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Astutam vapido servas sub pectore vulpem,

Quæ dederam supra, repeto, funemque reduco.
Nil tibi concessit ratio: digitum exsere, peccas;
120 Et quid tam parvum est? Sed nullo thure litabis,
Hæreat in stultis brevis ut semuncia recti.

Hæc miscere nefas; nec, quum sis cetera fossor,
Tres tantum ad numeros Satyri moveare Bathylli.

"Liber ego." Unde datum hoc sumis, tot subdite rebus?

cast their slough. CAS. Ov. M. ix. 266. vii. 237. Virg. G. iii. 425 sq. Æ. ii. 471 sq. or (2) an allusion to the fable of the Fox in a Lion's skin. Hor. II S. i. 62 sq. iii. 186. I Ep. xvi. 44 sq. K. or (3) to Blacks who can never be washed white. PR. cf. Juv. xiii. 239, note.

Fronte; cf. iv. 14. M. Juv. ii. 8. 117. Numquam te fallant animi sub vulpe latentes; Hor. A. P. 437. PR. Claud. xviii. 145. v. 484. Pind. Ol. xi. 20 sqq. Theoc. i. 48. v. 112 sq. λrn xigu Arist. V. 1233. P. 1090. K. Vapido; cf. 77. M.

118. Supra, i. e. in 113. LU. Repeto I pronounced you free, conditionally; on failure of these conditions, I revoke my concession.' LU.

The metaphor is taken from animals or birds, which are allowed a certain degree of liberty, but at the same time secured by a string. If they abuse their liberty, they are pulled in. PR. cf. Juv. xii. 5, note. M. "I would have thee gone; And yet no further than a wanton's bird; Who lets it hop a little from her hand, Like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves, And with a silk thread plucks it back again;" Shaksp. Rom. and Jul. II. i. G.

119. Whatever the prætor may have done, philosophy has done nothing for you.' M. Persius (who had the passage in the Enchiridion of Epictetus before him, ἡ φιλοσοφία φησὶν, ὅτι οὐδὲ τὸν δάκτυλον ἐκτείνειν εἰκῆ προσήκει) labours to prove that there is no medium between absolute wisdom and absolute folly; from which notable position it follows (among other consequences) that the fool cannot perform the most trivial act without blundering egregiously. G. T. PR. M. auri navem evertal gubernator an paleæ, in re aliquantulum, in gubernatoris inscitia nihil interest. lapsa est libido in muliere ignota, dolor ad pauciores

pertinet, quam si petulans fuisset in aliqua generosa ac nobili virgine; peccavit vero nihilo minus, siquidem est peccare tamquam transsilire lineas; quam longe progrediare, quum semel transsilieris, ad augendam culpam nihil attinet; Sen. Ep. 66. This doctrine is attacked in Cic. Fin. iii. 27. for Mur. 30. Hor. I S. iii. 96 sqq. I Ep. xvi. 55 sq. K.

120. "Yet what so trifling?" G. ' and apparently so easy? but it is beyond the power of the gods to grant.' Litabis; cf. ii. 75, note. PR.

121. Short' is applied in our own language to weight.

122. Hæc i. e. folly and right.' K. Cetera a Grecism, rà äλλ«. LU. Fossor; cf. Juv. xi. 80. M.

123. Histrio, si paulo se movit extra numerum, aut si versus pronunciatus est syllaba una brevior aut longior, exsibilatur et exploditur: in vita, quæ omni gestu moderatior, omni versu aptior esse debet, ut in syllaba, te peccare dices? poetam non audio in nugis, in vitæ societate audiam civem, digitis peccata dimetientem sua? &c. Cic. Par. 3. CAS. Virg. E. vi. 27. Prop. II. xviii. 16. cf. Mart. XI. lxxxv. 3 sq. Ov. Am. II. iv. 29. K.

'Of Bathyllus dancing the Satyr.' cf. Virg. E. v. 73. Hor. A. P. 221. ÍI Ep. ii. 125. PR. I S. v. 63.

Movereto dance.' Hor. A. P. 232. PR. I S. ix. 24. III Od. vi. 21. Ον. A. A. iii. 350. K.

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125 An dominum ignoras, nisi quem vindicta relaxat?
'I, puer, et strigiles Crispini ad balnea defer!'
Si increpuit: Cessas nugator?' servitium acre


Te nihil impellit: nec quidquam extrinsecus intrat, Quod nervos agitet. Sed si intus et in jecore ægro 130 Nascuntur domini, quî tu impunitior exis

Atque hic, quem ad strigiles scutica et metus egit herilis?

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Mane piger stertis: Surge!' inquit Avaritia: 'eja
Surge' inquit. "Non queo.'

Surge' Negas? instat.


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"Et quid agam ?" Rogitas? En, saperdam advehe


135 Castoreum, stuppas, ebenum, thus, lubrica Coa;

Tolle recens primus piper e sitiente camelo;

Verte aliquid; jura.' "Sed Jupiter audiet." Eheu !
Baro, regustatum digito terebrare salinum

125. Cf. v. 88. PR. 126. 'A command from your quondam master, it is true, would not affect you.' Strigiles; Juv. iii. 263. Petr. 91. Apul. Flor. ii. p. 346, 27. R. Those, who went to the baths, took their own scrapers and soap. Luc. Lexiph. t. ii. p. 320. K. Suet. Aug. 80. PR.

Crispinus; Juv. i. 27, note. iv. 1 sqq.


127. Ter. Eun. IV. vi. 16. K. 128. Cf. Juv. xiv. 63. K. 129. The metaphor may be taken from puppets, which are moved by strings. cf. Hor. II S. vii. 81 sq. Anton. ii. 3. vii. 3. (GA.) CAS. qui in ligneolis hominum figuris gestus movet, quando filum membri,quod agitari solet,traxerit, torque bitur cervix, nutabit caput, oculi vibrabunt, manus ad ministerium præsto erunt, nec invenuste totus videbitur vivere; Apul. de Mun. K. or we may understand the words in their simple sense. PR.

Jecore; Juv. i. 45, note. M. Plat. Tim. t. ix. p. 389. K.

130. Quí tu impunitior? Hor. II S. vii. 105. PR.

131. Spectator No. 55.

132. The power of idleness and sloth, when indulged, is finely described in Proverbs v. 9 sq. xxii. 13. xxvi. 13 sq. M. 133. Surge; cf. Arist. Pl. 539. 134. The saperda was a common sort of fish, Ath. iii. 30. PR. of which the

best were those caught in the Mæotic gulf. LU.

135. Castoreum; cf. Juv. xii. 34 sqq.


Sola India nigrum fert ebenum, solis est thurea virga Sabais; Virg. G. ii. 116 sq. PR.

"Coan wines," D. were of a laxative quality. LU. si dura morabitur alvus, mytilus et viles pellent obstantia conchæ et lapathi brevis herba, sed albo non sine Coo; Hor. II S. iv. 27 sqq. PR. Plin. H. N. xxvii. s 27. Æl. V. H. xii. 31. K.

136. Cave ne portus occupet alter, ne Cibyratica, ne Bithyna negotia perdas ; Hor. I Ep. vi. 32 sq. PR.

Sitiente just arrived at Alexandria from its journey over the desart.' K. cf. Plin. viii. 18. PR.

137. Turn a penny: swear through thick and thin.' DN. cf. Cic. Off. iii. fin. PR.

Jupiter audiet: cf. Juv. xiii. 75. K.

138. Baro is a Gallic word and denotes a soldier's slave. VS. Cic. Ep. ix. ult. LU. Id. Div. ii. fin. PR.

You will never earn salt to your porridge, if you make a point of keeping on good terms with Jove.'

Salinum; iii. 25. Varro sale pulmentarii vice usos veteres auctor est: esitásse enim salem cum pane et caseo, ut proverbio apparet; Plin. xxxi. 7. Plaut. Cure. IV. iv. 6. PR.

Contentus perages, si vivere cum Jove tendis.' 140 Jam pueris pellem succinctus et œnophorum aptas: "Ocius ad navem!" Nihil obstat, quin trabe vasta Ægæum rapias, nisi solers Luxuria ante

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Seductum moneat: Quo deinde, insane, ruis? quo? Quid tibi vis? calido sub pectore mascula bilis 145 Intumuit, quam non exstinxerit urna cicuta.

Tun mare transsilias? tibi, torta cannabe fulto,
Cœna sit in transtro? Veientanumque rubellum
Exhalet vapida læsum pice sessilis obba?

Quid petis, ut numi, quos hîc quincunce modesto 150 Nutrieras, pergant avidos sudare deunces? Indulge Genio; carpamus dulcia: nostrum est,

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142. Rapere to hurry over.' Ov. F. iii. 867. (BU.) Sil. i. 569 sq. (R.) Virg. Æ. vi. 8. (HY.) Ov. Her. xix. 74. (H.) Charit. p. 263. (D'O.) viam vorare; Cat. xxxv. 7. K.

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Wily Luxury.' ourws ʼn μiagà xai παντὸς κακοῦ διδάσκαλος Τρυφὴ ἄλλην ἀπ' ἄλλης ἡδονῆς ἀναισχύντως ἐπινοοῦσα· Luc. Am. t. ii. p. 421. Claud. xxii. 131 sqq. K.

143. Taken aside as a friend and warned of your danger;' as in Juv. xii. 57 sq. PR.

Deinde; Virg. Æ. v. 741. (HY.) Liv. iv. 49. (GRO. DR.) K.

144. Mascula bilis' mighty rage.' 145. Quæ poterunt umquam satis expurgare cicuta? Hor. II Ep. ii. 53. CAS. The lathyris is here meant, which is called cicuta from its hollow stalk. SA. T. cf. Plin. H. N. xxv. s 94. K.

146. Cato the censor is said to have repented of three things: (1) having told his wife a secret, (2) having spent a day unprofitably, and (3) having gone to a place by sea, when he could have gone thither by land: Plut. according to the

Greek adage : θαλάσση, καὶ πῦρ, καὶ γυνὴ xaxà rgía. PR.

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Hemp.' cf. Plin. H. N. xix. s 8. K. Her. iv. 155. PR.

147.' Red Veientan wine.' LU. Mart. I. civ. 9. K. cf. Juv. vii. 121, note.

148. "And while a broken plank supports your meat, And a coil'd cable proves your softest seat, Suck from squab jugs, that pitchy scents exhale, The seaman's beverage, sour at once and stale!" G.

Pice. cf. Plin. xiv. 1. 20. Plut. Q. Conv. v. 3. resinata bibis vina, Falerna fugis; Mart. III. lxxvii. 8. PR.

149. The highest usury was called centesima, or twelve per cent;' being at the rate of one sesterce monthly for every hundred: the next highest was deunt, ' eleven per cent;' and so on down to the unciaria or one per cent.' Tac. An. v. 16. PR. Juv. i. 40, note.


150. Pascere numos; Hor. I Ep. xviii. 35. PR. nutrieras is a very appropriate metaphor, if we look to the derivation of réxes from ríxru' to bring forth.' 151. Genio; ii. 3. PR. Ter. Ph. I. i. 10. K.

Dum loquimur, fugerit invida atas: carpe diem; Hor. I Od. xi. 7 sq. VS. The language of the Epicureans was; voluptatibus, quoquo modo possumus, serviamus: brevi enim tempore nulli erimus omnino. ergo nullum diem, nullum temporis punctum fluere nobis sine voluptate patiamur, ne, quia ipsi quandoque perituri sumus, id ipsum quod vixerimus pereat; Lact. PR.

Quod vivis cinis et manes et fabula fies.

Vive memor leti, fugit hora: hoc, quod loquor, inde est.'

En quid agis? Duplici in diversum scinderis hamo; 155 Hunccine an hunc sequeris? Subeas alternus oportet Ancipiti obsequio dominos, alternus oberres.

Nec tu, quum obstiteris semel instantique negâris
Parere imperio, "Rupi jam vincula," dicas.
Nam et luctata canis nodum abripit: attamen illi,
160 Quum fugit, a collo trahitur pars longa catenæ.

That alone can be deemed life, which is devoted to me.' CAS. T. cf. Sil. zv. 64 sqq. Κ. βίος βίου δεόμενος οὐκ ἐστὶ Bios is a Greek proverb. PR. or If you ever really live, it is all owing to me.' quod spiro et placeo, si placeo, tuum est; Hor. IV Od. iii. 24. M.

152. Vitæ summa brevis spem nos vetat inchoare longam. jam te premet nox fabulæque manes; Hor. I Od. iv. 15 sq. LU. Stoici usuram nobis largiuntur tamquam cornicibus: diu mansuros aiunt animos, semper negant; Cic. T. Q. i. 77. aiunt manere animos,e corpore quum excesserint, sed non semper; ib. 78. Therefore, if this line be delivered in accordance with the Stoical notions, it will mean You will soon die, and when your body has been reduced to ashes, your spirit will abide for a time among the shades, and at last you will be utterly annihilated, soul as well as body, so that you will live only in memory and in name.' cf. Macr. S. i. 3. Virg. Æ. vi. 743. Varro v. PR. "Soon wilt thou glide a ghost for gossip's chat." BW. Prop. III. xiii. 45. K. ἐν δ ̓ ὀλίγῳ βροτῶν τὸ τερπνὸν αὔξεται· οὕτω δὲ καὶ πιτνεῖ χαμαι, ἀπο τρόπῳ γνώμα, σεσεισμένον. ἐπάμεροι· τί δέ


τί δ' οὔ τις ; σκιᾶς ὄναρ, ἄνθρωποι· Pind. P. viii. 131 sqq. G.

153. Dum licet, in rebus jucundis vive beatus, vive memor, quam sis ævi brevis; Hor. II S. vi. 96 sq. CAS. T. currit enim ferox ætas; II Od. v. 13 sq. sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus; Virg. G. iii. 284. PR.

Breve est vitæ istius curriculum: hoc ipsum quod loquor, quod scribo, quod relego, de tempore meo mihi aut crescit aut deperit; S. Hier. on Ep. Gal. iii. 6. PR. Eur. Alc. 785 sqq. Bion Id. v. 9 sqq. Petr. 72. Sen. H. F. 177 sqq. Juv. ix. 126 sqq. notes. K. The late Lord Hervey, in a poetical epistle to a friend


applies this very beautifully: now, while I write, time steals on our youth And a moment's cut of from ths friendship and truth." The whole of Luxury's argument amounts to this: "Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die;" 1 Cor. xv. 32. Isaiah xxii. 13. M.

154. Plutarch, in his treatise on envy and hatred, calls vice woλváyzIFTgov: Dama had swallowed two baits, that of Avarice, and that of Luxury. PR. Prop. IV. i. 141. K. cf. 1 Kings xviii. 21.

155. Understand dominum. M.

156. Obsequium denotes' servile compliance,'' indulgence,'' flattery.' i. 107. note. molesta veritas est, siquidem ex ea nascitur odium, quod est venenum amicitiæ: sed obsequium multo molestius, quod peccatis indulgens præcipitem amicum ferri sinit; and in obsequio comitas adsit; assentatio vitiorum adjutrix procul amoveatur; Cic. de Am. 91. PR. cf. i. 107, note; St Luke xvi. 13.

157. Semel. "One swallow does not make a summer;" neither can one or two actions constitute a habit. Arist. Eth. PR.

158. Scilicet asserui jam me, fugique catenas; Ov. Am. III. xi. 3. Ο toties servus! qua bellua ruptis, cum semel effugit, reddit se prava catenis; Hor. II S. vii. 19 sq. PR.

159. This illustration is pleasantly applied by Butler: "For though the dame has been my bail To free me from enchanted jail, Yet as a dog, committed close For some offence, by chance breaks loose And quits his clog, but all in vain, He still drags after him his chain; So, though my ancle she has quitted, My heart continues still committed;" Hud. II. iii. 65 sqq. BW.

160. You carry that about with you, which will enable Avarice or Luxury, your old masters, at any time to drag

"Dave, cito, hoc credas jubeo, finire dolores

Præteritos meditor." (Crudum Chærestratus unguem
Abrodens ait hæc.) "An siccis dedecus obstem

Cognatis? an rem patriam rumore sinistro
165 Limen ad obscoenum frangam, dum Chrysidis udas
Ebrius ante fores exstincta cum face canto ?"

you again into their power and to resume their influence over your actions.' K.

161. This lively little dialogue is taken from the Eunuch of Menander: Terence has changed the dramatis personæ. VS. cf. Hor. II S. iii. 259 sqq. K. It may confidently be opposed to any similar scene of equal length in the dramatic and satiric writers, whose works have reached us. G.

162. Amorem hæc cuncta vitia sectari solent, cura, agritudo, nimiaque elegantia, &c. sed amori accedunt etiam hæc quæ dixi minus, insomnia, ærumna, error, terror, et fuga, ineptiæ, stultitiaque, adeo et temeritas, incogitantia excors, immodestia, petulantia, cupiditas, et malevolentia, inhæret etiam aviditas, desidia, injuria, inopia, contumelia, et dispendium, multiloquium, pauciloquium; Plaut. Merc. pr. 18 sqq. quisquis amores aut metuet dulces, aut experietur amaros; Virg. E. iii. 109 sq. o indignum facinus! nunc ego et illam scelestam esse, et me miserum sentio; et tædet, et amore ardeo; et prudens, sciens, vivus, vidensque pereo; nec quid agam scio; Ter. Eun. I. i. 25 sqq. cf. Hor. I Od. viii. 2 sqq. II S. iii. 263. PR.

Charestratus is the Phædria of Terence Davus the Parmeno: Chrysis the Thais. PR. Common names of slaves among the Romans were Statius, Dionysius, Stichus, Hera; at Athens, Davus (from Dacia), Geta; among the Syrians, Dama; in Paphlagonia, Tybius; in Phrygia, Manes, Mida; among the Spartans, Helota; at Argos, Gymneta; among the Cretans, Epharmiota, Clarota, Minota; in Thessaly, Penesta; at Syracuse, Eustatonus; at Sicyon, Corynephorus; among the Mariandyni, Doryphorus ; &c. A. Some of these names denote classes rather than individuals.

This is the action of a person annoyed with himself. Prop. II. iii. 1. III. xxiii. 24. K. cf. i. 106. PR.

163.Sober.' ego præter alios meum

virum fui rata siccum, frugi continentem; Plaut. As. V. ii. 6 sq. scito illum ante omnes madidum, nihili,incontinentem; ib. 8 sq. cf. Hor. I Ep. xix. 9. I Od. xviii. 3. Cic. for Quint. 93. Rosc. 75. PR. Hor. IV Od. v. 38-40. M.

164. Sinistra liberalitas: parum expatravit. quid est? ait, an parum helluatus est? paterna primum lancinata sunt bona; &c. Cat. xxix. 16 sqq.bonam deperdere famam, rem patris oblimare malum est, &c. Hor. I S. ii. 61 sqq. PR. cf. Juv. xiv. 1. M.

Turpis amor surdis auribus esse solet ; Ov. PR.

165. Frangam; a metaphor from a ship splitting on a rock. PR. cf. Plaut. Trin. II. i. 19 sqq. CAS.

Wet,' not only with the scents sprinkled thereon by the lovers who came to serenade her, VS. and with wine, but with tears. CAS. cf. Plaut. Curc. 1. i sq. PR. at lacrumans exclusus amator limina sæpe floribus et sertis operit postesque superbos ungit amaracino et foribus miser oscula figit; Lucr. iv. 1171 sqq. MAR. It may also mean frequented by those in their cups.' ebrius ad durum formosæ limen amicæ cantat: habent unctæ mollia serta comæ ; Ov. F. v. 339 sq. (H.) K.

166. The torch was extinguished, that the serenader might not be recognized by those who passed by. CAS.tace: occultemus lumen et vocem; Plaut. Curc. I. i. 95. ebrius, et (magnum quod dedecus) ambulet ante noctem cum facibus; Hor. I S. iv. 51 sq. PR. When the fair one proved inexorable, they dashed their torch on the ground. semper et exclusi signa jacere faces; Prop. I.xvi. 8. MAR.

Noctu occentabunt ostium; Plaut. Pers. IV. iv. 20. quid si adeam ad fores atque occentem; Id. Cu. I. ii. 57. for further information respecting these serenades, see Hor. III Ód. x. PR. I Od. xxv. III. vii. 30 sq. II S. vii. 89 sqq. (JA. MI.) Prop. I. xvi. 5 sqq. III. ii. 47 sqq. (B.) K.

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