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95 Retibus adsiduis penitus scrutante macello
Proxima, nec patimur Tyrrhenum crescere piscem.
Instruit ergo focum provincia: sumitur illinc
Quod captator' emat Lenas, Aurelia vendat.
Virroni muræna datur, quæ maxima venit
100 Gürgite de Siculo: nam, dum se continet Auster,
Dum sedet et siccat madidas in carcere pennas,

Contemnunt mediam temeraria lína Charybdim.fantiles wat
Vos anguilla manet longæ cognata colubræ,

Aut glacie adspersus maculis Tiberinus et ipse

95. The market,' i. e. those who supply the market.' LU.

96. Quod dissolutus deliciis stomachus vix admittat, ab ultimo petitur Oceano; vomunt ut edant, edunt ut vomant; Sen. Helv. 9 extr. LU. Omne perscrutari profundum; ib. 10. R.

97. Has to supply with fish our kitchen.' iv. 66. M.

98. Aurelia was a rich and childless old lady, whose good graces Lenas, one of those legacy-hunters (VS.) who swarmed in Rome, tried to secure by handsome presents. She either preferred money to surmullets, or else had so many dainties of the kind sent to her, that they would only have been spoiled if she had not disposed of them. G. LU. iv. 18 sq. PR. xii. 93 sqq. R. An amusing anecdote is told of this old lady by Pliny; Ep. ii. 20. G.

99. This is a species of eel found in the Mediterranean, and still in high estimation there: FE. it differs from the fish we call a lamprey.' chiefly in the conformation of its head. Our lamprey is principally confined to the Severn; when brought to market, which is very rarely, it fetches an extravagant price. G. Accersebantur murænæ ad piscinas nostræ urbis abusque freto Siculo quod Rhegium a Messana despicit. illic enim optimæ a prodigis esse creduntur; Macr. iii. 15. ii. 11. Plin. ix. 23. 54 sq. xxxii. 2. Ath. vii. 18. i. 4. Varr. R. R. II. vi. 2. III. iii. 10. xvii. 3. Poll. vi. 63. Mart. XIII. lxxx. Col. VIII. xvi. 5. PR. R.

100. Now the Faro di Messina.' PR.

Our poet, in accounting for the fish being caught in such a dangerous sea, sneers at the poetical fables concerning the winds. VS. FE.

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Keeps within the cave of Eolus.' PR. cf. i. 8.

101. Sits:' see note on xárnoa Her. iii. 134. dum se cohibet, terimurque sedendo; Sil. vii. 151, R.

His wet pinions.' madidis Notus evolat alis, terribilem picea tectus caligine vultum barba gravis nimbis; canis fluit unda capillis; fronte sedent nebulæ ; rorant pennaeque sinusque: Ov. Met. i. 264 sqq. tellus nubibus adsiduis pluvioque made scit ab Austro; 65 sq. Gell. ii. 22. PR. humidus Auster; Claud. L. Stil. ii. 95. R. udus Notus; Hor. E. x. 19 sq.

In prison.' vasto rex Æolus antro luctantes ventos tempestatesque sonoras imperio premit, ac vinclis et carcere frenat; Virg. Æ. i. 52 sqq. PR. et clauso ventorum carcere regnet; 141. LU. clauserat Hippotades æterno carcere ventos; Ov.

M. iv. 662.

102. The very centre of Charybdis.' A whirlpool off Cape Faro,' so formidable in rough weather, that the opposite perils of Scylla and Charybdis became proverbial: incidit in Scyllam, qui vult vitare Charybdim. LU. dextrum Scylla latus, lævum implacata Charybdis obsidet; Virg. Æ. iii. 420 sq. Strab. vi. PR.

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The venturesome nets' for the fishermen' themselves. cf. iv. 45. LU.

103. Akin' both in appearance, VS. and in name, being the diminutive of anguis. GR. A conger.'

104. Understand lupus: A coarse kind of pike.' Those without spots, which were supposed to be caused by being frost-bitten, were considered much superior to the spotted ones.' BRO. lupi sine macula, nam sunt et varii, maxime probantur; Col. VIII. xvi. 8. or IX. xvii. 8. The better sort were esteemed a fine fish: Macr. ii. 12. iii. 16.

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105 Vernula riparum pinguis torrente cloaca
Et solitus media cryptam penetrare Suburæ.

Ipsi pauca velim, facilem si præbeat aurem.
Nemo petit, modicis quæ mittebantur amicis
A Seneca, quæ Piso bonus, quæ Cotta solebat
110 Largiri; namque et titulis et fascibus olim
Major habebatur donandi gloria: solum
Poscimus, ut cœnes civiliter. Hoc face et esto,
Esto, ut nunc multi, dives tibi, pauper amicis.
Anseris ante ipsum magni jecur, anseribus par

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106. Kguren (whence our word CRYPT) 'the dark arched drain.' R.

To explore in search of its loathsome
food.' GR.

Subura; iii. 5. Pers. v. 32. PR.
107. Understand Virroni and verba
dicere. LU. paucis te volo; Ter. And. I.
i. 2. M.

Attentive,' opposed to deaf;' iii.
122. Di faciles; x. 8. neque se fore
posthac tam facilem dicat, votis ut præbeat
aurem ; Hor. 1 S. i. 21 sq. nimium faciles
aurem præbere; Prop. II. xxi. 15. R.

108. These words are addressed to Virro. 'No one expects from you such presents as used to be sent to their humble friends by patrons of known liberality.' LU. vilibus amicis; 146. modicis pecuniæ et originis; Tac. A. iii. 72. vi. 39. R.

109. L. Annæus Seneca, born at Cordova in Spain, a Stoic philosopher and preceptor of Nero, being impeached as a party in Piso's conspiracy, was ordered by the emperor to destroy himself; which he did by opening his veins in a warm bath. viii. 212. x. 16. Tac. An. XIV. XV. PR. M. Pisones Senecasque

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Aurelius Cotta lived in Nero's reign. LU. vii. 95. Tac. An. xiii. 34. R.

110. Inscriptions on the images of their ancestors, which constituted nobility; and the fasces, which were the badges of dictatorial, consular, or prætorian power.' LU. The latter was a bundle of rods, in the centre of which was an axe, securis. Plin. xvi. 18. PR. cf. iii. 128. M.

111. Η χάρις τῷ διδόντι οὐ τῷ μὴ λaußávovrı, xaì ò ixaivos dì μãλλov Årist. Eth. iv. 1. LU.

112. All we ask is, that you treat us as one citizen should another.' R. Mart. III. lix. PR.

113. In all other respects you may indulge your sordid luxury; (luxuriæ sordes, i. 140.) feasting sumptuously when alone, and dining economically when you have a party.' PR.

Face for fac, after the manner of the comic writers.

114. A goose's giblets were looked upon as a great delicacy: the liver in particular, for which there was a rich stuffing. Aspice, quam tumeat magno jecur ansere majus; miratus dices" Hoc, rogo, crevit ubi?" Mart. XIII. lviii. LU. Fartilibus in magnam amplitudinem crescit; exemptum quoque lacte mulso augetur, nec sine causa in quæstione est, quis primus

115 Altilis, et flavi dignus ferro Meleagri


Fumat aper: post hunc tradentur tubera, si ver
Tunc erit et facient optata tonitrua cœnas.

Majores. "Tibi habe frumentum," Alledius inquit,
"O Libye; disjunge boves, dum tubera mittas!"
Structorem interea, ne qua indignatio desit,
Saltantem spectes et chironomonta volanti

tantum bonum invenerit, Scipio Metellus vir consularis, an M. Sestius eadem ætate eques Romanus; Plin. x. 22 s 27. satur anseris extis; Pers. vi. 71. PR. pinguibus et ficis pastum jecur anseris albi; Hor. II S. viii. 88. M. xnviíwv d' árára, (περισπούδαστα δὲ ταῦτα κατὰ τὴν Ῥώμην) μνημονεύει Εὔπολις [Εὔβουλος ?] ἐν Στεφανοπώλισι λέγων οὕπως· ο εἰ μὴ σὺ χηνὸς παρ ἢ ψυχὴν ἔχως" Ath. ix. 8. cf. Axara ovxará Poll. vi. 49. Plin. viii. 51 s 77. R. The modern Sicilians, according to Brydone, have a mode of treatment by which they increase the livers of their fowls. G.

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115. Poultry' were called altiles from alo. PR. Perhaps a fatted capon' is here meant. M. cf. 168. oûrs å ögvis uoia ταῖς ἄλλαις, ἀλλὰ τῷ μὲν πλουσίῳ παχεία καὶ πιμελὴς, σοὶ δὲ νεοττὸς ἡμίτομος ἢ φάττω τις ὑπόσκληρος, ὕβρις ἄντικρυς καὶ ἀτιμία· Luc. μισθ. συν. 26. Plin. x. 50 € 71. Mart. XIII. lxii. R.

Bastos Miλiaygos Hom. Il. B 642. PR.golden-haired.' HO. Hor. IV Od. iv. 4. III Od. ix. 19. M. II Od. iv. 14. vi. 354. Sil. i. 438. Hom. Il. A 197. r 284. R. "The yellow hunter;" Thomson. G.

See the story of the Calydonian boarhunt. VS. Ov. M. viii. 272 sqq. LU. Qui Diomedeis metuendus setiger agris Etola cecidit cuspide, talis erat; (rooves in, Hom.) Mart. XIII. xciii. R. Hom. 11. 1 525 sqq. G. Martial, on the other hand, describes a small boar thus: aper hic minimus qualisque necari a non armato pumilione potest; I. xliv. 9 sq.

116. After the boar.' non tota quidem cœna, sed in ipso ejus principio, bini ternique pariter manduntur apri; Plin. viii. 5178. R. cf. i. 140 sq. M.

'Will be served up;' understand domino. R.

Rumpimus altricem tenero quæ vertice terram tubera, boletis poma secunda sumus; Mart. XIII. 1. tubera dicuntur nasci, si

imbres fuerint auctumnales et tonitrua crebra: tenerrima sunt tempore verno; Plin. xix. 3. PR. tubera terra; xiv. 7. M.

117. Devoutly wished for' by the epicure. BRO. Plut. Q. Conv. iv. 2. Áth. ii. 21. PR.

118. There is much genuine humour in this rapturous apostrophe of the gluttonous Alledius to Libya. Africa was one of the principal granaries of Rome. G. si proprio condidit horreo quidquid de Libycis verritur areis; Hor. Od. i. 9 sq. R. frumenti quantum metit Africa; II S. iii. 87. GE.

119. Tubera Africæ laudatissima ; Plin. xix. 3. To prove that the African 'truffles' were the finest, R also refers to Mart. XIII. xlii sq. but the tuberes (not tubera), there mentioned, grow on boughs, and are the fruit of the tuber. tree.

120. The seneschal.' Qui fercula docte componit; vii. 184 sq. R.

121."Lo! the spruce carver, (carptor, ix. 110. PR.) to his task addrest, Skips, like a harlequin, from place to place, And waves his knife with pantomimic grace." G.

Chironomon, from the Greek participle ugovor: chironomön, vi. 63. the accusative of xugovoμos. Processit statim scissor, et ad symphoniam ita gesticulatus laceravit opsonium, ut putes Darium hydraule cantante pugnare; Petr. 36. ac si inter Apicios epulones et Byzantinos chironomuntas huc usque ructaverit; Sidon. Ep. IV. 7. fin. F. alius pretiosas aves scindit et per pectus ac clunes certis duetibus circumferens eruditam manum, in frusta excutit: infelix, qui huic uni rei vivit, ut altilia decenter secet; nisi quod miserior est, qui huic voluptatis causa docet, quam qui necessitatis discit; Sen. Ep. 47. de Br. V. 12. de V. B. 17. Plin. x. 50 s 71. PR. Ιπποκλείδης, τὴν κεφαλὴν ἐρείσας ἐπὶ τὴν τράπεζαν, τοῖσι σκέλεσι ἐχειρονόμησε Her. vi. 129.

Cultello, donec peragat dictata magistri
Omnia: nec minimo sane discrimine refert,
Quo gestu lepores et quo gallina secetur.

125 Duceris planta, velut ictus ab Hercule Cacus,

Et ponere foras, si quid tentaveris umquam

Hiscere, tamquam habeas tria nomina. Quando propinatladi
Virro tibi, sumitque tuis contacta labellis

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Pocula? Quis vestrum temerarius usque adeo, quis

130 Perditus, ut dicat regi, " Bibe"? Plurima sunt, quæ
Non audent homines pertusa dicere læna.

Quadringenta tibi si quis Deus aut similis Dis
Et melior fatis donaret; homuncio, quantus
Ex nihilo fieres, quantus Virronis amicus!

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122. Of his master or instructor in the art of carving.' cf. xi. 136 sqq. LU. The directions,' all that has been taught him.' cf. vi. 392. Hor. I Ep. i. 55. xviii. 13. R.

123. There is a very wide difference between the one and the other.' LU. Or in both cases it makes an immense difference how the thing is done.' M.

125. Pedibusque informe cadaver protrahitur; Virg. Æ. viii. 264 &c. ictus clava, morte occubuit; Liv. i. 7. PR. Ov. F. i. 543 sqq.

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127. To nutter.' LU. 10. r rò δυσχερές : ΠΟ. ἓν μὲν μέγιστον, οὐκ ἔχειν παῤῥησίαν. 10. δούλου τόδ' εἶπας, μὴ λέγειν ἅ τις φρονεῖ. ΠΟ. ἀλλ' εἰς τὸ κέρδος παρὰ Qúry douλsurior Eur. Ph. 401 sqq.

• As though you still retained the rights of a freeborn Roman, and had not virtually forfeited those privileges, when you condescended to turn parasite.' G. Free citizens had three names: Decimus Junius Juvenalis, Caius Julius Cæsar; (1) the pr@nomen, which answers to our baptismal name; (2) the nomen, which was common to the gens or clan,' and commonly ended in ius; (3) the cognomen, which distinguished the several 'families' under one and the same clan, as the Scipiones, Lentuli, Cethegi, Dolabellæ, Cinna, Syllæ, &c. under the Cornelii. Some clans were not divided into families, as the Marii, Sartorii, Mummii. Some

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individuals had a fourth name, agnomen, as an epithet from some remarkable circumstance, and even a fifth; as P. Corn. Scipio Africanus Emilianus. Slaves had no prænomen. AD. cf. Pers. v. 76–82.

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Martial says wittily of a foul-mouthed fellow; quod nulli calicem tuum propinas, humane facis, Herme, non superbe; 11. xv. PR. xgorivu was to take a sip and then pass the cup to your friend.' Mart. V. lxxviii. 3. Anac. iv. 3. Virg. Æ. i. 736 sqq. R.

128. Sumit ve would be more correct. JA.

• Contaminated. vi. 288. Virg. Æ. ii. 168. [Livy xxix, 8, j. ED.]

130. So lost to all sense of decorum, as to challenge his noble host.' R. tum Bitiæ dedit increpitans; Virg. Æ.i.738.

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131. With a great-coat out at elbows.' iii. 283. Compare the proverbs; “ vestis virum facit : « lacer pannus:” τῶν γὰρ πενήτων εἰσὶν οἱ λόγοι κενοί· and that of Theognis, τῷ γὰρ πενίῃ δεδμημένῳ δέδεται ἡ γλῶσσα· and yει πολλάκι καὶ κηπωρὸς ἀνὴς μάλα καίριον εἶπεν. FE. R.

132. Quadringenta; i. 106. ii. 117. PR. 'Some godlike hero.' Nemo propius ad Deum accedit, quam qui hominibus salutem dat et beneficium; Sen. LU. • Some rich man. πλούτῳ δ' ἀρετὴ καὶ xūdos bændeï daluons doios inola. Hes. O. D. 313 sq. or the emperor.' R. 'Some munificent benefactor,' Deus nobis hæc otia fecit: namque erit ille mihi semper deus; Virg. E. i. 6 sq. cipõvtai pádiot oi susgyrnórss' susgysola di . . . . εἰς πλοῦτον. μέρη δὲ τιμῆς θυσίαι, κ. τ. λ. Arist. Rh. I. v. 7. ix. 2.

133.Kinder to you than the fates have been.' PR.

Though now a sorry mortal.' M.: πλοῦτος, ἀνθρωπίσης, τοῖς σοφοῖς θεός· Eur. Cy. 316.

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135 "Da Trebio! Pone ad Trebium! Vis frater ab ipsis
Ilibus?" O numi, vobis hunc præstat honorem,

Vos estis fratres. Dominus tamen et domini rex
Si vis tu fieri, nullus tibi parvulus aula
Luserit Æneas nec filia dulcior illo.

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140 Jucundum et carum sterilis facit uxor amicum....
Sed tua nunc Mycale pariat! Licet et pueros tres
In gremium patris fundat simul; ipse loquaci
Gaudebit nido; viridem thoraca jubebit

Afferri minimasque nuces assemque rogatum, 145 Ad mensam quoties, parasitus venerit infans. Vilibus ancipites fungi ponentur amicis,

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136. Under the name of ilia may be included many favourite dishes of the ancients for instance, sumen sow's udder; Plin. xi. 37. anseris jecur goose's liver;' 114. M. apri lumbus the loin of the boar;' Plin. viii. 51 s 78. R. kidneys, tripe, chitterlings, sweetbreads, &c.' F.

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Money.' i. 112 sq. LU.

137. Ην ὁ φίλος τι λάβη, δόμινο φράTse sibus ärgader, *v ♪ að μn ri λáßy, τὸ φράτες εἶπε μόνον· ὤνια γὰρ καὶ ταῦτα τὰ ῥήματα αὐτὰς ἔγωγε οὐκ ἐθέλω δό μινς, οὐ γὰρ ἔχω δόμεναι Pallad. Εp. xxxi. Anal. t. ii. p. 13. LU.

138. You must be childless.' A parody of Virgil; saltem si qua mihi de te suscepta fuisset ante fugam soboles; quis mihi parvulus aula luderet Eneas, qui te tamen ore referret ; &c. Æ. iv. 327 sqq. PR.

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no ill-will towards the little urchins.' R.
Three children at one birth' are called
tergemini or trigemini; Liv. i. 24 sq.
Plin. vii. 3. PR.

142. Ipse Virvo. Κεκλημένος δὲ ἐπὶ δεῖπ
νον, κελεῦσαι καλέσαι τὰ παιδία τὸν ἑστιῶντα·
καὶ εἰσιόντα φῆσαι σύκου ὁμοιότερα εἶναι τῷ
πατρί και προσαγαγόμενος φιλῆσαι, καὶ
παρ' αὑτὸν καθίσαι· καὶ τοῖς μὲν συμπαίζειν
αὐτὸς, λέγων " ἀσκὸς, πέλεκυς” Theoph.
Ch. v. R.

143. In the twittering nest:' a common metaphor; χρηστοῦ πατρὸς νεόττια· Theoph. Ch. ii. teneroque palumbo et similis regum pueris; Pers. iii. 16 sq. cf. Cat. xxix. 9. nidos querulos; Sen. H. F. 148. nidis immitibus escam; Virg. G. iv. 17. nigra velut magnas domini cum divitis ædes pervolat et pennis alta atria lustrat hirundo, pabula parva legens nidisque loquacibus escas ; . xii. 473 sqq. nidum liberorum; Ammian. xiv. p. 28. R. “ Ο hell-kite! All? What, all my pretty chickens, and their dam, At one fell swoop?" Shaksp. Macb. IV. iii.

'A stomacher,' M. waistcoat,' R. or corslet.' G.

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144. Nuces are 'walnuts,' minima nuces filberts.' GRÆ. Pers. i. 10. Hor. IS. iii. 171. M. Augustus, animi laxandi causa, modo nucibus ludebat cum pueris minutis, quos facie et garrulitate amabiles undique conquirebat; Suet. 83. PR.

Which the little fellow begs for, to buy playthings, cakes, or fruit.' GRÆ.

145. Virro goes so far as to beg Trebius will bring one of the little darlings with him, when he comes to dine at his house.' GRE. M.

146. Cf. 108. LU.

Seneca, Piso,

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