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39th. "It should be translated, thy dwelling shall be far from the fatness of the earth, and from the dew of heaven, as the next words confirm." Ganganelli.

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.אברהם after אביך .One MS. reads, with the Sam

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Eight MSS. with the Sam. have regular; and thirteen, with the Sam.

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Fifteen MSS. have 7, which is more grammatical,


and all » הרעים the Sam. has העדרים Instead of

And this is

C. xxix. 3d. the shepherds were gathered together, and they, &c." certainly the true reading: see Collat. of MSS. Gen. Dissert. sect. 44, and 1st Dissert.

7th. One MS. has 1, which the connection requires.

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? וינשק,13 .should we not read, as in v וישק Instead of

19th. The Sam. has, which is most regular.

21st.. -The word "seems to be in statu regiminis, and another word is wanting, which probably is 'ny, for the days of my service are fulfilled.

23d. -The first " should be written ". The Sam. adds apy at the end of the verse, which makes the sense still clearer.

24th. Two MSS. read, with the Sam. now, which is proper: see also v. 29.


"Rather Leah was less beloved." Ganganelli.

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C. xxx. 8th. Eleven MSS. with the Sam. have 1, which the connection requires.

11th. Eight MSS. read, with the Keri, 7, a troop cometh, as our English vers. renders it, and thus the Sam. Latin vers.: sce Walton's Polyglot.

14th. -"Mandrakes; probably citrons.


16th. — The Sam. supplies in after an, which makes the sense clearer.


see v. 27.



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Instead of I think we should read, for my sake:

Eleven MSS. read, with the Sam. 127 8, which is more

35th. Twenty-eight MSS. have, with the Sam. 1, which the grammatical construction requires.

That Laban, at the first agreement, was to have all the white sheep and goats, and Jacob all the spotted and brown, seems clear from the context; those words, therefore, a jab ¬ white in it, imply a contradiction; and the

ba, every one that had

antient versions have run

into this difficulty: see the Sept. and Vulg. and also the Sam. text. I look upon them for that reason to be an interpolation; and this will appear still more evident by comparing v. 33 with this, where I would "when all my hire shall come before

,על instead of כל שכרי read


38th. Ten MSS. have an, which is more regular; and the Sam. has, which is more grammatical,

which ותלדנה and with eight MSS ויחמנה The Sam. has

39th. are more regular.

42d. The Sam. has 11, which the grammatical construction requires.

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,ואתן ידעתן we should read ואתנה ידעתן Instead of

which is more grammatical.

18th. Thirteen MSS. read, with the Sam. 7.


"The images, i. e. the little images of the gods.

See Hor. lib. ii. ode 18." Ganganelli.

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20th. Instead of an, I would read ;" and Jacob stole away from Laban." Or a 8, from the heart, or without the heart, of Laban.

26th. Instead of n, I would read again, n; "and thou hast stolen away without my heart, or knowledge."

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28th. Fifteen MSS. have y, which is more regular.

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33d. The Sam. supplies the word wan', which the Latin version renders, diligenter scrutatus est; and this is followed by the Sept. See Gen. Dissert. to the Collat. of the MSS. sect. 136. But it is probable that the right word is on', which has precisely this meaning, and occurs in v. 35. When this remark was made I had not read Dr Kennicott's 1st Dissert. Thirty-five MSS. have 287, which is more in, regular.

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Twenty-two MSS. read, with the Sam. 1, which helps.

the connection.


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Instead of ', should we not read, with the Sam. and twelve MSS. '? See, also, v. 50.


אלהי אביהם The learned collator of the MSS. justly supposes

to be an interpolation. The Sam. reads, with one MS. 5, which is followed by the Sept, Syr. Arab. and Vulg.

. C. xxxii. 6th. The Sam. has. NY, which preserves the connection, and so all the antient vers. read.

10th. The Sam. has , which is more regular: see v. 13.


Thirty-two MSS. read, with the Sam. D, which the grammatical construction requires.

20th. The Sam. supplies the 1 before the second and third D, as do the Sept. and Vulg.


The Sam. supplies the verb 2 after apy, and so the Sept. and Vulg. seem to have read.

24th." This is a vision." Ganganelli.

31st. The Sam. reads, which is conformable to the next verse, and to the other places of Scripture where this word occurs; though, according to the true derivation of it, it should be written D, the face of God, as before.


"The sinew which shrank; rather, which runs along the lower part of the thigh.". Ganganelli.

C. xxxiii. 6th. The Sam. reads nwn, which is more regular.

10th. The Sam. has an, with one MS. and so the Sept. and Vulg. read; and this seems to be the true reading.


17th. The Sam. reads, with seven MSS. in the first place no, and with twenty MSS. in the second place, D, which are certainly preferable.

C. xxxiv. 3d. The Sam. and several MSS. read, with the Keri, in both places, y: see, also, v. 12.



The Sam. has, with five MSS. 1, which is more regular.

- The Sam. reads ", which is useful to the connection.

29th The Sam. with two MSS. omits the 1 before the fourth, which is better.

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