Obrázky na stránke

Convenient et carpentis et navibus omnes,

Qui digito scalpunt uno caput. Altera major
Spes superest: tu tantum erucis imprimé dentem.
- 135 “ Hæc exempla para felicibus: at mea Clotho
Et Lachesis gaudent, si pascitur inguine venter.
O parvi nostrique Lares, quos thure minuto
Aut farre et tenui soleo exorare corona,

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Quando ego figam aliquid, quo sit mihi tuta senectus 140 A tegete et baculo? Viginti millia fenus Pigneribus positis, argenti vascula pùri, Sed quæ Fabricius censor notet, et duo fortes De grege Mosorum, qui me cervice locata Securum jubeant clamoso insistere Circo. 145 Sit mihi præterea curvus cælator et alter,

132. In wagon-loads and ship-loads.' 133. Effeminate creatures, who, for fear of discomposing their curls, never venture to scratch their head with more than a single finger.' digito caput uno scalpit: quid credas hune sibi velle virum? Calv. on Pompey in Sen. Contr. iii. 19. PO. Amm. Marc. XVII. xi. 4. Plut. Pomp. 48. τῷ δακτύλῳ ἄκρῳ τὴν κεφαλὴν κνᾶσθαι Lucian ; Sen. Ep. 52. PR. Julian Cæss. p. 171. (SP.) Ř.

134. Plin. x. 43. xliii. 10. xix. 8. (HA.) Mart. III. lxxv. 3. X. xlviii. 10. (RM.) SCH. Colum. x. 108 sq. 372. Ov. R. A. 799. PR. The rocket' (or 'eryngo,'G.) possessed highly stimulating and invigorating qualities. M. Anthol. vi. 76. (BU.) Virg. Mor. 85. (JS.) R.

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135. Cf. iii. 27, note. PR. My destinies' (note on viii. 105. R.) would be well content, if by my vile practices I can earn a bare subsistence.' PR. Mart. VL.

137. The words parvi, minuto, and tenui are all indicative of the poverty of Nævolus. LU. R.

Lares; viii. 14, note. PR. xii. 87 sqq. cf. Ov. M. viii. 637. (H.) Virg. Æ. viii. 543. (HY.) Hor. I Ep. vii. 58. (BY.) R. III Od. xxiii. (MI.) M.

138. Numa instituit deos fruge colere, et mola salsa supplicare, et far torrere; Plin. xi. 2. LU. cf. xii. 87 sq. parvos coronantem marino rore deos fragilique myrto; Hor. 111 Od. xxiii. 15 sq. R.

139. Figam; a metaphor from hunting, in which the sportsman transfixes his

prey with arrows or a spear: PR. but
cf. x. 55. RU.

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140. From beggary.' tegete; v. 8. RU. baculo; a crutch.' M. cf. Ter. Heaut. V. i. 58. R.

'Twenty thousand sestertii (= £160) for interest upon money lent on good security.' M.

Puri; x. 19. not embossed.' T.

142. When C. Fubricius Luscinus was censor (A. U. 478.) et levis argenti lamina crimen erat ; Ov. F. i. 208. He removed from the senate P. Corn. Rufinus, who had been twice consul and once dictator, because he had in his possession more than ten pounds weight of plate. Liv. V. Max. ii. 9. Gell. iv. 8. LU. xvii. 21. PR. Tert. Apol. 6. Sen. V. B. 21. Plut. Sul. Plin. xxxiii. 9 s 54. R.

143. Masia, now Bulgaria and Ser. via, PR. was famous for its brawny chairmen. LU. i. 64, note. M. cf. Mart. IX. xxiii. 9. Pers. vi. 77. R.

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Qui multas facies pingat cito. Sufficiunt hæc,
Quando ego pauper ero.
Votum miserabile nec spes
His saltem: nam, quum pro me Fortuna rogatur,
Affigit ceras illa de nave petitas,
Quæ Siculos cantus effugit remige surdo.'

• A sign-painter, who will soon daub me a row of family portraits. SA. cf. viii. 2, note. M.

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146. But that is enough; I need wish for nothing further; since I shall be a poor man all my life.' LU. PR.

148. Fortune turns a deaf ear to my prayers.' Ulysses by the advice of Circe stopped the ears of his crew with wax, that they might not hear the songs of the Sirens which would have lowered them to their destruction. He had himself tied on to the mast of the vessel. Hyg. 125. LU. FA. Hom. Od. M 39 sqq. 166. 200. PR. ὡς μηδ' ἂν τρυπάνῳ ἔτι διανοιχθῆναι αὐτοῖς


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τὰ ὦτα τοσούτῳ κηρῷ ἔβυσαν αὐτὰ, οἷόν περ Οδυσσεὺς τοὺς ἑταίρους ἔδρασε δίει τῆς Σειρήνων ἀκροάσεως· ἀλλ ̓ εἰσὶν αὐτῶν ὀλίγοι, οὐ παραδεδεγμένοι τὸν κηρὸν ἐς τὰ ὦτα Luc. Επισκ. 21. Κ.

150. The three Sirens were daughters of the Achelous and the nymph Calliope. Ov. M. v. 555. The rocks on which they dwelt were near the promontory of Pelorus in Sicily. cf. Plin. x. 49. Cic. de Fin. v. 49. Ath. i. 12. PR. Virg. Æ. v. 864 sqq. Apollod. I. iii. 4. ix. 25. (HY.) Sil. xii. 33 sqq. xiv. 473 sqq. HER, Myth. t. i. p. 376. R.



The subject of this imitable Satire is the Vanity of Human Wishes. Such is the absurdity of mankind in this respect, that we can wonder neither at the laughter of Democritus, nor at the tears of Heraclitus. 28-55. The Poet takes his stand on the great theatre of the world, and summons before him the illustrious characters of all ages: Cassius Longinus and Seneca, 16. Sejanus, 63. the first Triumvirate, 108. Demosthenes and Cicero, 114. Hannibal, 147. Alexander, 168. Xerxes, 179. Nestor, 246. Peleus, 256. Laertes, 257. Priam, 258. Hecuba, 271. Mithridates, 273. Croesus, 274. Marius, 276. Pompey, 283. Lucretia, 293. Virginia, 294. Hippolytus and Bellerophon, 325. and C. Silius, 330.

As they appear in succession, he shows, from the principal events of their lives, how little happiness is promoted by the attainment of what our indistinct and bounded views represent as the most perfect of earthly blessings. 1-11.

Of these he instances Wealth, 12-27. Power, 56-113. Eloquence, 114-132. Military Glory, 133–187. Longevity, 188-288. and Personal Accomplishments; 289–345. all of which have, as he observes, proved dangerous or destructive to their respective possessors.

Hence, he argues the wisdom of acquiescing in the dispensations of Heaven; and concludes with a form of prayer, in which he points out, with great force and beauty, the objects for which a rational being may presume to approach the Almighty. 346-366.

Juvenal probably had the second Alcibiades of Plato, and the second Satire of Persius, in his thoughts; he has taken nothing from them, however, but the general idea; the filling up is entirely his own, and it is done with a boldness of imagery, and with an awful and impressive sublimity of style and manner, of which it would perhaps be difficult to find another example in any composition merely human. G. R. D.

The same subject has been handled by Lucian, (Icarom. p. 205. and Navig. s. Vota p. 491. t. ii. ed. GRÆ.) Aristotle and other Greeks, (ig) süxñs') Xenophon, (Mem. I. iii. 1.) V. Maximus, VII. ii. ext. 1. R. Epictetus, (Enchir.) HN. and by Dr. Johnson in his celebrated imitation, The Vanity of Human Wishes. M.

OMNIBUS in terris, quæ sunt a Gadibus usque
Auroram et Gangen, pauci dignoscere possunt
Vera bona atque illis multum diversa, remota
Erroris nebula. Quid enim ratione timemusat
5 Aut cupimus? Quid tam dextro pede concipis, ut te ha
Conatuis non poeniteat votique peracti?


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you don't sepento!, who with siz Evertere domos totas optantibus ipsis in ander to their pron The Di faciles. Nocitura toga, nocitura petuntur in is courtes Militia. Torrens dicendi copia multisefing fivery of prin

10 Et sua mortifera est facundia. Viribus ille...

1. Gades, now Cadiz. PR. hominum fines; Sil. i. 141. ixròs radiígws, T Baxrgiwy Ts x' 'Ivo☎v Anacr. xxxii. 25. R. The pillars of Hercules.' VS.

2. The furthest east.' GR. Aurora; Varr. L. L. vi. Cic. de Div. i. Ov. M. i. 61. PR.

The Ganges rose in Mount Imaus. cf. S. Hier. Ep. to Rust. PR.

Ignoratione rerum bonarum et malarum, maxime hominum vita vexatur; Cic. Fin. i. GR. Socrates, quasi quoddam terrestre oraculum, nihil ultra petendum a diis immortalibus arbitrabatur, quam ut bona tribuerent, quia ii demum scirent, quid unicuique esset utile, &c. V. Max. vii. 2. ext. 1. PR. ἐκεῖνο οὖν ἐννοῶ, ὅσων κακῶν αἰτία ἡ ἄγνοια τοῖς ἀνθρώποις· ὁπότε, ὡς ἔοικε, λελήθαμεν ἡμᾶς αὐτοὺς διὰ ταύτην καὶ πράττοντες, καὶ, τόγε ἔσχατον, εὐχόμενοι ἡμῖν αὐτοῖς τὰ κάκιστα κ. τ. λ. Plat. Alc. II. p. 156. δοκεῖ μοι ὥσπερ τῷ Διομήδει φασὶ τὴν ̓Αθηνῶν Ὅμηρος (Π. Ε 127.) ἀπὸ τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν ἀφελεῖν τὴν ἀχλὺν, “ ὄφρ' εὖ γιγνώσκοι ἡμὲν θεὸν ἠδὲ καὶ ἄνδρα, οὕτω καὶ σοῦ δεῖν ἀπὸ τῆς ψυχῆς πρῶτον ἀφελόντα τὴν ἀχλύν,

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v ragoura Tvyxávu, tornvixar' on wgoopieur di' ŵv μíddus yvúorobas nμìv xaxòv åðì xaì ¡olkór ib. p. 180. R. “We, ignorant of ourselves, Beg often our own harms, which the wise powers Deny us for our good; so find we profit, By losing of our prayers;" Shaksp. G. cf. Arist. Eth. i. 3.

3. Res fallunt; illas discerne: pro bonis mala amplectimur; optamus contra id, quod optavimus; pugnant nostra vota cum votis, consilia cum consiliis; Sen. Ep. 54. R.

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sidered 'good' and 'evil' omens respectively. Pers. ii. 11. iii. 48. v. 114. sinistrø pede profectum spes me frustrata est; Apul. M. PR. Hor. II Ep. ii. 37. et nes et tua dexter adi pede sacra secundo; Virg. Æ. viii. 302. M. oùx ovv doxsi co πολλῆς προμηθείας γε προσδεῖσθαι, ὅπως μὴ λήσεταί τις αὐτὸν εὐχόμενος μεγάλα κακὰ, δοκῶν δ ̓ ἀγαθά; οἱ δὲ θεοὶ τύχωσιν ἐν ταύτῃ ὄντες τῇ ἕξει, ἐν ᾗ διδόασιν αὐτοὶ ἃ τις εὐχόμενος τυγχάνει; Plat. Alc. Il. p. 140. εὑρήσεις δὲ καὶ τῶν νῦν ἔτι πολλοὺς, οὐκ ὀργῇ κεχρημένους, ὥσπερ ἐκεῖνον τὸν Οἰδίπουν), οὐδ' οἰομένους κακὰ σφίσιν εὔ χεσθαι, ἀλλ' ἀγαθά. ἐκεῖνος μὲν, ὥσπερ οὐδ' ηὔχετο, οὐδ ̓ ᾤετο· ἕτεροι δέ τινες εἰσὶν, οἱ τἀναντία τούτων πεπόνθασιν p. 148. οἱ πολλοὶ οὔτε ἂν τυραννίδος διδομένης ἀπό σχοιντο ἂν. οὔτε στρατηγίας, οὐδ ̓ ἑτέρων πολλῶν, ἃ παρόντα βλάπτει μᾶλλον ἢ ὠφελεῖ ἀλλὰ κἂν εὔξαιντο ἂν γενέσθαι, εἴ τῷ μὴ παρόντα τυγχάνει ὀλίγον δὲ ἐπισχόντες ἐνίοτε παλινῳδοῦσιν, ἀνευχόμενοι ἅττ ̓ ἂν τὸ πρῶτον εὔξωνται p. 154. Hom. Od. A 32 sqq. R.

7. As Neptune, by listening to the vows of Theseus concerning Hippolytus. FA. The same ideas occur in V. Max. vii. 2. ext. 1. PR. cf. 111. Sen. Ep. 60. 101. 109. R. cupiditates sunt insatiabiles, non modo singulos homines, sed universas familias evertunt; Cic. Fin. i. G.

8. As the toga is put for peace,' viii. 240. Cic. Pis. 30. so the sagum is used for war: thus ad saga ire, and redire ad togas; Cic. Phil. cedant arma toga; Id. PR. R.

9. Cf. iii. 74. R.

Multis; as to Cicero, Demosthenes, &c. 114 sqq. FA.


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Confisus periit admirandisque lacertis.

Sed plures nimia congesta pecunia cura

Strangulat et cuncta exsuperans patrimonia census, cvery estile

Quanto delphinis balana Britannica major.

15 Temporibus diris igitur jussuque Neronis

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Longinum et magnos Senecæ prædivitis hortos

Clausit et egregias Lateranorum obsidet ædes

Tota cohors: rarus venit in cœnacula miles. A
Pauca lícet portes argenti vascula puri,

20 Nocte iter ingressus gladium contumque timebis
Et motæ ad lunam trepidabis arundinis umbram:

11. Utque Milo robur diducere fissile tentes, nec possis captas inde referre manus ; Ov. Ib. 609 sq. PR." Remember Milo's end, Wedged in the timber which he strove to rend." RO. Miro was a celebrated athlete of Crotona. VS. Plin. vii. 20. xxxvii. 10. V. Max. ix. 12. ext. 9. Gell. xv. 16. SCH. Paus. vi. 14. Strab. vi. p. 403. El. V. H. ii. 24. xii. 22. Ath. x. 2. Philost. V. A. iv. 9. Suid. R. 12. Cf. Prop. III. vii. 1 sqq. Sen. Ep. 88. 115. de Ira iii. 32. T. V. i. 8. R.

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13. Strangles' i. e. ' causes to be strangled: they are strangled for the sake of their money:' FA. or choaks,' as it did Midas: Midov Tùv xaníav Znλácas, λιμώττων πλουτεῖς βρόχοις ὥσπερ χρυ Bois awayxóμv Diog. Cyn. Ep. to Chrys. LU.

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14. Dolphins: Plin. ix. 8. Ath. xiii. 8. Plut. Comp. An. fin. Conv. fin. Gell. vii. 8. xvi. ult. Her. i. 23 sq. PR.

Small whales sometimes penetrated into the Mediterranean, but the largest were found in the Indian Ocean. Plin. ix. 3—7. immania cete; Virg. Æ. v. 822. beluosus qui remotis obstrepit Oceanus Britannis; Hor. IV Od. xiv. 47 sq. 15. When Nero used to plunder the rich.' VS.

16. Longinum is here put for Longini domum. cf. Prop. I. i. 24. Charit. p. 395 sqq. (D'O.) Claud. C. St. ii. 16. Lotich. I. ii. 9. BU. Sil. vi. 179. xii. 65. Tac. A. ii. 20, 2. Liv. i. 33, 7. xii. 12, 8. xxiv. 5, 7. R. objectum est Cassio Longino jurisconsulto ac luminibus orbato, quod in vetere gentili stemmate C. Cassii percussoris Cæsaris imagines retinuisset:

et huic aliisque mori jussis non amplius quam horarium spatium dabat Nero; Suet. 37. PR. FA.

Seneca; viii. 212. v. 109. PR. Tac. A. xiii. 42. xiv. 52–56. 65. xv. 56. 60–65. Xiph. Ner. SCH. R.

Rufus ac Tigellinus variis criminationibus Senecam adoriuntur, tamquam ingentes et ultra privatum modum evectas opes adhuc augeret, hortorum quoque amanitate et villarum magnificentia principem supergrederetur; &c. Seneca himself says to the emperor tantum honorum atque opum in me cumulásti, ut nihil felicitati meæ desit, nisi moderatio ejus:.. tu gratiam immensam, innumeram pecuniam dedisti: &c. Tac. A. xiv. PR.

17. Seneca ex Campania remeans, suburbano rure substiterat: illo propinqua vespera tribunus venit, et villam globus militum sepsit; Tac. A. xiv. 60. PR.

Plautius Lateranus, who had intrigued with the infamous Messalina, was put to death (when consul elect) for conspiring against Nero: Tac. A. xi. 30. 36. xiii. 11. xv. 49. 60. His mansion was situated on the Cœlian Hill, and its site is occupied by the modern Lateran. R. BRI.

18. Conacula ; note on iii. 199. T. vii. 118. R. Apul. M. ix. fin. PR.

20. The bandit's sword and pike.' LU. Sil. xv. 687. R.

21. By moon-light.' SCH. simul ipsa silentia terrent; Virg. Æ. ii. 755. VS. In Nero's time those who possessed a few valuables would be anxious to move them by night, in order to escape observation. G.

• Shadow. τὴν αὑτοῦ σκιὰν φοβεῖσθαι Plat. Phæd. LU. Hor. 1 Od. xxiii. 5 sqq.

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