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work is principally to be done between you and God, who alone can save you or destroy you: and yet do you forget him, and live as if you had no business with him, when you have your salvation to obtain from him, and your damnation to prevent? Have you such business as this with any other ?

2. You have a strict and righteous judgment to undergo in order to this salvation or damnation. You must stand before the holy majesty, and be judged by the governor of the world: you must be there accused, and found guilty or not guilty; and judged as fulfillers, or as breakers of the holy covenant of grace: you must be set on the right hand or on the left: you must answer for all the time that you here spent, and for all the means and mercies which you here received, and for that you have done, whether it were good or evil: and it is now in this life that all your preparation must be made, and all that must be done, upon which your justification or condemnation will then depend. It is between God and you that all this business must be done: and yet can you live as negligently towards him, as if you had no business with him?


3. You have a death to die, a change to make, which must be made but once; which will be the entrance upon endless joy or pain: do you think this needeth not your most timely and diligent preparation you must struggle with pains, and faint with weakness, and feel death taking down your earthen tabernacle: you must then have a life that is ending to review, and all that you have done laid open to your more impartial judgment; you must then see time as at an end, and the last sand running, and your candle ready to go out, and leave the snuff; you must then look back upon all that you have had from the world, as ending; and upon all that you have done as that which cannot be undone again, that you may do it better; and you must have a more serious look into eternity, when you are stepping thither, than you can now conceive of: and doth all this need no preparation? It is with God that all that business must be now transacted, that must make your death to be comfortable or safe. If now you will only converse with men, and know no business that you have with God, you shall find at last to your exceeding terror, that you are in his hands, and passing to his bar, and that it is God that then you have to do with, when your business with all the world is at an end: he will then have something to do with you, if you will now find nothing to do with him.

4. In order to all this you have reconciliation to receive from God, and the pardon of all your sins to be obtained. For woe to you if then you are found under the guilt of any sin. Look back upon your lives, and remember how you have lived in the word, and what you have been doing how you have spent your time, in youth, and in your riper age; and how many sinful thoughts, words, and deeds you have been guilty of; how often you have sinfully pleased your appetites, gratified your flesh, and yielded to temptations, abused mercy, and lost your time: how often you have neglected your duty, and betrayed your souls: how long you have lived in forgetfulness of God and your salvation; minding only the things of the flesh and of the world: how often you have sinned ignorantly and against knowledge, through carelessness and throughrashness, through negligence and through presumption, in passion, and upon deliberation; against convictions, purposes and promises: how often you have sinned against the precepts of piety to God, and of justice and charity to men. Think how your sins are multiplied and aggravated, more in number than the hours of your lives: aggravated by a world of mercies; by the clearest teachings, and the loudest calls, and sharpest reproofs, and seasonable warnings, and by the long and urgent importunities of grace. Think of all these, and then consider whether you have nothing now to do with God, whether it be not a business to be followed with all possible speed and diligence, to procure the pardon of all these sins: you have no such business as these to transact with men: you may have business with them which your estates depend upon, or which touch your credit, or lives; but you have no business with men, unless in subordination to God, which your salvation doth depend upon: your eternal happiness is not in their hands: they may kill your bodies, if God permit them, but not your souls. You need not solicit them to pardon your sins against God: it is a small matter how you are judged of by man: you have one that judgeth you, even the Lord. No man can forgive sin, but God only. O then how early, how earnestly should you cry to him for mercy! Pardon must be obtained now or never: there is no justification for that man at the day of judgment, who is not forgiven and justified now.

Blessed then is the man whose iniquity is forgiven, whose sin is covered, and to whom it is not imputed by the Lord.' Woe to that man that ever he was born, who is then found without the pardon of his sins! Think of this as the case deserves, and then think if

you can, that your daily business with God is heartlessly and hypocritically to say, I am sorry, small.

5. Moreover, you have peace of conscience to obtain; and that depends upon your peace with God. Conscience will be your accuser, condemner, and tormentor, if you make it not your friend, by making God your friend. Consider what conscience hath to say against you, and how certainly it will speak home, when you would be loth to hear it and bethink you how to answer all its accusations, and what will be necessary to make it a messenger of peace; and then think your business with God to be but small, if you are able. It is no easy matter to get assurance that God is reconciled to you, and that he hath forgiven all your sins.

6. In order to all this, you must be united to Jesus Christ, and be made his members, that you may have part in him, and that he may wash you by his blood, and that he may answer for you to his Father; woe to you if he be not your righteousness, and if you have not him to plead your cause, and take upon him your final justification! None else can save you from the wrath of God: and he is the Saviour only of his body, he hath died for you without your consent, and he hath made general proclamation of pardon and salvation, before you consented to it: but he will not be united to you, nor actually forgive, justify and save you, without your own consent: therefore, that the Father may draw you to the Son, and may give you Christ, and life in him, when all your hope depends on it, you may see that you have more to do with God, than your senseless hearts have hitherto understood.

7. That you may have a saving interest in Jesus Christ, you must have sound repentance for all your former life of wickedness, and a lively, effectual faith in Christ: neither sin nor Christ must be made light of. Repentance must tell you to the very heart, that you have done foolishly in sinning, and that it is an evil and a bitter thing that you forsook the Lord, and that his fear was not in you: and thus your wickedness shall correct you and reprove you.' Faith must tell you that Christ is more necessary to you than food or life, and that there is no other name given under heaven by which you can be saved,' and it is not so easy nor so common a thing to repent and believe, as ignorant presumptuous sinners imagine. It is a greater matter to have a truly humbled, contrite heart, and to lothe yourselves for all your sins, and to lothe those sins, and resolvedly give up yourselves to Christ and to his Spirit for a holy life, than

or I repent, without any true contrition or renovation. It is a greater to betake yourselves to Jesus Christ as your only hope, to save you both from sin and from damnation, than barely through custom, and the benefit of education, to say, I do believe in Christ. I tell you it is so great a work to bring you to sound Repentance and Faith, that it must be done by the power of God himself, they are the gifts of God, you must have his Spirit to illuminate you, and show you the odiousness of sin, the intolerableness of the wrath of God, the necessity and sufficiency, the power and willingness of Christ; and to overcome all your prejudice, and save you from false opinions and deceits and to repulse the temptations of Satan, the world and the flesh, which will all rise up against you. All this must be done to bring you home to Jesus Christ, or else you will have no part in him, his righteousness and grace: and can you think that you have not most important business with God, who must do all this upon you, or else you are undone for ever!

8. Moreover you must have all the corruptions of your natures healed, and your sins subdued, and your hearts made new by sanctifying grace, and the image of God implanted in you, and your lives made holy and sincerely conformable to the will of God. All this must be done, or you cannot be acceptable to God, nor ever will be saved: though your carnal interests rise against it; though your old corrupted natures be against it; though your custom, pleasure, and worldly gain and honour be against it; though all your carnal friends and superiors be against it; though the devil will do all that he can against it, yet all this must be done or you are lost for ever: all this must be done by the Spirit of God; for it is his work to make you new and holy can you think then that the business is not great which you have with God; when you have tried how hard every part of this work is, to be begun and carried on, you will find you have more to do with God, than with all the world.

9. Moreover, in order to this, it is necessary that you read, hear and understand the gospel, which must be the means of bringing you to God by Christ: this must be the instrument of God, by which he will bring you to repent and believe, and by which he will renew your natures, and imprint his image on you, and bring you to love him, and obey his will. The word of God must be your counsellor, and your delight, and you must set your heart to it, and meditate in it day and night. Knowledge must be the means

and see how much you are trusted with, and must be accountable to him for, and yet not see how great your business is with God?

to reclaim your perverse, misguided wills, and to | you look within you, without you, about you, reform your careless, crooked lives, and to bring you out of the kingdom of darkness, into the state of life and light. Such knowledge cannot be expected without a diligent attending unto Christ, the teacher of your souls, and a due consideration of the truth. By that time you have learned what is needful to be learned for a true conversion, a sound repentance, a saving faith, and a holy life, you will find that you have far greater business with God than with all the world.

13. Moreover, you have all the graces which you shall receive to exercise; and every grace doth carry you to God, and is exercised upon him, or for him: it is God that you must study, know, love, desire, and trust and hope in, and obey: it is God that you must seek after, and delight in, so far as you enjoy him: it is his absence or displeasure that must be your fear and sorrow: therefore the soul is said to be sanctified when it is renewed, because it is both disposed and devoted unto God. Therefore grace is called holiness, because it all disposes, carries the soul to God, and uses it upon and for him. Can you think your business with God is small, when you must live upon him, and all the powers of your soul must be addicted to him, and be in serious motion towards him; when he must be much more to you than the air which you breathe in, or the earth you live upon, or than the sun that gives you light and heat;

10. Moreover, for the attaining of all this mercy, you have many a prayer to put up to God: you must daily pray for the forgiveness of your sins, and deliverance from temptations, and even for your daily bread, or necessary provisions for the work which you have to do: you must daily pray for the supplies of grace which you want, and for the gradual mortification of the flesh, and for help in all the duties which you must perform; and for strength against all spiritual enemies which will assault you; and preservation from the manifest evils which attend you: these prayers must be put up with unwea-yea, than the soul is to your bodies? ried constancy, fervency and faith. Keep up this course of fervent prayer, and beg for Christ, grace, pardon, and salvation in any measure as they deserve, and according to thy own necessity, and then tell me whether thy business with God be small, and to be put off as lightly as it is by the ungodly.

11. Moreover, you are made for the glory of your Creator, and must apply yourselves wholly to glorify him in the world: you must make his service the trade and business of your lives, and not put him off with something on the by: you are good for nothing else but to serve him; as a knife is made to cut, as your clothes are made to cover you, your meat to feed you, and your horse to labour for you; so you are made, redeemed, and maintained for this, to love and please your great Creator: and can you think that it is but little business that you have with him, when he is the end and master of your lives, and all you are or have is for him?

12. For the due performance of his service, you have all his talents to employ. To this end it is that he hath entrusted you with reason, health, and strength, with time, parts, interest, and wealth, and all his mercies, and all his ordinances and means of grace; and to this end must you use them, or you lose them: you must give him an account of all at last, whether you have improved them all to your Master's use. Can

14. Lastly, you have abundance of temptations and impediments to watch and strive against, which would hinder you in the doing of all this work, and a corrupt and treacherous heart to watch and keep in order, which will be looking back, and shrinking from the service. Lay all this together, and then consider whether you have not more and greater business with God, than with all the creatures in the world.

If this be so, is there any cloak for that man's sin, who is all day taken up with creatures, and thinks of God as seldom and carelessly as if he had no business with him? Yet alas, if you take a survey of high and low, of court, city, and country, you shall find that this is the case of no small number, yea, of many that observe it not to be their case; it is the case of the profane that pray in jest, swear, curse, and rail in earnest. It is the case of the malignant enemies of holiness, that hate them at the heart who are most acquainted with this converse with God, and count it but hypocrisy, pride or fancy, and would not suffer them to live upon the earth, who are most sincerely conversant in heaven. It is the case of pharisees and hypocrites, who take up with ceremonious observances, as 'touch not, taste not, handle not,' and such like traditions of their forefathers, instead of a spiritual rational service, and a holy, serious walking with the Lord. It is the case of all ambitious men, and covetous worldlings, who make more ado to climb up a

little higher than their brethren, to hold the reins, have their wills, and be admired and adored in the world, or to get a large estate for themselves and their posterity, than to please their Maker, or to save their souls. It is the case of every sensual epicure, whose belly is his God, and serves his fancy, lust, and appetite before the Lord. It is the case of every unsanctified man, that seeks first the prosperity of his flesh, before the kingdom and righteousness of God, and is most careful and laborious to lay up a treasure on earth, and laboureth more (with greater estimation, resolution, and delight) for the meat that perisheth, than for that which endureth to everlasting life. All these (who are too great a part of the world, and too great a part of professed Christians) are taken up with creature converse; and yet think to escape the deluge of God's displeasure, because the Enochs and Noahs are so few who walk with God; and they think God will not destroy so many thus they think to be saved by their multitude, and to hide themselves in the crowd from God: they will go the wide and common path, and be of the mind that most are of: they will not be convinced till most men are convinced: that is, till their wisdom come too late, and cost them dearer than its worth, When all men are convinced that God should have been preferred before the world, and served before their fleshly lusts, as they will certainly and sadly be, then they will be convinced with the rest. When all men understand that life was given them to have done the work which eternal life depends on, then they will understand it with the rest. When all men shall discern between the righteous and the wicked; between those that serve God, and that serve him not, then they will discern it with the rest they will know what their business was in the world, and how much they had to do with God, when all men know it.

But O how much better for them had it been to have known it in time, while knowledge might have done them better service, than to make them feel the greatness of their sin and folly, and the hopes which once they had of happiness, and to help the sting of desperation continually to prick them at the heart: they would not be of so little a flock as that to which it was the good pleasure of God to give the kingdom. If you demand a reason of all this, their reason was in their sensual pleasures: they had fleshly appetites and lusts, and thereby could relish fleshly pleasures; but spiritual life and appetite they had none, and therefore relished not spiritual things had Christ, holiness, and heaven been

as suitable to their appetites, as the sweetness of their meat, drink, and lusts, and as suitable to their fancy as their worldly dignities and greatness were, they would then have made a better choice. They would have walked with God, if drunkenness, gluttony, pride, wantonness, covetousness and idleness, had been the way in which they might have walked with him. If these had been godliness, how godly would they have been? How certainly would they have come to heaven, if this had been the way? To be idle, proud, fleshly, and worldly, is that which they love; and to be humble, holy, heavenly, and mortified, is that which they hate, and cannot away with; their love and hatred proceed from their corrupt natures; and these are instead of reason to them. Their strong apprehensions of a present suitableness in fleshly pleasures to their appetites, and of a present unsuitableness of a holy life, keep out all effectual apprehensions of the excellencies of God, and of spiritual, heavenly delights, which cross them in the pleasures which they most desire.

But yet (their appetites corrupting their understandings as well as their wills) they will not be mad without some reason, nor reject their Maker and their happiness without some reason, nor neglect that holy work which they were made for, without some reason; let us hear then what it is.



Object. 1. They say, 'It is true that God hath much to do with us, and for us: but it follows not that we have so much to do with him, or for him, as you would have us to believe: for he is necessarily good, and necessarily doth good; and therefore will do so, whether we think of him or not: the sun will not give over shining on me, though I never think on it, or never pray to it, or give it thanks. Nor doth God need any service that we can do him, no more than the sun doth nor is he pleased any more in the praise of men, or in their works.'

Answ. 1. It is most certain that God is good as necessarily as he is God: but it is not true, that he must necessarily do good to you, or other individual persons, nor that he necessarily doth the good he doth them. As he is not necessitated to make toads and serpents as happy as men, or men as angels; so he is not necessitated to save the devils or damned souls, for he will not save them. He was under no greater a

necessity to save you, than them. He was not and partial studies, that short of God even among

necessitated to give you a being: he could have
passed you by, and caused others to have possessed
your room.
As it was God's freewill, and not
any necessity, that millions more are never born
that were in possibility of it: for all that is pos-
sible doth not come to pass. So, that you and
millions more were born, was not of necessity
but of the same free-will. And as God did not
make you of necessity but of free-will: so he
doth not necessarily but freely justify, or sanctify,
or save. If he did it by necessity of nature, he
would do it to all as well as some; seeing all have
a natural capacity of grace as well as those that
receive it: God is able to sanctify and save
more, yea, all, if it were his will: and it is not
for want of power or goodness that he doth not.
Millions of beings are possible which are not
future. God doth not all the good which he is
able, but communicates so much to his several
creatures as to his wisdom seems meet. If the
damned would be so presumptuous as to argue,
that because God is able yet to sanctify, and
save them, therefore he must do it of necessity
of nature, it would not be long before they should
thus dispute themselves out of their torments.
God will not ask leave of sinners to be God: their
denying him to be good, that is, to be God, be-
cause he complies not with their conceits and
wills, doth but prove them to be fools and bad

the creatures, there are many things to be preferred before themselves and their own felicity: he is irrationally enslaved by self-love, that cannot see that the happiness of the world, or of his country, or of multitudes, is more to be desired than his happiness alone. That he ought rather to choose to be annihilated, or to be miserable, if it were made a matter of his deliberation and choice, than to have the sun taken out of the firmament, or the world, or his country to be annihilated or miserable. God is infinitely above the creature.

Object. But it may be said, that he needeth nothing to make him happy, having no defect of happiness.

Answ. And what of that? Must it needs therefore follow that he made not all things for himself, but for the creature finally? He is perfectly happy in himself, and his will is himself: this will was fulfilled when the world was not made, for it was his will that it should not be made till it was made, and it is fulfilled when it is made, and fulfilled by all that comes to pass: and as the absolute simple goodness and perfection of God's essence is the greatest good, the eternal, immutable good; so the fulfilling of his will is the ultimate end of all obedience : he hath expressed himself to take pleasure in his works, and in the holiness, obedience and happiness of his chosen though pleasure be not the same thing in God as it is in a man, no more than will or understanding is, yet it is not nothing which God expresses by such terms, but something which we have no fitter expression for this pleasing of the will of God being the end of all, even of our felicity, is better than our felicity itself.

Indeed some sciolists pretending to learning, while they are ignorant of most obvious principles of natural knowledge, have taught poor sinners to cheat their souls with such dreams as these. They have made themselves believe that goodness in God is nothing else but his benignity, or disposition to do good. As if the creature were the ultimate end, and all God's good- They that will maintain that God, who is naness but a means thereto : so God were the turally and necessarily good, hath no other goodAlpha or first efficient, and yet the creature the ness but his benignity, or aptness to do good to Omega or last end: and all the goodness in God his creatures, must needs also maintain that were to be estimated and denominated by its (God being for the creature, and not the crearespect to the felicity of man: and so the creature for God) the creature is better than God, ture hath the best part of the deity. Such no- as being the ultimate end of God himself, and tions evidently show us, that lapsed man is predominantly selfish, and is become his own idol, and is lost in himself, while he hath lost himself by his loss of God: when we see how powerful his self-interest is, both with his intellect and will even men of great ingenuity, till sanctification hath restored them to God, and taught them better to know him and themselves, are ready to measure all good or evil by their own interests; when yet common reason would have told them, if they had not perverted it by pride

the highest use of all his goodness, being but for the felicity of the creature: as also that God doth all the good that he is able: and that all men shall be saved, and all devils, and every worm and insect be equal to the highest angel, or else that God is not able to do it. That he did thus make happy all his creatures from eternity, for natural necessary agents work always if they be not forcibly hindered; and that there never was such a thing as pain or misery, in man or brute, or else that God was not able to

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