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the civil engineer. On the 28th, at Dundalk, Co. Louth, aged 71, Sir Thomas Oriel Forster, Bart., C.B. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin; served in 77th Foot, 1843-52, and was afterwards Colonel, 5th Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers; succeeded as third baronet, 1876; created C.B. (Civil Division), 1881. Married, 1862, Hon. Mary E. A. Plunket, daughter of second Lord Plunket, Bishop of Tuam. On the 29th, at Dublin, aged 55, St. Laurence French Mullen, M.D. Educated at Tuam and Queen's College, Galway; appointed to Royal Naval Medical Service, 1868; served in Egypt and West Indies; retired, 1888, and devoting himself to politics, unsuccessfully contested South Dublin as a Parnellite in 1892. On the 29th, at Earl's Colme, Essex, aged 59, LieutenantColonel Albert Newby Clay, son of W. N. Clay, of St. Marychurch, Torquay. Entered the Army, 1854; served with 79th Highlanders in the Indian Campaign. On the 30th, at Maida Hill, London, aged 79, Colonel Richard John Gedaliah Hurford, son of Major J. Hurford, Dublin. Entered the Army Veterinary Department, 1835; served with 16th Lancers in the Afghan War, 1842-3; Sutlej Campaign, 1846-7; Punjab Campaign, 1848-9; Indian Mutiny, 1856-7; in 3rd Dragoon Guards; Principal Veterinary Surgeon to the Indian Army, 1866-71. On the 30th, at West Kensington, aged 72, Major-General Henry Campbell Johnstone, C.B., B.S.C., son of Dr. James Gardiner Johnstone, H.E.I.C.S., of Hutton Hall, Berwickshire. Educated at Edinburgh University; entered the Bengal Army, 1840; served in Bundelkhund, 1842-3; through the Indian Mutiny, in the Punjab and the North-West Frontier, 1855-78. Married, 1848, Alicia Laurence, daughter of Colonel J. Vincent Jening. On the 31st, at Corstorphine, Midlothian, aged 48, Sir James Liston-Foulis, ninth baronet. Educated at Sandhurst; gazetted to 16th Foot, 1866. Married, 1868, Sarah Helen, daughter of Sir C. Metcalfe Ochterlony, second baronet. On the 31st, at Bournemouth, aged 72, Dowager Lady Petre, Mary Teresa, daughter of Hon. Charles T. Clifford. Married, 1843, twelfth Baron Petre. On the 31st, at Dowderwell Court, Cheltenham, aged 92, Richard Rogers Coxwell-Rogers, second son of Rev. Charles Coxwell, of Abington Manor. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and Pembroke College, Oxford; B.A., 1828. Married, 1848, Ellen, daughter of G. H. M. Baker, of Logie, Morayshire.


The figures between [ ] refer to PART I.

ACCIDENTS.-Atels glacier, portion falls,

51; Audley Mine, inrush of water, 4;
Black Forest, cloudburst, 31; Black-
well, colliery explosion, 63; Borcheim,
explosion of fire-damp, 43; Bousey
reservoir, dam bursts, 24; Brux vil-
lage, subsidence of soil, 42; Butte,
Montana, explosions, 4; Carnegie
Steel Works, furnace explodes, 47;
St. Catherine's Tunnel, Guildford,
portion subsides, 17; Cleveland, elec-
tric motor car, falls into the river, 64;
Denny, colliery explosion, 23; Eckern-
förde Bay, torpedo explodes, 29; Fen-
church Street Station, cylinder ex-
plodes, 16; Geneva, Lake of, portion
of embankment gives way, 44; Gurney
Hotel, Denver, boiler explosion, 47;
Havana, train blown up, 47; Hinter
Lanterbrunnen Valley, fall of rock,
29; Kiel Dockyard, gangway gives
way, 46; Kiel Harbour, explosion,
35; Laborze, explosion of fire-damp,
10; Lobitz, explosion of dynamite, 16;
Montceau-les-Mines, explosion of fire-
damp, 8; Morecambe Pier, portion of
landing-stage collapses, 50; New
Church Court, Strand, gas explosion,
60; New Orleans, explosion of gun-
powder, 20; omnibus overturned, 18;
Petrel, powder barge, explosion, 6
Preston Park, explosion of a firework
"mortar," 45; Red Canyon, coal

mine, explosion, 16; Repulse,
H.M.S., explosion of gas, 70; Rovigno,
floor of a house gives way, 32; Saltcoats
pits, inrush of water, 44; Southwark
Bridge, explosion, 8; Stainland, ex-
plosion of a factory boiler, 28; Tims-
bury Collieries, explosion, 9; Warren-
by, boiler explosion, 32; Wellington
Coal-pit, explosion of gas, 55; Wil-
helmshaer, torpedo capsizes, 49
ACTON, Lord, Regius Professor of History,

ADDRESS, debate in the House of Lords
[18], [164]; agreed to [20], [167]; in
the House of Commons [21], [167];
amendments [24], [170]; debate clo-
sured [40], 11; agreed to [172]
ADELSHELM, Field-Marshal D. von, shoots
himself, 59


[blocks in formation]

AFRICA, Arabs, expeditions against
[373], [374]; Johnstone, Com., his
tour of inspection [373]; Maples,
Bishop, drowned [374]; Trade [374]
EAST, ABYSSINIA, Baratieri, Gen.,
defeats Ras Mangascia [365], 4, 57;
Shoans attack Italians [365], 68.
takes charge of the territory [366];
Matthews, Gen. Sir L., attacks Mwele,
47; Shareholders, meeting of, 18.
Quartz, discovery of [367]; Famine
[367]; Wissmann, Major von, Governor
[367]. MADAGASCAR, Antananarivo
surrenders [368], 55; Hovas defeated
by the French [368], 36, 48, 52, 57;
Mission stations attacked [369], 65;
Shervinton, Col., withdraws from the
fighting in [368], 9, 28. UGANDA,
Berkeley, Mr. E. L., appointed Im-
perial Commissioner [366]; Kabarega,
King of Unyoro, expedition against
[366]; Mombasa Railway [38], [133];
cost of [175], [367]. 46. ZANZIBAR,
caravan attacked, 66; number of
slaves [365]

in England [363], 50, 64. САРЕ
COLONY, British Bechuanaland An-
nexation Bill [357], 32, 44; Budget
[357]; Exports [358]; Geological
Commission [359]; Glen Grey Act
[356]; Griqualand West, discoveries.
of gold [357]; Hofmeyr, Mr., resigna-
tion [356]; Imports [358]; Leprosy
Commission report [357]; Loch, Sir
H., resignation [355]; Parliament
opened [356]; Rhodes, Mr. C., at a
meeting of the British South African
Co. [355]; Robinson, Sir H., Governor
[355]; Sigcau arrested [359], 32;
Tariff Amendment Bill [356]. NATAL,
Meetings [359]; Parliament opened
[359]; Revenue [360]. ORANGE FREE
STATE, Jagersfontein Mine, diamond
found [360], 66; Reitz, Prof., resigna-
tion [360], 64. RHODESIA, Buluwayo,
discoveries of jewellery [364], 49;
Claims, number of [364]. SWAZILAND
[360]; Transvaal Government assume
administration [361]. TRANSVAAL,
Chamberlain, Mr., instructions from,
71; Johannesburg, proposed exhibition
at [363]; Jameson, Dr., his advance
on, 71; Magoeba, rebellion [361];

SOUTH AFRICA, continued.

death [362]; National Union mani-
festo, 71; Pretoria, Delagoa Bay Rail-
way, ceremony at the opening of [362];
Swaziland Convention [361]; Vaal
River drifts closed [362], 55. ZULU-
LAND [359].

Kumassi, expedition against [369]
Maxwell, Mr. W. E., Governor [369]
Prempeh, King, his defiant attitude
[369], 60. CONGO FREE STATE,
Lothaire, Capt., recalled [373], 53;
Stokes, Mr., arrested [372]; executed
Chaudie, M., Inspector-General of
the Colonies [371]; Dahomey, report
on the trade of [372]. GAMBIA [370].
LAGOS, disturbances [370]; rubber
trade [370]. NIGER COAST PRO-
TECTORATE, Jacquali, the pirate_chief,
execution [371]; trade [371]. ROYAL
NIGER CO., Brass troubles, suppres-
sion of [370], 12; Goldie, Sir G. T.,
Governor [371]. SIERRA LEONE,
agreement between the British and
French Governments signed [370], 5
ALBERT Memorial Museum, new wing
opened, 41

ALBRECHT, Archduke, funeral, 12
AMERICA [375].-Vide Canada, Mexico,
Newfoundland, United States, West

[blocks in formation]

Cultivation, area of [397]; Pena, Pres.,
resignation [397], 5; Uriburu, Señor,
President [397]; on the policy of the
Government [397]; War materials,
expenditure on [396], 2. BOLIVIA

[399]. BRAZIL, Boundary disputes
[397], [398]; Budget [398]; Quaran
tine regulations [398]; Trinidad
annexed by H.M.S., Barracouta
[398], 43. BRITISH GUIANA, Gold,
yield of [400]; Hemming, Sir A.,
Governor [400]. Venezuela boundary
question [400]. CHILI, Foreign rela-
tions [399]; Gold system, return to
[399], 31; Ministry, a new [399];
Revenue [399]; Santiago National
Congress opened [399]. COLUMBIA,
rebellion in [400]. ECUADOR, revolu-
tion [400], 49. PERU, Cabinet, a new
[401]; civil war in [400], 16; Pierola,
Gen., resignation [400]; elected Pre-
sident [401] URUGUAY, Brazil, debt
to [401]; Congress Bills [401]; Loan,
the new [401]. VENEZUELA Boundary
question [401]; Industries [402];
Risings, number of [402]
ANGLO-FRENCH parcel post sanctioned,


ANICHE Mining Co., manager fired at, 45
ANTHOPOULO, Costaki Pasha, Turkish
Ambassador in London, 67

ANTI-GAMBLING League, decision of the,


ARGYLL, Duke of, illness, 4
ART.-Retrospect of:

BRITISH Museum, 120
NATIONAL Gallery, 119
NATIONAL Gallery, Ireland, 120
NATIONAL Portrait Gallery, 120
NEW Gallery, 122
PICTURE Sales, 122
ROYAL Academy, 121

SOUTH Kensington Museum, 121
ASIA [332].-Vide Afghanistan, Burmah,
China, Corea, India, Japan, Siam
AUSTRALASIA [402].-Vide New South
Wales, New Zealand, Queensland,
Tasmania, Victoria

Buxton, Sir T. F., Governor [411]
COMMERCIAL treaty with New Zealand
[411]; abandoned [411].
decision to abolish [411].
MENT, opened [411]


WEST.-FORREST, Sir J., Prime
Minister [412] GOLD, discoveries of
[412]. PERTH, four gentlemen drowned,
13. Population [412]. SMITH, Col.
Sir G., Governor [412]
on resisting the Ecclesiastical Bills
[276]. Agram, disturbance at [276],
58. Anti-Semitic agitation [271],
[275], 65. Army estimates [272].
BADENI, Count, Premier [273], 55';
his political programme [273]-[275].
Banffy Baron, Premier [270], 3.
Bohemia, elections, 64; Virgin,
apparition of the, 1. Buda-pest,
monument, attempt to blow up, 19.
Budget [271][273]. ECCLESIASTICAL
Bills [276]. FOREIGN relations [278].
GOLUCHOWSKI, Count, Minister of
Foreign Affairs [278], 27; his policy
[278]. KALNOKY Count, resignation
[277], 25, 27. Kielmansegg, Count,
his Provisional Cabinet [271], 33.
PLEVNER, Dr., resignation, 37. Press,
liberty of the [275]. REVENUE [272].
VIENNA, Bourse, panic on the, 70;
Delegations, session of the, opened,
31; Lueger, Dr., elected Burgo-
master [271], [275], 60, 62; Municipal
Council, dissolved [271], [275], 30, 63;
elections [271], [275]), 52,
WINDISCHGRATZ Ministry, resignation
[271], 33. Women students, circular
on, 71
AVALANCHE, at Orlu, 2


BALFOUR, MR. A. J., at a banquet in
celebration of the Moderate victories,
26; deputation of the Miners' Federa-
tion, 15

"BALFOUR" Companies, prosecution of the
directors, 9

BALFOUR, Jabez, surrender ordered, 19;
extradition of, [62]; leaves Buenos
Ayres, 21; remanded to Holloway
Gaol, 25; trial, 59; verdict, 64, 66
BARNHAM Thorpe, bazaar and exhibition
opened, 10


M., elected
Brussels, declared

President [301].

to be a seaport, 59; Education Bill,
demonstration against, 43; COMMUNAL
Councils, new electoral law [299];
elections [300], 64.
question of the annexation [302], 3.
Congo State,
JONIAUX, Mdme., sentenced, 8, 26;
appeal rejected, 20. LANTSHEERE,

M. de, resignation [301], 6. Lothaire,
Capt., his treatment of Mr. Stokes
[303]. MERODE, M., resignation
[302], 28. Military reforms, question
of [301]. PROTECTIONIST Tariff Bill,
39. RELIGIOUS instruction law [300].
Renaix, strike, 18

BESANT, MR. W., knighthood conferred,



BOARD of Guardians (Ireland) [79];
CHARITY Commission [116]; CHURCH
Patronage [106], [125]; CONCILIATION
of Trade Disputes [61], [118]; CRIMES
Act, repeal of the [123], 25; CRIMIN-
AL Cases, Evidence in [125]; CROF-
TERS' [116]; DIVORCE Act Amend-
ment [125]; ELECTIONS, Libels at
[118]; FACTORIES, and Workshops
[53], [116], [144]; FINANCE [127];
JUSTICES of the peace, appointment
of [80]; LAND, Irish [57], [98], [122],
13, 19; LAND Tenure [126]; LIGHT
Railways [116]; LOCAL Control [122],
20; MUNICIPAL Franchise (Ireland)
[80], [132]; NAVAL Works [71], [127];
ONE Man, One Vote [117]; PAYMENT
of Members [93], 17; SCOTCH Dises-
tablishment [49]; TRUCK Act [55];
WELSH Disestablishment [47], [82],
[122], 12, 19; in Committee [122],
[124], [127], [135]

BIMETALLIC Conference, members of the,
at Paris, 68
BIMETALLISM, question of [49]
BIRMINGHAM, Municipal Technical School
opened, 69

BISMARCK, Prince, celebrates his eightieth
birthday, 19

States, 9

BORTHWICK, Sir A., peerage conferred, 57
BOYLE, Sir C., president of the conference
on the boot trade, 22

BRASSEY, Lord, Governor of Victoria, 59
BREMONT, Mme. de, sues Mr. W. S.
Gilbert, 70

BRITISH Association, Ipswich, 51
BROGLIE, Abbé P. de, murdered, 26

BUDGET, The [118], 24; Indian [177]

deputation to Russia [295]. DOSPAD
village destroyed [296], 47.

TIONS [295].


Ferdinand, Prince, on
relations with Russia [297]; returns
to Sofia, 46; Finances [294]. MACE-
DONIA, insurrection


in [294], 33.



PORTE, Note to the, 35.

BOULOFF, M., assassination [295], 40;
funeral, 41, 42. ZANKOFF, M., returns
to Sofia, 2

BURDON-SANDERSON, Prof., Regius Pro-
fessor of Medicine at Oxford, 3


RANGOON, mail train attacked, 7.
Revenue [334]

BURNS, Mr. J., on State Socialism [13]
BUTE, Lord, elected Lord Rector of St.
Andrews University, 66

BUXTON, Sir T. F., Governor of South
Australia, 20

BYE-ELECTIONS [40], [115], [126]

CADOGAN, Earl of, state entry into Dublin,
CAMBRIDGE, Duke of, commemoration of
his appointment as K.C.M.G., 22;
resignation [136]; takes leave of the
Army, 60

CAMBRIDGE Training College for Women,
opened, 58
CANADA. [389].

establishing a Salvation Army Colony,
Gen., on
10. COMMERCIAL treaty with France
[391]; Copyright question [391].
MANITOBA, grain, yield of [390];
School question [390]; St. Mary's
Canal opened [391]; Military force,
reduction of, 31; Montreal, Banque
du Peuple suspends payment, 40.
NEWFOUNDLAND, question of
union with [390], 19; PROVISIONAL
districts [391]; REVENUE [391]. To-
RONTO, deprived of its water supply,
52. WOMAN Suffrage, 31

CANTERBURY, Archbishop of, his pastoral
letter, 50; memorial on the claims of
the voluntary schools [196]
CARLYLE, his house purchased by subscrip-
tion, 43; handed over to Chelsea In-
stitute, 67

CAVOUR, Count, monument unveiled, 53
CHAMBERLAIN, Mr. J., at a banquet in

celebration of the Moderate victories,
26; his despatch to the Colonies, 67
CHESS Tournament, Hastings, 49
CHINA.-FOKIEN, rebellion, 51;


mosa, decree recalling officials, 28;
Viceroy of, proclaims a Republic, 28;
France, treaty with, 42. HONG KONG,
Constitution, petition for an amend-
ment to the [346]; trade [346]. JAPAN,
war with [341]-[343], 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14,
17. KANSU rebellion [346]; Ku-
cheng Massacre [344], 44, 52.
HUNG CHANG, sent to negotiate terms
of peace [343], 13, 16; wounded, 17,
18. MISSIONS, outrages on [160], [344].
32, 45, 49. RAILWAYS [346]. Russia,
treaty with [344], 59; loan from [344].
SHIMONOSEKI, treaty of [343], 7, 21,
23, 25, 26.
[345], Szu-chuen, Viceroy of, stripped
Supplementary treaty
of his rank [345], 54. TING, Admiral,
surrenders [343], 10; commits suicide,
10. WAI, Gen., beheaded, 4
CHOLERA epidemic, Algiers, 52; Camaran,
20; Podolia, 52; Volhynia, 52
CHURCH Missionary Society, 100th anniver-
sary commemorated, 4

"CITIZEN" Sunday celebrated in London,


CIVIL List pensions, 33

CLERKENWELL Town Hall, opened, 32
COLSTON Day celebrations, Bristol [193], 63


CONNAUGHT, Duke of, on raising a sum for

St. Thomas' Hospital, 10

CO-OPERATIVE Congress, Huddersfield, 30
COREA.-INDEPENDENCE of, proclaimed

[347], 2. SEOUL, coup d'état at [347],



COUNTY Council, London, elections [45],
[55], 13; result [56]; election of
Chairman, 15; meetings, 56, 69
CRATHIE, Parish Church of, opened, 33
CRICKET.-Australians and Mr. Stoddart's
eleven, 1, 4, 8, 14; Eton and Harrow,
Eton and Winchester,
Gloucestershire and Somerset,
Lancashire and Somerset, 40; Notting-
ham and Sussex, 27; Oxford and
Cambridge, 37; close of the season,
59; sentenced, 64, 66; Brock, sentenced,
CADMAN, sentenced, 68; Coombes, R. A.,
acquitted, 52.

QUEENSBERRY, Marq. of, acquitted, 19
SARTI, A., found guilty, 70

TAYLOR, A., charge against, 24; guilty,
29; Theobald sentenced, 66
WILDE, Oscar, arrested, 20; Jury dis-
charged, 24; guilty, 29
CROMWELL, O., vote for a Statue to [133],
32; rescinded, 33
CYCLONES.-Cherry Hill, 39; Harlem,

39; Illinois, 25; Kansas, 25; New
York, 39; Wisconsin, 25; Wood-
haven, 39

DAIRY Institute, opening of the Midland

DANUBE, new bridge opened, 54
DAVOUST, Gen., Grand Chancellor of the
Legion of Honour, 67

DAWES, Miss A. S., degree of Doctor of
Literature conferred, 27
DENMARK.-BRITISH trawlers seized, 39.
Budget [318]. COPENHAGEN and

Malmö, opening of the steam-ferry
traffic between [322]. ELECTION,
general [319], 20. FOLKETHING, the
new [320]. MILITARY Bill [318]. Re-
form party, programme [321]

PRINCE Charles of, betrothal, 60
DERBY Day, 29

DEVONSHIRE, Duke of, deputation on
voluntary schools relief [196], [198],


DISTRESS, relief of, appointment of a com-
mittee of inquiry [24]

DORKING, workman at, murders his wife

and six children, 14
DRAMA, The.-COMEDIES, 126; Comic
Operas, 127; Farces, 128; French
plays, 128; Melodramas, 128; Mis-
cellaneous items, 129; New plays,

DREYFUS, Capt. A., publicly degraded, 2
DUFFERIN, Lord, resigns the Lord Warden-
ship of the Cinque Ports, 59
DUNRAVEN, Lord, at Cardiff, 65

EARTHQUAKES. - Bergen, 8; Bologna,
27; Christiansand, 8; Cilli, 21;

Florence, 27, 31; Furnes, 21; Kuchan,
4; Laibach, 21, 37; Meshed, 5; Peru,
47; Pisa, 27; Rome, 61; Siena, 27;
Taupo, 47 Trieste, 21; Venice, 21;
Zermatt, 48
Norwich, 56

DAVIDSON, Dr. R. T., Bishop of Win-
chester, 45

FARRAR, Archdeacon, Dean of Canter-
bury, 22

JACOB, Rev. E., Bishop of Newcastle,
65; James, Rev. H. A., Head Master
of Rugby School, 17

PERCIVAL, Rev. J., Bishop of Hereford,

TALBOT, Rev. E. S., Bishop of Rochester,
WILBERFORCE, Rt. Rev. E. R., Bishop
of Chichester, 64
EGYPT.-ALI-PASHA Cherif, execution

against, 10. BUDGET, 66. CAIRO,
Funeral of a British Soldier, 43.
FINANCE, record of [353]. French
Journalist expelled [352], 38. GEO-
LOGICAL survey of, sanctioned, 63.
ISMAIL Pasha, ex-Khedive, funeral, 15.
JUDICIAL system, reform of [353].
KHEDIVE Consents to a special tribunal,
12; reviews the English troops, 12;
inspects the fleet, 29; at Constanti-
nople, 41. LAND-TAX law, 22. NUBAR
Pasha, his remonstrance to the Legis-
lative Council, 1; resignation, 62.
PUBLIC Works [354]. RAILWAY con-
struction [353]. SLATIN Bey, escapes
[353], 16; raised to the rank of Pasha,
17; at Vienna, 38

EISTEDDFOD, Welsh National, Llanelly,

Elbe and Crathie, decision in the case
of, 46

ELCHO Challenge Shield, handed to the
Lord Mayor, 56

ELECTION, General [153]-[156], 39; sum-
mary of results [157], 43; close of the,

[ocr errors][merged small]

Petitions, 65, 67, 70
Bristol [89], 16;


[40, 11; Cork, 35; Croydon, 28;
Dorset, W. [126], 26; Dublin
City, 49; Dublin University, 67;
Edinburgh, W. [135], 30; Evesham,
5; Inverness-shire [135], 32; Kerry,
S., 50; Leamington [89]; Leeds, E.,
24; Norfolk, 23; Oxford [115], 22;
Paddington, S., 9; Walworth [126],
26; Warwick and Leamington [89],
28; Wicklow, E., 23

Municipal, results of [188], 61
ENGLISH Church Union Meeting, 24
EPILEPTICS, new Home for, opened at
Chalfont, St. Peters, 66

ESTIMATES, Army [66], [72]-[76], [136],
[143], 14; Civil Service [133], [143],
[172]; Navy [66]-[71], [143], 14;
Supplementary [62]

FARRAR, Dean, presentation of a testi-
monial, 42

FIJI. Hurricane [414]

FINLAY, Mr. R. B., Solicitor-General, 48

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