Obrázky na stránke


from an Original Picture in the Collection of the EARL of GUILDFORD.

Pub Feb 11805. by J.Scott, N417. Strand.


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THE third baron of this accomplished family, was one of the finest gentlemen in the court of king James'; but in supporting that character, dissipated and gamed away the greatest part of his fortune. In 1645, he appears to have acted with the parliament, and was nominated by them to the administration of the admiralty, in conjunction with the great earls of Northumberland, Essex, Warwick, and others. He lived to the age of eighty-five, the latter part of which he passed in retirement, having written a small folio of miscellanies, in prose and verse, under this title,

"A Forest promiscuous of several Seasons Productions, in four parts." 1659.

The prose, which is affected and obscure, with many quotations and allusions to Scripture and the Classics, consists of essays, letters, cha

[Davies of Hereford addressed a panegyrical epigram, in his Scourge of Folly, to "the truly noble, deservedly al-beloved, the lord North," and exclaimed

"Thou art a subject worthy of the muse

When most she raignes in height of happinesse,

Into whose noble spright the heavens infuse

All gifts and graces, gracing noblenesse."]

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