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" Hollow, where he knew they were, accompanied by his eldest son and two of the farm-servants. The little Duke of Cheshire, who was perfectly frantic with anxiety, begged hard to be allowed to go too, but Mr. Otis would not allow him, as he was afraid there... "
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime & Other Stories - Strana 121
podľa Oscar Wilde - 1891 - Počet stránok 168
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Novels and Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde - 1915 - Počet stránok 1056
...was afraid there might be a scuffle. On arriving at the spot, however, he found that 412 the gypsies had gone, and it was evident that their departure...as the fire was still burning, and some plates were l.ving on the grass. Having sent off Washington and the two men to scour the district, he ran home,...
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Humorous Ghost Stories

Dorothy Scarborough - 1921 - Počet stránok 464
...she was in the habit of going out to the garden every evening to get flowers for the dinner-table,* Mrs. Otis was not at all alarmed at first, but when...the two men to scour the district, he ran home, and dispatched telegrams to all the police inspectors in the county, telling them to look out for a little...
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Humorous Ghost Stories

Dorothy Scarborough - 1921 - Počet stránok 470
...out to look for her, while she herself and Mr. Otis searched every room in the house. At half -past six the boys came back and said that they could find...the two men to scour the district, he ran home, and dispatched telegrams to all the police inspectors in the county, telling them to look out for a little...
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Classic Victorian & Edwardian Ghost Stories

Rex Collings - 1996 - Počet stránok 308
...he was afraid there might be a scuffle. On arriving at the spot, however, he found that the gypsies had gone and it was evident that their departure had...inspectors in the county, telling them to look out for a litde girl who had been kidnapped by tramps or gypsies. He then ordered his horse to be brought round...
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Case stregate

Počet stránok 959
...he was afraid there might be a scuffle. On arriving at the spot, however, he found that the gypsies had gone, and it was evident that their departure...despatched telegrams to all the police inspectors in the country, telling them to look out for a little girl who had been kidnapped by tramps or gypsies. He...
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Letterature comparate

Remo Ceserani - 2005 - Počet stránok 960
...he was afraid there might be a scuffle. On arriving at the spot, however, he found that the gypsies had gone, and it was evident that their departure...despatched telegrams to all the police inspectors in the country, telling them to look out for a little girl who had been kidnapped by tramps or gypsies. He...
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