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is said to will that conditions shall grow constantly worse as the hour of impending doom approaches.

"At the present time, this pessimistic view of the world is especially pernicious. In principle it strikes at the very heart of all democratic ideals. According to its fundamental teaching, God is regarded as an almighty potentate, who has foreordained to failure all the efforts of men to establish improved forms of government. This type of teaching, which is being vigorously inculcated in many circles, readily plays into the hands of all enemies of social and political reform."

With the author of this book, we believe that the present world crisis does not mean that the final smash-up of all things is to come to pass in the immediate future. There have been too many like occasions in the past two thousand years. It is not for you to know, said the Master, the times or the seasons, only your Father in heaven knows. It is for the church to realize His promise, "Lo, I am with you always," and to go forward to conquest.

I. The spirit saith to the churches, the evangelistic church is the church for today. Jesus Christ began his mission with a recognition of the evangelistic call. He made it known in His first sermon at Nazareth, when He took for His text, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor." Evangelistic means the telling of the good story. The living church today must be the church which has a consciousness that it has a God-given mes

sage, and that its first concern is the telling of that message to the multitude of those that know it not. How can a church expect to win others to her banners, if those marching beneath her colours are dull and dead, as if they had nothing that did them good? Because the church long ago passed its initial period of having something new, it has lost much power of compulsion. The Christian Scientists are yet in the new era. They have the splendid enthusiasm of the man who has discovered the ten commandments for the first time. That very sense of possessing a message deemed new and vital, gives them the power of a magnetic enthusiasm.

The Christian church has been entrusted with a God-given message. The world is waiting for the telling of that message. The church must proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord of life. She has the most winning, the most conquering secret in all the world. She knows the secret of the light of God in the soul of man. The church has a secret which can make men right-about-face and leave their old way of selfishness and sin. Harold Begbie, in his book, "Broken Earthenware," tells the story of a series of present-day miracles. "He tells of the work done by a beautiful, delicate young girl, a Salvation Army lassie who threw herself into the very wickedest part of London, among the roughs and toughs to lay before her Master. He tells one instance in regard to a man called 'the puncher.' He was a prize fighter by profession. He had dropped about as low as a human being could pos

sibly fall and still retain the human semblance. The depravity of the man is almost unthinkable. So low down the incline had he gone, that he was seriously thinking of murdering his wife, 'For the fun of it,' and still he was plunging on at a reeling momentum. He was in a saloon drinking at the time it happened. He came out of the evil resort, went direct to the wife, whom he had marked for murder, and this is what he said, 'Molly, I am going to join the Salvation Army, I am going to see the little angel adjutant tonight.' Molly, of course, was incredulous, but they went to the meeting. They both marched up to the penitent's bench. Here is the puncher's story. 'I cannot describe my sensation. The past dropped clean away from me. It dropped like a ragged garment. An immense weight was lifted from my brain. I felt light as air, I felt clean, I felt happy, I felt my chest swell. I cannot say what it was. All I know is that there at that bench, I was dismantled of all horror and clothed afresh in newness and joy."

Multitudes of broken humanity despised and hopeless have been made over again by this power of the living Christ. Others too, who have not fallen so low, have had a new serenity, tranquillity, and power in their lives, because they have come to know that this is life eternal, that they might know God and Jesus Christ.

"I heard the voice of Jesus say,
Come unto Me and rest,

Lay down, thou weary one, lay down

Thy head upon my breast.

I came to Jesus as I was
Weary and worn and sad,

I found in Him a resting place
And He has made me glad."

If it is worth while to remake poor wrecks of humanity, by the Christian gospel, how much more worth while ought it to be to win men and women to Christ and the Christian program, who have not sunk so low. What a great thing it is to have the commission of giving to the world the only program which can bring in the Golden Age, and the only dynamic which can make men true. This is the divine opportunity of the Christian church.

The church must have the evangelistic spirit that burns to conquer the world or the world will conquer her. The church must have the spirit of John Knox when he said, "Give me Scotland or I die." Of Zinzendorf, who said, "I have but one passion," but that passion made him the father of modern missions.

If it is a good thing to reclaim drunken wrecks of men in the name of Jesus Christ, how much greater thing it is to reclaim nations, drunk with the vanity of empire. The church must have the great evangelistic motive of proclaiming to the business world, that the Christian program of justice and fair play is the only panacea to cure the age-long quarrel between labourer and capitalist. The church must have the evangelistic motive of proclaiming to the nations, justice is greater than might, brotherhood is prior to sovereignty. For God hath made of one

blood all men that on the earth do dwell. Nations must learn war no more when once they have discovered that the Christian world is a wiser world than the way of Machiavelli and Mephistopheles. But so long as there are nations who will not hear the call of justice and humanity, then the Christian evangel is to bind them until they will hear.

Arthur Brisbane, one of Mr. Hearst's brilliant writers, paid scornful attention to a certain phrase of Billy Sunday the other day. Billy Sunday had made the point that out of Christ there was no salvation. Brisbane, in true Bob Ingersoll fashion, figured that there must be a billion human beings in the world today who are out of Christ, and that at least that many died every fifty years, and that hell must be a pretty sizeable place by this time to hold all those who had died out of Christ. We do not undertake to endorse all the literalistic figures of Billy Sunday. Our church believes that all persons, even ignorant savages, who have lived up to the best of their knowledge are uncondemned. Nevertheless, the main contention of Billy Sunday is true. The hope of the world of being saved from hatred and tyranny and greed and selfishness and sin is through Jesus Christ and the Christian program. Nietzsche and his philosophy cannot save the world. It has well-nigh made a hell of it. Gold cannot save the world. It came near choking the soul out of America. Intellectualism alone cannot save the world. Does not Germany boast of her learning? There is but one hope for the world. That hope is

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