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Bonner. Come hither, sirs: (hold them a book,) you shall swear by the contents of that book, that you shall say the truth of all such articles as shall be demanded of you concerning this man here present, and take you heed of him, that he doth not deceive you, as I am afraid he doth, and strengtheneth you in your errors.

Prisoners, My lord, we will not swear, except we know whereto; we can accuse him of no evil; we have been but a while acquainted with him.

Philpot, I wonder your lordship, knowing the law, will go about.: contrary to the same, for your lordship doth take them to be heretics, and by the law a heretic cannot be a witness.

Bonner. Yes, one heretic against another may be well enough. And, Mr. Sheriff, I will make one of them to be a witness against another..

Prisoners. No, my lord.

Bonner. No! will you not? I will make you swear, whether you will or no. I think they be Anabaptists, Mr. Sheriff, they think it not lawful to swear before a judge.

Philpot. We think it lawful to swear for a man judicially called, as we are not now, but in a blind corner.

Bonner. Why, then, seeing you will not swear against your fellow, you shall swear for yourselves, and I do here in the presence of Mr. Sheriff, object the same articles unto you, as I have done unto him, and require you, under pain of excommunication, to answer particularly unto every one of them when you shall be examined, as you shall be soon, by my register and some of my chaplains.

Prisoners. My lord, we will not accuse ourselves. If any man can lay any thing against us, we are here ready to answer thereto :

otherwise we pray your lordship not to burden us; for some of u are here before you, we know no just cause why..

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Bonner. Mr. Sheriff, I will trouble you no longer with these fr ward men. And so he rose up, and was going away, talking with Mr. Sheriff.

Philpot, Mr. Sheriff, I pray you record how my lord proceedet against us in corners, without all order of law, having no just cause to lay against us. And after this, we were all commanded to be put in the stocks, where I sat from morning until night; and the keeperst night upon favour let me out.

The Sunday after, the bishop came into the coal-house at nig with the keeper, and viewed the house, saying, that he was never there before; whereby a man may guess how he kept God's comandment in visiting the prisoners. Between eight and nine, he ser for me, saying:

Bonner. Sir, I have great displeasure of the queen and council for keeping you so long, and letting you have so much liberty; and be sides that, you strengthen the other prisoners in their errors, as I have laid wait for your doings, and am certified of you well enough: I wil sequester you therefore from them, and you shall hurt them no more as you have done, and I will out of hand dispatch you as I am com manded, unless you will be a conformable man.

Philpot. My lord, you have my body in your custody, you may transport it whither you please; I am content. And I wish you would make as quick expedition in my judgment, as you say; I long for it and as for conformity, I am ready to yield to all truth, if any can bring better than I.

Bonner. Why, will you believe no man but yourself, whatsoever they say?


Philpot. My belief must not hang upon men's sayings, sure authority of God's word, which, if they can show me, I will be pliant to the same; otherwise I cannot go from my certain faith to

that which is uncertain.

Bonner. Have you then the truth only?"

Philpot. My lord, I will speak my mind freely unto you and po no malice that I bear to you, before God. You have not the truth, neither are you of the church of God; but you persecute both the truth and the true church of God, for which cause you cannot prosper Jong. You see God doth not prosper your doings according to your expectations; he hath of late showed his just judgment against one of your greatest doers, who, by reports, died miserably. I envy not

the authority you are in. You that have learning, should know best how to rule. And seeing God hath restored you to your dignity and living again, use the same to God's glory, and to the setting forth of his true religion: otherwise it will not continue, do what you can. With this saying he paused, and at length said:

Bonner. That good man was punished for such as thou art. Where is the keeper? Come, let him have him to the place that is provided for him. Go your way before.

He then followed me, calling the keeper aside, commanding him to.

The bishop of Winchester who died of a very painful disorder, on the 19th of

November, 1555.

keep all men from me, and narrowly to search me, commanding two of his men to accompany the keeper to see me placed.

I afterwards passed through St. Paul's up to Lollards' Tower and after that turned along the west side of St. Paul's through the wal and passing through six or seven doors, came to my lodging throp many straits; where I called to remembrance, that straight is way to heaven. And it is in a tower, right on the other side lards' Tower, as high almost as the battlements of St. Paul feet in breadth, and thirteen in length, and almost over where I was before, having a window opening towards th which I could look over the tops of a great many house man passing into them.

And as I came to my place, the keeper took off my me very narrowly, and took away a pen-case, inkknife, but (as God would have it,) I had an inkling was called, of my removal, and thereupon made stool, where (full sore against my will,) I cast awayrrant. letter; but that which I had written of my last e I thrust into my hose, thinking the next day to thereof, and with walking it was fallen down to by feeling soon found out, and asked what the were certain letters; and with that he was ver out. Let me alone, said I, I will take them ou hand, having two other letters therein, and bro ting into my breeches, and there left it, giving were not of any importance; which to make been weighty, I began to tear as well as I co them from me; and so deluded him from his

Then he went away, and as he was going, with him, said that I did not deliver the wri but two other letters I had in my hand before. I will go and search him better; which I hea amination I had written, into another place all my letters I had in my purse, and was tea came again, and as he came I threw the sam saying that I heard what he said. By this, I ing any farther.

This zealous and unshaken servant of God held in suspense, and underwent seven more combated with all the learning and sophistry of t the corrupted church; but armed with truth, h test, and proved himself to be founded on a rock To relate the whole of the examinations, w repetition of the insolence of Bonner, of th the other bishops, and points of dispu herefore, proceed to his fourteenth


Last Examinatio

Bishop Bonner having weari nd conferences with our Chr

hreatening, and exhorting hin

page 289.


resolved to terminate the color dragged out of Church.

Page 302.

cember, he ordered him to be brought before him and others, in the consistory of St. Paul's, and thus addressed him:

"Mr. Philpot, amongst other things that were laid and objected M'nst you, these three you were principally charged with.

1- "he first is, that you being fallen from the unity of Christ's ca agains hurch, do refuse to be reconciled thereto.

lay agai' second is, that you have blasphemously spoken against the the stock f the mass, calling it idolatry.

night upon

third is, that you have spoken against the sacrament of The Sun ying the real presence of Christ's body and blood to be with the keep

there before: ing to the will and pleasure of the synod legislative, mandment in visten by me invited, and required to go from your said for me, saying: '$, and to return to the unity of the catholic church, Bonner. Sir, I ow willingly do, you shall be mercifully and gladly keeping you so lo used, and have all the favour I can show you sides that, you stre. 1 true, it is assigned and appointed me to give laid wait for your du, if you stand herein, and will not return. sequester you theref refuse, I do ask of you whether you have any as you have done, an" ow why I now should not give sentence against manded, unless you w


for it and as for confo

Philpot. My lord, y estation not to go from my appeal that I have transport it whither onsent to you as my competent judge, I say, would make as quick exjection concerning the catholic church, I nei he same. And as to the sacrifice of the mass, can bring better than I. e altar, I never spoke against the same. And Bonner. Why, will y're of the synod, I say, that these twenty years in the faith of the true catholic church, which Philpot. My belief mh, whereunto you would have me to come; sure authority of God's been many times sworn, both in the reign of

they say?

pliant to the same; oth and of Edward, his son, against the usurped that which is uncertain. Rome, which oath, I think, I am bound in my Bonner. Have you thuuse I must perform unto the Lord mine oath Philpot. My lord, I whe synod, can, by God's word, persuade me no malice that I bear to ful, and that I am bound by God's law to come neither are you of the ind religion, I will gladly yield up unto you, truth and the true chur,

long. You see God dele, with all his learned doctors, to accomplish expectations; he hath, had recourse, as usual, to his promises and your greatest doers, Philpot answered;

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the authority you are of your sort, are hypocrites, and I wish all the how to rule. And see crisy, your tyranny, ignorance, and idolatry." living again, use the sam bishop, for that, time, dismissed him, comhis true religion: otherwise the 16th of the same month, he should With this saying he paused, aǹto have the definitive sentence of conBonner. That good man was 'm, if he then remained resolved. Where is the keeper? Come, let h provided for him. Go your way befof Philpot. He then followed me, calling the kee

vas accordingly presented be cester, and Litchfield; when

The bishop of Winchester who died of a ver November, 1555.

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