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made much more public than it otherwise could have been; as the wonderful circumftances which attended it must have been known to all who were there at the time, who would naturally relate them in the different parts of the country on their return home.

So great indeed was the multitude gathered together upon this occafion at Bethlehem, that the bleffed Virgin could procure no better accommodation than a stable, nor the divine babe than a manger. This is one among the very many instances we constantly meet with in the history of our Saviour, that whatever was conducive to the falvation of mankind, was by him preferred to any of the comforts and conveniencies of this world.

And here, let us not overlook the ftriking leffon given us of condefcenfion and humility when we fee the Son of God, the creator of the world, not disdaining to his refidence in a ftable, how ab

take up furd muft it make all the pomp and grandeur of this world appear! and fhall man,


weak man, after this be proud of the accidental advantages of riches and show. If he must be proud, let it be at the care and attention with which the Alınighty ftill regards his fallen and finful race, making different fituation in life fubfervient to our everlasting happiness, if we do not counteract his goodness by our own obftinacy.


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"8. And there were, in the fame country, shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock, by night.

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9. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them; them; and the glory of the "Lord fhone round about them: and they were fore afraid."


Though our bleffed Saviour had a manger for his cradle, yet nothing could be more grand than the manner in which his birth was made known: the heavenly hosts were fent to proclaim it. They were not fent to kings, princes, or to the rulers of the earth, but to fimple fhepherds. Their


narration could not be fufpected of art, which might have been the case had the glad tidings been made known through the great or the learned.

And here it may be neceffary to obferve, that the occupation of a fhepherd, amongst the Jews, had, many centuries before, been confidered amongst the first employments, and that fome of their greatest and wifeft characters had exercised it; but, at the time of our Saviour, it was no longer fo, but as in our own, and other countries, was confined to the lower orders of men ;.and from the nature of their employment they were generally confidered as ignorant, fimple, harmless people.

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10. And the angel faid unto them, "fear not; for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all

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"11. For unto you is born this day, in "the city of David, a Saviour, which is

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"12. And this fhall be a fign unto you :

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ye fhall find the babe wrapped in fwaddling clothes, and lying in a manger.


13. And fuddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praifing God, and faying,


14. Glory to God in the highest ; and, on earth, peace; good will towards 66 men."

The nativity of our blessed Saviour was first published by one angel, but a multitude of the heavenly host joined in the celebration of it: they declared that this bleffing was to be univerfal; not confined to any nation or people, but was intended for all people, and for every different nation upon earth. Well, therefore, may "all the dear-bought nations fing, rejoice "and give thanks.”

The fhepherds immediately set out, tho' it was night, to see their new-born king and faviour. They found him in the humble fituation which the angels had described; and they, rejoicing, proclaimed his birth.

In the following verses, we are told that their relation of these transactions excited wonder in all who heard them; but that Mary preserved the remembrance of them and pondered them in her heart; and that the fhepherds returned home, praifing and glorifying God for all the things they had heard and feen, as it was told unto them.

Any occurrence out of the common course of nature will produce wonder: but to make our admiration useful to ourselves, we must, like the shepherds, believe and be thankful; and, like Mary, ponder in our hearts on what we believe; fince we are all equally concerned in this mysterious transaction.

Would we derive from the holy Scriptures all the benefit they are meant to convey to us, we should confider every good or praise-worthy action which is recorded in them, as an example to ourfelves, and to all future ages. In this light I regard the conduct of the fhepherds; who, highly honored as they had been

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