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mum tertium a tempore quo fuit assumptus ad papatum usque nunc, papatum ipsum et politiam ecclesiæ, in scandalum notorium ipsius et ecclesiæ, malè administrasse, rexisse et gubernasse; vitâque suâ damnabili, ejusque uefandis moribus, populis exemplum vitæ malæ præbuisse et præbere; et insuper ecclesias cathedrales, monasteria, prioratus conventionales, et cætera beneficia ecclesiastica pretio appretiato simoniacè, notoriè distribuisse: bonaque et jura Romanæ et aliarum ecclesiarum plurium notoriè dilapidasse, quodque caritativè monitus, ac præmissis desistere uoluit, sed continuo perseveravit et perseverat, ecclesiam Dei in præmissis notoriè scandalizando quapropter per hanc nostram sententiam pronuntiamus, et decernimus et declaramus dictum dominum Joannem Papam ab omni administratione populi, spirituali et temporali causis præmissis fore suspensum et suspensimus.

Johannis 23, Concilium Constantiense, An. Dom. 1415.
Vol. 27, p. 791.

De Salvo-conductu Hussonis.

Sacrosancta synodus, &c. Quia nonuulli nimis intelligentes, aut sinistræ intentionis, vel forsan solentes plus sapere quàm oportet, nedum regiæ majestati, sed etiam sacro, ut fertur, concilio linguis maledictis detrahunt, publicè et occultè, dicentes vel innuentes, quod salvus-conductus per invictissimum principem Dominum Sigismundum, Romanorum et Hungariæ, &c. regem, quondam Joanni Hus heresiarchæ damnatæ memoriæ datus, fuit contra justitiam aut honestatem indebitè violatus: cum tam dictus Hus fidem orthodoxam pertinaciter oppugnans, se ab omni conductu et privilegio reddiderit alienum, nec aliqua sibi fides aut promissio de jure naturali, divino vel humano, fuerit in prejudicium_catholicæ fidei observanda: idcirco dicta saucta synodus præsentium tenore declarat, dictum invictissimum principem circà prædictum quondam Joannem Hus, non obstante memorato salvo conductu, ex juris debito fecisse quod licuit, et quod decuit regiam majestatem: statuens et ordinans omnibus et singulis Christi fidelibus cujusque dignitatis, gradus, præminentiæ, conditionis, status, aut sexus existant, quod nullus deinceps sacro concilio aut regiæ majestati, de gestis circa prædictum Joaunem Hus detrahat, sive quomodo libet obloquatur. Qui vero contrariuin fecerit, tanquam fautor hæreticæ pravitatis, et reus criminis læsæ majestatis irremissibiliter puniatur.

P. 799.

Quod non obstantibus salvis conductibus imperatoris, Regum, &c. possit per judicem competentem de hæretica pravitate inquiri. Præsens sancta synodus ut quovis salvo conductu per imperatorem, reges et alios sæculi principes, hæreticis vel de hæresi diffamatis, putantes eos sic a suis erroribus revocare, quocumque vinculo se adstrinxerint, concesso, nullum fidei catholicæ, vel jurisdictioni ecclesiasticæ prejudicium generari vel impedimentum præstari

the jurisdiction of the church, but that notwithstanding the aforesaid safe-conduct, it shall be lawful to a competent ecclesiastical judge to inquire into the errors of such persous, and otherwise duly proceed against them, and to punish them as justice demands, if they obstinately refuse to retract their errors, even if they shall come to the seat of judgment, trusting in their safe-conduct, and would not otherwise have come; and that the person thus promising, when he shall have exerted himself to his utmost, shall not remain in any way bound by it.

From the same.

Pope John 23, An. Dom. 1418, Manse's Councils, p. 1197. tom. 27.


24 Articles prescribed by the Fathers of the Council of Constance for recovering the Bohemians from the Heresy of the Hussites.

Article 19. That the ordinaries and other prelates who have the jurisdiction be not impeded in their jurisdiction by any secular person under pain of excommunication. For if that cursed heresy ought to be exterminated, it is necessary that there should be a free exercise of power against spiritual and secular persons suspected of heresy and eiror, or of favouring the condemned.

20. That it be enjoined to all and every person whosoever shall have patronized any Hussite, or Wicklefite, or any of their doctrines, or shall have personally known them or their suspicious publications, upon their obedience under pain of excommunication, to denounce them to the diocesan or his officers, who shall officially proceed against them according to the canonical regulations.

23. That every and all persons spiritual and secular, who preach, set forth, and defend the errors or heresies of John Huss and John Wickliff condemned in this holy council of Constance, and declare or hold the persons of John Huss and Jerome to be catholic and holy, and shall be convicted of this, shall be burnt as relapsed heretics.

Ballarmine on Councils.

The fifth is the council of Constance, consisting of nearly 1000 fathers, of whom more than 300 were bishops, commenced in the year 1614, under John 23rd, and finished in the year 1618, under Martin 5th and the Emperor Sigismund. (Plat. Palmerius.) This council, in regard of the first session in which it defines a council to be above a pope, was repudiated in the council of Florence and in the last Lateran council; in regard to its last sessions, and all things of which Martin 5th approved, it is received by all Catholics.Bellarm. on Councils and the Church, book 1, c. 7.

posse seu debere declarat, quo minus, dieto salvo-conductu non obstante, liceat judici competenti et ecclesiastico de hujusmodi personarum erroribus inquirere, et aliàs contra eos debitè procedere, eosdemque punire, quantum justitia suadebit, si suos errores revocare pertinaciter recusaverint, etiam de salvo-conductu confisi, ad locum venerint judicii, alias non venturi: nec sic promittentem, cum fecerit quod in ipso est, ex hoc in aliquo remansisse obligatum,

Johannis 23, p. 1179, tom. 27. An. Dom. 1418.

Ex. M.S. Vindobon. Johannis Fabri Episcopi.

Viginti quatuor articuli, a patribus Concilii Constantiensis præscripti, ad reducendos ab Hussiticâ hæresi Bohemos.

Art. 19. Ut ordinarii et alii prælati jurisdictionem habentes, in sua jurisdictione per quempiam sæcularem non impediantur, sub pœna excommunicationis. Si enim illa hæresis maledicta debet exterminari, oportet quod liberè exerceatur contra spirituales et sæcu lares de hæresi vel erroribus suspectos, aut de fautoria personarum condemnatarum.

20. Ut mandetur omnibus et singulis de subditâ obedientiâ sub pœnâ excommunicationis, quicumque aliquem Hussitam vel Wiclephistam, vel ipsorum doctrinam promoverít, vel personas cognoverit, et libros ipsos suspectos sciverit, diocesano vel suis officialibus denunciet, qui contra eos ex officio procedat juxta catronicas sanctiones.


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23. Ut omnes et singuli spirituales et sæculares, qui errores vel bæreses Joannis Huss et Joannis Wickliff, in sacro hoc concilio Constansiensi condemnatos prædicant, dogmatizant et defendunt, et personas Joannis Hus et Hieronymi catholicas et sanctas pronunciant vel tenent, et de hoc convicti fuerint, tanquam hæretici relapsi, lapsi puniantur ad ignem.

(Bellarminus de decretis hujus concilii.)

Quintum est concilium Constantiense patrum ferè mille, ex quibus episcopi amplius 300, anno 1614 inchoatum sub Joanne 23, et anno 1618 finitum sub Martino 5, et Sigismundo Imperatore. (Plat. Palmerius.) Hoc concilium quantum ad primas sessiones ubi definit concilium esse supra papam, reprobatum est in concilio Florentino, et Lateranensi ultimo; quantum ad ultimas sessiones, et ea omnia quæ probavit Martinus 5, ab omnibus Catholicis recipitur.-Bell. de Concil et Ecclesia, lib. 1, c. 7.

The account of the beginning of the Council of Sienna, An. Dom. 1429, in the 5th year of Pope Martin 5th, from Bzovius' Ecclesiastical Annals.

On the 22nd of August in the principal church at Sienna, the pontifical president of the council, having performed the service of the Holy Ghost, and prayers having been publickly offered up in all the streets, opened the council. Two days after the same prayers were repeated in the chief churches of the city. Meanwhile a great number of archbishops, bishops, abbots, prelates, and orators, sent by distinguished personages, together with theologians and lawyers, daily came together from all the provinces of Europe. Some sessions were held, in which the fathers by unanimous consent confirmed by very cogent arguments the catholic faith, against the Wickleffites, Hussites, Lollards, Adamites, Orebites, and other heretics, pronounced again against these perfidious men the sentences which were promulgated in the councils held at Rome, Pisa, and Constance, or by John 23rd, Alexander 5th, Gregory 12th, and Martin 5th; and moreover proclaimed a sacred war against the enemies of religion and the catholic church.

Rapin, vol. 1. fol. lib. 14,p. 697.

The Council of Basil was called in 1431 by Martin 5th, who was succeeded by Eugenius 4th.

In 1435 it set about the reformation of the head and members in good earnest by abolishing first-fruits, and settling the rights of the apostolic chamber. The head would not submit. He published a bull to translate it to Ferrara. The cardinals went to Ferrara, and afterwards to Florence, The council of Basil continued their proceedings against Eugenius, deposed him, and elected Felix 5th. The two popes and councils excommunicated each other, calling each other the synagogues of Satan. Felix resigned in 1449.

Labbeus and Cossart's Councils, vol. 13. p. 898. (printed at Paris, 1672.) The first part of the Council of Florence under Pope Eugenius 4th. An. Dom. 1438.

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By the authority of the Most High, justice dictating to us our course of proceeding, we make the following decree against the aforesaid persons at Basil. For the above reasons after mature deliberation we decree and declare, with the approbation of this holy council, that the aforesaid persons thus assembling and presuming such scandalous and wicked things, although they are distinguished by the dignity of cardinalship or any other authority ecclesiastical or secular, have incurred the penalty of excommunication, the loss of their dignities, &c.

Bzovii Annales Eccles.

Initium Concilii Senonensis. An. Dom. 1423. Martin 5. Pap. 5.

Die 22. Augusti in Basilica principe Sinensium, præses concilii pontificius, sacris de Spirito Sancto operatus, supplicationibus per vicos et plateas urbis publicè peractis, auspicatus est concilium. Biduo subsequenti, eædem supplicationes ad majores urbis ecclesias continuatæ. Interim ingens numerus archiepiscoporum, episcopo rum, abbatum, prælatorum, oratorum a viris principibus missorum, necnon theologorum et jurisperitorum ex omnibus provinciis Europæis quotidiè succrescebat. Habitæ aliquot sessiones, in quibus fidem catholicam, contra id temporis Wiclephilas, Hussitas, Lollardos, Adamitas, Orebitos, et alios hæreticos, patres unanimi consensu, certissimis argumentis constabiliverunt: sententiasque sive in Romano, sive in Pisano, sive in Constantiensi conciliis prolatis, sive a Joanne 23, Alexandro 5, Gregorio 12, et Martino 5, probatas, contra perfidos iterum pronuntiaverunt, necnon bellum sacrum in hostes religionis et ecclesiæ catholicæ edixerunt.


Concilii Florentini, pars 1, An. Dom. 1438, p. 898. Labai, tom. 13. Eugenius Pap. 4.

Adversus præfatos in Basilea existentes, hoc sacro approbante concilio, in virtute altissimi decernimus, justitia mediante quantum oporteat procedendum. Quapropter matura deliberatione prædictos convenientes, et tam scandalosa et nefaria præsumentes, etiamsi cardinalatus, &c., aut alia quavis auctoritate ecclesiasticâ vel sæculari præfulgeant, poenas excommunicationis, privationis dignitatum, &c., hoc sancto approbante concilio, incidisse decernimus et declaramus.


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