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III. The Society shall be divided into four classes, viz: 1. Mathematical and intellectual science. 2. Moral and physical science. 3. Literature. 4. The Fine Arts.

IV. The funds of the Society shall be raised from donations, subscriptions, and such assessments as they may from time to time determine.

V. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, four Vice Presidents, one from each of the four classes, a Treasurer, a Recording Secretary, an Assistant Recording Secretary, and two Corresponding Secretaries, one for domestic and the other for foreign correspondence.

VI. The Society shall be governed by such regulations and by-laws as may be agreed upon by a majority of its members, at any annual meeting.

VII. Resident members may fill vacancies at the annual meetings of the Society.

VIII. This Constitution may be altered at any annual meeting of the Society by a majority of two-thirds of the members present ;-provided, however, that, after the first meeting, no alteration shall be made of the constitution, unless such alteration shall have been proposed at the annual meeting of the previous year.

IX. To originate the Society there shall be a committee of fifteen, to be appointed by this Convention, who, or a majority of whom, shall have power to elect eighty-five others, and these with the committee, or so many of them as may assemble at the call of the committee, shall constitute the first meeting of the Society.

The following persons were appointed to constitute the committee, viz :Hon. J. Q. Adams, President Fisk, Professor Vethake, Rev. Thomas McAuley, Professor Alexander, Mr. Henry E. Dwight, Professor Jocelin,Hon. Edward P. Livingston, Chancellor Walworth, Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Hon. A. Gallatin, Rev. Dr. Matthews, John Delafield, Esq. Rev. Dr Milnor, and Mr. Halsey,

The prominent topics which engaged the attention and discussion of the Convention were recapitulated in the remarks made by the President immediately before the adjournment, which follow, as reported in the Commercial Advertiser.

The President rose, he said, to return his thanks to the members of the Convention, not only for their kind partiality in placing him in the chair, but for the further honor they had done him by the vote of thanks they had just

passed. He had come hither upon an invitation from the committee of arrangements of the last year. It so happened that he was unacquainted with the proceedings of the last Convention, and knew very little of what was to be brought forward at the present. But he should do injustice to his feelings were he not to say that he had seen and heard things during this meeting which had made the present one of the happiest weeks of his life. He had heard things, which he ought to have known, but of which he was totally ignorant. Other things he had heard, which he knew partially before, but which had nevertheless imparted additional information. On the first day of the Convention a communication was read, of a most interesting character, on the state of learning in Colombia-a country with which we are connected by the most important relations, of daily increasing interest. The subject of establishing a college at Athens had been introduced, carrying back wisdom to the fountains of inspiration, and a report proposing to make the Bible a classic in our literary institutions—thus uniting Ionia's streams with "Siloa's fount that flowed fast by the Oracles of God." On another occasion he had learned the condition and prospects of an institution at West Point, which, although upon a different foundation from this, was yet of an interesting character. A new practical system of education had been submitted, which was spoken of in terms of the highest admiration; and this morning a report had been read on the establishment of Professorships of History in our Universities, which he deemed of high importance. The Convention had also agreed to found a Literary Institution of a permanent nature, to unite men of literature and science in this state with those of like character in every part of the Union. These things must be gratifying to all who feel an interest in the welfare of the human race, and are calculated to inspire their most sanguine hopes as to the future condition of man. Under these circumstances we may well return our thanks to Heaven for the past and solicit its blessings for the future.

An appropriate and expressive prayer was made by the Rev. Dr. Yates, and then the Convention adjourned sine die.


Madawaska. At the last session of the legislature, an act was passed, ordering the inhabitants of Madawasca—(a

small settlement on St. John's river, within the territory claimed by the British government)-to organize a town government, elect town officers, and a member to the state legislature. Accordingly, a meeting was held on the 20th August, at the house of Peter Lizotte, on the west side of the river, and therefore within the American line, as lately decreed by the Arbiter, the King of the Netherlands. Several officers of the Province of New-Brunswick were present, who forbade the proceedings, but took no active measures to stop them. Upon the persuasion of the officers, however, the French settlers declined taking any part. The meeting then adjourned to an open field, near Lizotte's. Here the act of incorporation was read by Walter Powers, and the warrant for calling the meeting. Barnabas Hannawell was chosen Moderator, by written ballot, John Harford, Daniel Savage, and Amos Mattocks, were chosen Selectmen; Jesse Wheelock, Town Clerk; Randall Harford, and Barnabas Hannawell, Constables. Romain Micheau and Paul Crock, two Frenchmen, were first chosen Constables, but under the advice of the British officers, declined serving, and the French settlers did not vote. The officers who had been chosen were then sworn in.

Soon after this, the British authorities, with a military force, repaired to Madawasca, seized Barnabas Hannawell, Jesse Wheelock, and Daniel Savage, carried them to Fredericton, N. B., indicted and tried them, on the 15th of September, for sedition, in conspiring "to subvert his Majesty's authority, and to set up and establish a foreign power and dominion in place thereof." The Americans appeared without counsel, and set up no defence, except that they were American citizens, acting under the authority of the state of Maine, and liable to punishment in that state, if they had not obeyed her laws. The court decided that the laws of Maine were of no consequence in the province of New-Brunswick. The Americans were therefore convicted by the jury, and sentenced by Judge Chipman, to pay a fine of fifty pounds sterling, each, to be imprisoned in the common jail of the county three calendar months, and to stand committed until the whole sentence is fulfilled.

This proceeding has occasioned no little excitement in the state of Maine, and some of the public journals advocate immediate belligerent operations, at least to such an extent as to liberate the

prisoners; others recommend a payment of the fines by the state, and a reference of all other proceedings to the General Government. The official paper at Washington, however, seems to abandon the case entirely, and pronounces the election of town officers at Madawasca, a breach of the arrangement between the two governments. When the question in dispute was referred to the King of Netherlands, it was understood, on both sides, that each party should continue in the exercise of the same jurisdiction as was then held by it.

Lead Ore. In addition to the valuable lead mine recently discovered at Lubec, lead ore was discovered several years ago near the head of Madison pond, so perfect that bullets were made of it in the woods. Likewise, near Moose Pond, in Hartland or St. Albans, lead ore was discovered several years ago by hunters, and converted into bullets by melting in a camp kettle.

Copperas. That copperas might be manufactured in various places in Somerset county is an undoubted fact, especially in the town of Concord, where, it is almost perfect in its original state. Copperas is found in Norridgewock, and considerable quantities were manufactured there during the last war.

Limestone is found in the same town, and probably exists in Solon, near that village, and on the Canada road, to any desirable extent.


NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Great Falls-Somersworth. years since, this village contained but a single farm house, and was entirely a swamp. It now contains about two thousand inhabitants, one hundred frame dwelling houses, ten large blocks of brick buildings, three churches, stores, &c. There are four cotton mills, and one woollen. The cotton mills contain, it is said, more spindles than are run by any other establishment in the United States, viz. thirty-one thousand! with preparations sufficient to supply nine hundred looms, which produce six millions of yards of cotton cloth per annum. These mills consume annually above 3000 bales of cotton, weighing 1,250,000 lbs. The largest mill is 400 feet long and six stories high, and contains 22,000 spindles and 650 looms. The cotton mills alone give employment to 90 men, over 100 boys, and 600 females. They use form 7 to 8000 gallons of oil, 200 tons of anthracite coal, 500 barrels of flour for sizing, and 300 sides of leather.

The mills, which are of brick, hand

somely ornamented with hammered granite sills and window caps, are arranged along a fine canal, 30 feet wide and from 6 to 7 feet deep, extending from the dam at the north of the village to the southern extremity of it.

The woollen mill is a six story brick building, 220 feet in length, containing all the machinery necessary for the manufacture of from 120 to 130,000 yards of fine broadcloth yearly. This is also said to be the largest woollen manufactory in America. Upwards of 200,000 pounds of wool, 5000 gallons of oil, 150 tons of anthracite coal, are consumed, besides indigo, madder, copperas, together with numerous kinds of drugs necessary in the manufacture of woollen cloth, annually giving employment within the establishment to 300 individuals. Connected with the woollen, is a carpet manufactory, where the best description of ingrain carpeting is made. The factory is capable of producing 150,000 yards annually. This company, "The Great Falls Manufactory," have a capital of one million of dollars, and own most of the property in and around the village.



American Antiquarian Society. Monday, the 24th of October, the anniversary of the discovery of the American continent by Christopher Columbus, the American Antiquarian Society held its annual meeting in Boston. The Rev. Dr. Bancroft, of Worcester, first Vice-President, took the Chair, and announced with great sensibility, the loss which the Society has sustained since their last meeting, in the death of ISAIAH THOMAS, Esq. the venerable Founder, President and Patron of the Society.

The Secretary reported a correct list of the existing Members. Exclusive of Foreign associates, the number exceeds one hundred. Eight new members were elected.

The committee appointed at the semi-annual meeting in June, to receive the munificent endowment of the late President THOMAS, reported that it amounted to Forty Thousand Dollarsa large part of which had been invested by them in available funds.

Gov. Lincoln, in connexion, announced the recent death of Nathaniel M'Carty, Esq. of Worcester, "late Treasurer of the Society, and that he had bequeathed Five Hundred Dollars to the funds of the Society.

The Librarian made a highly favorable report of the condition of the Insti

tution, at Worcester, and presented a list of additional donations.

The Society then proceeded to choose the following officers for the ensuing year. Thomas L. Winthrop, President; John Davis of Worcester, and Joseph Story, Vice-Presidents; Rejoice Newton, of Worcester, Recording Secretary; Thaddeus M. Harris, of Dorchester, Foreign Corresponding Secretary; William Lincoln, of Worcester, Domestic Corresponding Secretary; Samuel Jennison, of Worcester, Treasurer; Benjamin Russell, Levi Lincoln, James Bowdoin, Edward D. Bangs, James C. Merrill, Isaac Goodwin, Charles Lowell, Samuel M. Burnside, F. W. Paine, and Dr. J. Green, Counsellors; Wm. Jenks, Wm. Lincoln, and Joseph Willard, Committee of Publication.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Coasting Trade. The New-York American Advocate publishes a table, showing the amount of packet coasting trade, between that city and the different ports in the Union, amounting to $47,903,000, exclusive of a new ship line of packets to New-Orleans; and the trade of the North and East Rivers, and coasting trade carried on in irregular vessels, is estimated at as much more, making a total of $95,806,000. There are, therefore, employed in the coasting trade of New-York alone, 352 vessels, 52,120 tons, employing 2490 hands, who receive, of wages $611,840, passage money $538,924, and cargoes to the enormous amount of $100,000,000 and upwards.


Peter D. Vroom has lately been reelected Governor of this state. From his message to the legislature it appears that the balance in the state treasury, after paying the ordinary expenses, is $15,000. The operations of the school fund have paid the annual appropriation of $20,000 to the common schools, and leave a small surplus to be added to the principal. The amount of the fund is $225,758. There are 2,350 stand of arms fit for use in the armory in the state house, besides 4,300 supplied by the United States, subject to the order of the state. The suit instituted by New-Jersey against New-York, is still pending in the Supreme Court of the United States. The financial condition of the state prison is favorable, its earnings having exceeded its expenses by $2,515. The number of convicts is, however, increasing rapidly. The present number is 130, of whom 9 are females. For the accommodation of these there are but 40 cells, a number so inadequate as to be of very injurious effect on discipline and the morals of prisoners, and rather to invite than prevent the commission of crime. The increase of convicts in the last three

The two

years has been fifty per cent. great works of internal improvement, the Delaware and Raritan canal, and the Camden and Amboy rail-road, are advancing steadily to their completion. The latter will be put in operation from Amboy to Bordentown early next season, and will, it is confidently thought, be immediately profitable. The canal is upon an adequate scale. The railroad from Paterson to the Hudson has been commenced under favorable circumstances, and promises great advantages. The route of the contemplated rail-road from Elizabethtown to Somerville was surveyed last summer. Its extension is recommended to the Dela



Randolph and Macon College. At a meeting of the Trustees of Randolph and Macon College, held on the 15th ultimo, the Rev. Dr. John Emery, editor of the Methodist Quarterly Review, &c. was elected President, and professor of Moral Science; the Rev. Martin P. Parks, of North-Carolina, professor of Mathematics; Mr. Landon C. Gailand, of Virginia, professor of Natural Science; and Mr. Robert Emery, son of Dr. E., professor of Languages. The college is situated at Boydton, in the county of Mecklenburg, Va. The annual meeting of the trustees is to be held on the 4th of July, and the college is to be opened by the 1st of September, 1832.


Internal Improvement. A Convention to take into consideration the practicability and expediency of promoting Internal Improvement in this State, from its own resources, has recently been held at Eatonton. The sittings commenced on the 26th September. Thirtytwo counties were represented by delegates; and the Hon. Thomas Stocks was appointed President. The following resolutions were adopted

1st Resolution. This Convention earnestly recommends a system of Internal Improvement, to the patronage of the


2d Resolution. The Convention recommends that the Legislature authorize the governor to employ a competent engineer or engineers, to make a minute and careful survey of the principal lines of communication in the state, with reference to their fitness for RailRoads, Turnpikes or Canals, and to diffuse among our fellow-citizens generally the topographical information thus obtained.

3d Resolution The convention recommends for survey the following lines:

That from Savannah to Augusta, thence to Eatonton, and thence in a westwardly direction to the Chattahoochie.

The line from Savannah to Macon, and thence to Columbus, and a line connecting Milledgeville with that


The line from Savannah to the head of navigation on Flint River, and thence to Columbus.

The line from Augusta to Athens, and thence in the most advisable direction towards the northwestern boundary of the state; together with any other line or lines, which may afford the prospect of important commercial advantages.

4th Resolution. If the state is disinclined to undertake, with her own resources, these improvements, the Convention recommends that, by subscriptions for stock, loans, or other pecuniary aid, she co-operate with such companies as may be chartered for the purpose of improving the whole or part of any of the routes above mentioned.

On the 29th, the Convention adjourned sine die.


Mineral Riches. Dr. Gerard Troost delivered an address, on the 19th ult., to the legislature of Tennessee, showing the advantage of an accurate geological survey of that state, which appears to abound in many valuable minerals and fossils. Dr. Troost says that the nountainous districts of Tennessee abound in various articles which must some day form the wealth of the state. The Cumberland mountains are rich in coal and excellent iron ore, and the caves furnish ample materials for the preparation of magnesia, Epsom salts and saltpetre. There is found an excellent quality of the zinc ore of which in Europe the best brass is made. There are also lead, varieties of marble equal if not superior to the finest Italian, roofing-slate, manganese, and rich magnetic iron ore. There is much appearance of salt, and gold is well known to abound. The speaker gave some examples of the value of geological knowledge and observation, in directing the search after minerals and the precious metals and stones. The transition and secondary rock formations, which contain so many valuable deposites,

metallic and mineral, are found in several groups in Tennessee. The use of the same sort of knowledge in determining the quality of soils is also dwelt upon.


The corner stone of a rail-road, to run from the town of Lexington to the Ohio river at Louisville, was laid at Lexington on the 22d of October. An address was delivered on the occasion, by Dr. C. Caldwell of Transylvania University.

The amount of taxable property in Kentucky is $103,543,638, paying a tax of 61-4 on $100, and yielding

There is also a tax on studs, 1492 in number, amounting to

And a tax of $10 each on 334 taverns, amounting to Total tax,






Ohio University. The sixth annual commencement of Miami University took place on the 28th September, under the superintendence of the President, R. H. Bishop, D. D. The catalogue for the last year shows a total number of 192 students. The College edifice is extensive and commodious. The Faculty and Instructers consist of the President,who acts as professor of Logic, Moral Philosophy and History-a Professor of Mathematics, Geography, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, and Teacher of Political Economy-a Professor of Latin, Greek and Hebrew -a Master and Assistant of the Grammar School-a Teacher of French, and Mathematical Tutor-a Hebrew Tutor -a Teacher of Spanish-a Pestalozzian Teacher-a Greek Tutor-a Writing Master-four Mathematical Teachersand four Teachers of Arithmetic. sessions of the University open on the first Mondays in November and May, and terminate on the last Wednesdays in March and September. Tuition in the Grammar School is $5, and in the College classes $10 per session.


The Ohio Canal, connecting the town of Chillicothe, on the Scioto, with Lake Erie at Cleveland, was completed, and the passage of the first boats into that town was celebrated at Chillicothe on the 22d of October, with many ceremonies and festivities.

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