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many other places of resort, and he had his own plans in view when he proposed to Charles that they should go and see the Castle. At the gate they were stopped, and had to pay a shilling a piece; but they received a ticket that entitled them to refreshments at the bar on the inside. This being done they were soon admitted.

The attention of Charles was first taken up with the heavy solid doors, and great bolts and bars that seemed to defy all violence; and then he looked at the port-holes, from which, Jacob told him, the cannon are discharged in time of war. All this was quite exciting to the imagination of the youth fresh from the country, and he looked at every thing with wide open eyes, forgetting that the time was running away. Then they went on the top of the Castle, and looked out on the beautiful prospect of the bay, with its ships and steamboats, with their gay flags streaming in the wind, and the sight was so new and so exciting that he forgot all about his store and his business, and for a little while was quite as happy as if he were up among the woods and the fields of his country-home again.

said Jacob.

But he came to his recollection, and speaking to Jacob suddenly, said he must run back to the store as quick as he could. "But you have not had your refreshments," "I cannot stay for that, I must hurry off; I am sorry I have stayed so long." Jacob tried to stop him, but he would go, and leaving his friend behind him, he ran out of the Castle, and across the Battery, and up Broad way to Wall Street, and down to Pearl Street, and was soon in his store. But he had been gone two hours, when twenty minutes were all he needed to go to the boat and back again. Charles was out of breath with running when he reached the store, and his face was red with exercise and shame. He went immediately to Mr. Jones, who was sitting at a desk in the rear of the store, and said to him, "I am very sorry that I stayed so long, and I will never do so again." Mr. Jones did not know that he had been out, but as he took a deep interest in his clerks, he inquired of Charles about his absence, and received a straight forward

any more.

account of what he had been doing. Then he gave Charles a few words of sound advice, to have nothing to do with that Jacob Perry; but the very next time he met him, to tell him that he should not keep his company With some words of encouragement he directed him to his duties, and Charles went behind the counter with a sad but determined heart. That night, and indeed all day, when he was not otherwise engaged, he prayed that God would give him strength to resist temptation.

He read in the Bible these words, "My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not;' " and he asked his Heavenly Father to keep him from falling into sin, and make him faithful to every trust committed to his hands. And as he prayed that he might be enabled to resist temptation, so he determined to keep out of the way of it, as much as he could. This was a good resolution, and he held fast to it from that day onward.

This was the beginning of the life of these two boys in the city of New-York. Now let us look at the result.

Jacob Perry was soon discharged from the store in which he was a clerk, and trying one situation after another, was turned out of them all. He fell into one bad habit after another, and is now a poor, shiftless, miserable Nobody respects him, and he has no respect for himself. Disease is at work upon him, the effects of his evil courses, and a few years, months perhaps, will put him into his grave.


Charles Mallory never broke his promise to Mr. Jones. He shook off his early and dangerous friend; attended faithfully to his business through the day, and spent his evenings after the store was closed, in useful reading, unless he went out to some religious or scientific meeting, where his heart and mind would be improved. He grew up to be a steady, faithful, trusted, business man. He is now the partner in one of the soundest firms of the city of New-York, a bank director, and an office-bearer in the church, and a public-spirited and respected citizen.

Which of these men would you wish to be?—New York Observer.


MEMOIR OF MARY ANDREWS. Written by her Father.

I was a constant attendant
Her mother was a member

My daughter was born at Burnage, near Rochdale, on the 28th of February 1833. at the established Church. of the Wesleyan Methodist Society; and died believing in her Saviour in the 32nd year of her age, leaving behind her five small children. Mary was the eldest; and as she grew in years she showed signs of piety and love for the House of God, and for the Sunday School.

Few girls at her age conduct themselves with the same steadiness and propriety. When 15 years of age she began to attend the Wesleyan Methodist Association Sunday School at Middleton. When 18 years old, she began to be much concerned about her soul. She obtained the favour and the peace of God, and became anxiously concerned about the eternal welfare of others; by her good example, and by persuasions, she induced others to walk in the paths of holiness. She spent daily a portion of her time in reading her Bible and other good books. Frequently, when following her domestic duties, she would sing

"Jesu, lover of my soul
Let me to thy bosom fly."

Mary was thoughtful and reserved. for her punctuality and decision.

She was remarkable

Among the many instances which occurred in proof of her firmness and perseverance, the following may be mentioned.

Means of no trifling nature were resorted to, to induce her to leave her school, and attend one that was larger, and some would say, more respectable. But in this trial

she said—"If we are poor, that is not a crime, and if we are faulty, it is my duty to try to improve and to remove faults." It was a cause of sorrow to her to see others led away at the same time from the school to attend the one referred to.

At another time, one of her companions was thought to be worldly and careless about spiritual things. She endeavoured to do her companion good, by right means, and now, thanks be to God, through her instrumentality, not only her companion, but the whole of the family belonging to her friend are now members of the Church, and their conduct now is worthy of imitation.

During the winter previous to Mary's death, revival services were held at the Chapel at Middleton. At that time she caught a severe cold. This it is supposed laid the foundation of her disease which ended in her death.

About the beginning of January 1853, her strength began rapidly to decline. Her parents also were afflicted at the time. This was a great trial to them all. At that period she was frequently visited by the teachers and the members of the Church, who, by their prayers and liberality, aided and comforted the family in distress. Mary trusted in God. In these afflictions she remembered, that her heavenly Father took no delight in afflicting his children, that all was intended for their good. To the fervent petition of her friends, who came to see her, she joined her own, and she frequently expressed her thankfulness to her friends, and her hope and confidence in God.

Two days previous to her departure to her inheritance above, she had several of her Sunday School friends with

her. She looked upon them, though so near her end, with a countenance beaming with delight.

The day before she died, she sang with confidence, looking up to heaven,—

"There is my house and portion fair,

My treasure and my heart are there
And my abiding home."

On the morning following, April 19,1853, her father said to her "Mary, you cannot remain much longer with us-are you happy?" With a radiant smile she said she was, and then without a sigh or groan, she took her flight to the better world, to dwell in the bosom of her God for ever. When her funeral sermon was preached, many tears were shed.


To the EDITOR,-Sir

Will you kindly insert the following questions in the "Juvenile Companion and Sunday School Hive," should you deem them worthy, and oblige

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1. What evidence have we that we are fulfilling the Divine command respecting the observance of the Sabbath, and what reasons can be given for the change from the seventh to the first day?

2. What is the idea that St. Paul had in view, in Hebrews xii. 1, 2, and to what circumstances does he refer?

3. What proof have we that God is the hearer and answerer of prayer?

4. Will any of your young readers furnish a few proofs of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Answers to the above must be concise; long articles would occupy more space than we can spare.-Ed.

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