoted from the Twelve Tables, infamiam was probably inserted by Cicero, and afterwards wrongly regarded as synonymous with flagitium. Further, carmen quod cannot be the grammatical subject of flagitium faceret. The quod of the law was ablative, not nominative, and the passage presumably ran: "si quis occentassit quod (for quo) flagitium alteri faciat." Catullus evidently had in his mind the flagitatio of popular justice when he wrote his forty-second poem. The synonymous expressions occentatio, pipulus, uagulatio, are also discussed in

this article.

Pp. 29-36. Ein Phrynichoscitat. H. Diels. On a fragmentary quotation-Φρύνιχος ἐν Φοινίσσαις—in the scholia of Ammonius on Homer (Grenfell and Hunt, Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. ii.)

Pp. 37-54. Jahrhundertfeier in Rom und messianische Weissagungen. S. Sudhaus. Virgil's fourth Eclogue was written with reference to the secular festival which was proposed for the year 39 B. C., and in anticipation of the blessings which were to flow from the Peace of Brundisium. The resemblance between the imagery of this Eclogue and that of the Sibylline verses is only superficial.

Pp. 55-76. Gregors des Thaumaturgen Panegyricus auf Origenes. A. Brinkmann.

Pp. 77-105 ABC-Denkmaeler. A. Dieterich. On the order of the letters of the Greek and Latin alphabets in various inscriptions, papyri, etc.

Pp. 106-112. Eine Bestätigung aus Oxyrhynchos. O. Hense. On the history of the recognition of the antispast.

Pp. 113-19. Eine Dräsekesche Hypothese. P. Wendland. Pp. 120-38. Zur Lex Manciana. A. Schulten.

Miscellen.-Pp. 139-41. L. Radermacher. Andocideum. Note on §§17, 18 of the speech On the Mysteries.-Pp. 141-5. J. F. Marcks. Zur Kritik der Briefe des Diogenes.-Pp. 145-8. H. Usener. Philonides (an Epicurean philosopher who lived at the court of the Seleucidae, 175-50 B. C.). Pp. 148-9. M. Ihm. Zu Cicero ad Atticum XIV 10, 2. Read "redeo ad Tebassos, Scaevas, Fangones."-Pp. 149-50. C. Wachsmuth. Ehrendecret der Provinz Asia.-Pp. 150-4. C. Wachsmuth. Zur Metzer Alexander-Epitome.-Pp. 154-7. F. Buecheler. Zwei lateinische Epigramme.-Pp. 157-9. E. Ziebarth. Cyriaci Anconitani epistula inedita.-Pp. 159-60. C. Rothe and G. Andresen, on Lehmann's collation of the MSS of Cicero's letters to Atticus.-P. Editor's note. An explanation, at the request of the author, that a certain article in the last volume was written two whole years before it was printed.

Pp. 161-6. Vermuthungen zur Iouxmenta-Inschrift. R. Thurneysen.

Pp. 167-74. Der Typhonmythus bei Pindar und Aeschylus. A. v. Mess. The pictures of Typhon and Aetna in Aeschylus, Prom. 367-88 (Weckl. 351-72) and Pindar, Pyth. I. 15-28, are probably derived from a common epic source.

Pp. 174-86. Eine Hesiodische Dichtung. H. Usener. This article, called forth by the preceding one, shows that the "common epic source" was probably Hesiod.

Pp. 187-201. Zur Lex Manciana (continued from p. 138). A. Schulten.

Pp. 202-14. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΣ ΦΑΝΙΑΙ. L. Radermacher. Pp. 215-26. Bemerkungen zu griechischen Historikern. C. Wachsmuth. I. Herodot in Thurioi. II. Alexanders Ephemeriden und Ptolemaios. III. Das Alexanderbuch des Kallisthenes.

Pp. 227-32. Der Anfang von Tacitus Historien. O. Seeck. The History of Tacitus was probably intended to continue the history of Fabius Rusticus.

Pp. 233-46. Eine Bundesurkunde aus Argos. M. Fränkel.

Pp. 247-71. Die Antwerpener Handschrift des Sedulius. C. Caesar.

Pp. 272-83. Die Ueberlieferung über Aspasia von Phokaia. O. Neuhaus.

Pp. 284-303. Zu Herodianos Technikos Tерì μovýрovs λégews. P. Egenolff.

Miscellen. Pp. 304-5. W. Kroll. Notula grammatica. On instances of epexegesis such as: quod ubi factum Dahae Stiphamenen occisum audierunt.-P. 305. H. Usener. Worterweiterung. On such tricks of MSS as propicius for propius, sustinentasse for sustentasse.-Pp. 305-7. Ó. Hense. Bakchylides VIII (IX) 36 Bl.-Pp. 307-10. S. Sudhaus. Von zwei kleinen Leuten (Papyrusschnitzel). Pp. 310-12. G. Landgraf. Zu Ciceros Rosciana § II. Instead of the dimissiui of the cod. St. Vict. read dimissuiri (=dimissum iri). For the form of the infinitive see Arch. f. lat. Lex. II 349 ff., III 457; also Neue-Wagener III3 177. Possibly in should be inserted before the word manifestis.-Pp. 312-13. H. Usener. Zu Cicero. I. For Quo love?, De re publ. I 36, 56, read Quo lovem? II. For the conmutatione of the MS, De re publ. I 45, 69, read conmunitione. III. In De re publ. II 2, 4 Cicero's silvestris (belua) and ubera are probably borrowed from Ennius. Compare Propertius, III (IV) 9, 51: "eductosque pares silvestri ex ubere reges."-Pp. 313-18. Fr. Susemihl. Chrysippos von Knidos und Erasistratos.-Pp. 318-20. C. Wachsmuth. Schriftquellen' und ihre Folgen.-P. 320. A. Zimmermann. Wandel von zu i im Italischen (Zusatz zu Rhein. Mus. 55 p. 486 f.).




No. 1.

1. Pp. 1-18. Figures taken from a MS of Aristotle's Meteorologica. This article was prepared by Albert Martin from material left by Charles Graux. The figures in question are diagrams, found in MS No. 41 of the Notices sommaires des manuscrits grecs d'Espagne et de Portugal, par Charles Graux et Albert Martin, in the Nouvelles Arch. des missions sc. et lit. t. II, 1892. They are intended to illustrate the meaning of several passages of the Meteorologica. Some (3) of them are reproduced from photographs, the rest (13) from drawings made by Graux.

2. Pp. 19-30. L. Malavialle gives a learned critical discussion of some passages in the Chorographia of Pomponius Mela, especially Ed. Frick. III, 67; p. 71, lines 3-7. Here we are to read Oras tenent a Tamo... Ab Colide ad Indum...

3. Pp. 31-43. Ancient Enharmonic Gamuts, by Louis Laloy. (Continuation from vol. XXIII, p. 233.)


4. Pp. 44-53. Critical Notes on Plautus, Miles 1022, 1088, and Trinummus 176, 289-291, 318, 332, by Alcide Macé.

5. Pp. 54-7. Orphica, Fr. 2 Abel, by Paul Tannery. author shows that this fragment does not belong to Orphica and that it is almost certainly not ancient.

6. Pp. 58-60. Max Bonnet reads impletae sunt in Sal. Hist. 2, 87, and in 1, 88, defends parum celebrata for incelebrata.

7. Pp. 60-61. In Aurelius Victor, Epit. XXV, J. Chauvin reads nec for ne.

8. Pp. 61-5. Fragment of a list of Olympic victors (an Oxyrhyncus papyrus), by T. W. Beasley. This article is of great importance for students of Pindar and Bacchylides, especially the latter.

9. Pp. 65-7. Note on Oxyrhynchus papyrus, No. 218, by B. Haussoullier. It is the iepeus (though dead), not the gakopos, that is put on trial.

10. Pp. 68-87. Book Notices. 1) Robert Brown, Researches into the origin of the primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians, and Babylonians. Vol. I, London, 1899. Tannery finds this work erudite and ingenious, but takes issue with the method and some of the conclusions. 2) Alfredo Monaci, Dello stile di Erodoto. Rome, 1898. Contains nothing altogether new according to Albert Martin. 3) Platon, Phédon. Texte grec publié avec une introduction, un commentaire et un appendice philosophique par Charles Bonny. Gand, 1898. A. M. finds this school edition in the main very good. 4) Helen M. Searles, A lexicographical Study of the Greek Inscriptions. Chicago, 1898. B. Haussoullier commends this work, but suggests several possible improvements. 5) Ph.-E. Legrand, Étude sur Théocrite. Paris, 1898. Du même, Quo animo Graeci presertim V° et IV° saeculis tum in vita privata tum in publicis rebus divinationem adhibuerint. Albert Martin pronounces both these works excellent, and says the former is undervalued by the author himself in the Preface. 6) Heronis Alexandrini Opera quae supersunt omnia. Vol. I.-Herons von Alexandria Druckwerke und Automatontheater, griechisch und deutsch herausgegeben von Wilhelm Schmidt. Im Anhang Herons Fragment über Wasseruhren, Philons Druckwerke, Vitruvs Kapital zur Pneumatik. Leipzig, 1899.-Supplementheft: Die Geschichte der Textüberlieferung, &c. Leipzig, 1899. Reviewed by Paul Tannery. The work is intended both for philologists and for engineers and physicists. The reviewer finds it wonderfully well executed, and gives some account of the contents. 7) Babrii Fabulae Aesopeae. Recognovit Otto Crusius. Accedunt fabularum dactylicarum et iambicarum reliquiae, Ignatii et aliorum Tetrasticha iambica recensita a C. F. Mueller. Ed. min. Leipzig, 1897. Noticed

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