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How to heat a church

A new system, cheaper to begin with and costs less to operate

Its ease of operation, its cleanliness, the fact it releases basements for other uses than the storage of coal and ashes, makes it an ideal system for many business-buildings and residences.



A CHURCH is the most extravagant, waste

ful building in town to heat.

One room in use; others silent, and unused. Wasteful low fire, wasteful forced draft, wasteful banked fire! Simply operating the furnace the worst way possible nearly all the week!

The trouble is that no furnace is built to heat different parts of a building intermittently.

When the trustees are hard-headed business men, they see that a furnace, expressly planned. to supply heat constantly and evenly, day and night, cannot be operated intermittently and jerkily, without fearful waste. Therefore they demand a radically different type for heating their church.

The Grinnell Ready-Heat System uses gas in self-regulating and self-ventilating radiators.

Grinnell Ready-Heat turns itself on only in the room or rooms to be used. By thermostatic control it heats the room quickly to any desired temperature and holds it there, without any further attention.

MARK THIS: Grinnell Ready-Heat is not like any other form of gas-heating. As a matter of fact, it is the most hygienic of any form of heating, because all the products of combustion are drawn into a central flue and carried away. The pastor's residence, churchhouse, etc., at a distance, can be connected to the same duct.

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1. Grinnell Ready-Heat is cheaper to install because expensive boilers and furnaces are not required.

2. Cheaper to operate since even an unskilled person can run the system; no ashes to dispose of.

3. Gas bills are generally less than coal bills.

Let our experts submit you a heating plan. Write for booklet and give us kind and size of your present heating system, size of building, with full information as to number of hours per week the different rooms are used.

Address the General Fire Extinguisher Company, 289 West Exchange St., Providence, R. I.

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This Department will include descriptive notes, with or without brief comments, about books received by The Outlook. Many of the important books will have more extended and critical treatment later FICTION

Flower of the Chapdelaines (The). By George W. Cable. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. $1.35.

In this ingeniously constructed story several tales of old-time life in Louisiana are SO woven together that they really constitute one novel of life and character. Mr. Cable returns, to the delight of the reader, to his charming delineations of Creole character, social manners and customs, and delightful dialect. One almost feels as if he were reading a new volume of "Old Creole Days."

House of Whispers (The). By William Johnston. Illustrated. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. $1.40.

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This story of theft and mystery is by the author of the very popular story entitled Limpy." Its plot is laid in New York City and its incidents pertain to life in the modern luxurious apartment-house.

MUSIC, PAINTING, AND OTHER ARTS History of Architecture (A). By Fiske Kimball, M.Arch., Ph.D., and George Harold Edgell, Ph.D. Illustrated. (Harper's Fine Art Series.) Harper & Brothers, New York. $3.50. Museum Ideals of Purpose and Method. By Benjamin Ives Gilman. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.) Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. $3. Science and Practice of Photography (The). By John R. Roebuck, Ph.D. Illustrated. D. Appleton & Co., New York. $2. An excellent and comprehensive manual of the standard processes of photography. The book is not intended for the enlightenment of so-called "advanced workers," but will prove useful in both interesting and informing readers who have begun to take up the practical side of an art that presents ever-widening possibilities of utility and entertainment.

Autobiography of a Pennsylvanian (The). By Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker. Illustrated. The John C. Winston Company, Philadelphia. $3.

Governor Pennypacker's autobiography has a double interest. His career covered a most eventful period of American history, of which he was himself a part. His personality was that of a typical American man of affairs-forceful, many-sided, unconventional. His book will be read with great interest-the "Miniatures" in especial, in which he gives pen portraits of his contemporaries. He writes with a critical, sometimes mordant, pen. One gets the impression of a keen but cold observer, absolutely and sometimes ungraciously candid, but lacking the sympathy and charm that the men who have written the world's great autobiographies have had in full measure.

History of the Life and Death, Virtues and Exploits of General George Washington (A). With Curious Anecdotes Equally Honourable to Himself and Exemplary to His Young Countrymen. By Mason L. Weems. Illustrated. The J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. $1.50.

All Americans have heard the story about George Washington and the cherry tree; many will like to read it as it origi nally appeared in the book that made it famous. This edition-the eighty-first of Parson Weems's quaintly written biography also contains some old woodcuts of the first edition, and is printed in very readable form.

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