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Abercrombie, Dr., quoted, 16; 59;

152; 256; 282, et passim.
Abstract ideas, 36; 301.
Action, memory a guide to, 4; 6;
necessary to thought, 87-8.
Activities, memory the remembrance
of, 298-9.

Addition, how to teach, 321.
Alphabet, how to teach, 313-4.
Analysis necessary in education, 226;
242; 264; in attention, 262-3;

Aphasia, 219.

Arithmetic, how to teach, 820.
Arrangement, importance of, to
memory, 288.

Art, the, preceding the science, 87.
Association of ideas, 271-88; by con-
tiguity, 17-18; 273-88; by simi-
larity, 19; 278-88; these reduced
to one, 284; necessary to recol-
lection, 11; 223-4; 271-3; 286;
296; rational or philosophical,
20; 279; 294-6; importance of
forming right, 281; 295; in edu-
cation, 282; 295; in our actions,
245; 284; has a material basis,
285; resembles attraction in
matter, ib.; importance to, of
having mind well stocked with
ideas, 287.

Ascham, R., quoted, 317.
Attention, 251-70; necessary to me-

mory, 10; 41; 251; defects of
memory owing to want of, 11;
252; what it is, 252-3; conscious-
ness concentrated, 253; intensi-
fies our impressions, 165; 180;
254; by means of, we can follow
one voice or instrument among
many, 255; chiefly distinguishes
the man of genius among others,

[blocks in formation]

Axis-cylinder, 97-8; identical with
nerve-cell substance, 94; 151.

Bailey, S., quoted, 241.
Bain, Prof., quoted, 30; 64; 162; 168;
173; 177; 229; 301; 304; 312;
822, et passim.
Bastian, Dr., quoted, 148, et passim.
Beaufort, Sir F., case of, 238.
Bell, Sir C., quoted, 269.
Bernstein, Dr., quoted, 142, et passim.
Bidder, G. P., his calculating powers,
25; 320.

Blindness, psychical, 220.
Blood, the, 69-74.
Body, the, 64-124; connects man with


material world, 64; connection
between mind and, 65; con-
stantly undergoing change, 68;
blood, 69-74; heart, 70-1; motor
organs, 74-5; bones, 76-7; joints,
77-8; muscles, 78-86; nervous
system, 89-120; cerebro-spinal
and ganglionic or sympathetic
systems, 90-1; white and grey
matter, 92; grey matter, 92-4;
nerve cells, ib.; nerves, 94-7;
cerebrum, 98-104; cerebellum,
104; corpora quadrigemina, 105;

optic thalami and corpora striata,
105-6; crura cerebri, 107; pons
varolii, ib.; medulla oblongata,
107-10; cerebral membranes,
110-1; spinal cord, 114-5; nerves
of, 115-7; cerebral nerves, 117-20;
exercise, effects of, 120-2; act of
locomotion, &c., 122-4.
Bones, the, 76-7.

Brain, the, 98-114; membranes of,
110-1; quantity of blood going
to, 111-2; cerebro-spinal fluid,
112; weight of, 112-3; when, at-
tains full size, 113-4; not the
sole seat of memory, 141-9; nor
of mind, 149-53.

Brodie, Sir B., quoted, 222; 238;
256, et passim.
Brown, Dr. T., quoted, 16; 17; 284;
263, et passim.
Brown-Sequard, Dr., quoted, 148.

Calculation, mental, 25.
Carlyle, T., quoted, 248.
Carpenter, Dr. W. B., quoted, 9; 73;
249; 250; 291; 313; 322, et
Cell life, 60; 61.
Cerebellum, 104.
Cerebrum, 98-104; convolutions of,
99-100; grey matter of, ib.; 103;
white matter, 100-3; seat of
mind, 102; number of cells in,
103; cerebral nerves, 117-20-see

Chalmers, Dr., case of, cited, 266;
quoted, 302.

Chess playing, blindfolded, 24-5.
Cicero, quoted, 291.

Clarke, Dr. Adam, his loss of memory,


Cleland, Prof., quoted, 150; 152.
Colburn, Zerah, 25, 249.
Coleridge, S. T., quoted, 294.
Solour, undulations of, 188-91; har-
mony in, 190.

Common sense, derived from experi-
ence, 240.

Consciousness, memory necessary to,
2; 234; formerly regarded as co-
extensive with mind, 48; 227;
much regarding which, gives us
no information, 50-1; change
necessary to, 206; 229; an act
of antagonism, 230; exists in an
inverse ratio to degree of in-
tensity of sensations, &c., ib.;
time necessary to, 214-6; 231-2;

244-5; not co-extensive with
mind, 235; always much in the
mind of which we are uncon-
scious, 236-9; whatever has once
been consciously in the mind is
ever after retained, 239; the
more any power or faculty is
trained the less consciously it
acts, 247; necessary at first, 247-
8; afterwards it may be a hin
drance, 248; progress towards
unconsciousness, ib.; the highest
operations are carried on uncon-
sciously, 249; the highest form
of memory unconscious, 250;
regarded by some as an evil, 230.
Consciousness, double, 272.
Contiguity, association by, 17; 18;

273-4; two kinds of, successive
and synchronous, 274-6; strong
in children, &c., 277; to be culti-
vated, 277-8; disadvantage of,

Corpora quadrigemina, 105.
Corpora striata, 105.
Corpus callosum, 99; 102.
Cramming, evil of, 322.
Crura cerebri, 107.

Cunningham, Dr. J., quoted, 802.
Curiosity favourable to memory, 41;

[blocks in formation]

De Quincey, T., quoted, 9; 262.
Differentiation, 268.
Division of labour, advantages of,
264-5; 266.

Doing one thing at a time, 258-9.
Draper, Dr., quoted, 59, et passim.
Drowning persons recalling their
past life, 238.

Ear, the, 175; 181; associated with
the voice and speech, 182-3;

Education, defects of present system,
8; 225; 312-3; should form clear
images in mind, 224-6; science of,
yet unformed, 225; importance
of analysis in, 226; 242; 264; 266;
great object of, 248; untrained
activity diffusive, 268; associa-
tion of ideas in, 282; 295; art of
questioning, 282; on training the
vocal organs, 287; 304-5; cultiva-
tion of memory the great business

of, 312; how to teach the alphabet,
813-4; pronunciation, 315; spell-
ing, ib.; foreign languages, 316-9;
writing, 319; arithmetic, 820;
addition, 321; oramming, evil of,

Ego and non-ego, 205; 230; 801.
Example, power of, 301.
Exercise, effects of, on bones, 76-7;

muscles, 84; 86; 297; nervous
system, 120-2; senses, 298.
Expression necessary to thought, 75;

Eye, the, 191-8; movements of, 193;
the mind's, the retina, 301.

Fairy tales, &c., value of in educa
tion, 215.

Feelings opposed to memory, 299.
Feinaigle, G. von, quoted, 293, et

Ferrier, Prof. J., quoted, 280-1; 249,
et passim.

Figures, dates, &c., how to remember,

Forget, does the mind ever,? 9; 11;
12; 235-9.

Fuller, Thos., quoted, 324.

Galton, F., quoted, 225, et passim.
Ganglia, the, 90-1.

Genius, the concentrating of atten-
tion, 256.

Goethe, quoted, 249.

Griesinger, Dr., quoted, 182.

Grotius, H., his great memory, 12.

Habit, power of, 85-6.
Hamilton, Sir W., quoted, 1; 9; 21;
26; 82; 148; 149; 151; 152;
229; 233; 234; 239; 243; 253;
284, et passim.

Hartley, D., quoted, 324, et passim.
Hearing, 175-85; organ of, 175-6;
sonorous vibrations, 176-9; musi-
cal tones, 178-9; differences in
acuteness of, 179-80; deafness,
180; attention in, ib.; direction
of sounds, 181; value of, ib.;
loss of, 182; closely associated
with the voice, ib.; highly sus-
ceptible of education, 184.
Helmholtz, Dr., quoted, 137; 177;
179, et passim.

Hereditary transmission of qualities,

Hering, Dr. E., quoted, 297, et passim.
Heyse, Dr. K. W. L., quoted, 202.

[blocks in formation]

Language should be learnt by ear,
182-3; foreign, how to learn,
316-9; the Prendergast system,

Laycock, Dr., quoted, 244, et passim.
Leibnitz, quoted, 228.
Lewis, G. H., quoted, 234, et passim.
Leyden, Dr. J., his great memory,
12; 19.

Liberty and necessity, 241.
Light, 188-91; undulations of, ib.
Local memory, 16-17; 290-2.
Locke, John, quoted, 12; 53; 218; 317,
et passim.
Locomotor ataxia, 218.
Loisettian system, xiii.
Luys, J., quoted, 241, et passim.

M'Cosh, Dr. J., quoted, 250.
M'Kendrick, Prof., quoted, 150,

Mansel, Dean, quoted, 158.
Materialism not opposed to immor-
tality, 52-3; 55.

Matter, 47-8; 51; value of, to mind,
55; 65; limits of, unknown, 56;
minuteness of, ib.; retains traces
of changes it has undergone, 57;
seen in the earth's crust, ib.; in
trees, 58; in all material things,
59; in our bodies, 60.
Maudsley, Dr., quoted, 245; 248,

Medulla oblongata, 107-10.
Memory, what it is, 1; importance
of, 2; 4-6; good, rare, 3; pleasures
of, 6; defects of, what owing to,
8; 11; too limited views of, 8;
never forgets, 9; 11; 12; 235-9;
241; includes retention and re-
production, 10; not a single
faculty, 12; each faculty has its
distinct, ib.; 89; errors from
regarding, as a single faculty,
13-14; for words the lowest form
of, 14-15; invention depends on,
15-16; three kinds of, 16; 290;
(1) local or verbal, ib.; (2) ra-
tional or philosophical, 19; 294-6;
(3) representative or imaginative,
21; 296-7; superiority of last,
27; similarity between original
and recalled impression, 29;
owing to the same parts being
affected, 30; 300; 807; whatever
prevents mind from acting on
the same parts, prejudicial to,
299; not confined to the brain,
82-3; 39; 66-7; 141-9; 297; 307;
not an intellectual but rather a
sense-faculty, 802; physical basis
of, 35; 37-9; 45; 55-6; 60; 65;
84; 123-4; 297; conditions of
body favourable to, 41; 805-6;
depends on the blood, 71-4; senses
necessary to, 140; loss of, 220-3;
has to do with mental images,
223-4; exalted states of, in fever,
&c., 237; perfectibility of, 239;
the highest acts of, unconscious,
250; attention necessary to, 251;
defects of, owing to want of at-
tention, 252; how to improve
the, 289-327; capable of indefinite
improvement, 289; arts of im-
proving the, 290; 293; depends
on the character of original
impressions, 296; 303; the re-
membrance of activities, 298-9;

should be trusted, 323; spoiled
by doubt, 823-4; not to be forced,
324; first impressions, value of,
to, 306; of figures, dates, &c.,
810-1; to be exercised, 325;
reading without reflection in-
jurious to, 325-6; use of note-
books injurious to, 827.
Mental images, 202-26; mind can

only perceive, 203; become clear
by degrees, 204; 212; conscious-
ness, 206; have a material basis,
207; not alone in the brain, ib.;
have hitherto received but little
attention, 208; different kinds of,
visual, auditory, &c., ib.; some
persons excel in one kind, others
in another, ib.; of muscular
movements, 209; of thoughts,
211; serve to guide our actions,
211; 213; necessary to volition,
212; a high ideal necessary to
success, 214; unconscious, 214-6;
importance of, 216; different
kinds of, 216-7; loss of, 218-
22; are what memory has to
deal with, 223-4; its strength
depends on the clearness and
distinctness of the, ib.; not con-
fined to the eye, 226; present
in associated movements, 245;

Mezzofanti, Cardinal, his great me-
mory, 12; 818.

Mill, James, quoted, 321, et passim.
Milton, John, quoted, 52; 53; 55;


Mind, single, 42; 253; 266; 313;
what? 47; erroneous view of,
48; by some held to be material,
49; impossible for our present
faculties to determine, 50; 51;
materiality does not involve im-
mortality, 52; Milton's view, 53;
55; every act of, leaves a bodily
impress, 55-6; in sensation, 133;
in sight, 194-5; in whole body,
149-58; 267-9; passing from one
form of activity to another, 265.
Mind-wandering, 148; to cure, ib.
Mnemonical systems, v; 277; 290-2;
293-4; 310.

Morell, J. D., quoted, 240; 248, et

Motion in sensation, 81; 134; 147; dif
ferent rates of, in different kinds
of sensation, 135-6; no voluntary,
without memory, 2; memory of

each kind of, distinct, 12; in
recollection, 82; in thought,
85-6; effects of, permanent, 37;
89; 66.

Motor organs, the, 74-89; 122-4;
memory of, 304-5.

Müller, Dr. J., quoted, 268, et passim.
Muscles, the, 78-89; contractility of,

78-9; voluntary and involuntary,
79-80; fibres of, ib.; blood vessels,
81; nerves, 81-2; sensibility of,
82-3; exercise, 84; power of will
over, 85-6; 212; necessary to
memory, 40; 84; 146-7; 297;
Muscular sense, the, 82-8; 142-4;
157-60; loss of, 86; memory of,
158-9; 209-10; 300; mental images
of, 209-10; exercise of, 159-60.
Musical tones, 178-9; pitch, 178;
timbre, 179; harmonics, ib.

Nerve force and electricity, 188.
Nerves, the, 94-8; afferent and effe-
rent, 95;141; 300; each capable of
conducting impressions in either
direction, 141-9.

Nervous system, the, 89-124; nerves
and nerve centres, 90; ganglia,
90-1; grey and white substances,
92; nerve cells, 92-4; fibres, 97;
effects of exercise on, 120-2.
Newton, Sir I., quoted, 256.
Note-books, use of, injurious
memory, 827.

Object lessons, value of, 224,
Olfactory nerves, 117.
Optic nerves, 118.
Optic thalami, 105.

Organic memory, 60-62; 285.

Paralysis, 88; 197; 218; hysterical,

Pascal, B., his great memory, 11.
Perception, 144-6; 205; minimum
of, 232-3.

Philosophical memory-see Rational.
Physical basis of memory, 35; 37-9;

45; 55-6; 60; 65; 84; 123-4;
297; of association of ideas, 285;
of attention, 266.

Pick, Dr., quoted, 278.
Pineal gland, 105.

Pons varolii, 107.

Port Royal Logic, quoted, 812.
Prendergast system, the, of learning
languages, 318-9.

Quain's Anatomy, quoted, 81; 118,
et passim.

Questions, art of asking, 282-8.
Quintilian, quoted, 291.

Rational memory, 19; 20; 279;

Reading without reflection hurtful
to memory, 325-6; in, we un-
consciously observe the letters
of each word, 242-3; a letter
suggests a word, 243; looking for
a word, ib.

Reid, Dr. T., quoted, 145; 263, et
Recollection, 43-6; 67; beginning
difficult, 45; 147-8; depends on
association, 296.

Repetition, effect of, 6; 41; 66-7;
Representative memory, 21; 23; 26;

296; superiority of, 27-8; 296;
800; how to cultivate, 308-12.
Retention and reproduction in
memory, 10; 11.

Retina, 33-4; 191-4; the, the mind's
eye, 301.

Ribot, T., quoted, 72; 122; 128; 219;
232; 285; 274; 804, et passim.
Rote, learning by, 804; 817.

Schmid, H., quoted, 239.
Sensation, produced by motion, 81-8;
35-6; 39-40; 184-7; what it is,
129-30; mind most important
factor in, 188; understanding
sometimes overrides, 262; only
symbolic, 187-8; and perception,
144-7; 205.

Senses, the, 125-201: impart know-
ledge of external world, 125-6;
128; 153-4; instruments for im-
proving the, 127-8; number of,
128; stimulus of, 130-1; "multi-
pliers of disturbance," 181; outer
organ, 132; connecting nerves,
ib.; central portion, 182-8; loss
of organ, 148-9; muscular, 157-
60; touch, 160-6; taste, 166-70;
smell, 170-5; hearing, 175-85;
sight, 185-201; training of, 89;
155-6; 303; necessary to memory,
40; 140; 146; 800-1; 802; to
thought, 86; 188; to voluntary
motion, 189; cultivation of, 807.


Sensorium, 105; 284
Siddons, Mrs., 259.

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