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The Commencement of Plenary Indulgences.

Towards the eleventh century those forms of indulgence began to be set forth, which are called plenary.

Vocabulum temerarium, stultum, superbum, pompaticum,perversum, profanum, scelestum, nomen blasphemiæ, nefandum, pestiferum.

Epist. 18, ad Johannem Episcopum, "novum," "nefandum," "stultum," "superbum." " versum,' "temerarium."

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In epist. 19, ad Sabianum diaconum, "scelestum."

Epist 20, ad Mauricium Augustum "pompaticum," nomen blasphemiæ."

Epist. 33, ad Mauricium Augustum, lib. 7, indict. 15, "profanum."

Versus 11 sæculum proponi cæperunt illæ indulgentiarum formulæ, quæ plenariæ appellan


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One hundred and one propositions are condemned in this bull.

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77. He who does not lead a life worthy of a son of God and a member of Christ, ceases to have within him God for his Father and Christ for his head.

77. Qui non ducit vitam dignam filio Dei et membro Christi, cessat interius habere Deum pro Patre et Christum pro capite.

No decision respecting the immaculate Conception of
the Virgin Mary.

Fifth Session of the Council of Concilii Tridentini. Sessio QuinTrent, an. Dom. 1546.

An Extract from the Decree on
Original Sin.

But this holy council declares that it is not its intention to comprehend in this decree, which treats of original sin, the blessed and immaculate Virgin Mary, the mother of God; but that the constitutions of Pope Sixtus 4 of blessed memory, which it revives, are to be observed under the penalties contained in those constitutions.

ta, an. Dom. 1546.

Decretum de Peccato Originali.

Declarat tamen hæc ipsa sanc. ta synodus, non esse suæ intentionis, comprehendere in hoc decreto, ubi de peccato originali agitur, beatam et immaculatam Virginem Mariam, Dei genetricem; sed observandas esse constitutiones felicis recordationis Sixti Pape 4, sub pœnis in eis constitutionibus contentis, quas innovat.

Ancient Constitutions revived by Constitutiones antiqua per Conthe Council of Trent.

Constitution of Pope Sixtus 4.

Whereas forsooth the holy Roman church solemnly and publicly celebrates the festival of the immaculate and ever-Virgin Mary, and to this end has appointed a special office; certain preachers, as we have heard, of different orders in their sermous to the people have not hitherto been ashamed publicly to affirm in different cities and provinces, and do not desist from daily teaching, that all those who hold or agree that the same glorious and imma

cilium Trid. innovatæ.*

Sanè cùm sancta Romana ecclesia de intemeratæ semperque Virginis Mariæ conceptione publicè festum solemniter celebret, et speciale ac proprium super hoc officium ordinaverit: nonnulli ut accepimus, diversorum ordinum prædicatores, in suis sermonibus ad populum publicè per diversas civitates et terras affirmare hactenus non erubuerunt, et quotidiè prædicare non cessant, omnes illos, qui tenent, aut asserunt, eamdem gloriosam et immaculatam

* This is taken from the Paris edition of the council of Trent.

culate mother of God was conceived without the stain of original sin, are guilty of mortal sin, or are heretics that those who ce lebrate the service of the said immaculate conception, and those who hear the sermons of those preachers, who affirm that she was conceived without this stain, sin grievously; and, moreover, not content with the abovesaid preachings, they have published and built upon these assertions; from which assertions and preachings no little scandal has arisen in the minds of the faithful, and greater scandal is justly expected to arise from day to day. We, therefore, being desirous of obviating, as far as is conceded to us from above, the rash presumption, and perverse and scandalous assertions, which may thence spring up in the church of God, at our own suggestion, and not at the instance of any petition preferred unto us, but from our own unprompted judgment and certain knowledge, by the tenor of these presents, censure and condemn by our apostolic authority, such-like assertions on the part of the abovementioned preachers and of any others, as false and erroneous and foreign to the truth, who shall presume to affirm, that those who believe or hold, that the said mother of God was preserved from the stain of original sin in her conception, are upon that account polluted with the corruption of any heresy or guilty of mortal sin; or that those celebrating the office of this conception, or hearing sermons of this kind, incur the guilt of any sin; and we condemn the abovesaid books moreover, which have been published, and which

Dei genetricem absque originalis peccati macula fuisse conceptam, mortaliter peccare, vel esse hæreticos: ejusdem immaculatæ conceptionis officium celebrantes, audientesque sermones illorum, qui eam sine hujusmodi macula conceptam esse affirmant, peccare graviter: sed et præfatis prædicationibus non contenti,confectos super his suis assertionibus libros in publicum ediderunt; ex quorum assertionibus et prædicationibus non levia scandala in mentibus fidelium exorta sunt, et majora meritò exoriri formidantur in dies. Nos igitur hujusmodi temerariis ausibus, ac perversis assertionibus ac scandalosis, qua exinde in Dei ecclesia exoriri possunt, quantùm nobis ex alto conceditur, obviare volentes; motu proprio, non ad alicujus nobis super hoc oblatæ petitionis instantiam, sed de nostra mera deliberatione et certâ scientiâ, hus jusmodi assertiones prædicato rum eorumdem et aliorum quorumlibet, qui affirmare præsumerent, eos qui crederent aut tenerent, eamdem Dei genetricem ab originalis peccati macula in sua conceptione præservatum fuisse, proptereà alicujus hæresis labe pollutos fore, vel mortaliter peccare aut hujusmodi officium conceptionis celebrantes, seu hujusmodi sermones audientes, alicujus peccati reatum incurrere, utpote falsas et erroneas, et a veritate penitus alienas, editosque de super libros prædictos id continentes, quoad hoc, auctoritate apostolica, tenore præsentium reprobamus et damnamus: ac motu, scientiâ,et auctoritate prædictis statuimus et ordinamus, quòd prædicatores verbi Dei et quicumque alii, cujuscumq status,gradus,

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