Obrázky na stránke

Vequiquam Veneris præsidio ferox
Pectes cæsariem grataque feminis
Imbelli cithara carmina divides.
Vequiquam thalamo gravis

Hastas et calami spicula Gnosii Vitabis strepitumque et celerem sequi Aiacem: tamen heu serus adulteros Crines pulvere collines.

Non Laertiaden, exitiam tuæ
Genti, non Pylium Nestora respicis ?
Urgent inpavidi te Salaminius

Teucer, te Sthenelus sciens

Pugnæ, sive opus est imperitare equis, Non auriga piger. Merionen quoque Nosces. Ecce furit te reperire atrox Tydides melior patre;

Quem tu, cervus uti vallis in altera Visum parte lupum graminis inmemor, Sublimi fugies mollis anhelitu,

Non hoc pollicitus tuæ.

"In vain shalt thou, confiding in Love's protectorate,
"Comb out thy locks, and, pleasing a band effeminate,
"Blend with unwarlike harpings the song in harmony;
"In vain to thy bedchamber flee,

"To shun the deadly lances, the barbs of Cretan reed,
"The battle-roar, and Ajax swift in pursuit to lead ;
However, though alas! late, thou thine adult'rous hair
"Shalt thick with clotted dust besmear.


"Dost thou not Laerti'des, the scourge of all thy clan, "Dost thou not agèd Nestor regard, the Pylian man? "A dauntless twain hot press thee-Teucer of Salamis, "And Sthenelus, who knows, I wis,

"The battle, or, if need be to make the horses wheel, "No laggard charioteer he! Merion too thou'lt feel! "Lo! pitiless Tydides, a better than his sire,

"To find thee burns with fierce desire;

"Whom thou-just as a stag flees a he-wolf it has seen "Afar across the valley, unmindful of the green


Thy head upraised and panting, shalt flee in coward flight— "This was not to thy love thy plight!

Iracunda diem proferet Ilio

Matronisque Phrygum classis Achillei;

Post certas hiemes uret Achaicus
Ignis Iliacas domos.'

"The anger of Achilles and all his fleet shall stay "For Ilium and the matrons of Phrygia that day; "Soon as the fixèd number of winters shall expire, "The Greeks shall burn Troy's homes with fire."


Nullam, Vare, sacra vite prius severis arborem
Circa mite solum Tiburis et moenia Catili.
Siccis omnia nam dura deus proposuit, neque

Mordaces aliter diffugiunt sollicitudines.

Quis post vina gravem militiam aut pauperiem crepat? Quis non te potius, Bacche pater, teque, decens Venus ? Ac ne quis modici transiliat munera Liberi,

Centaurea monet cum Lapithis rixa super mero

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