Obrázky na stránke

Bücheler aut perniciosa Pw aut si Ellis aut vel Doederlein aut ut

64 matellae P patellae pw

Munro Mayor See commentary.
70 indicibus PB indiciis p
116 parcam P partam pw
(with a gloss praeter Indicos) 295 suam pw

365 habes Pm abest p

93 angusta pw

150 aliosque w

augusta P Bücheler
Priscian altosque P

suum P Bücheler


16 ementur P

emuntur pw 55 et fugientem m Priscian effu-
gientem Pw 57 vitae P vita w

nec B

tibi Bücheler *** P

vel pm

91 postremo P rigidique w 93 habendum pw haben-

dam P Bücheler 94 Oceano P Oceani pw
fulgentis pw nitentis Merry (Class. Rev. II. 85)
130 comparat w comparet P 148 et magno pw
in magno cum posces Bücheler

184 licebat P


106 venientis P
118 hoc P hos w

in magno P erit:

licebit pw

32 arboris incertae PB arboris incerto pm arbori incertae Lach-
mann 33 cum ferret w

comferet P

62 iacuit m tacuit P 73 miserabile PS
orbi Bücheler 104 furva w fulva pS

59 taedae P taeda pw

mirabile pSm

99 Pacius,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

PBm abeunt m 199 trepidum P trepido pw
bus assae P poscentibus assem w poscentibus asse B
Bücheler 216 maturae m naturae PBm Bücheler
nequitia est P Bücheler 217 longi pw longae P Bücheler
duplicari Pw conduplicare m 296 cadet w cadit P


208 repenti-
215 medullas:
nequitiae po

229 con-

7 aeluros Brodaeus aeruleos P caeruleos w Bücheler
27 Iunco P
Bobbio Palimpsest Iunio w 75 fugaeceleri P fuga scelerip prae-
stant instantibus Ombis Mercer B praestantibus omnibus instans pm
praestant instantibus omnes or orbes or combis m 77 hic pw hinc PB
104 urbibus P viribus pw ventribus H.Valesius 107 omnia qui-
dam PB omnia, quaedam pw
145 pariendis Bücheler B
iendis P capiendis pw
Servius on Georg. II. 539


168 extendere P extundere pm excudere B

[blocks in formation]


a final: lengthened before sp,
Intr. 86.

abacus: 3. 204.
Abdera: 10. 50.

ablative of instrument, 1.54; of
means, 1. 13; of period of time,
11. 53; of place whence without
prep., Intr. 34; of place where
without in, Intr. 32; of price,
3.235; of quality, 11.96; with
ab with a gerundive, 12. 14; with
de for partitive gen., 1.66; with
distare, 14.98; with idoneus,
14.71; with minor or maior,
Intr. 36; with plenus, Intr. 35.
abolla: 3. 115; 4.76.

abstract noun used for an adjec-
tive Intr. 60.

accipe: as form of transition, Intr.

accusative: cognate, Intr.


14. 53; of degree of difference,
10. 197; 12.66; of part affected,
Intr. 29; 8. 4, 16; with iurare,
3. 145.

acerbus: 11.44.
acersecomes: 8. 128.

[blocks in formation]

Aeacus: I. IO.

aedile in country towns, 10. 101.
Aemiliani: 8. 3.

Aemilius Juncus: 15. 27.
Aeneas parvulus: 5. 138.
Afra avis: II. 142.

Agamemnon: death, 8. 217.
Aganippe: 7.6.
Agathyrsi: 15. 125.
Agave: 7.87.

age of heroes: 13. 51.
agger: 5. 153.

agreement: verb, singular, with
two subjects, 12.99.

Agrippina, wife of Claudius: 5.147.
Ajax and Ulysses: 7.115.
Alabanda: 3.70.
alapae: 8. 192.

Alba: 12.72; Albana harena:
4. 100; Albanum vinum: 5. 33.
Alcinous gardens of, 5. 151.
Alcithoe: 7.12.

Alecto: 7.68 and 70.
Alexander: 10. 168.
alia fames: 4.138.
aliptes: 3.76.

aliquis de ponte: 14. 134.
alius, wholly changed: 15. 57.
Allobrogicus: 8. 13.

Alpis: singular, 10. 152.

altilis: 5. 115.

aluta: soft leather, 7. 192; purse,

14. 282.

amber: 5.38.

amethystina: 7. 136.


[blocks in formation]

duced, Intr. 59; used as sub-

stantive, Intr. 57.

ad lunam: 10. 21.

advocates from the provinces,


7. 147; gifts to, 7. 119 and 124.

anastrophe: Intr. 48.

Ancona: 4. 40.

Andros: 3.70.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

death of, 5. 147.

Clio: 7.7.

cloaca maxima: 5. 105.
Cloelia: 8. 265.

clown: 5. 171.

cludere latus: 3. 131.

Cluvienus, inferior poet: 1.80.
Coa conchylia: 8. 101.
cock as sacrifice, 13. 233.
cohors or chors: 16. 20.
colloquialisms: Intr. 56, 72; 4. 27;
7. 165; 14. 68.

color: in rhetoric, 7. 155.
colus: 14. 249.

comites: clients, 1.46; 1. 119; of
a provincial governor, 3.47;
8. 127; of the emperor, 4. 84.

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