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Magna in urbe discordia facta. Nam episcopi et cardinales se in duas partes diviserunt, sed melior et sanior pars cum eodem Innocentio, qui majoribus studiis et meritis juvabatur, adhæsit.

Petrus autem Leonis cum sectatoribus suis humilitatem Innocentii parvi pendens, non posuit Deum adjutorem sibi, sed speravit in multitudine divitiarum, in potentiâ parentum, in fortitudine munitiorum, et hostiliter fecit aggredi domos Frangipanum, in quibus Innocentius se receperat cum suis fratribus. Sed contra spem sibi accidit, quia et Innocentii partem modicum læsit, et ejus satellites non sine gravi damno ad eum sunt reversi. Unde in indignationem et iram commotus, ad Sanctum Petrum cum indignatione, maxima cum multitudine equitavit, et ipsain quam cepit ecclesiam, per violentiam introivit, et per sanctuarium et aureum crucifixum pendentes coronas, cum toto thesauro argenti et auri et pretiosis lapidibus sive gemmis, quas Romani pontifices orthodoxique imperatores in ecclesia ipsa cum devotione obtulerant, tanquam sacrilegus auferre, et ciborium quod super altare B. Leo construxerat, detruncare præsumpsit.

Cum igitur pontifex ipse undique ita esset obsessus, ut nemo ad ejus præsentiam sine periculo vitæ posset accedere: consilium habuit exeundi urbem, et transeundi in partes Galliarum. Ascendit ergo duas galeas cum omnibus fratribus qui secum steterunt, præter Conradum Sabinensem episcopum, quem vicarium in urbe reliquit.

Ch. 1130.

Proximo autem Paschate in cœna Domini, ipse pseudo pontifex Anacletus solemni ritu excommunicavit Innocentium papam, et ei adhærentes cardinales, dignitateque privavit, et alios plurimos, sed et novos in veteribus titulis substituit cardinales.

An. 1131.

Convocatoque Rhemis concilio, convenerunt undique episcopi de diversis nationibus: advenit et pater Norbertus, ibique illum Petrum intrusum excommunicaverunt, et electione Innocentii approbatâ, eumdum Petrum Leonis leoni rugienti, nisi resipisceret, tradiderunt.

Dupin, Nouvelle Bibliotèque, &c.

Après la mort D'Honoré 2. les cardinaux qui etoient auprès de lui, élurent le même jour Gregoire cardinal de S. Ange, qui fut nommé Innocent 2. Pierre de Leon Cardinal, autrefois moine de Cluni, se fit élite dans le palais de S. Marc par d'autres cardinaux, et prit le nom d'Anaclet. Le parti de Pierre de Leon fut le plus fort parmi le peuple; et ceux qui soutenoient Innocent furent obligès de se retirer dans des maisons fortes et ensuite de se sauver avec ce pape a la ville de Pise.-Nouvelle Bibliotèque des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques par L. E. Dupin, tom. 9, p. 49. Utrecht, 1731.

The Abbot St. Bernard's Book on the Life and Conduct of St. Malachi, Bishop of Ireland.-Preface to the Abbot Congan.

If I am not deceived, he is antichrist, whom the hunger and barrenness of all good both precede and accompany. Whether, therefore, this want is his messenger as being already present, or his forerunner as being near at hand, the want is evident. 1 say nothing of the people, I pass over the vile multitude of the sons of this world; I desire you to raise your eyes to the pillars of the church themselves, whom will you show to me even among these, who seem to have been given for a light to nations, not rather smoking aloft than burning? And if the light which is in thee, he says, be darkness, how great is that darkness! Unless perhaps you will say, which I do not think that you will, that those shine, who deem gain to be piety, and who seek not in the Lord's heritage the things which belong to the Lord, but the things which are their own? What do I say-the things which are their own? Let him be deemed perfect and holy who seeks and retains the things which are his own, and restrains his heart and hands from the things of others.

The Abbot St. Bernard's First Sermon on Christmas Eve,

concerning the Monks.

What shall I say concerning their very dress, in which not warmth but colour is sought after, and neatness of apparel rather than virtue is considered? I am ashamed to declare it, but even women are surpassed in their love of dress, since richness of apparel, and not what is necessary, is studied by the monks. Nor is even the form of religion retained, the soldiers of Christ desire rather to be gily dressed than to be armed.

St. Bernard's 77th Sermon on the Canticle.

There are very few among all his children who do not seek their own. They love gifts and cannot equally love Christ, since they have given themselves up to mammon. Behold! how smart and

polished they are, clothed in variegated garments like a bride proceeding from her chamber. If you were suddenly to behold such a person walking at a distance, would you not rather take him to be the bride than the guardian of the bride? But whence think you does this abundance of things, this splendour of dress, this luxury in their tables, this heap of silver and gold cups, superabound to them, except from the goods of the bride? Hence it is that she is lett poor and needy, and naked, with a wretched countenance, unadorned, rough, and bloodless. Wherefore, in these days, the object is not to adorn but to spoil the bride; it is not to guard her, but to lose her; it is not to defend her, but to expose her; it is not to build her up, but to prostitute her; it is not to feed the flock, but to slay and to devour; the Lord saying of them, "Who devour my people as bread," and "who have devoured Jacob, and desolated his babitation."

S. Bernardi Abbatis.

Liber de vita et rebus gestis S. Malachie Hiberniæ Episcopi.
Præfatio ad Conganum Abbatem.

Ni fallor, antichristus est iste, quem fames et sterilitas totius boni et præit, et comitatur. Sive igitur nuntia jam præsentis, sive jamjamque adfuturi prænuntia, egestas in evidenti est. Taceo vulgus, taceo vilem filiorum hujus sæculi multitudinem, in ipsas ecclesiæ columnas volo oculos leves. Quem mibi ostendes vel de illorum numero, qui videntur dati in lucem gentium, non magis de sublimi fumantem, quam flammantem? Et si lumen quod in te est, inquit, si illum monui, tenebræ sunt, quantæ sunt tenebræ ? Nisi tu illos fortè, quod non credo, lucere dixeris, qui quæstum æstimant pietatem, qui in hæreditate Domini, non quæ Domini, sed magis quæ sua sunt, quæritant. Quid dico, quæ sua sunt? Perfectus sit et sanctus etiam sua quærens, suaque retinens, si ab alienis cor manusque contineat.

S. Bernardi Abbatis in Vigilia nativitatis Domini.
Sermo. 1. De Monachis.

Quid de ipso habitu dicam, in quo jam non calor, sed color requiritur, magisque cultui vestium quàm virtutum insistitur? Pudet dicere! vincuntur in suo studio mulierculæ, quando a monachis pretium affectatur in vestibus, non necessitas; nec saltem forma religionis retenta, in habitu ornari, non armari appetunt milites Christi.

S. Bernardi. In Cantica. Sermo 77.

Pauci admodum sunt, qui non quæ sua sunt quærant ex omnibus charis ejus. Diligunt munera nec possunt pariter diligere Christum, quia manus dederunt mammonæ. Intuere quomodo incedunt nitidi et ornati, circumamicti varietatibus tanquain sponsa procedens de thalamo suo. Noune si quempiam talium repentè eminus procedentem aspexeris, sponsam potius putabis, quam sponsæ custodem ? Unde verò hanc illis exuberare existimas rerum affluentiam, vestiu: splendorem, mensarum luxuriem, congeriem vasorum argenteorum et aureorum, nisi de bonis sponse? Inde est quod illa pauper, et inops, et nuda relinquitur, facie miserandâ, incultâ, hispidâ, exsangui. Propter hoc, non est, hoc tempore ornare sponsum, sed spoliare; non est custodire, sed perdere; non est defendere, sed exponere ; non est instituere, sed prostituere; non est pascere gregem, sed mactare et devorare, dicente de illis Domino, "Qui devorant plebem meum ut cibum panis ;" et "qui comederunt Jacob, et locum ejus desolaverunt."

Baronius. An. 1159.

Schism-Pope besieged-Double Excommunication.

They nominated and elected Alexander the 3d. as Roman pontiff, with the consent of the clergy and people of Rome. John and Guy, two cardinals of whom we have already spoken, expecting the election of Cardinal Octavian, next contumaciously nominated him. The bishop John, with the bishop of Ostium and the other cardinal priests and deacons, followed Alexander, who fled and refused the pontifical office, in order to invest him with the papal mantle, which they effected, notwithstanding his resistance, by the divine grace. Octavian, who had long aspired to the apostolic chair, was so daring and so bereft of understanding, that when he saw himself deprived of his hope, he violently tore off with his own hands the pontifical mantle from the shoulders of Alexander, and endeavoured to carry it away amidst the tumult. His crooked ambition leading the way, and the gates of the church which were shut by the senators being opened, bands of armed men, whom he had brought thither by money, immediately ran to the aid of the schismatic with drawn swords and in great tumult.

The people of Rome, unable to tolerate the heinousness of this great wickedness, went to the place where the brethren were shut up with Hector Frangipani, and others of the Roman nobles, compeling the abovesaid senators to open quickly the gates of the fortress, and to allow the cardinals and Pope Alexander free egress.

Excommunication of Octavian by Pope Alexander.

We with the common will and consent of our brother bishops and cardinals and the body of the clergy, assembled in the church, have anathematized and excommunicated with lighted candles the abovementioned Octavian, the apostate and schismatic, on the eighth day of our consecration, as disobedient and contumacious.

Roland rejected by the Council of Pavia. An. 1160.

The council of Pavia was called by the emperor Frederick.There were there about fifty prelates as well archbishops as bishops, besides abbots and others without number. The cause having been examined for seven days by the bishops and clergy, at last Octavian, who was present, and had persons to defend his cause, gained the victory, and the council decided in his favour, condemning and rejecting Roland.

Assentiente clero et populo Romano in Romanum_pontificem Alexandrum papam tertium nominaverunt et eligerunt. Duo autem, quos nominavimus, Joannes et Guido, attendentes ad Octaviani electionem, secundariò eum procacitèr nominarunt. Joannes episcopus unà cum Ostiensi, Portuensi, et Sabinensi episcopis, cæterisque diaconibus, et presbyteris cardinalibus per manus priorum diaconorum, juxta priscum ecclesiæ ritum electum suum Alexandrum fugientem, excusantem insuper et omninò reluctantem, papali manto, Deo favente, induerunt. Unde Octavianus, qui ad apostolicam jam diu cathedram aspiraverat, ubi seipsum vidit spe conceptâ fraudari, in tantam vesaniam audaciamq prorupit, quod mantum ipsum tanquam arrepticius a collo ejus propriis manibus violenter abstulerit, et secum inter tumultuosos fremitus asportare tentaverat.

* *

Torta itaque ipsius ambitione totaliter procedente, reserantur portæ ipsius ecclesiæ, quæ a senatoribus firmatæ fuerant et armatorum catervæ, quos pretio conduxerat, illicò in auxilium ipsius schismatici evaginatis gladiis cum magno strepitu cucurrerunt.

Populus Romanus immanitatem tantæ iniquitatis amplius sustinere non valens, cum Hectore Frangipane, et aliis nobilibus Romanis venit ad locum, ubi fratres tenebantur inclusi, compellens jain dictos senatores, ut ipsius munitionis portas celeriter aperirent, et eosdem fratres cum domino Alexandro absolutos et liberos abire permitterent. -Baronii Annales Eccles. An. Dom. 1159. Tom. 12. Antverpia, 1609.

Nos suprà nominatum Octavianum apostaticum et schismaticum in octavo die de consecratione nostra tanquam inobedientem et contumacem, et de communi fratrum nostrorum episcoporum et cardinalium voluntate atque consilio, accensis candelis et cætu clericorum in ecclesia congregato vinculo anathematis et excommunicationis astriximus.-Ibidem.

Conciliabulum Papiense.

Erant autem circiter quinquaginta archepiscopi et episcopi,abbatum et præpositorum non erat præ multitudine æstimatio, Residentibus itaque episcopis et clero universo, septem diebus causa ventilata est; tandemq domino Octaviano, qui cùm præsens advenisset, et haberet qui partem suam defenderent, cessit litis victoria, et pro ipso concilium sive Curia dedit sententiam, condemnato Rolando et reprobato.

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