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270 Præbet, ab ingrato jam fastiditus aratro.

Exitus ille utcumque hominis: sed torva canino
Latravit rictu, quæ post hunc vixerat, uxor.
Festino ad nostros et regem transeo Ponti
Et Croesum, quem vox justi facunda Solonis
275 Respicere ad longæ jussit spatia última vitæ.
Exsilium et carcer Minturnarumque paludes
Et mendicatus victa Carthagine panis
Hinc causas habuere. Quid illo cive tulisset

cumbit humi bos ; Virg. A. v. 481.

270. Here again (note on 264) the
epithet, belonging to the husbandmen, is
transferred to the plough. BRI.Un-
grateful' for all his past services. PR.

271. According to the fable, Hecuba
was metamorphosed into a bitch. Ov. M.
xiii. 422 sqq. Hyg. F. 111. 243. (MUN.)
LU. Dictys v. 13. 16. Lycoph. 331.
(PTR.) Eur. Hec. 1247 sqq. R. The
Greeks perhaps gave her this appellation
in consequence of the bitter invectives
with which she assailed them. VS.
"MEN. Hark ye, my mistress! do you
know why Greece Feign'd Hecuba was
turned into a bitch? Woм. Not I indeed.
MEN. I'll tell you then: because She
rail'd and raved at every one she met, as
you do now; and therefore was she call'd
And rightly call'd, a bitch!" G. Plaut.
Men. V. i. Cic. T. Q. iii. 26. PR.

Mithridates' (note on vi. 661.)
lived sixty-nine years, and reigned fifty-
seven, during forty of which he carried
on a war with the Romans. VS. Flor. iii.
5. SCH. He fell at last by the hand of
Bituitus. App. B. M. 111 sq. Plin. xxv.
2 s 3. R.

274. The history of Crasus (whose wealth is still proverbial, M.) is given at length in Her. i. 26-94. SCH. cf. also Just. and Plut. PR. Other familiar instances may be found in Polycrates, Her. iii. 125. Nicias, Thuc. vii. 86. and even in Cyrus himself; Her. i. 214. Tòv di Tosαύταις χρησάμενον τύχαις καὶ τελευτή. σαντα ἀθλίως οὐδεὶς εὐδαιμονίσει Arist. Eth. i. 9.

Solon, one of the seven Greek sages, Jegislated for Athens in the 33rd year of the elder Tarquin's reign. Gell. xvii.

21. PR.

275. Her. i. 32. οὐδέπω οἶδα, Κροῖσε, (σὲ εὐδαίμονα εἶναι ἂν μὴ πρὸς τὸ τέλος

ἀφίκῃ τοῦ βίου· ὁ γὰρ θάνατος ἀκριβὴς
ἔλεγχος τῶν τοιούτων καὶ τὸ ἄχει πρὸς τὸ
rigua sidaμóras diaßiūvar Luc. 'Exion.
10. The same sentiment has been re-
peatedly expressed; e. g. Eur. Tr. 509
sq. Iph. A. 161. R. Ov. M. iii. 135 sqq.
LU. Soph. E. R. fin. G. Id. Ant. 1156
sqq. Tr. 1 sqq. Eur. And. 100 sqq. Her.
865 sq. sch. Ag. 937 sq. węò riksvTās
un paxágico undiva. LXX Σop. Zug. xi.
28. cf. Rev. xiv. 13. Arist. Eth. i. 10.
"Our life cannot be pronounced happy,
till the last scene is closed with ease and
resignation, the mind still continuing to
preserve its usual dignity, and falling
into the arms of death as a wearied tra-
veller sinks into rest;" Earl of Orrery.

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276. Marius' (viii. 245 sqq.) was seven times consul. Flor. iii. 21. LU. Aur. Vict. Liv. ep. lxxvii. Plut. Mar. and Sull. PR. App. B. C. i. 61 sq. V. Pat. ii. 19. R. Though the mutability of fortune in his case was singular, yet his end was fortunate. ille fuit vitæ Mario modus, omnia passo, quæ pejor fortuna potest, atque omnibus uso, quæ melior, mensoque, homini quid fata pararent; Luc. G.

When driven from Rome by Sulla, he was forced to hide in the marshes from the cavalry sent in pursuit of him. He was afterwards betrayed to his enemies and kept in custody; but as no one dared to kill him, he was sent off to Africa, where he is said to have begged his bread amid the ruins of Carthage. VS. PR. R.

Minturne was a town of the Aurunci, on the confines of Latium and Campania, near the mouth of the Liris. LU. It is now in ruins, PR. on the right hand of the ferry of the Garigliano, as you go from Rome to Naples. G.

278. Hinc from a lengthened life." LU. He was sixty-eight when he died. Μ.

'Than C. Marius.' LU.

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Natura in terris, quid Roma beatius umquam, 280 Si circumducto captivorum agmine et omni

Bellorum pompa animam exhalasset opimam,
Quum de Teutonico vellet descendere curru?
Provida Pompeio dederat Campania febres
Optandas: sed multæ urbes et publica vota
285 Vicerunt. Igitur Fortuna ipsius et Urbis

Servatum victo, caput abstulit. Hoc cruciatu
Lentulus, hac poena caruit ceciditque Cethegus
Integer et jacuit Catilina cadavere toto."

Formam optat modico pueris, majore puellis
290 Murmure, quum Veneris fanum videt anxia mater,
Usque ad delicias votorum.

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281. Satiated with spoils :' an allusion to spolia opima. BRI.


"Cur tamen" inquit

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Ptolemy king of Egypt. On reaching
that country, he was murdered (in his
58th year) by Achillas one of the king's
officers and L. Septimius a military tri-
bune. Πομπηΐου τὴν κεφαλὴν ἀποτεμόντες
οἱ περὶ Ποθεινὸν ἐφύλασσον Καίσαρι, ὡς
il iyiorais àμoßais App. B. C. ii. 86
pr. 76 sqq. 90. Plin. v. 12. vii. 26. Flor.
iv. 11. Dio xli pr. cf. Sen. Cons. to
Marc. 20. V. Pat. ii. 48 sqq. R.

287. P. Corn. Lentulus Sura, a man
of consular rank, and Cethegus (viii.
231.) were strangled in prison; Catiline
fell in battle: though these were foul
conspirators against their country's liber-
ties. VS. App. B. C. ii. 6 sq. Sall. B. C.
PR. Flor. iv. 1. R.

283. " Campania, prescient of her Pompey's fate, Sent a kind fever." G. Pompeius noster familiaris, cum graviter agrotaret Neapoli, utrum si tum esset extinctus, a bonis rebus, an a mulis discessisset? certe a miseriis. non enim cum socero bellum gessisset, non imparatus arma sumsisset, non domum reliquisset, non Italia fugisset, non exercitu amisso nudus in servorum manus ac ferrum incidisset; non liberi defleti; non fortunæ omnes a victoribus possiderentur. qui si mortem 288. The ancients believed that their tum obiisset, in amplissimis fortunis occidisset. is propagatione vite quot, quantas, wounds and mutilations followed them to quam incredibiles hausit calamitates! hæc the next world, and therefore they felt morte effugiuntur; Cic. T. Q. i. 35. It inexpressible horror at the idea of being would have been the happiest thing for dismembered in this. cf. Suet. Ner. 49. him, had that fever proved fatal. LU. G. Virg. E. vi. 494 sqq. St Matth. xviii. 8 sq.

284. The united prayers and vows of so many cities and people, for his recovery, prevailed against the effects of his sickness and saved his life.' LU. M. Plut. V. Pomp. PR.

285. The malignant Fortune of Pompey and of Rome.' Flor. iv. 9. SCH.

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286. Preserved' by the public vows, only to be reserved' for ignominious mutilation. LU. Cn. Pompeius, who had been thrice consul and, by three triumphs gained from three separate quarters of the globe, had acquired the surname of Magnus, after being conquered' by Cæsar at Pharsalia, fled for protection to

289. Cf. Pers. ii.
sqq. PR. vi. 539. R.
290. Venus was the goddess of beauty,
and, according to the judgment of Paris,
the most beautiful of the goddesses. LU.
She had a temple in which she was
worshipped by the style of 'Αφροδίτη
Vidugos because all prayers were to be
offered in whispers. Sen. Ep. 10. Eust.
on Hom. Od. T p. 1881. A. R.

291. (1) So as to revel in the dainty
luxury of her vows.' PR. or (2) So as
to pour forth vows full of tender sweet-
ness to propitiate the favour of the fair
deity.' R. LU.


"Corripias? Pulcra gaudet Latona Diana."
Sed vetat optari faciem Lucretia, qualem,

Ipsa habuit: cuperet Rutila Virginia gibbum
295 Accipere atque suam Rutilæ dare. Filius autem
Corporis egregii miseros trepidosque parentes
Semper habet. Rara est adeo concordia formæ
Atque pudicitiæ! Sanctos licet horrida mores
Tradiderit domus ac veteres imitata Sabinos,
300 Præterea castum ingenium vultumque modesto
Sanguine ferventem tribuat Natura benignâ W
Larga manu; (quid enim puero conferre potest plus
Custode et cura Natura potentior omni?)

Non licet esse viris: nam prodiga corruptoris
305 Improbitas ipsos audet tentare parentes.
Tanta in muneribus fiducia! Nullus ephebum,
Deformem sæva castravit in arce tyrannus;
Nec prætextatum rapuit Nero loripedem vel
Strumosum atque utero pariter gibboque tumentem.
310 I nunc et juvenis specie lætare tui! Quem
Majora exspectant discrimina? Fiet adulter
Publicus et poenas metuet, quascumque mariti

Inquit: Hor. I S. iv. 78. (BY.) Liv. xxxiv. 3. 5. (DR. GRO.) vi. 40,

3. R.

292. Yet why chide the mother's fond anxiety? LU.

Γέγηθε δέ τε φρένα Λήτω κ. τ. λ. Hom. Od. z 106. Virg. i. 498 sqq. PR. 293. Lucretia, the wife of Collatinus, was forced by Sextus Tarquinius, and destroyed herself in consequence. VS. This led to the overthrow of the regal government. M. V. Max. vi. 1. SCH. Liv. i. 58. Dionys. H. iv. PR.

294. Livia the wife of Rutilius was an old woman, upwards of 97 years of age. Plin. vit. 48. SCH.

Virginia was slain by her own father, to preserve her chastity from the lust of Appius, which had been excited by her beauty. This catastrophe occasioned the abolition of the decemviral power. VS. Flor. i. 15. SCH. Liv. iii. 44. PR.

295. Suam understand faciem et formam. PR.

297. Lis est cum forma magna pudi

citiæ; Ov. Her. xvi. 288. PR. Id. Am. III. iv. 41 sq. Petr. 94. Mart. VIII. liii.


298. Cf. vi. 287 sqq. PR.

299. Cf. iii. 169. vi. 163 sqq. PR. 301. Properly speaking benigna applies to natura, and larga to manu. PR. 303. Cf. Sen. Ep. xi. de I. ii. 2. Hor. I Ep. x. 24. R.

306. Munera, crede mihi, capiunt hominesque deosque; Ov. A. A. iii. 653. LU.

307. The Tarpeian citadel' or Capitol may be here meant. cf. Suet. Ner. 28. LÜ.

308. Pers. v. 30. (K.) R.

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Exigere irati; nec erit felicior astro

Martis, ut in laqueos numquam incidat. Exigit autem

315 Interdum ille dolor plus, quám lex ulla dolori
Concessit. Necat hic ferro, secat ille cruentis
Verberibus, quosdam mochos et mugilis intrat.
Sed tuus Endymion dilectæ fiet adulter
Matrona: mox quum dederit Servilia numos,
320 Fiet et illius, quam non amat: exuet omnem
Corporis ornatum. Quid enim ulla negaverit udis
Inguinibus, sive est hæc Oppia sive Catulla?
Deterior totos habet illic femina mores.

"Sed casto quid forma nocet?" Quid profuit immo 325 Hippolyto grave propositum? quid Bellerophonti?

Hor. I S. ii. Varr. de Pace: Cat. xv. (VO.) Plaut. Poen. Tac. An. iv. 42. (LI.) HN. R.

313. The star of Mars,' for Mars himself. His was an unlucky planet; SCH. vi. 553, note. R.

314. Mars was caught by Vulcan, in a net, while engaged in an intrigue with Venus. Hyg. F. 148. Ov. M. iv. 171 sqq. SCH. Id. A. A. ii. 561 sqq. Hom. Od. 266 sqq. R.

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315. The husband's grief.' PR. cf. V. Max. VI. i. 13. G.

316. Hor. I S. ii. 37-46. M. Ep. iv. 11. (MI.) R.

317. Cat. xv. 19. (DŒ.) PR. papuvis Suid. (KU.) Arist. Pl. 1068. N. 1079. Ath. i. 5. (C4S.) vii. 77. (SW.) R.

318. Endymion was a beautiful shepherd beloved by the Moon. VS. Hyg. F. 275. SCH. The fable is explained by Pliny . 9. PR. Apoll. I. vii. 5. (HY.) Ov. Tr. ii. 299. (HAR.) R. MOTHER: But my Endymion will more lucky prove, And serve a beauteous mistress, all for love! JUVENAL: No; he will soon to ugliness be sold, And serve a toothless grandam, all for gold!" G.

319. Servilia, Cato's sister and the mother of Brutus, intrigued with Cæsar. LU. Her sister the wife of Lucullus was equally depraved. Suet. Cæs. 50. R. Plut. Luc. p. 517. Cat. mi. p. 759 sqq. Brut. P. 984. PR. Servilia, were she still living.'

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320. He will strip her by degrees of all her trinkets and jewels.' R.

321. To the gratification of her passions.' R.

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322. Whether gentle or simple,' PR. rich or poor,' M. ugly or pretty,' R. prude or coquette.' ACH.

323. A vulgar woman has but that one thing in her view, and shapes all her morals and manners accordingly.' cf. hue hominis totæ vireis corpusque fluebat;

Lucr. vi. 1203. MNS.

324. "MOTH. But if my boy with virtue be endued, What harm will beauty do him? Juv. Nay, what good?" G.

325. Hippolytus was deaf to the incestuous solicitations of his step-mother Phædra. Incensed at his coldness, she falsely accused him to his father Theseus; in consequence of whose curse, he was thrown from his chariot and killed. Sen. Hip. PR. M. Hyg. F. 47. 49. SCH. Ov. Her. iv. M. xv. 491 sqq. Eur. Hip. Ath. xiii. 8. R.

Bellerophon, the son of Glaucus, rejected the criminal advances of Sthenebœa the wife of his host Proctus, king of Argos. The slighted queen complained to her husband as though his guest had infringed the rites of hospitality. The young prince had in consequence many hair-breadth escapes of his life. Hor. III Od. vii. 13 sqq. (MI.) PR. Hyg. F. 57. SCH. Hom. II. z 152 sqq. Apoll. II. iii. 1. (HY.) R. These stories would seem founded on the scripture account of Joseph and Potiphar's wife; G. Gen. xxxix. 7 sqq. M. which has been adopted, as a very favourite subject, by oriental




Erubuit nempe hæc, ceu fastidita, repulsa;
Nec Stheneboca minus, quam Cressa, excanduit, et se
Concussere amba. Mulier sævissima tunc est,
Quum stimulos odio pudor admovet. Elige, quidnam
330 Suadendum esse putes, cui nubere Cæsaris uxor
Destinat? Optimus hic et formosissimus idem
Gentis patricia rapitur miser exstinguendus (4*
Messalinæ oculis: dudum sedet illa parato
Flameolo Tyriusque palam genialis in hortis
335 Sternitur et ritu decies centena dabuntur

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Antiquo; veniet cum signatoribus auspexed
Hæc tu secreta et paucis commissa putabas?
Non, nisi legitime, vult nubere. Quid placeat, dic:
Ni parere velis, pereundum erit ante lucernas:
340 Si scelus admittas, dabitur mora parvula, dum res
Nota Urbi et populo contingat Principis aures.
Dedecus ille domus sciet ultimus: interea tu

326. Hæc i. e. Phædra. VS.

333. Observe the eagerness and the

327. Sthenebaa, also called Antea. boldness (ii. 136.) of the adulterous bride: Hom. II. z. R. and cf. ii. 124. LU. Tac. An. xi. 27. R.

Phædra' was the daughter of Minos king of Crete' and Pasiphae. VS. LU. 328. Roused themselves' to vengeance. LU. non leviter se Numidia concussit; Flor. iii. 1. cf. Virg. Æ. vii. 338. (HY.) R. The metaphor is taken from a lion. M.

Duri magno sed amore dolores polluto, notumque furens quid femina possit; Virg. A. v. 5 sq. VS. ib. i. 29 sqq. M.

329. The metaphor is taken from a driver goading the ox when at plough.



Quidnam? he was placed in a dilemma.

330. The infamous Messalina, in the absence of her husband Claudius at Ostia, obliged C. Silius, who was then consul elect, to marry her publicly, and to repudiate his own wife, Junia Silana; which caused his destruction. Tac. An. xi. 5. 12-38. R. ACH. VS. Suet. LU. PR.

331. "Lo, this most noble, this most beauteous youth, Is hurried off, a helpless sacrifice To the lewd glance of Messalina's eyes." G. cf. Ov. Am. III. xi. 48. Phæd. IV. iv. 4. (BU.) Hor. IV Od. xiii. 20. (MI.) R.

334. Understand lectus. VS. • And in the gardens of Lucullus, the genial (vi. 22. R.) marriage-couch is openly spread with the purple tapestry of Tyre.'

335. Cf. i. 92. 105. ii. 117. vi. 137. T. RI. M. After the ancient fashion a dowry will be given, and that a con. siderable one;' upwards of £8000, a senatorial estate. R.

336. Cf. vi. 25. apud antiquos non solum publice sed etiam privatim nihil gerebatur, nisi auspicio prius sumto: quo ex more nuptiis etiamnum auspices interponuntur. qui quamvis auspicia petere desierint, ipso tamen nomine veteris consuetudinis vestigia usurpant; V. Max. ii. 1. PR. Suet. Claud. 26. Tac. An. xiii. 37. Cic. de Div. i. 16. R.

337. You' i. e. Silius. LU.

338. Another dilemma, as in Her.i.11. 339. Before candles are lighted.' PR.

342. This alludes to the stupidity and infatuation of Claudius, who would hardly believe the infamy of Messalina, and was, with still more difficulty, induced to give orders for her punishment. G. Xiph. Claud. LU. Had it not been for the resoluteness of Narcissus, she would

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