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The Outlook


The Spirit of San Francisco

A Telegraphic Pen Picture by Benjamin Ide Wheeler


President of the University of California

HE population of a great city suddenly robbed of the entire shelter and equipment of civilized life is left standing bare under the stars. No roofs, light, food, water, furniture, or tools; one suit for each person, or scarcely that. No cars; only automobiles, bicycles, and wagons; the movement is mostly on foot around a fourteen-mile hem of desolation. The banks have their money locked in heated vaults. There is nothing to buy-no shops; the largest department store advertises to open in small dwelling here. No paper, no printing-press, no telephones or telegraph. City engineers without level or compass, without records of streets or pipes. Every library burned--Public, Mechanics', Mercantile, Sutro, Law; only the unique Bancroft Library of Original Documents preserved, and now rendered priceless. It will be transported directly to Berkeley as the property of the State University. No courts or governmental buildings. The externals of life are reduced to a condition of primitive savagery. Unerringly self-government springs anew from root without resort to military laws; the ablest men come to the front; the people welcome leadership of intelligence and integrity. The government is practically in the hands of the excellent Citizens' Committee, with the Mayor presiding. Hundreds of car-loads of provisions, especially of cooked food, rushed in from coast cities, averted the danger of famine. Superb order from the first. People brave, unrepining, "game;" half population now camping at Oakland and Berkeley, or departed into country. First outlook for the future dark. It is resolved to rebuild. Determination unhesitating. Confidence restored. Confidence restored. Mr. Harriman's coming had an excellent effect. City certainly to arise immediately finer than old. The experience of the earthquake proves steel-cage construction absolutely secure. The taller the buildings the better; six modern steel buildings which were burned out will be in use again inside ninety days. Scientific commission studying effects of earthquake. Professors Lawson, Gilbert, and Branner say that it is evident that the earth-shivering attains greatly enhanced amplitude in passing into the soft soil and the alluvial sand. Same shock all along the line of the old geologic fault from Russian River to Salinas, but the destruction of buildings was only on soft or new-made soil. The lesson is that of varying construction for varying soil. Money needed to feed a hundred thousand people for thirty days, fifty thousand another thirty. Then fund needed to help deserving men to get on their feet. So we can use large amounts advantageously now. BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER.



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The Situation in San Francisco

In response to a request from The Outlook, Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, President of the University of California, at Berkeley, at the end of last week sent the despatch printed on the preceding page, which gives what seems to us an extremely valuable bird's-eye view of the situation in San Francisco, of the special needs of the people, and of the efforts on foot for reconstruction. The message has special force as coming from a man of National reputation and of proved judgment and wisdom. Elsewhere in this issue of The Outlook will be found some personal impressions of the Spectator on the day of the calamity. It may be added that a member of the editorial staff of The Outlook left for San Francisco on receipt of the news of the disaster, is now in that city, and will, at the earliest day consistent with the general purpose of his mission, tell the readers of The Outlook with some fullness about the actual state of affairs existing there, the plans for reconstruction, the administration of the greatest relief fund this country has ever gathered together, the conduct and courage of the people under their affliction, the human and dramatic phases of the period of endurance; and whatever else may seem to be of permanent rather than of temporary interest. During last week progress was made in systematizing the plans for relief and the methods of applying this relief with as little waste as possible. Secretary Metcalf, of the Department of Commerce and Labor, reported to the President from San Francisco that his estimate of the loss of life in that city was not far from three hundred, with a thousand injured. Other estimates place the loss of life somewhat, in excess of this. Secretary Metcalf declares, however, that the industrial and commercial losses are appalling and demand financial planning on a very large scale. He found little suffering from lack of provisions or water, no epidemics, and on the whole the health of the people excellent, all things considered. The sale of liquor in San Francisco, Oakland, and near-by places has been strictly prohibited; looting has been sternly suppressed; the report that

some of the militia were shooting recklessly appears to have been exaggerated, although the death of Mr. H. C. Tilden, a member of the relief committee, by such reckless shooting is one of the most deplorable incidents of the calamity. At the suggestion of President Roosevelt, a coalition has been made between the Red Cross Association and the San Francisco Citizens' Committee. ExMayor James D. Phelan has been made chairman of the finance committee of the Citizens' Committee, and all contributions, including those from the Red Cross fund, will be disbursed on his order. Mr. Phelan is a public-spirited citizen in whom every one has entire confidence. Dr. Devine, the special representative of the Red Cross, arrived in San Francisco early last week, and has co-operated with the Citizens' Committee to establish scientific and economical methods of distribution. The homeless citizens have in large numbers been received into houses still standing in San Francisco, or have been hospitably welcomed by the people of near-by towns, but the camps still contain many thousands who must be cared for as to food, shelter, and sanitation. Electric cars are beginning to run. The railroads have shown great generosity in giving free transportation to those who wish to leave for any point west of Chicago. The bounty of the country at large continued to be poured forth during the week with astonishing liberality—the fund is now about $20,000,000, and New York City alone has given about $4,000,000. The financial situation is a difficult one because of the destruction of the banks and the burying beneath the ruins of immense funds which have not yet been recovered, and the instant need of ready money for the rebuilding of the city. It is said that Congress may be asked to guarantee a long-time low interest bond loan by San Francisco. The President has asked Congress to appropriate money for work at the Mare Island Navy-Yard to give needed employment. It is recognized that the opportunity to make San Francisco one of the most beautiful cities, of the world is not to be neglected, and it is quite probable that an adaptation of the plans made tentatively some

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time ago by Mr. Burnham, the architect, will be followed, including a beautiful civic center with radiating boulevards and a fine outer boulevard encircling the city along the bay and ocean. The business section will doubtless shift somewhat its position. General Greely has assumed command of the military situation, and has brought in more troops to aid in preserving discipline and to afford rest to the overworked soldiers of the regular army. From every quarter comes the highest praise for the way in which the military situation has been handled by General Funston and later by General Greely. A few comparatively slight earthquake tremors were felt on the Pacific Coast during the week. The loss at San José is reckoned at not less than $8,000,000; that at Stanford University as perhaps $400,000.

Efforts to Avert a Hard-Coal Strike

In the hope of reaching a basis upon which the present suspension of anthracite coal mining could be declared at an end, two entirely new propositions were presented last week to the hard-coal operators by the anthracite mine employees. On April 27, the day following, they were rejected by the representatives of the anthracite-carrying railroad companies. These proposals from the mine workers' committee in effect abandon all the various demands previously made and rejected by the operators, except as to a wage increase. The first proposal groups the employees about the collieries into five different classes, according to the wages paid, and asks for a sliding scale increase in wages by groups, the increase ranging from fifteen per cent. for those receiving one dollar or less a day, to five per cent. for the best-paid employees. In case this plan were refused by the operators, it was requested by the committee that the operators grant an advance in wages equal to ten cents per ton upon the total production. In case either proposition were accepted, the committee claims that the increase in the labor cost of the domestic sizes of anthracite would not exceed sixteen cents a ton. In support of the demand the committee states that

"it will not be seriously contended that any man who receives less than two dollars per day can support and educate his family in a manner at all conformable to American standards, especially in the mining industry, where men are not given the opportunity to work more than two hundred and twenty-five days in any one year." And yet, it claims, there are thousands upon thousands of miners, with families to support, who receive. between $1.17 and $1.75 per day. The committee also refers to the great hazard incident to employment in the anthracite mines and to the skill and experience required by contract miners, and contends that the support and maintenance of the injured as well as of large numbers of widows and orphans throughout the region is borne in a large measure by those who depend upon the mining industry for their livelihood. The operators, in rejecting the propositions, reiterate their plan for a limited arbitration of new issues and a three-year agreement, and quote the award of the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission on the subject of wages in the hard-coal industry. The reply of the operators goes somewhat into detail as to the increase in the cost of labor if either of the mine workers' propositions were granted, stating that the operators cannot afford to pay this large annual increase (estimated at $6,100,000 for the entire industry) without imposing additional burdens upon the coalconsuming public, and claiming that there has been no increase in the profits of the business upon which could be based any claim for increased wages. The operators' letter closes as follows: "In view of all the circumstances, we are satisfied that the true course was indicated in our original proposition. This was that existing conditions should be continued for a period of three years. We trust that on Thursday next the deliberate judgment of the anthracite workers will result in an acceptance of that proposal; but if not, that they will join with us in the arbitration we have offered. Failing to meet us on either proposition, the responsibility of a strike must rest upon you." It will be remembered that the arbitration offered by the operators excludes, according to the

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