WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, 1564-1616. The Power of Music Ariel's Song The Witches' Meeting Bird Notes 52 46 47 48 43 45 45 45 31 32 32 MALAAAA ** **ww wwww wwwww... 32 34 34 35 35 35 36 37 39 39 4I 42 Hymen Marriage Song Song of Benediction A Sea Dirge The Rain it Raineth Every Day Gravedigger's Song. Come, Thou Monarch of the Vine Fie on Sinful Fantasy The Way of the World BEN JONSON, circa 1573-1637. Echo Mourning the Death of Nar cissus 63 64 64 65 65 66 70 72 72 72 The Kiss The Glove of the Dead Lady Hymn to Diana |