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can be little doubt that this poet's version of the healing of Telephus was the same as that followed by Quintus 4. 172 ff.:

(ἵππους) τοὺς πρόσθεν ἐυμμελίῃ ̓Αχιλῆι

Τήλεφος ὤπασε δῶρον ἐπὶ προχοῇσι Καΐκου
εὐτέ ἑ μοχθίζοντα κακῷ περὶ ἕλκεῖ θυμὸν

ἠκέσατ ̓ ἐγχείῃ τῇ μιν βάλε δηριόωντα

αὐτὸς ἔσω μηροίο.

which Welcker, Kleine Schriften, III, p. 30, n., regarded as an

invention of the Smyrnaean poet.

GEORGE Melville Bolling.




I. Wolfenbüttel MS Aug. fol. 1 A, 1 B.

This MS, consisting of two folio volumes of 367 and 362 leaves respectively, was completed by Martin Huber Tütscher schulmaister zu Memingen, on Saint Otmar's Day, 1481, as is stated in the inscription at the end. Walther' describes the MS, the text of which was taken from the Mentel Bible of 1466 and from another one belonging to the group headed by the Zainer Bible of 1473.

The dialect is Suabian throughout, as the name of the town, Memmingen, might lead one to expect. Accordingly, the new Bavarian diphthongs of the printed Bibles were regularly changed back to the old undiphthongized long vowels, except in a few instances, such as Gen. 34, 9 geleiche; Jos. 22, 26 euch, gezeug; I Ezra 4, 2 euch, euwern; etc. The diphthong eu is more frequent than ei, au, and occurs more especially in the word euch. Middle High German & is uniformly replaced by the Suabian au, which is expressed by au, å or ǎ. Both of the latter signs are of frequent occurrence in Suabian MSS of this period, but Walther is undecided whether these "peculiar marks" over a and o are to serve as marks of length or to represent the letter u. MHG.ou and û are also represented by these signs: öch, och, höpt, trämer, wiröch, versämen. Instances in which au, ă, a correspond to MHG. â are found on every page: găn, gän, lăss, laussen, frägen, fraugen, uffstän, ufstaun, stånd, schlauff, rautfraugen, gedauchten, etc.

We now pass to the discussion of the immediate origin of the text of the MS. Walther has correctly stated that the beginning, from Genesis to Judges 6, was taken from Mentel. The curious error of Mentel in Exod. 15, 1, das rose instead of das ross, is also found here. Leaf 12 of the MS has been torn out, causing a gap from Gen. 9, 17 to 11, 26; f. 11 ends: gelübtes dz ich hab geord

1 Die deutsche Bibelübersetzung des Mittelalters, dargestellt von W. Walther, Braunschweig, 1889-92.

net zwischen, and f. 13 begins: und gebar sün und töchter und thare lebt...

In the sixth chapter of Judges both of the printed Bibles were before the scribe, as will appear from the following agreements: V. 1: Wolfenbüttel and Mentel have wan, Zainer has aber; W and Z have angesicht, M has bescheud; v. 3: W and M have oster, Z has auffgang der sun; v. 4: W, M have mit all, Z has gantz; v. 5: W, M have kemel, Z has kamel tier; v. 9: W, M have quelten, Z has peinigten; v. 11: W, M have frucht, Z has getreyd; v. 15: W, Z have ingesind, M has geschlecht; v. 16: W, Z have du wirst schlahen, M has du schlechst. From here on the text of Zainer is followed to the end of chapter 48 of Jeremiah. This is in the second volume, which begins with Ecclesiastes. On f. 71r. of volume 2 a new scribe sets in at the words ich ging nit hinder sich, Is. 50, 5. This second scribe continues to f. 104v., third line, ending at Jer. 38, 23, und alle dine wib. The first scribe here resumes his task in the middle of the sentence, at the words und dine sune.

Throughout these changes the text followed is that of the Zainer Bible. In Jer. 48 there are no traces of Mentel. At the beginning of the next chapter, however, the text follows first Mentel, then Zainer. The writing here is smaller, though the scribe is the same. He probably made a pause here, and when he resumed work had both texts before him, as is shown by the following readings: Jer. 49, 1, W, M have besiczt, Z has hat besessen, W, Z have hant gewonet, M has entwelt; v. 2: W, Z have verwustet und zerstört in aim ufflauff, M has verwustet in eim wuffe; v. 3: W, M have ruffet, Z has schreiend, W, Z have klaidern, priester, M has klayt, pfaffen; v. 4: W, Z have glorierstu, M has wunniglichstu; v. 5: W, M have ich zu für, Z has ich will einfure, W, Z have umschwaif, M has umbhalbung.

This state of affairs continues through the chapter, and into the following one: Jer. 50, 2, W has geschent, Z geschendet, M geschemlicht, W, M have uberkomen, ir gegossen, Z has uberwunden, ir gehaune; v. 3: W, M have staig uff wider sy von aquilon, Z has wirt aufsteigen wider sy von mitnacht. From this point on the text of Mentel is followed, until in the second chapter of Jonah, Zainer's text is again adopted: Jon. 1, 11, W, M have mer hort uff, Z has more auffhöre; v. 14: W has die man rufften, M has die man rieffen, Z has sy schryen; Jon. 2, 1, W, Z have hett vorberait, M has furbereyt; v. 3: W, Z have ich hab geschrien,

M has ich rieff; v. 5: W, Z have wird ich sechen, M has sich ich. Beginning with Jon. 2, therefore, the text of Zainer is again followed, continuing into the New Testament.

A third scribe sets in at the top of f. 182v. of volume 2: Caspor und Mageth und Carnaim (I Mac. 5, 28). This scribe completed the two books of the Maccabees. The New Testament, which begins on f. 211r., was written entirely by the first scribe. Traces of Mentel's text reappear in I Peter 2, 6: W, M have erwelt und edel, Z has bewåret ausserwölt kostber; v. 7: W, M have wan, vorsprachen, Z has aber, verwarffen. From the ninth verse on there is no further trace of Zainer. Walther states that Mentel's text sets in at the third chapter of I Peter, continuing to Rev. 18, while from Rev. 19 to the end the text is that of Zainer. Both of these statements are inaccurate; Zainer's text reappears only in the last chapter. The last verse of chapter 21 is given as follows in W, M: kain ding entzübert gait in sy dz da tut die verbannenschaft und die luge nun (M neur) allain die da sind geschriben in dem buch des lebens und des lambs. In Z this is quite different: noch nichts vermeyligets wirt eingeen in ir oder das da thue ain verflucht ding oder luge. nur allain die da seind geschriben in dem buch des lebens und des lambs. In chapter 22, 1, however, W, Z have schinbar, M has leuchtent, W, Z have stůl, M has gesess; v. 2: W, Z have in der mitt, frücht, M has in miczt, wucher. From here on to the end the text is that of Zainer.

What is this later Bible which we have styled Zainer? Walther, col. 131, states that it is either the Zainer edition of 1473, Zainer of 1477, Sorg of 1477 or Sorg of 1480. Later on he surmises that it is "eine revidierte, vermutlich die 4. Bibel" (Zainer, 1473). This latter conjecture is correct, as will appear from the readings given below. The so-called Schweizer Bibel is out of the question on account of its many variants, as I have shown elsewhere (Journal of Germanic Phil. III 238-47). The Sorg 1477 edition is excluded by its variants: Ps. 73, 8 das geschlächt; Jer. 35, 11 antlucz der syrier; I Mac. 4, 36 aussgen; 6, 59 setzten: the Wolfenbüttel MS and all the other printed texts here have ir geschlächt, antlucz des höres, aufgan, seczen. In addition Sorg 1477 alone omits im, Ps. 94, 2; unser, I Mac. 3, 43; inserts uncz, Is. 7, 6. The editions of Zainer 1477 and Sorg 1480 are excluded by their readings of zu uns, I Reg. 4, 3; unbeschnitten, 14, 6; genachnet, Mat. 26, 46; grosse, Joh. 6, 2; iob sprach, Job 34, 4: the Wolfenbüttel MS and Zainer 1473 here read uns

zu, umbeschnitten, genahet, michel, iob der sprach. Instances from I Cor. 5, 8 and Ps. 33, 4, where Zainer 1473 and the Wolfenbüttel MS vary from all the other texts, might also be cited. The presence of the words der welt, Hab. 3, 6, shows further that the text which I have elsewhere designated 14736 was used.

There is only one reading which seems to go counter to the above conclusion that Zainer 1473 was used, but this is an important one. In I Mac. 9, 44 the Latin imperative surgamus is rendered wir wollen uffsten in the Wolfenbüttel MS, in accordance with Zainer 1477 and Sorg 1480. Zainer 1473 and Sorg 1477 here have wir söllen aufsten. Out of more than 250 instances of the first person plural imperative in these texts, this is the only one where a variant occurs. The change was made by Zainer 1477 and copied by Sorg 1480. It is manifestly impossible that the Wolfenbüttel scribe should have made this change by mere chance just at the same place where Zainer 1477 made it, the more so since this is the only change of the kind which was made by either.

We are therefore forced to the conclusion that in this passage the scribe of the Wolfenbüttel MS copied from Zainer 1477 or Sorg 1480. But how far does this dependence extend? Since noting the above variant in the Book of Maccabees I have had no further opportunity of comparing the texts concerned, and a number of additional passages from Maccabees yield no result, as in them Zainer 1473 and 1477 agree. It will be remembered, however, that the work of the third scribe was confined to the portion extending from I Mac. 5, 28 to the end of II Mac. We may reasonably conclude, therefore, that the edition of Zainer 1477 or Sorg 1480 was used only in this part, for at the beginning of the New Testament, where the first scribe sets in again, the text follows that of Zainer 1473. It is to be noted, further, that all the changes from Mentel to Zainer and from Zainer to Mentel were made by the first scribe, who completed the work, signing his name as Martin Huber Tütscher schulmaister. Of these changes of text Walther notes only the first, fourth and fifth, the two latter being put at the wrong place. The scribes are not mentioned at all by him.

II. Codex Germanicus Monacensis 204, 205.

This MS, which is in two large folio volumes, is mentioned by Walther, cols. 134, 135. The text agrees very closely with that

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