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9. The predifpofition of our citizens to be affected by the remote and exciting caufes of the yellow fever, would be very much lef fened by their living sparingly upon fresh animal food and chiefly upon broth and fresh vegetables rendered favoury by fpices, and a fmall quantity of falted meat, during the fummer and autumnal months. A conftant attention fhould be paid at the fame time to bodily cleanliness.”

ART. XVI. A Sermon preached in Chrift Church, and St. Peter's Philadelphia, May the 9th, 1-98; being the Day appointed by the Prefident, as a Day of Fafting, Humiliation, and Prayer, throughout the United States of North America. By James Abercrombie, A. M. one of the Affiftant Minifters of Chrift Church and St. Peter's. Published by Requeft. Philadelphia; Printed by John Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet.


Na well-written Preface, the author informs the public, that this difcourfe, written but a very few days before it was delivered, and with no intention of its being ever committed to the prefs, is thrown on the candour of the public, with a full conviction that, in confideration of the aboverecited and other fimilar circumftances, it will be perufed with all that indulgence to which he hopes it will be thought entitled. Confcious of his not having had it in his power to pay that attention to his ftyle, and the arrangement of his fubject, which both the occafion, and a proper regard to his own reputation required, he ftrenuously refifted the folicitations first offered for its publication, and he would have perfevered in doing fo, had not the moft grofs and malevolent mifreprefentations of feveral fentiments made it indifpenfibly neceflary for him to appeal to the candour of the public. He now gives it to them with all its imperfections, not thinking himself, under exifting circumftances, at liberty to alter or amend it; at the fame time afferting his full conviction of the truth of the fentiments exprelled, and giving his affurances that he publishes them exactly as delivered from the pulpit, without the fuppreffion or flightest alteration of any one of them.

The text is, Joel, chap. ii. ver. 15, 16, 17, 18, which is very judiciously explained, and then, being naturally led to it from the nature of his fubject, the author takes a fummary but interefting view of the prefent circumftances of his own country. And, forry are we to obferve, that on the teftimony of this as well as feveral other publications, thefe rifing states appear to be overrun either with fectaries to the destruction of


peace, harmony, and all the focial comforts of good neigh bourhood; or with fuch latidunarianifm as is equally deftructive of both religious principle and religious practice; or, finally, with modern French philofophy, which is more deftructive of the moral fenfe, as it has been called, and common honefty, than even avowed infidelity, when infidelity was contended to be a fpeculative thing.

Mr. Abercrombie, if fometimes bold in his expoftulations, is no where violent. He addrees his countryman with that manly firmnefs, which becomes a chriftian preacher: his arguments are plain, but convincing, and fufficiently forcible, and his ftyle, though perhaps, not always, fo correct as longer ftudy might have rendered it, is no where mean, nor unworthy of a well-educated writer. How popular or unpopular he may be in the congregation to which he belongs, we have neither enquired nor been informed: but, though we, with every other man, as we fuppofe, who had the pleasure of being acquainted with him, fincerely lamented the death of the amiable man, whom we well remember once filled the Chair of Christ Church and St. Peters, with almoft unexampled eclat. We cannot fo belie our convictions as to condole with the congregation for having loft Mr. Duché, when, at the fame time, they have gained by Mr. Abercrombie (whom we at all know only as the author of this Sermon).

As a fpecimen of his ftyle and manner, we transcribe the following paffage; felected for no other reafon than that it appears likely to be most interesting to British readers; and beaufe, alfo, it afferts a fact of great importance to both countries, to the certainty and truth of which it happens that we can ourselves bear teftimony.

"The pen of faithful hiftory, and the memory of many now within thefe facred walls, muft trace with pleafing recollection, the purity and fimplicity of manners, the ardour and unanimity of political fentiments, and the zeal and fincerity of religious profeffion, which once prevailed among us.

"By that great and illuftrious nation, from whom we derive our origin, we were nourished in the principles of true religion and vir tue; from her we imbibed thofe pure elements of political wifdom which, as far as the infant state of our country would admit, taught us to form our conftitution on the model of her own, juftly confidered, upon abstract principles, by the wifett politicians, the perfection of government; and without a firm and cordial connection with whom (pointed out by nature, from a fimilarity of language, laws, manners, and religion; and by expediency, from the fources of her ftrength) we may, perhaps, in the prefent exigency find it difficult to preferve our liberty and independence.”



A Darelles, poetical, to the French

and nglish nations, 439.

Abou Mandour, the father of light, 563.
Affability, (according to Mr. Pin-
kerton) a fet-off against vague

amours, 254.
Age of Reaton, (Paine's) Review of,
reviewed, 338-The Monthly Re-
viewers affert, that Mr. Paine's re-
ligious difguft arofe from being re.
quired to believe too much; and
propofe that the fcriptures fhould be
abridged, or difputed pallages taken
out, ib. various paffages in the
pinion of the Critical Reviewers,
do honour to the author's religious
feelings, 339-the Analytical Critics
affirm, that to Unitarians half the
book requires no answer, 341.
Albany (Duke of,) appointed regent of
Scotland in the minority of James V.
-his character, 252-his deficiency
of courage and kill thewn in his in-
vafions of England, 253.
America, infidelity increafing in the
United States, through the want of
a religious establishment, 25-fitua-
tion of various illuftrious perfonages
in, remarks on the flowness of
her progrefs in literature, 578.
Analytical Reviewer, its confiftency
in praifing and difpraifing the fame
poem, 477-the reafons of its revo-
lutionary judgment, 177.
Anne, queen of Louis XII. her mef-
fag to James IV. King of Scot-
land, 246.
Anonymous periodical publications,
remarks on their abufe, 203.
Antelope, defcription of the, 566.
Anti-Jacobin Review, its extreme ufe-
fulness to a Book Society in the
country, 80.

Antique Remains on the Heights of
Valda defcribed, 532.

Affertion, fpecimen of one proper to

be made in a French tribune, 544.
Atheism defcribed by Bishop brownlow,

314-its baneful effects on fociety,

Attjar, account of a pickle fo call-
ed, 2711

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Bampton Lecture, usefulness of that in
titution, 133.

Banana-tree, defcription of, 564.
Bantam, Stavorinus's introduction to
the king of, defcribed, 269.
Barbauld (Mrs.) a fketch of her cha-
racter, 29.

Baron de Knigge, unmasked, proved

to be an illuminé, democrat, &c. 554.
Barreul (l'Abbe) maintains the French
revolution to be the refult of a pre-
meditated plan, 498-undertakes to
explain the fpirit and principles of
the Revolution, 499-inaccurate in
afcribing the abolition of the Jefuits
and other religious orders to the new
Philofophers, 503-in accurate in fa-
ting various potentates and minifters
as encouragers of atheifm, 506—
510-the object of his work excellent
but its execution highly defective in
impartiality and moderation, 572.
Barritter Ego, his eloquence occafion-
ally diligent at St. Stephen's Cha-
pel, 290.

Baptist Bookfeller, the honour of one,
inftance of, 83.

Baptift Minifter, the hypocrify of a,
expofed, 82-detected in diftributing
a pernicious pamphlet, ib.
Batavia, Europeans at, defcribed by
Stavorinus, 275.

Belen (Cardinal) anecdotes of, 256.
Beltham's (Rev. Mr.) denies original
fin to be a fcriptural doctrine, 61.—
denies the pre-existence, deity, and
propitiation made by the death of
Jefus Chritt, 62-thinks that St.
Paul annexed no very diftin&t idea
to what he wrote; and afferts that
God, being an infinite fpirit, hatlı
no right hand, at which Jefus can
it and to intercede, 63-atirins that


[ocr errors]

the Sabbath makes no part of Chri-
tianity, 405
Strictures on his
writings by the author of the In-
Spector, 405-407.
Belen, (Cardinal) anecdotes of, 256.
Bishop's (Rev. Mr.) his poems, termed
infipid by the Critical Reviewers,
that the most inapplicable
term they could adopt, proved by
various quotations, 334, 335, &c.--
faults of his poetry, 354.
Biffet's (Dr.) remarks on futterance and
refiftance, as inculcated by Christi-
anity, 190.

[ocr errors]

Blundell (Mr. Bryan) prefents his Ma-
jeity with a copy of his pamphlet, 53.
Bluthing, a punishable offence at several
young ladies boarding fchools, 28.
Book-Society in an eaftern county,
account of its proceedings with re-
fpect to Reviewers, 79.

Bottiger Profeffor, his republican prin-
ciples, difplayed, 556.
Bowen's (Rev. Mr) comparison of the
French Ifraelites, 316.

British Navy, poetical compliment to,
quoted, 43.

Burgetles, two defcriptions of, in Can-
terbury, in the time of Edward the
Confeilor, 21.

Burke (Edmund) vindicated from the
charge of apoftacy, 199.

[blocks in formation]
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on Mr. Malone, 387-his criticifms
on the author of the Purfaits of Li-
terature, 395-treats the ftyle of
Junius with contempt, 397-is com-
pletely fatisfied that Hugh M'Aulay
was the author of thofe letters, 397.
See Mathias.

Charles de Rofenfeld, a novel, 575-
Chastity, female, in the opinion of

Mary Hays, confifts in only obliging
one lover at a time, 56.
Chella-Rees, a chief of Nootka, his
difpofition to thieving, 143-

China, account of the state-religion
of, 24.

Chinese at Batavia, account of, from
Stavorinus, 274.

Chriftianity, advantages of, to nations
and individuals, 137-defcription of,
by Bishop Brownlow, 315-real tefts
of, defcribed by Mr Polwhele, 4:6.
Cifalpina, poetical lamentation on the
Fall of, 363-367..
Civilization, its origin and progrefs
difcuffed, 117 of the Highlands of
Scotland, attempted in the reign of
James IV. 119-its progress in Scot-
land in the reigns of James IV. and
V. 258.

Cleeve (Mr.) entitled to public thanks
for compofing his Devotional Exer
cifes, 181.

Clergy, French, defence of the, by
M. De la Harpe, 542.
Clergyman, peculiar duty of a, to his
parishioners, 81.

Clerical character degraded by can-
vaffing for election to lecture hips,
178-fcandalous conduct at these
elections defcribed, ib.

Coinage (English) a confiderable ex-
pence to the nation, 169-the prefent
mode of conducting it exceptionable,
170 propofed method of improve-
ment, by a reduction in weight of
the pieces coined, ib.

Collot D'Herbois, account of his death,

Colnett (Captain) his means of pre-

ferving the health of his crew, 412.
Confpiracy against the Chriftian reli-
gion defcribed, 499-the period at
which it was formed, 500-i pro•
grets under the authors of the En-
cyclopedia, 505.

Cora, the Virgin of the Sun, her cha
racter defined, 441-ts tendency
hurtful, as not being agreeable to
nature, or conducive to virtue, 443.
Correction of an inaccurate flatement
in the Anti-Jacobin Review, 74-


Counterfeiting of English money, how
it may be prevented, 171.
Crambe Repetitæ, various extracts
from, 292.
Crocodile, the, 565.

Custom, a barbarous one, that duelling
fhould be confined to man, 144.


Daniel, a Prophecy of, applied to infi-
del France, 216-220-this appli-
Ication controverted, 484-488.
Debating Society, account of a, 97.
Deputies, French, account of their
Deportation to Cayenne, 518-bar-

barous treatment on the road from
Paris to Rochfort, 520-523-their
voyage to Cayenne defcribed, 524
treatment at Cayenne, 526-Ra-
mus, Barthelemy, Pichegru, and
others, effect their efcape, 529-the
former arrive in England, 530.
Devonshire, general outline of, from
Mr. Polwhele's Hiftory, 468-its
extent, 469-its climate, 470-its
rivers, 471-the changes that have
taken place on the fea-coaft, ib.
the foil and ftone, 472-mines, fof-
fils, and metals, 473-birds, infects,
and reptiles, 474-quadrupeds, 475.
Dialogue in the Shades, between Lu-
cian and a difciple of Godwin, 165.
Diffenters, Proteftant, defended from

various attacks, 84-87-their en-
deavours to inftruct, reform, and
convert poor villages, animadverted
upon, 213-remarks on their conduct
as members of volunteer corps, 214.
Diffenting Minifter, one of that clafs
the conductor of the Analytical Re-
view, 192-character and principles
defcribed, as fhewn by his criti-
cifms, 193.

Domesday, defcription of the auto-
graphs fo called, 425-tranflated by
Met. Henshall and Wilkinson, ib.-
its great importance in elucidating
English history, 432.
Dover, account of, in the reign of
Edward I. 427.

[blocks in formation]

Egypt, defcription of, by Sonnini, 558.
Egyptian, origin of the word Пug,
conjectures on, 285.

Election of a French reprefentative at
Cayenne defcribed, 527.

Elvira, the prostitute heroine of Kot-
zebue, remarks on her character,

Encyclopedie, French, originally de-
figned to promulgate the principles
of atheism and anarchy, 501.
England, Defcent upon, a Prophecy,

Epic poem, rules for its compofition,


Epigrams, on fand being mixed, the

bread given to the Englith prifoners
- in France, 294-feveral, by Mr.
Bishop, 337, 338.

Equality, omitted in the French decla-
ration of Rights of 1791, added in
that of 1795, 262-French definition
of equality difcuffed and condemned,

Europe, intercourfe with, indifpenfably
neceffary to the inhabitants of the
Pacific lands, 136.
Evangelical Preachers defcribed, 76—
their coarsenefs, vulgarity, and want
of taste, 211.

Exeter, Literary Society, its difputes
with, and expulfion of, one of its
members, 181-185.

Extract from Mr. Deafon's Sermons,


Farms, the fuperior expediency of fmall
or large, difcuffed, and decided in
favour of the latter, 480-483.
Ferguson, Dr. Adam, his defign in
compofing the Hiftory of the Roman
Republic, 413-his own view of his
fubject, 414-its great importance,
415 remarks on the compofition of
his hiftory, 418.

Feudal tenants of Edward the Confeffor,
20-eight Saxons in Kent, whole
lands were exempted from payment
of relief to the Crown, ib.
Fidelity of the Servant of Barthelemy
recorded, 520.

Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun (def-
cribed by the Earl of Buchan, Meff.
Beltham and Seward, as an upright
patriot, and excellent man) having
committed robbery and murder, flies
to Spain, where he is imprifoned as
a felon, and then ordered to be fent
back to England as a traitor, rebel,
and affaffin, 424.


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