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the rich are at liberty to enjoy. She did not, therefore, anticipate the delight of residing in a fine house, and the parade of a wedding party, and morning calls, and evening entertainments-but was contented to occupy a plain apartment, plainly furnished, and pass the bridal year busily employed with her needle, or her books. It is true, she did, at times, during the long days, feel a little moped-but when the evening came, and freed Charles from his office, how joyfully she greeted his step, and exerted herself to soothe all his cares; and how delightedly she listened to his instructions and advice, while in unreserved confidence she told him all she had read, and all she had thought. Milton's heroine preferred to listen to the truths of philosophy from her husband's lip, rather than the angel's.

Charles, meanwhile, applied himself with all the energy inspired by love and ambition, to the prosecution of his business, and thought every toil and perplexity repaid by the sweet smiles that always awaited him by his own fireside. Thirty years have passed away since they were married. Thirty years make little alteration in the appearance of nature. It is on man and his works that the characters of time are impressed. And probably in no part of the world are changes so apparent as in our beloved country. The spirit of restlessness as well as improvement, pervades our citizens. This would naturally be the case with men, when an extensive country is open before them, and all are at liberty to remove withersoever


they please. The spirit of emigration is productive of many good effects, and some melancholy ones. There is a feeling of sadness in the parent's heart while reflecting that the household band, so fondly reared together, will probably, in a few years, be so far, and so widely severed. Let no man, while planning his lofty dwelling, flatter himself he is building for his own posterity-the son of his enemy may inhabit there.

The parents of Obed Williams fondly imagined the estate they had so eagerly toiled to gain and improve, would be highly valued by their son--but they had the grief and mortification of seeing the part assigned him, on his marriage, soon disposed of; and the chagrin and sorrow they endured in consequence of his undutiful and prodigal conduct, it was thought hastened their death. Obed, then, for a few years, revelled in luxury; but finally, increasing debts began to harass him, and as the small estimation in which he knew he had been held, notwithstanding he was heir to the best estate in the country, had always provoked him, he disposed of his property, at a reduced price, and departed for Ohio,-where he flattered himself he should be considered a great man. But the people in the western states have long since learned to distinguish between the ignorant adventurer who has nothing but his own egotism to recommend him, and the man of enterprise and intelligence seeking a wider sphere for the exertion of his talents-and Obed Williams gained nothing by the removal.

'There is one event happeneth to all, and the changes of time are alike on the evil and the good. Thirty years have blanched the dark locks of Charles, and planted wrinkles on the fair face of Ann. The vivacity of youth and the glow of beauty must decay, even the ardor of imagination is chilled, and the light of the understanding darkened by the cold pall of years. There is but one earthly flower that blooms unfading in our earthly path-it is the true love of virtuous hearts. The lapse of thirty years has wrought no change on the affection of Charles and Ann. She listens as delightedly to his conversation as when his eloquence first won her smile; and that smile is just as dear to him as when he first called her his bride. But their situation is changed. Thirty years of industry and economy have given them an independent fortune, and what is far better than gold, a name and a praise for every excellence that dignifies human nature. Satisfied with their portion of the world, they wished to retire from its bustle, and Charles Grant has lately purchased the farm formerly owned by Mr. Williams. It was en


deared to him by many recollections. shades had been the haunts of his boyhood-it was there he won the heart of his beloved wife, and above all, it was near the dwelling of his aged mother. So he purchased, and is improving the farm, and the passing traveller is not now mistaken when he deems the beautiful residence the abode of content and happiness.



-'Life, like every other blessing,

Derives its value from its use alone;

Nor for itself, but for a nobler end

The Eternal gave it-and that end is virtue.

THE peculiar characteristics of females, being less distinctly marked, are much more difficult to be delineated than those of the other sel. There are various pursuits by which men may hope to obtain happiness and distinction for women there is but one pathher success in life depends entirely on her domestic establishment. Let the education of women differ ever so much in detail, its end is the same, to qualify them to become wives and mothers; and in every station the object of female ambition is to marry well. similarity of purpose produces a similarity of thought, feeling, action, and consequently character, which no uniformity of training could otherwise bestow. And then, the business of married women, though varying in ceremonials, according to the circumstances or rank of the respective husbands, is essentially alike.


To study household good,

And good works in her husband to promote ;'

and to cherish and watch over her offspring, are, in our country, the employments for life of each individual. (I have not taken into this amount those modish ladies who appear to think themselves born only to be amused, because such a class is scarcely recognised in our republican land-here happily, in public estimation, the useful yet takes precedence of the fashionable.) While such only are the offices and duties which women are expected to perform, it would be absurd to think they would exhibit that variety of talent, or those prominent and peculiar qualities of mind, that distinguish men of different professions and dissimilar occupations. What a contrast, in the principles and pursuits of men, since the time that Peter the Hermit first raised the standard of the cross, and saw nations enrol themselves beneath the sacred symbol, and this age of free inquiry, of rational improvement, of useful invention! What sympathy would there be between the opinions and feelings of a crusader of the reign of Cœur de Lion, and an enlightened philosopher of our own nation? -the one, in his mailed armour traversing the burning plains of Syria, considering the rescue of Jerusalem from the grasp of the infidels, as the greatest and most meritorious action mortal man could perform; the other, contemplating, with a calm delight that scenes of carnage never afforded, the proposed route of a rail road or canal, which, completed, would

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