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design by the wicked counsels of three great lords, he left his father at Mentz, where he had spent the Christmas holidays in the year 1104, and withdrew to Bavaria, religion being the cloak to cover this unnatural disloyalty. He began by anathematizing the heresy of his father, and by promising obedience to the pope. He was acknowledged emperor by all the towns of Saxony. Rothard, archbishop of Mentz, and Gehebard, bishop of Constance, the pope's vicars in Germany, entered into the confederacy, and advised young Henry to reconcile all Saxony to the holy see.

He, i. e. Henry the 5th, received the news of his father's death at Liege, the 7th of August, in the year 1106. The people of Liege obtained their pardon upon condition that they would dig up the body of the late emperor, which was carried to Spires, and put into a sepulchre of stone, where it remained without the church unburied for five years together. The pope's partisans were of opinion, that since he died excommunicated they could not give him ecclesiastical burial.

Contest between Henry the 5th and Paschal respecting Investitures.

The German nobles and bishops being convened at Mentz, resolved upon sending deputies to the pope to let him know that the power of creating bishops had been granted by the holy see to Charlemagne and his successors, and that therefore he could not divest their prince of it.

An. Dom. 1111. The Pope is apprehended by the Emperor's order. Contest in Rome.

Upon these debates, Henry summoned the pope to crown him, and upon his refusing to do it, ordered his guards to apprehend him and several cardinals. The news of this being noised about the city, the Romans ran to their arms, animated thereto by the cardinals Frescati and Ostia, killed several Germans straggling in the city, and set upon the emperor's forces very vigorously. The engagement was very obstinate on both sides, the emperor was in great danger of his life, but at last repulsed the Romans, and marched out of the city two days after, carrying along with him the pope and cardinals pri


Tumultuous Election.-Gelasus 2. An. 1118.

After his (i. e. Paschal's) death, the cardinals met in a monastery of the Benedictines of Rome, called the Palladium, near to the palace of the Franchipani, and six days after elected John Cajetan the chancellor, who was called Gelasius the 2d, and proclaimed pope. Cincius of Frianchipani being offended that they had not made choice of a cardinal whom he had proposed, entered the monastery in a forcible manner, fell upon the pope with armed men, abused him, and carried him away prisoner to his palace. The Romans could not endure this affront, the chief among them met, and sent to demand the pope from

Père.* Ayant concu ce dessein par les mauvais conseils de trois grands seigneurs, il quitta son père a Mayence ou il etoit alle passer les fétes de Noel de l'année 1104. Et se retira en Bavière, le pretexte de religion servit a couvrir cette infidelitè denaturée Il commenca par anathematiser l'heresie de son pere, et promettre d'obèir au pape. ** I* entra dans la Saxe ou il fut très bien recu. Rothard, archevêque de Mayence, et Gehebard evêque de Constance, vicaires du pape en Allemagne entrèrent dans cette ligne, et conseillerent au jeune Henri de reconcilier toute la Saxe avec le saint siège.

Il recut la nouvelle de la mort de son pere arrivée a Liege le Septième d'aôut de l'an 1106. Les Liégois obtinerent leur grace a condition qu'ils deterreroient le corps de Heuri, qui fut portè a Spire, et mis dans un sepulchre de pierre, ou il demeura hors de l'eglise sans etre enterrè pendant cinq ans. Les partisans du pape jugeans qu'etant mort excommunie, on ne pouvoit lui donner la sepulture ecclesiastique.-Nouvelle Bibliotèque des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques par L. E. Dupin. tom. 9, c. 11.

Cependant les seigneurs et les evêques Allemans s'etant assemblès a Mayence, resolurent d'envoyer des deputès vers le pape pour lui declarèr que le pouvoir de créer des evêques avoit ètè donné par le saint siege a Charlemagne, et a ses successeurs, et qu'ainsi il ne pouvoit pas l'ôter a leur princé.

Sur ces altercations Henri fit sommer le pape de le couronner; et comme il refusa de le faire, il le fit arrêter par ses gardes, et plusieurs cardinaux avec lui. Le bruit s'etant repandu dans la ville, les Romains prirent les armes animès par les cardinaux de Frescati et d'Ostie, tuèrent plusieurs Allemans repandus dans la ville,attaquèrent vivement les troupes de l'empereur. Le combat fut opiniatre de part et d'autre; l'empereur y conrut risque de sa vie; mais enfin il repoussa les Romains, et sortit de Rome deux jours apres, emmenant avec soi le pape et les cardinaux prisoniers.

Il (le pape) mourut deux jours après son retour au mois de Janvier de l'an 1118. Apres sa mort les cardinaux s'assemblérent dans un monastère de Benedictins de Rome appelè Palladium, proche du palais des Franchipanes et élurent six jours après Jean Cajetan chancelier, qui fut appelè Gelase 2, et proclamè pape. Cincius de Franchipane fachè de ce que l'on n'avoit pas elu le cardinal qu'il avoit proposè, entre de force avec des gens armès dans le monastère, se jette sur le pape, le maltraite et l'emméne prisonnier dans son palais. Les Romains ne souffrirent pas cette violence: les principaux d'en

* His father's not keeping his vow of going to the Holy Land.


Cincius, and the common people rose up in arms to set him at liberty. After this Cincius was forced to deliver him.

Honorius Augustodunensis, a priest, in his Dialogue on Predestination and Freewill.—Quoted by White in reply to the Jesuit Fisher.

Honorius, a Scholastic Divine of the Church of Autun. Dupir About An. 1120.

Turn to the citizens of Babylon, and observe what manner of people they be, and by what ways they walk; come hither to the top of the mountain, that thou mayest behold all the habitations of the damned city. Look upon her princes and judges, cardinals and archbishops, the very seat of the beast is placed in them. All days they are intent to do evil, ever insatiably occupied in works of iniquity. They not only themselves perform, but instruct others in flagitious wickedness. They offer things sacred for sale, they purchase iniquity, and labour with all their might that they may not descend alone to hell.

The Ecclesiastical Annals of Baronius. An. Dom. 1130.

The particulars of this double election are thus related by Suger, the abbot of St. Denys, an author of great repute, in his Life of Lewis, King of France.

When the greatest and the wisest of the Roman church, to prevent a disturbance in the church, had consented that the election should be solemnly made, and according to the Roman custom in the church of St. Mark, and not elsewhere, those who both by their watchfulness and knowledge approached most closely to the apostolic standard, not daring to go to that place upon account of the seditious Romans, elected for their high pontiff Gregory, cardinal deacon of St. Angelo, before the death of Pope Honorius was published. But those who favoured the party of Pope Leo, as soon as they learned the death of the pope, assembled in St. Mark according to the agreement that had been made, and more gravely elected Peter Leo cardinal priest, with the consent of several bishops, cardinals, and noble Romans. (Peter Leo was called Anaclet 2d.)

Fighting in Rome.

It truly appears on all hands that Anaclet acted as ill as possible; he being, contrary to equity and right, intruded, in opposition to Innocent, who was a truly pious man, by his relations aided by the secular power; hence there arose factions, plots, stratagems, conspiracies, anger, quarrels, contentions, seeing that public force furnished arms against those who lawfully resisted. In this miserable state, was the church of Rome at that period, when Antichrist triumphing, the true vicar of Christ was obliged to banish himself from the holy temple, whilst the abomination of desolation sat in Peter's chair. But hear

tre eux s'assemblèrent, et firent démander le pape a Cincius, et la populace prit les armes pour le mettre en libertè. Cincius fut obligè de le rendre.-Ibidem.

Honorius Augustodunensis. Dial. de Prædest. et Lib. Arb.-Quoted by Whyte in his Reply to the Jesuit Fisher, p. 113.

Verte te ad cives Babyloniæ, et vide quales sint et per quas tendant plateas, &c. Vide veni huc ad supercilium montis et cuncta possis ædificia cernere damnatæ civitatis. Intuere principes ejus et judices (nempe cardinales, archiepiscopos, &c.) Ecce posita est in eis bestia sedes. Omni tempore ad malum sunt intenti, semper negotiis iniquitatis inexplebiliter occupati, flagitia non solum faciunt, sed et alios facere instruunt. Sancta vendunt, scelera emunt, totis viribus laborant, ne soli ad tartara veniant, &c.

Baronii, Annales Eccles. An. 1130. In. 2, 1.

De modo autem habet ista Sugerius abbas, hujus temporis auctor magni nominis in vita Ludovici regis Francorum.

... Cum ecclesiæ Romanæ majores et sapientiores ad removendum ecclesiæ tumultum consensissent, apud Sanctum Marcum et non alibi, et non nisi communiter morè Romano, celebrem fieri electionem; qui et assiduitate et familiaritate propinquiores apostolici fuere, timore tumultuantium Romanorum illuc convenire non audentes, antequam publicaretur domini papæ decessus, personam venerabilem cardinalem de Sancto Angelo diaconum Gregorium summum eligunt pontificem. Qui autem Petri Leonis parti favebant, ad Sanctum Marcum, pro pacto alios imitantes, convenerunt, dominiq papæ morte comperta ipsum eundem Petrum seriùs cardinalem presbyterum, multorum et episcoporum et cardinalium et clericorum et Romanorum nobilium consensu, votivè elegerunt.

Sanè apparet, Anacletum pessimè audisse apud omnes; qui cum contra virum sanctissimum Innocentium a consanguineis seculari potentiâ contra jus fasque intruderetur, hinc obortæ factiones, studia, simultates, conspirationes, iræ, rixa, contentiones, cum in eos qui jure contradicerent, vis publica ministraret arma bellica.

Hoc statu miserando collocata erat tunc temporis Romana ecclesia, in qua triumphante antichristo, cogeretur verus Christi vicarius exulare in templo sancto, in Petri throno abominatione sedente. Sed audi ista ab ejus temporis scriptore anonymo, in codice Vaticano.

these things related by an anonymous writer of that period, out of the Vatican manuscript. A great discord was created in the city. For the bishops and cardinals divided themselves into two parties, but the better and sounder part adhered to the same Innocent, who was the most accomplished and deserving. But Peter of Leo with his followers, despising the humility of Innocent, did not place his trust in God, but confided in the multitude of his riches and in the power of his relatives, and in the strength of his fortresses, and he attacked with an armed force the houses of the Frangipani into which Innocent and his adherents had retired. But it unexpectedly happened that the followers of Innocent were but little injured,and that on the contrary the soldiers of Anaclet were repulsed with great loss. Hence filled with anger and indignation he rode against the church of St. Peter, which he took and forcibly entered, and sacrilegiously carried away the crowns, suspended in the sanctuary and on the golden crucifix, which crowns the Roman pontiff and the orthodox emperors had presented to the church, with all the treasures of gold, and silver, and pearls.

When therefore the pope himself was besieged on every side, so that no one could approach him in safety, he determined to quit Rome and to go to France, and he thereupon entered two gallies with all his brethren who adhered to him, except the bishop of Sabinum, whom he left in Rome as his vicar.

The Excommunication of Pope Innocent by Anaclet. An. Dom. 1130.

At the next Easter the false pope Anaclet at the Lord's supper, solemnly excommunicated Pope Innocent and the cardinals who adhered to him, and deposed many others, and substituted new cardinals with the old titles.

Excommunication of Anaclet by a Rhemish Council. An. Dom. 1131.

Having assembled a council at Rheims, the bishops came together from different nations; father Norbert also attended; they excommunicated Peter as an intruder, and having confirmed the election of Peter de Leo, they consigned him to the roaring lion, unless he repented.

Dupin's Account of the above Election.

After the death of Honorius the 2d, the cardinals that were then present, on the same day elected Gregory cardinal of St. Angelo, who was then named Inuocent the 2d. At the same time Cardinal Peter of Leon, formerly a monk of the abbey of Cluny, caused himself to be elected under the name of Anacletus by other cardinals. The party of Cardinal Peter was by much the strongest, which obliged those who were for Innocent to retire to strong holds, and afterwards to fly with that pope to the city of Pisa.

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