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1. The firft is, The offering to View, viz. of God, Angels and Men, under certain Symbols, the Death, Paffion, or Sacrifice of Chrift. We do the like (not precifely the fame) in Baptifm alfo For, there we reprefent and commemorate mentally, vocally, and manually, (in Mind, and by Mouth, and by fignificant Actions) the Death and Burial of Christ our Lord.

2. The second is, the offering, as it were, to divine Confideration, with our Praises and Thanksgivings, Chrift and his Sacrifice, pleading the Merit of it, in behalf of ourselves and others. We do fomething near a-kin to this in Baptifm likewife, pleading the fame Sacrifice of Atonement, with the Merits thereof, in behalf of the Perfons baptized; offering the fame to divine Confideration.


3. The third is, the offering up Chrift's ftical Body, the Church, or ourselves a part of it d, as an holy, lively, reasonable Sacrifice


& Fulgentius's Doctrine on this Head is well worth the noting, as making the Church to be the Sacrifice offered, and likewife as interpreting the Illapfe of the Spirit, conformably, of the Spirit's fanctifying that mystical Body, viz. The Church. He flourished about 510, and is of greater Antiquity and Authority than most of the Greek, Latin, or Oriental Liturgies now extant. Cum ergo fancti Spiritus ad fanctificandum totius ecclefiæ Sacrificium poftulatur Adventus, nihil aliud poftulari mihi videtur, nifi ut per Gratiam falutarem in Corpore Chrifti (quod eft Ecclefia) caritatis unitas jugiter indifrupta fervetur.. -Dum itaque Ecclefia Spiritum fanctum fibi cœlitus poftulat mitti, donum fibi caritatis & unanimitatis poftulat a Deo conferri. Quando autem congruentius, quam ad confecrandum Sacrificium Carporis Cbrifti fancta Ecclefia (quæ eft Corpus Chrifti) fpiritus fanéti de pofcat Adventum, quæ ipfum caput fuum fecundum carnem de fpiritus fancta noverit natum ?. factum eft caritate divina, ut ex ipfo fpiritu corpus illius effet renatum, de quo ipfum caput eft natum. Hæ itaque fpiritualis ædificatio Cor. Hac

Hoc ergo


unto God: A Sacrifice reprefented by the outward Signs, and conveyed, as it were, under the Symbols of Bread and Wine.

This third Article of the Poft-Oblation is feen alfo in Baptifm: For, we are therein supposed to be dedicated, confecrated, devoted, thro' Christ, to God. On which Account Baptifm has been look'd upon as a kind of Sacrifice among the Antients.

Nevertheless, the Sacrament of the Eucharift has more particularly obtained the Name of Sacrifice: Partly, onAccount of the Offerings to Church and Poor in the Ante-Oblation, which are peculiar to that Sacrament; and partly, on Account of the commemorated Sacrifice in the Poft-Oblation. For, tho' Baptifm commemorates the Death and Burial, and in


poris Chrifti, quæ fit in caritate, (cum fcilicet fecundum B. Petri Sermonem, Lapides vivi ædificantur in domum fpiritalem, in facerdotium fanétum, offerentes fpiritales Hoftias, acceptabiles Deo per Jefum Chriftum) nunquam opportunius petitur, quam cum ab ipfo Chrifti corpore, quod eft Ecclefia, in Sacramento panis & calicis ipfum Chrifti corpus & fanguis offertur. Calix enim quem bibimus, &c. 1 Cor. x. 16, 17. Fulgent. ad Monim. Lib. ii. p. 34, 35, 36, 37. Edit. Paris, conf. Fragment. p. 641.

• Cum venis ad Gratiam Baptifmi, vitulum obtulifti, quia in mortem Chrifti baptizaris. Origen. in Levit. Hom. ii. p. 191. Ed. Bened.

Holocaufto dominicæ paffionis, quod eo tempore offert quifque pro peccatis fuis, quo ejufdem paffionis fide dedicatur, & Chriftianorum Fidelium nomine baptizatus imbuitur. Augustin. ad Rom. Expof. c. xix. p. 937. Ed Bened.

Ipfe homo, Dei nomini confecratus, & Deo devotus, in quantum mundo moritur ut Deo vivat, Sacrificium el Augustin. de civit, Dei. L. x. c. vi. p. 242.


directly the grand Sacrifice; yet it does not so precisely, formally, and directly represent, or commemorate the Sacrifice of the Cross, as the Eucharift does.

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Manby, at the Weft-End of St. Paul's.


1. Scripture Vindicated, in Answer to a Book intituled, Chriftianity as old as the Creation, in Three Parts. The Third Edition. To which is prefix'd, a general Preface, 8vo.

II. The Importance of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity afferted, in Reply to fome late Pamphlets. By Daniel Waterland, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty. The Second Edition, 8vo.

III. A Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharift, as laid down in Scripture and Antiquity. By Daniel Waterland, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty. The Second Edition, 8vo.

IV. Eight Sermons preach'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, in Defence of the Divinity of our Lord Jefus Chrift; upon the Encouragement given by the Lady Moyer, and at the Appointment of the Lord Bishop of London. With a Preface containing Remarks upon Two late Pamphlets: One intituled, Modeft Plea, &c. continued, &c. The other, Unity of GOD not inconfiftent with the Divinity of CHRIST, &c. By Daniel Waterland, D. D. Master of Magdalen College in Cambridge, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty. The Second Edition, 8vo.

V. The Procedure, Extent and Limits of Human Understanding. The Third Edition, with Corrections and Amendments, 8vo.

VI. Things Divine and Supernatural conceiv'd by Analogy with Things Natural and Human. By the Author of, The Procedure, Extent and Limits of Human Understanding, 8vo.


VII. A Demonftration of the Grofs and Fundamental Errors of a late Book, called, A Plain Account of the Nature and End of the Lord's Supper, &c. wherein alfo the Nature and Extent of the Redemption of all Mankind by Jefus Chrift, is ftated and explained; and the Pretences of the Deifts, for a Religion of Natural Reafon inftead of it, are examin'd to the Bottom. The Whole, humbly, earnestly and affectionately addrefs'd to all Orders of Men, and more efpecially to all the younger Clergy. By W. Law, A. M. The Second Edition, 8vo.

VIII. An Effay concerning Rational Notions. To which is added, The Proof of a God. By the late Charles Mayne, Efq; 8vo.

IX. An Hiftorical and Critical Account of the most eminent Claffic Authors in Poetry and Hiftory. In three Parts, by the Reverend Edward Manwaring, 8vo.

X. Inftitutes of Learning; taken from Ariftotle, Plutarch, Longinus, Dionyfius Halicarn, Cicero, Quintilian, and by many others Writers both antient and modern, &c. By the Reverend Edward Manwaring, 8vo.

XI. The genuine Epiftles of the Apoftolical Fathers, St. Barnard, St. Ignatius, St. Clement, St. Polycarp, the Shepherd of Hermes, and the Martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp: Written by those who were prefent at their Sufferings; being, together with the Holy Scriptures of the New Teftament, a complete Collection of the moft primitive Antiquity for about a Hundred and Fifty Years after Chrift. Tranflated and published,


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