Bernhardt as an actress; the difficulty of obtaining green corn, buckwheat cakes, and hominy, even in the best English houses; the importance of Boston in the development of the world-soul; the advantages of the baggage check system in railway travelling;... Lord Arthur Savile's Crime & Other Stories - Strana 83podľa Oscar Wilde - 1891 - Počet stránok 168Úplné zobrazenie - O tejto knihe
 | Oscar Wilde - 1906 - Počet stránok 154
...the importance of 20 Boston in the development of the world-soul; the advantages of the baggage-check system in railway travelling; and the sweetness of...way. At eleven o'clock the family retired, and by half-past all the lights were out. Some time after, Mr. Otis was awakened by a curious noise in the... | |
 | Oscar Wilde - 1908 - Počet stránok 298
...The day had been warm and sunny ; and, in the cool of the evening, the whole family went out for a drive. They did not return home till nine o'clock,...way. At eleven o'clock the family retired, and by half-past all the lights were out. Some time after, Mr. Otis was awakened by a curious noise in the... | |
 | Oscar Wilde - 1909 - Počet stránok 284
...his denial of the existence of ghosts, Mrs. Otis expressed her intention of joining the Psychical 97 Society, and Washington prepared a long letter to...way. At eleven o'clock the family retired, and by half-past all the lights were out. Some time after, Mr. Otis was awakened by a curious noise in the... | |
 | Oscar Wilde - 1915 - Počet stránok 1056
...Americans of the better class, such as the immense superiority of Miss Fanny Davenport over Sara Bemhardt as an actress; the difficulty of obtaining green corn,...way. At eleven o'clock the family retired, and by balf-past all the lights were out. Some time after, Mr. Otis was awakened by a curious noise in the... | |
 | Dorothy Scarborough - 1921 - Počet stránok 464
...the development of the world-soul; the advantages of the baggage-check system in railway traveling; and the sweetness of the New York accent as compared...way. At eleven o'clock the family retired, and by half-past all the lights were out. Some time after, Mr. Otis was awakened by a curious noise in the... | |
 | Rex Collings - 1996 - Počet stránok 308
...cultured Americans of the better class, such as the immense superiority of Miss Fanny Davenport over Sarah Bernhardt as an actress; the difficulty of obtaining...any way. At eleven o'clock the family retired and by half-past all the lights were out. Some time after, Mr Otis was awakened by a curious noise in the... | |
 | Karl Beckson - 1997 - Počet stránok 454
...difficulty of obtaining green corn, buckwheat cakes, and hominy, even in the best English houses... and the sweetness of the New York accent as compared to the London drawl. It is the perpetration of banalities of this kind which disgusts Englishmen as well as 'cultured Americans'.... | |
 | 2002 - Počet stránok 100
...MRS. OTIS, hominy, DOLLY, and real ice cream, MR. OTIS, even in the best English houses, MRS. OTIS, and the sweetness of the New York accent as compared to the Ixmdon drawl. (BUTLER and MRS. UMNEY are seen listening in.) DUKE. (Relieved.) No mention at all was... | |
 | Oscar Wilde - 2004 - Počet stránok 164
...cultured Americans of the better class, such as the immense superiority of Miss Fanny Davenport over Sarah Bernhardt as an actress; the difficulty of obtaining...way. At eleven o'clock the family retired, and by half-past all the lights were out. Some time after, Mr. Otis was awakened by a curious noise in the... | |
 | John Reid - 2005 - Počet stránok 268
...the development of the world-soul; the advantages of the baggage check system in railway traveling; and the sweetness of the New York accent as compared to the London drawl." MGM have fashioned Wilde's wit into a rather ponderous and hokey script. Nonetheless, it does offer... | |
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